Introduction ============ Babeld for windows can work in the Cygwin 1.7 and later. Changed files ------------- Makefile net.c kernel.c New files --------- kernel_cygwin.c cyginet.h cyginet.c README.cygwin Building in the cygwin ====================== Required packages: Cygwin 1.7 gcc 4.5.3 for cygwin In the Windows XP, $ WINVER=XP make Later Windows Vista, $ WINVER=VISTA make It will generate babeld.exe in the current directory. Build testc.exe, it's used to verify the functions in the cyginet.c $ WINVER=XP make testc.exe $ ./testc.exe Interface Names =============== Use network connection name as interface name. Notes ===== 1. If network connection is disabeld, its interface name will NOT be recognize by Babeld in the Cygwin. 2. For the option "-z", kind value could be "0", "1", others is not supported. Because no any API channels in the Windows XP, even for wireless interface. 3. Only -t 0, -T 0 is valid, no multi-route tables in the Windows. 4. IPV6_TCLASS doesn't work, so babeld will complain: "Couldn't set traffic class" 5. Ipv6 option "IPV6_V6ONLY" only works in the Windows Vista later. 6. If one connection is assigned more than one ipv4 address, babeld returns the first one only, is it right? I'm not sure. 7. Regarding IPV6CTL_FORWARDING and IPV6CTL_SENDREDIRECTS, MSDN says that you can set both of options for Ipv4 in the registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters", but says nothing for Ipv6. Does it work for ipv6 in the registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" ? 8. There is no RTM_BLACKHOLE, RTM_REJECT, NULLROUTE in the windows, in the kernel_cygwin.c!kernel_route, we only use local address as gateway in the BLACKHOLE route entry. Is it OK? A: It's not OK actually. In the Windows, you can't use as gateway when add route entry. So the solution is find one interface other than loopback interface, then use its uni-address as gateway, it will be a blackhole route entry. For example, if you have an interface which ip addr is, and ifindex is 5, then $ route add mask if 5 Destination network will be unreachable. 9. IN6_LINKLOCAL_IFINDEX && SET_IN6_LINKLOCAL_IFINDEX, do both of them work in the Windows?