Commit ac3cee39 authored by Paul Ganssle's avatar Paul Ganssle

Fix issue with missing author metadata

Prior to this patch, if the author or author_email were omitted from
`setup`, a malformed `PKG-INFO` would be created.
parent 95df56d0
Fixed regression where packages without ``author`` or ``author_email`` fields generated malformed package metadata.
......@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ def write_pkg_file(self, file):
write_field('Home-page', self.get_url())
if version < StrictVersion('1.2'):
write_field('Author:', self.get_contact())
write_field('Author-email:', self.get_contact_email())
write_field('Author', self.get_contact())
write_field('Author-email', self.get_contact_email())
optional_fields = (
('Author', 'author'),
......@@ -115,6 +115,20 @@ def __read_test_cases():
merge_dicts(base_attrs, {
'provides_extras': ['foo', 'bar']
}), marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="provides_extras not read")),
('Missing author, missing author e-mail',
{'name': 'foo', 'version': '1.0.0'}),
('Missing author',
{'name': 'foo',
'version': '1.0.0',
'author_email': ''}),
('Missing author e-mail',
{'name': 'foo',
'version': '1.0.0',
'author': 'Snorri Sturluson'}),
('Missing author',
{'name': 'foo',
'version': '1.0.0',
'author': 'Snorri Sturluson'}),
return test_cases
......@@ -141,6 +155,8 @@ def test_read_metadata(name, attrs):
tested_attrs = [
('name', dist_class.get_name),
('version', dist_class.get_version),
('author', dist_class.get_contact),
('author_email', dist_class.get_contact_email),
('metadata_version', dist_class.get_metadata_version),
('provides', dist_class.get_provides),
('description', dist_class.get_description),
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