diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/PublicationSynchronization.py b/product/ERP5SyncML/PublicationSynchronization.py
index 18168d8af8fc2eef22216c5d338825a1f89b9734..1f6cbe3fccd570d94e27ab7bc07fc5688df95247 100755
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/PublicationSynchronization.py
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/PublicationSynchronization.py
@@ -108,19 +108,9 @@ class PublicationSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
       xml += ' </SyncBody>\n'
       xml += '</SyncML>\n'
-      #file.write(xml)
-      #file.close()
-    else:
-      pass
-    if self.email is None:
-      file = open('/tmp/sync','w')
-      file.write(xml)
-      file.close()
-    else:
-      self.sendMail(publication.publication_url, subscriber.subscription_url,
-                  publication.id, xml)
+    self.sendResponse(from_url=publication.getPublicationUrl(),
+         to_url=subscriber.getSubscriptionUrl(),sync_id=publication.id,xml=xml)
   def PubSync(self, id, msg=None, RESPONSE=None, subscriber=None):
@@ -128,19 +118,15 @@ class PublicationSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
       This is the synchronization method for the server
     LOG('PubSync',0,'Starting... id: %s' % str(id))
-    LOG('PubSync',0,'Starting... msg: %s' % str(msg))
     # Read the request from the client
-    xml_client = None
-    if self.email is None:
-      file = open('/tmp/sync_client','r')
-      xml_client = FromXmlStream(file)
-      file.seek(0)
-      LOG('PubSync',0,'Starting... msg: %s' % str(file.read()))
-      file.close()
-    elif msg is not None:
-      xml_client = FromXml(msg)
+    xml_client = msg
+    if xml_client is None:
+      xml_client = self.readResponse(from_url='file://tmp/sync_server')
+    LOG('PubSync',0,'Starting... msg: %s' % str(xml_client))
     if xml_client is not None:
+      if type(xml_client) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
+        xml_client = FromXml(xml_client)
       first_node = xml_client.childNodes[1]
       if first_node.nodeName != "SyncML":
diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/SubscriptionSynchronization.py b/product/ERP5SyncML/SubscriptionSynchronization.py
index c3edf464973f0b839000224f5a501fd1685d57fc..eb4819d90c1961977a437f77accda9f12174e0d6 100755
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/SubscriptionSynchronization.py
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/SubscriptionSynchronization.py
@@ -73,13 +73,8 @@ class SubscriptionSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
     xml += '</SyncML>\n'
-    if self.email is None:
-      file = open('/tmp/sync_client','w')
-      file.write(xml)
-      file.close()
-    else:
-      self.sendMail(subscription.subscription_url, subscription.publication_url,
-                  subscription.id, xml)
+    self.sendResponse(from_url=subscription.subscription_url, to_url=subscription.publication_url,
+                sync_id=subscription.id, xml=xml)
   def SubSync(self, id, msg=None, RESPONSE=None):
@@ -89,27 +84,18 @@ class SubscriptionSynchronization(XMLSyncUtils):
     LOG('SubSync',0,'starting... msg: %s' % str(msg))
     has_response = 0 #check if subsync replies to this messages
+    subscription = self.getSubscription(id)
-    # first synchronization
-    if self.email is None:
-      file = open('/tmp/sync','r')
-      if file.readlines() == []:
-        self.SubSyncInit(self.getSubscription(id))
-        has_response = 1
-      else:
-        file.seek(0)
-        xml_client = FromXmlStream(file)
-        file.seek(0)
-        LOG('SubSync',0,'starting... msg: %s' % str(file.read()))
-        has_response = self.SubSyncModif(self.getSubscription(id),xml_client)
-      file.close()
+    if msg==None:
+      msg = self.readResponse(sync_id=id,from_url=subscription.getSubscriptionUrl())
+    if msg==None:
+      self.SubSyncInit(self.getSubscription(id))
+      has_response = 1
-      if msg==None:
-        self.SubSyncInit(self.getSubscription(id))
-        has_response = 1
-      else:
-        xml_client = FromXml(msg)
-        has_response = self.SubSyncModif(self.getSubscription(id),xml_client)
+      xml_client = msg
+      if type(xml_client) in (type('a'),type(u'a')):
+        xml_client = FromXml(xml_client)
+      has_response = self.SubSyncModif(self.getSubscription(id),xml_client)
     if RESPONSE is not None:
diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/SynchronizationTool.py b/product/ERP5SyncML/SynchronizationTool.py
index 2826b1c88f3f28ef40b2ff2b4d21e8307f811b60..699fcc77e3d5957ed716cbef9193fdf2e01dff2e 100755
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/SynchronizationTool.py
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/SynchronizationTool.py
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import urllib
 import string
 from zLOG import *
 from Conduit.ERP5Conduit import ERP5Conduit
 class SynchronizationError( Exception ):
@@ -518,22 +519,95 @@ class SynchronizationTool( UniqueObject, SimpleItem,
       return context.getPhysicalPath()
-  def sendResponse(self,url=None, xml=None):
+  security.declarePublic('sendResponse')
+  def sendResponse(self, to_url=None, from_url=None, sync_id=None,xml=None):
     We will look at the url and we will see if we need to send mail, http
     response, or just copy to a file.
