[buildout] extends = ../../stack/slapos.cfg ../../stack/nodejs.cfg ../../component/make/buildout.cfg ../../component/golang/buildout.cfg ../../component/openssl/buildout.cfg ../../component/curl/buildout.cfg ../../component/dash/buildout.cfg buildout.hash.cfg gowork.cfg versions = versions parts = slapos-cookbook instance-profile gowork influxdb-config-file telegraf-config-file grafana-config-file grafana-provisioning-config-file loki-config-file promtail-config-file [nodejs] <= nodejs-10.6.0 [yarn] # this could become a component, but it needs to be invoked from nodejs explicitly, # otherwise it uses system's nodejs recipe = slapos.recipe.build:download-unpacked url = https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/v1.16.0/yarn-v1.16.0.tar.gz md5sum = 46790033c23803387890f545e4040690 [gowork] # All the softwares installed in the go workspace have "non standard" installation # methods, so we install them in specific parts with custom commands. # They will be installed because they are dependencies of ${gowork.goinstall} install = telegraf-bin = ${:bin}/telegraf influx-bin = ${:bin}/influx influxd-bin = ${:bin}/influxd grafana-bin = ${:bin}/grafana-server grafana-homepath = ${go_github.com_grafana_grafana:location} loki-bin = ${:bin}/loki promtail-bin = ${:bin}/promtail # use recent go golang = ${golang1.12:location} [gowork.goinstall] command = : depends = ${influxdb-install:recipe} ${telegraf-install:recipe} ${grafana-install:recipe} ${loki-install:recipe} ${promtail-install:recipe} [influxdb-install] <= gowork.goinstall command = bash -c ". ${gowork:env.sh} && \ go install -v github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep && \ cd ${gowork:directory}/src/github.com/influxdata/influxdb && \ dep ensure && \ go install ./cmd/..." update-command = [telegraf-install] <= gowork.goinstall command = bash -c ". ${gowork:env.sh} && \ go install -v github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep && \ cd ${gowork:directory}/src/github.com/influxdata/telegraf && \ ${make:location}/bin/make && cp telegraf ${gowork:bin}" update-command = [grafana-install] <= gowork.goinstall # yarn and go run build.go needs our nodejs in $PATH command = bash -c "export PATH=${nodejs:location}/bin/:$PATH && \ . ${gowork:env.sh} && \ cd ${gowork:directory}/src/github.com/grafana/grafana && \ go run build.go setup && \ go run build.go build && \ ${yarn:location}/bin/yarn install --pure-lockfile && \ ${nodejs:location}/bin/npm run build" update-command = [loki-install] <= gowork.goinstall # loki also uses nodejs command = bash -c "export PATH=${nodejs:location}/bin/:$PATH && \ . ${gowork:env.sh} && \ go install -v github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep && \ cd ${gowork:directory}/src/github.com/grafana/loki && \ go install ./cmd/loki" update-command = [promtail-install] <= gowork.goinstall # CGO_ENABLED is to disable systemd support (did not compile in my case) command = bash -c "export CGO_ENABLED=0 && \ . ${gowork:env.sh} && \ go install -v github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep && \ cd ${gowork:directory}/src/github.com/grafana/loki && \ go install ./cmd/promtail" update-command = [download-file-base] recipe = slapos.recipe.build:download url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} download-only = true mode = 0644 [influxdb-config-file] <= download-file-base [telegraf-config-file] <= download-file-base [grafana-config-file] <= download-file-base [grafana-provisioning-config-file] <= download-file-base [loki-config-file] <= download-file-base [promtail-config-file] <= download-file-base [instance-profile] recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2 template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename} rendered = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg mode = 0644 extensions = jinja2.ext.do context = section buildout buildout key openssl_bin openssl-output:openssl key telegraf_bin gowork:telegraf-bin key influxd_bin gowork:influxd-bin key influx_bin gowork:influx-bin key grafana_bin gowork:grafana-bin key grafana_homepath gowork:grafana-homepath key loki_bin gowork:loki-bin key promtail_bin gowork:promtail-bin key curl_bin :curl-bin key dash_bin :dash-bin curl-bin = ${curl:location}/bin/curl dash-bin = ${dash:location}/bin/dash [versions] slapos.recipe.template = 4.2 inotifyx = 0.2.2