• Guillaume Hervier's avatar
    Improve Usable Networks view for Software Release · 916e8d64
    Guillaume Hervier authored
    - Add free capacity quantity property for Computer, updated by alarm
      when computing capacity scope
    - Refactor said alarm script (split one big function into multiples
      small reusable scripts)
    - Add "Free Instances Amount" column on "Usable Networks" view
      showing the number of free slots for a specific Software
      Release on the public computers in the network
    - Add "Free Instances Amount" column on "Usable Computers" view
      showing the number of free slots for a specific Software
      Release on the computer
    - Remove "Allocation Scope" column from "Usable Networks" view
      as it caused time-out for big networks
listbox_free_instance_partition_count.xml 4.02 KB