namespace :gitlab do
  namespace :wiki do

    # This task will migrate all of the existing Wiki
    # content stored in your database into the new
    # Gollum Wiki system. A new repository named
    # namespace/ will be created for
    # each project that currently has Wiki pages in
    # the database.
    # Notes:
    #  * The existing Wiki content will remain in your
    #    database in-tact.
    desc "GITLAB | Migrate Wiki content from database to Gollum repositories."
    task :migrate => :environment do
      wiki_migrator =

    # This task will destroy all of the Wiki repos
    # that the Wiki migration task created. Run this
    # to clean up your environment if you experienced
    # problems during the original migration. After
    # executing this task, you can attempt the original
    # migration again.
    # Notes:
    #  * This will not affect Wikis that have been created
    #    as Gollum Wikis only. It will only remove the wikis
    #    for the repositories that have old Wiki data in the
    #    dataabase.
    #  * If you have any repositories already named
    #    namespace/ that you do not wish
    #    to be removed you may want to perform a manual
    #    cleanup instead.
    desc "GITLAB | Remove the Wiki repositories created by the `gitlab:wiki:migrate` task."
    task :rollback => :environment do
      wiki_migrator =