-    if type(url) is type('a'):
-      if url.find('http://')==0:
+    LOG('sendResponse, to_url: ',0,to_url)
+    LOG('sendResponse, from_url: ',0,from_url)
+    LOG('sendResponse, sync_id: ',0,sync_id)
+    LOG('sendResponse, xml: ',0,xml)
+    if type(to_url) is type('a'):
+      if to_url.find('http://')==0:
         # we will send an http response
-        to_encode = (('file',xml))
-        encoded = urrlib.urlencode(to_encode)
-        urrlib.open(url, encoded).read()
-      elif url.find('file://')==0:
+        self.activate(activity='RAMQueue').sendHttpResponse(sync_id=sync_id,
+                                         to_url=to_url,
+                                         xml=xml)
+        return None
+      elif to_url.find('file://')==0:
+        filename = to_url[len('file:/'):]
+        stream = file(filename,'w')
+        LOG('sendResponse, filename: ',0,filename)
+        stream.write(xml)
+        stream.close()
         # we have to use local files (unit testing for example
-        pass
-      elif url.find('mailto:')==0:
+      elif to_url.find('mailto:')==0:
         # we will send an email
-        pass
+        to_address = to_url[len('mailto:'):]
+        from_address = from_url[len('mailto:'):]
+        self.sendMail(from_address,to_address,sync_id,xml)
+  security.declarePrivate('sendHttpResponse')
+  def sendHttpResponse(self, to_url=None, sync_id=None, xml=None):
+    to_encode = (('text',xml),('sync_id',sync_id))
+    LOG('sendResponse, before encoding, to encode: ',0,to_encode)
+    encoded = urllib.urlencode(to_encode)
+    LOG('sendResponse, before encoding, encoded: ',0,encoded)
+    to_url = to_url + '/portal_synchronizations/readResponse'
+    to_url 
+    #result = urllib.urlopen(to_url, encoded).read()
+    result = urllib.urlopen(to_url, encoded).read()
+    LOG('sendResponse, stop: ',0,'stopped')
+  security.declarePublic('readResponse')
+  def readResponse(self, text=None, sync_id=None, to_url=None, from_url=None):
+    """
+    We will look at the url and we will see if we need to send mail, http
+    response, or just copy to a file.
