require 'fileutils' require 'timeout' require 'open3' require_relative 'gitlab_config' require_relative 'gitlab_logger' class GitlabProjects GLOBAL_HOOKS_DIRECTORY = File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'hooks') # Project name is a directory name for repository with .git at the end # It may be namespaced or not. Like repo.git or gitlab/repo.git attr_reader :project_name # Absolute path to directory where repositories stored # By default it is /home/git/repositories attr_reader :repos_path # Full path is an absolute path to the repository # Ex /home/git/repositories/test.git attr_reader :full_path def self.create_hooks(path) local_hooks_directory = File.join(path, 'hooks') real_local_hooks_directory = :not_found begin real_local_hooks_directory = File.realpath(local_hooks_directory) rescue Errno::ENOENT # real_local_hooks_directory == :not_found end if real_local_hooks_directory != File.realpath(GLOBAL_HOOKS_DIRECTORY) if File.exist?(local_hooks_directory) $ "Moving existing hooks directory and symlinking global hooks directory for #{path}.", "#{local_hooks_directory}.old.#{}") end FileUtils.ln_sf(GLOBAL_HOOKS_DIRECTORY, local_hooks_directory) else $ "Hooks already exist for #{path}." true end end def initialize @command = ARGV.shift @project_name = ARGV.shift @repos_path = @full_path = File.join(@repos_path, @project_name) unless @project_name.nil? end def exec case @command when 'create-branch'; create_branch when 'rm-branch'; rm_branch when 'create-tag'; create_tag when 'rm-tag'; rm_tag when 'add-project'; add_project when 'list-projects'; puts list_projects when 'rm-project'; rm_project when 'mv-project'; mv_project when 'import-project'; import_project when 'fork-project'; fork_project when 'fetch-remote'; fetch_remote when 'update-head'; update_head when 'push-branches'; push_branches when 'delete-remote-branches'; delete_remote_branches when 'list-remote-tags'; list_remote_tags when 'gc'; gc else $logger.warn "Attempt to execute invalid gitlab-projects command #{@command.inspect}." puts 'not allowed' false end end protected def list_remote_tags remote_name = ARGV.shift tag_list, exit_code, error = nil cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} ls-remote --tags #{remote_name}) Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| tag_list = error = exit_code = wait_thr.value.exitstatus end if puts tag_list true else puts error false end end def push_branches remote_name = ARGV.shift $ "Pushing branches from #{full_path} to remote #{remote_name}: #{ARGV}" cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} push -- #{remote_name}).concat(ARGV) pid = Process.spawn(*cmd) begin Process.wait(pid) $? rescue => exception $logger.error "Pushing branches to remote #{remote_name} failed due to: #{exception.message}" Process.kill('KILL', pid) Process.wait false end end def delete_remote_branches remote_name = ARGV.shift branches = { |branch_name| ":#{branch_name}" } $ "Pushing deleted branches from #{full_path} to remote #{remote_name}: #{ARGV}" cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} push -- #{remote_name}).concat(branches) pid = Process.spawn(*cmd) begin Process.wait(pid) $? rescue => exception $logger.error "Pushing deleted branches to remote #{remote_name} failed due to: #{exception.message}" Process.kill('KILL', pid) Process.wait false end end def create_branch branch_name = ARGV.shift ref = ARGV.shift || "HEAD" cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} branch -- #{branch_name} #{ref}) system(*cmd) end def rm_branch branch_name = ARGV.shift cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} branch -D -- #{branch_name}) system(*cmd) end def create_tag tag_name = ARGV.shift ref = ARGV.shift || "HEAD" cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} tag) if ARGV.size > 0 msg = ARGV.shift cmd += %W(-a -m #{msg}) end cmd += %W(-- #{tag_name} #{ref}) system(*cmd) end def rm_tag tag_name = ARGV.shift cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} tag -d -- #{tag_name}) system(*cmd) end def add_project $ "Adding project #{@project_name} at <#{full_path}>." FileUtils.mkdir_p(full_path, mode: 0770) cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} init --bare) system(*cmd) && self.class.create_hooks(full_path) end def list_projects $ 'Listing projects' Dir.chdir(repos_path) do next Dir.glob('**/*.git') end end def rm_project $ "Removing project #{@project_name} from <#{full_path}>." FileUtils.rm_rf(full_path) end def mask_password_in_url(url) result = URI(url) result.password = "*****" unless result.password.nil? result.user = "*****" unless result.user.nil? #it's needed for oauth access_token result rescue url end def fetch_remote @name = ARGV.shift # timeout for fetch timeout = (ARGV.shift || 120).to_i # fetch with --force ? forced = ARGV.include?