Commit 60b338ca authored by Guillaume Bottex's avatar Guillaume Bottex

Adding missing argument in the template.

parent 261acaa0
......@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
# BEWARE: This file is operated by slapgrid
# BEWARE: It will be overwritten automatically
exec %(scalability_tester_manager_binary)s -a %(address)s -r %(report_path)s \
-m %(nb_tester_init)s -t %(nb_tester_max)s %(software_release_url)s \
-m %(nb_tester_init)s -t %(nb_tester_max)s -i %(user_range_increment)s %(software_release_url)s \
%(server_url)s "%(key_file)s" "%(cert_file)s" %(computer_id)s \
%(computer_partition_id)s %(plugin_name)s
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