+    """
+    LOG('readResponse, ',0,'starting')
+    LOG('readResponse, sync_id: ',0,sync_id)
+    if text is not None:
+      LOG('readResponse, message: ',0,text)
+      # Get the target and then find the corresponding publication or
+      # Subscription
+      xml = FromXml(text)
+      url = ''
+      for subnode in self.getElementNodeList(xml):
+        if subnode.nodeName == 'SyncML':
+          for subnode1 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode):
+            if subnode1.nodeName == 'SyncHdr':
+              for subnode2 in self.getElementNodeList(subnode1):
+                if subnode2.nodeName == 'Target':
+                  url = subnode2.childNodes[0].data 
+      LOG('readResponse, url: ',0,url)
+      for publication in self.getPublicationList():
+        if publication.getPublicationUrl()==url:
+          self.PubSync(sync_id,xml)
+          return None
+      for subscription in self.getSubscriptionList():
+        if subscription.getSubscriptionUrl()==url:
+          self.SubSync(sync_id,xml)
+          return None
+    # we use from only if we have a file 
+    elif type(from_url) is type('a'):
+      if from_url.find('file://')==0:
+        try:
+          filename = from_url[len('file:/'):]
+          stream = file(filename,'r')
+          LOG('readResponse, filename: ',0,filename)
+          xml = stream.read()
+          #stream.seek(0)
+          #LOG('readResponse',0,'Starting... msg: %s' % str(stream.read()))
+        except IOError:
+          LOG('readResponse, cannot read file: ',0,filename)
+          xml = None
+        if xml is not None and len(xml)==0:
+          xml = None
+        return xml
 InitializeClass( SynchronizationTool )
diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/XMLSyncUtils.py b/product/ERP5SyncML/XMLSyncUtils.py
index c3ffc6a675afc523657e22ba25becbd82f82c32d..3a3c4f627024541fa0d38ce5faab29e5f2fc7c0e 100755
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/XMLSyncUtils.py
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/XMLSyncUtils.py
@@ -32,10 +32,16 @@ from Products.ERP5SyncML.Subscription import Signature
 from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXml
 from cStringIO import StringIO
 from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint
+  from Products.CMFActivity.ActiveObject import ActiveObject
+except ImportError:
+  LOG('XMLSyncUtils',0,"Can't import ActiveObject")
+  class ActiveObject:
+    pass
 import commands
 from zLOG import LOG
-class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
+class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode, ActiveObject):
   def SyncMLHeader(self, session_id, msg_id, target, source):
@@ -413,22 +419,6 @@ class XMLSyncUtilsMixin(SyncCode):
           return subnode
     return next_status
-#  def getActionObjectId(self, action):
-#    """
-#      XXX Deprecated
-#      Return the id of the object described by the action
-#    """
-#    for subnode in action.childNodes:
-#      if subnode.nodeType == subnode.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode.nodeName == 'Item':
-#        for subnode2 in subnode.childNodes:
-#          if subnode2.nodeType == subnode2.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode2.nodeName == 'Data':
-#            for subnode3 in subnode2.childNodes:
-#              if subnode3.nodeType == subnode3.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode3.nodeName == 'object':
-#                for subnode4 in subnode3.childNodes:
-#                  if subnode4.nodeType == subnode4.ELEMENT_NODE and subnode4.nodeName == 'id':
-#                    return str(subnode4.childNodes[0].data)
-                    #return subnode4.childNodes[0].data
   def getDataSubNode(self, action):
       Return the node starting with <object....> of the action
@@ -971,34 +961,15 @@ class XMLSyncUtils(XMLSyncUtilsMixin):
     xml += '  <Final/>\n'
     xml += ' </SyncBody>\n'
     xml += '</SyncML>\n'
-    if self.email is None:
-      # We do not want to use email
-      if domain.domain_type == self.PUB: # We always reply
-        #if (xml_confirmation,syncml_data)!=('','') or has_status_list:
-        if 1:
-          file = open('/tmp/sync','w')
-          file.write(xml)
-          file.close()
-          has_response = 1
-      elif domain.domain_type == self.SUB :
-        if self.checkAlert(remote_xml) or \
-           (xml_confirmation,syncml_data)!=('','') or \
-            has_status_list:
-          file = open('/tmp/sync_client','w')
-          has_response = 1
-          file.write(xml)
-          file.close()
-    else:
-      # We use email
-      if domain.domain_type == self.PUB: # We always reply
-        #if (xml_confirmation,syncml_data)!=('','') or has_status_list:
-        if 1:
-          self.sendMail(domain.publication_url, subscriber.subscription_url,
-                    domain.id, xml)
-      elif domain.domain_type == self.SUB:
-        if self.checkAlert(remote_xml) or \
-           (xml_confirmation,syncml_data)!=('','') or \
-            has_status_list:
