Commit 9781208e authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs Committed by GitHub

Add template for Python 2 incompatibility

parent f63c4335
name: Setuptools warns about Python 2 incompatibility
about: Report the issue where setuptools 45 or later stops working on Python 2
title: Incompatible install in (summarize your environment)
labels: Python 2
assignees: ''
It's by design that Setuptools 45 and later will stop working on Python 2. To ease the transition, Setuptools 45 was released to continue to have Python 2 compatibility, but emit a strenuous warning that it will stop working.
In most cases, using pip 9 or later to install Setuptools from PyPI or any index supporting the Requires-Python metadata will do the right thing and install Setuptools 44.x on Python 2.
If you've come to file an issue, it's probably because some process managed to bypass these protections.
Your first course of action should be to reason about how you managed to get an unsupported version of Setuptools on Python 2. Please complete the sections below and provide any other detail about your environment that will help us help you.
## Prerequisites
<!-- These are the recommended workarounds for the issue. Please
try them first. -->
- [ ] Python 2 is required for this application.
- [ ] Setuptools installed with pip 9 or later.
- [ ] Pinning Setuptools to `setuptools<45` in the environment was unsuccessful.
## Environment Details
- Operating System and version:
- Python version:
- Python installed how:
- Virtualenv version (if using virtualenv): n/a
Command(s) used to install setuptools (and output):
Output of `pip --version` when installing setuptools:
## Other notes
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