2014-02-24 arnaud.fontaine
* Add annotations support to check source code without saving.

2013-08-22 jerome
* Update to 45d3068aa7190f08396bcfe134e505fe144c1ccb ( package 10.28.2013 )

2013-08-22 arnaud.fontaine
* Ace Editor: Import the entire source code.

2013-08-20 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: Likewise errors, kept source code warnings dialog opens (maximize/fullscreen).

2013-08-15 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: pylint is now used and reports warnings. Also, allow to jump to error line/column by clicking on the error/warning message.

2013-08-13 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: Force resize of Ace Editor on maximize/fullscreen. Otherwise, without passing the new height/width to resize() and without force, text is not visible when switching to maximize/fullscreen mode.

2013-08-13 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: Add Ace Editor settings menu (Alt+p) to set up keybinding styles for example.

2013-08-13 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: Add JS file required to find text within Ace Editor.

2013-07-19 arnaud.fontaine
* Add save button to Ace Editor to save source code while staying on the same page.

2013-07-09 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: Follow ERP5 Python indentation style in Ace editor.

2013-07-09 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: inner{Weight,Width} is not applicable to window document (from jQuery API).

2013-07-09 arnaud.fontaine
* ZODB Components: Update ace_editor to 1.1.01.

2012-02-28 arnaud.fontaine
* Move fullscreen and maximize button at the top of Ace editor (accessibility).

2012-02-15 arnaud.fontaine
* Use uncompressed version of ace editor source code for readability and debugging sake.

2012-02-11 arnaud.fontaine
* Do not show overflow on maximized mode as scrollbars are handled by Ace itself.

2012-02-11 arnaud.fontaine
* Add full-screen class meaningful when this will be accepted by W3C.

2012-01-25 arnaud.fontaine
* Initial release.