-          self.sendMail(domain.subscription_url, domain.publication_url,
-              domain.id, xml)
+    if domain.domain_type == self.PUB: # We always reply
+      self.sendResponse(from_url=domain.publication_url, to_url=subscriber.subscription_url,
+                sync_id=domain.id, xml=xml)
+      has_response = 1
+    elif domain.domain_type == self.SUB:
+      if self.checkAlert(remote_xml) or \
+         (xml_confirmation,syncml_data)!=('','') or \
+          has_status_list:
+        self.sendResponse(from_url=domain.subscription_url, to_url=domain.publication_url,
+            sync_id=domain.id, xml=xml)
+        has_response = 1
     return has_response
diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/help/install.stx b/product/ERP5SyncML/help/install.stx
index d6691b6e3ccc6b51216f31d4b67c9c87fbb55948..e143565ec873cf9941497cbb07778de6d2e335e0 100755
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/help/install.stx
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/help/install.stx
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Setting up Synchronization
     the publication should looks like this ::
       id : Repository
-      Publication Url : cps_server@localhost
+      Publication Url : mailto:cps_server@localhost
       Destination Path : /cps/portal_repository
       Query : objectValues (it will be completed automatically)
       XML Mapping : asXML
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Setting up Synchronization
     Inside the synchronization tool, the subscription should looks like this ::
       id : Repository
-      Publication Url : cps_server@localhost
-      Subscription Url : cps_client@localhost
+      Publication Url : mailto:cps_server@localhost
+      Subscription Url : mailto:cps_client@localhost
       Destination Path : /cps_client/portal_repository
       Query : objectValues (it will be completed automatically)
       XML Mapping : asXML
diff --git a/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5SyncML.py b/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5SyncML.py
index 5194abd86883d2391c077bf5a4be6f1148a7d56e..d033cf115e438134a834c20d28a4090d17bae96b 100755
--- a/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5SyncML.py
+++ b/product/ERP5SyncML/tests/testERP5SyncML.py
@@ -81,8 +81,12 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(ERP5TypeTestCase):
   nb_publication = 1
   nb_synchronization = 3
   nb_message_first_synchronization = 6
-  subscription_url1 = 'client1@localhost'
-  subscription_url2 = 'client2@localhost'
+  subscription_url1 = 'file://tmp/sync_client1'
+  subscription_url2 = 'file://tmp/sync_client2'
+  publication_url = 'file://tmp/sync_server'
+  #publication_url = 'server@localhost'
+  #subscription_url1 = 'client1@localhost'
+  #subscription_url2 = 'client2@localhost'
   def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(ERP5TypeTestCase):
       LOG('Testing... ',0,'testAddPublication')
     portal_id = self.getPortalName()
     portal_sync = self.getSynchronizationTool()
-    portal_sync.manage_addPublication(self.pub_id,'server@localhost',
+    portal_sync.manage_addPublication(self.pub_id,self.publication_url,
                                       '/%s/person_server' % portal_id,'',
     pub = portal_sync.getPublication(self.pub_id)
@@ -141,7 +145,7 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(ERP5TypeTestCase):
       LOG('Testing... ',0,'testAddSubscription1')
     portal_id = self.getPortalId()
     portal_sync = self.getSynchronizationTool()
-    portal_sync.manage_addSubscription(self.sub_id1,'server@localhost',
+    portal_sync.manage_addSubscription(self.sub_id1,self.publication_url,
                           self.subscription_url1,'/%s/person_client1' % portal_id,'',
     sub = portal_sync.getSubscription(self.sub_id1)
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(ERP5TypeTestCase):
       LOG('Testing... ',0,'testAddSubscription2')
     portal_id = self.getPortalId()
     portal_sync = self.getSynchronizationTool()
-    portal_sync.manage_addSubscription(self.sub_id2,'server@localhost',
+    portal_sync.manage_addSubscription(self.sub_id2,self.publication_url,
                           self.subscription_url2,'/%s/person_client2' % portal_id,'',
     sub = portal_sync.getSubscription(self.sub_id2)
@@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(ERP5TypeTestCase):
     to define it here because it is specific to the unit testing
     portal_sync = self.getSynchronizationTool()
-    portal_sync.email = None
+    #portal_sync.email = None # XXX To be removed
     subscription = portal_sync.getSubscription(id)
     publication = None
     for publication in portal_sync.getPublicationList():
@@ -290,7 +294,10 @@ class TestERP5SyncML(ERP5TypeTestCase):
         publication = publication
     self.failUnless(publication is not None)
     # reset files, because we do sync by files
-    file = open('/tmp/sync_client','w')
+    file = open('/tmp/sync_client1','w')
+    file.write('')
+    file.close()
+    file = open('/tmp/sync_client2','w')
     file = open('/tmp/sync','w')