/* global Vue, gl */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ window.Vue = require('vue'); require('../vue_shared/components/table_pagination'); require('./store'); require('../vue_shared/components/pipelines_table'); ((gl) => { gl.VuePipelines = Vue.extend({ components: { 'gl-pagination': gl.VueGlPagination, 'pipelines-table-component': gl.pipelines.PipelinesTableComponent, }, data() { return { pipelines: [], timeLoopInterval: '', intervalId: '', apiScope: 'all', pageInfo: {}, pagenum: 1, count: { all: 0, running_or_pending: 0 }, pageRequest: false, }; }, props: ['scope', 'store', 'svgs'], created() { const pagenum = gl.utils.getParameterByName('p'); const scope = gl.utils.getParameterByName('scope'); if (pagenum) this.pagenum = pagenum; if (scope) this.apiScope = scope; this.store.fetchDataLoop.call(this, Vue, this.pagenum, this.scope, this.apiScope); }, methods: { /** * Changes the URL according to the pagination component. * * If no scope is provided, 'all' is assumed. * * @param {Number} pagenum * @param {String} apiScope = 'all' */ change(pagenum, apiScope = 'all') { gl.utils.visitUrl(`?scope=${apiScope}&p=${pagenum}`); }, }, template: ` <div> <div class="pipelines realtime-loading" v-if='pageRequest'> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> </div> <div class="blank-state blank-state-no-icon" v-if="!pageRequest && pipelines.length === 0"> <h2 class="blank-state-title js-blank-state-title"> No pipelines to show </h2> </div> <div class="table-holder" v-if='!pageRequest && pipelines.length'> <pipelines-table-component :pipelines='pipelines' :svgs='svgs'> </pipelines-table-component> </div> <gl-pagination v-if='!pageRequest && pipelines.length && pageInfo.total > pageInfo.perPage' :pagenum='pagenum' :change='change' :count='count.all' :pageInfo='pageInfo' > </gl-pagination> </div> `, }); })(window.gl || (window.gl = {}));