diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/Inventory.py b/product/ERP5/Document/Inventory.py
index 00ac0c873921d675d5b94a20e46ad536419ce5e8..613c040b11f6b051a69c379fc14f319d192643fc 100755
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/Inventory.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/Inventory.py
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
 from Products.ERP5.Document.Delivery import Delivery
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+from zLOG import LOG
 class Inventory(Delivery):
@@ -64,3 +66,87 @@ class Inventory(Delivery):
         Returns the current state in simulation
       return 'delivered' # For now, consider that Inventory has no workflow XXX
+    def immediateReindexObject(self,**kw):
+      """
+      Rewrite reindexObject so that we can insert lines in stock table
+      to make sure all stock values for resources in this inventory
+      is equal to null before the date of this inventory
+      """
+      resource_and_variation_list = []
+      stock_object_list = []
+      from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempDeliveryLine
+      start_date = self.getStartDate()
+      node = self.getDestination()
+      for movement in self.getMovementList():
+        resource =  movement.getResourceValue()
+        variation_text = movement.getVariationText()
+        if (resource,variation_text) not in resource_and_variation_list:
+          resource_and_variation_list.append((resource,variation_text))
+          current_inventory_list = resource.getInventoryList( \
+                                  to_date          = start_date
+                                , variation_text   = variation_text
+                                , node             = node
+                                , simulation_state = self.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList()
+                                , group_by_sub_variation = 1
+                                , group_by_variation = 1
+                                )
+          kwd = {'uid':self.getUid()}
+          kwd['start_date'] = start_date
+          variation_list = variation_text.split('/n')
+          for inventory in current_inventory_list:
+            sub_variation_list = []
+            if inventory.sub_variation_text is not None:
+              sub_variation_list = inventory.sub_variation_text.split('\n')
+            category_list = self.getCategoryList()
+            if inventory.total_quantity != 0:
+              temp_delivery_line = newTempDeliveryLine(self, 
+                                                       self.getId())
+              kwd['quantity'] = - inventory.total_quantity
+              category_list.append('resource/%s' % inventory.resource_relative_url)
+              category_list.extend(variation_list)
+              category_list.extend(sub_variation_list)
+              kwd['category_list'] = category_list
+              temp_delivery_line.edit(**kwd)
+              stock_object_list.append(temp_delivery_line)
+      object_list = [self]
+      self.portal_catalog.catalogObjectList(object_list)
+      self.portal_catalog.catalogObjectList(stock_object_list,
+           method_id_list=('z_catalog_stock_list',),
+           disable_cache=1)
+    security.declarePublic( 'recursiveReindexObject' )
+    def recursiveReindexObject(self, *args, **kw):
+      """
+      Do not use group_method_id for the inventory, but it can
+      be used for inventory lines and cells
+      """
+      root_indexable = int(getattr(self.getPortalObject(),'isIndexable',1))
+      self._reindexObject()
+      if self.isIndexable and root_indexable:
+        self.activate(group_method_id='portal_catalog/catalogObjectList', 
+            expand_method_id='getIndexableChildValueList', 
+            **kw).recursiveImmediateReindexObject(*args, **kw)
+    security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getIndexableChildValueList' )
+    def getIndexableChildValueList(self):
+      """
+        Get indexable childen recursively.
+      """
+      value_list = []
+      if self.isIndexable:
+        #value_list.append(self) # do not include self
+        for c in self.objectValues():
+          if hasattr(aq_base(c), 'getIndexableChildValueList'):
+            value_list.extend(c.getIndexableChildValueList())
+      return value_list
+    def _reindexObject(self, *args, **kw):
+      """
+      Defined here because we want to 
+      Make sure to call without the group_method_id for inventories
+      """
+      root_indexable = int(getattr(self.getPortalObject(),'isIndexable',1))
+      if self.isIndexable and root_indexable:
+        self.activate(**kw).immediateReindexObject(*args, **kw)