diff --git a/product/ERP5CPS/CPSDocumentPatch.py b/product/ERP5CPS/CPSDocumentPatch.py
index b689cce092b34a76a772a8cb50ee7f2f2d178500..2058732652826d026383e25c5a789922240a0a01 100755
--- a/product/ERP5CPS/CPSDocumentPatch.py
+++ b/product/ERP5CPS/CPSDocumentPatch.py
@@ -24,47 +24,57 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase
 from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner
 from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
 from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import View
+from zLOG import LOG
 class PatchedCPSDocument(CPSDocument):
   security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+  security.declareProtected( View, '_propertyMap' )
   def _propertyMap(self):
       Returns fake property sheet
     property_sheet = []
-    for schema in self.getTypeInfo().getSchemas():
-      for field in schema.objectValues():
-        #LOG('testjp',0,'field: %s' % str(field))
-        f_type = None
-        for p in field._properties:
-          if p['id'] == 'default':
-            f_type = p['type']
-        if isinstance(field,CPSImageField):
-          f_type = 'object'
-        elif isinstance(field,CPSStringField):
-          f_type = 'string'
-        elif isinstance(field,CPSDateTimeField):
-          f_type = 'date'
-        elif isinstance(field,CPSFileField):
-          f_type = 'object'
-        elif isinstance(field,CPSDocument):
-          pass
-        prop_id = schema.getIdUnprefixed(field.id)
-        #if prop_id in ('file_text','content','attachedFile',
-        #                      'attachedFile_html','attachedFile_text', 'content'):
-        #  f_type = 'object' # this should be string, but this strings
-                            # do so bad xml
-        #if not (prop_id in ('file_text','content','attachedFile','attachedFile_html','attachedFile_text')):
-        #if not (prop_id in ('content',)):
-        if f_type is not None:
-          property_sheet.append(
-            {
-              'id'    :   prop_id,
-              'type'  :   f_type
-            }
-            )
+    property_sheet.append(
+      {
+        'id'    :   'layout_and_schema',
+        'type'  :   'object'
+      }
+      )
+    field_list = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)._fields.items()
+    field_list.sort()
+    for (prop_id,field) in field_list:
+      #for field in schema.objectValues():
+      #LOG('testjp',0,'field: %s' % str(field))
+      f_type = None
+      #for p in field._properties:
+      #  if p['id'] == 'default':
+      #    f_type = p['type']
+      if isinstance(field,CPSImageField):
+        f_type = 'object'
+      elif isinstance(field,CPSStringField):
+        f_type = 'string'
+      elif isinstance(field,CPSDateTimeField):
+        f_type = 'string'
+      elif isinstance(field,CPSFileField):
+        f_type = 'object'
+      elif isinstance(field,CPSDocument):
+        pass
+      #prop_id = schema.getIdUnprefixed(field.id)
+      #if prop_id in ('file_text','content','attachedFile',
+      #                      'attachedFile_html','attachedFile_text', 'content'):
+      #  f_type = 'object' # this should be string, but this strings
+                          # do so bad xml
+      #if not (prop_id in ('file_text','content','attachedFile','attachedFile_html','attachedFile_text')):
+      #if not (prop_id in ('content',)):
+      if f_type is not None:
+        property_sheet.append(
+          {
+            'id'    :   prop_id,
+            'type'  :   f_type
+          }
+          )
     return tuple(property_sheet + list(getattr(self, '_local_properties', ())))
@@ -75,27 +85,79 @@ class PatchedCPSDocument(CPSDocument):
       Generic accessor. Calls the real accessor
+    data_model = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)
     accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
-    aq_self = aq_base(self)
-    if key!='content':
-      if hasattr(aq_self, accessor_name):
-        method = getattr(self, accessor_name)
-        return method()
-    prop_type = self.getPropertyType(key) # XXX added by Seb
-    if prop_type in ('object',):
-      if hasattr(aq_self, key):
-        value = getattr(aq_self, key)
-        value = aq_base(value)
-        return value
-      return None
-    elif hasattr(aq_self, key):
-      value = getattr(aq_self, key)
-      if callable(value): value = value()
-      return value
+    base = aq_base(self)
+    if data_model.has_key(key):
+      return data_model.get(key)
+    elif hasattr(base,accessor_name):
+      method = getattr(base,accessor_name)
+      return method()
+    return None
+  security.declarePrivate('getLayoutAndSchema' )
+  def getLayoutAndSchema(self):
+    return (aq_base(self._getOb(".cps_layouts")),aq_base(self._getOb(".cps_schemas")))
+  security.declarePrivate('setLayoutAndSchema' )
+  def setLayoutAndSchema(self, data):
+    """
+    data must be : (layout,schema)
+    """
+    self._setOb(".cps_layouts",data[0])
+    self._setOb(".cps_schemas",data[1])
+  security.declarePrivate('_setProperty' )
+  def _setProperty(self, key, value, type='string'):
+    """
+      Set the property for cps objects
+    """
+    LOG('PatchCPSDoc._setProperty',0,'key: %s, value: %s' % (repr(key),repr(value)))
+    data_model = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)
+    #data_model.set(key,value)
+    type_info = self.getTypeInfo()
+    kw = {key:value}
+    type_info.editObject(self,kw)
+  security.declarePrivate('edit' )
+  def edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, reindex_object = 0, **kw):
+    return self._edit(REQUEST=REQUEST, force_update=force_update, reindex_object=reindex_object, **kw)
+  # Object attributes update method
+  security.declarePrivate( '_edit' )
+  def _edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, reindex_object = 0, **kw):
+    """
+      Generic edit Method for all ERP5 object
+      The purpose of this method is to update attributed, eventually do
+      some kind of type checking according to the property sheet and index
+      the object.
+      Each time attributes of an object are updated, they should
+      be updated through this generic edit method
+    """
+    LOG('PatchCPSDoc._edit, kw: ',0,kw)
+    try:
+      categoryIds = self._getCategoryTool().getBaseCategoryIds()
+    except:
+      categoryIds = []
+    if kw.has_key('layout_and_schema'):
+      self.setLayoutAndSchema(kw['layout_and_schema'])
+    for key in kw.keys():
+      #if key in categoryIds:
+      #  self._setCategoryMembership(key, kw[key])
+      if key != 'id' and key!= 'layout_and_schema':
+        # We only change if the value is different
+        # This may be very long.... 
+        self._setProperty(key, kw[key])
 CPSDocument.getProperty = PatchedCPSDocument.getProperty
+CPSDocument.getLayoutAndSchema = PatchedCPSDocument.getLayoutAndSchema
+CPSDocument.setLayoutAndSchema = PatchedCPSDocument.setLayoutAndSchema
 CPSDocument._propertyMap = PatchedCPSDocument._propertyMap
 CPSDocument.setProperty = Base.setProperty
-CPSDocument._setProperty = Base._setProperty
+CPSDocument._setProperty = PatchedCPSDocument._setProperty
 CPSDocument.asXML = Base.asXML
-CPSDocument._edit = Base._edit
+CPSDocument._edit = PatchedCPSDocument._edit
+CPSDocument.edit = PatchedCPSDocument._edit