('--force') # fetch with --tags or --no-tags tags_option = ARGV.include?('--no-tags') ? '--no-tags' : '--tags' $ "Fetching remote #{@name} for project #{@project_name}." cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} fetch #{@name}) cmd << '--force' if forced cmd << tags_option pid = Process.spawn(*cmd) begin Timeout.timeout(timeout) do Process.wait(pid) end $? rescue Timeout::Error $logger.error "Fetching remote #{@name} for project #{@project_name} failed due to timeout." Process.kill('KILL', pid) Process.wait false end end def remove_origin_in_repo cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} remote rm origin) pid = Process.spawn(*cmd) Process.wait(pid) end # Import project via git clone --bare # URL must be publicly cloneable def import_project # Skip import if repo already exists return false if File.exists?(full_path) @source = ARGV.shift masked_source = mask_password_in_url(@source) # timeout for clone timeout = (ARGV.shift || 120).to_i $ "Importing project #{@project_name} from <#{masked_source}> to <#{full_path}>." cmd = %W(git clone --bare -- #{@source} #{full_path}) pid = Process.spawn(*cmd) begin Timeout.timeout(timeout) do Process.wait(pid) end return false unless $? rescue Timeout::Error $logger.error "Importing project #{@project_name} from <#{masked_source}> failed due to timeout." Process.kill('KILL', pid) Process.wait FileUtils.rm_rf(full_path) return false end self.class.create_hooks(full_path) # The project was imported successfully. # Remove the origin URL since it may contain password. remove_origin_in_repo true end # Move repository from one directory to another # # Ex. # gitlab.git -> gitlabhq.git # gitlab/gitlab-ci.git -> randx/six.git # # Wont work if target namespace directory does not exist # def mv_project new_path = ARGV.shift unless new_path $logger.error "mv-project failed: no destination path provided." return false end new_full_path = File.join(repos_path, new_path) # verify that the source repo exists unless File.exists?(full_path) $logger.error "mv-project failed: source path <#{full_path}> does not exist." return false end # ...and that the target repo does not exist if File.exists?(new_full_path) $logger.error "mv-project failed: destination path <#{new_full_path}> already exists." return false end $ "Moving project #{@project_name} from <#{full_path}> to <#{new_full_path}>.", new_full_path) end def fork_project new_namespace = ARGV.shift # destination namespace must be provided unless new_namespace $logger.error "fork-project failed: no destination namespace provided." return false end # destination namespace must exist namespaced_path = File.join(repos_path, new_namespace) unless File.exists?(namespaced_path) $logger.error "fork-project failed: destination namespace <#{namespaced_path}> does not exist." return false end # a project of the same name cannot already be within the destination namespace full_destination_path = File.join(namespaced_path, project_name.split('/')[-1]) if File.exists?(full_destination_path) $logger.error "fork-project failed: destination repository <#{full_destination_path}> already exists." return false end $ "Forking project from <#{full_path}> to <#{full_destination_path}>." cmd = %W(git clone --bare -- #{full_path} #{full_destination_path}) system(*cmd) && self.class.create_hooks(full_destination_path) end def update_head new_head = ARGV.shift unless new_head $logger.error "update-head failed: no branch provided." return false end, 'HEAD'), 'w') do |f| f.write("ref: refs/heads/#{new_head}") end $ "Update head in project #{project_name} to <#{new_head}>." true end def gc $ "Running git gc for <#{full_path}>." unless File.exists?(full_path) $logger.error "gc failed: destination path <#{full_path}> does not exist." return false end cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{full_path} gc --no-prune) system(*cmd) end end