diff --git a/component/pylint/buildout.cfg b/component/pylint/buildout.cfg index 0676aba035680774016ec65bb8e3311e5c31401e..1329ff907db0275c5229352e8f145529fa791ae1 100644 --- a/component/pylint/buildout.cfg +++ b/component/pylint/buildout.cfg @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/astroid-six_moves_import_error.patch#377beb0c50f52b9608bb6be7bf93096e patch-options = -p1 patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch + +[astroid:python3] setup-eggs = ${lazy-object-proxy:egg} [lazy-object-proxy] @@ -40,3 +42,15 @@ patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/pylint-redefining-builtins-modules.patch#043defc6e9002ac48b40e078797d4d17 patch-options = -p1 patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch + +[pylint:python3] +recipe = zc.recipe.egg +patches = + +[mccabe:python3] +recipe = zc.recipe.egg +patches = +setup-eggs = + +[astroid:python3] +recipe = zc.recipe.egg diff --git a/software/neoppod/buildout.hash.cfg b/software/neoppod/buildout.hash.cfg index ff7c5cc0907ebaa96f45231cd47db060b848770a..0b787bd74c1b33fdbb5717d83e9101a1138999f2 100644 --- a/software/neoppod/buildout.hash.cfg +++ b/software/neoppod/buildout.hash.cfg @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ md5sum = c91b5540f94ce76af31f84584df7a3ef [instance-neo-admin] filename = instance-neo-admin.cfg.in -md5sum = b6e1ccb1d90160110202e5111eec2afa +md5sum = a0ec1dce4c7a237fbeef3f8aee62e55a [instance-neo-master] filename = instance-neo-master.cfg.in @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ md5sum = fda911d5ef9efee365f1b0ff9843a50b [template-neo-my-cnf] filename = my.cnf.in -md5sum = 56ea8f452d9e1526157ab9d03e631e1a +md5sum = 3ae93702f3890a504cc8a93eb5ad52bc [template-neo] filename = instance.cfg.in diff --git a/software/neoppod/instance-neo-admin.cfg.in b/software/neoppod/instance-neo-admin.cfg.in index 8453455d00c48f29fb8d891fc3f08cba0081d802..5f14da4e3fbdd24992b6d4f925af4f7514a0277b 100644 --- a/software/neoppod/instance-neo-admin.cfg.in +++ b/software/neoppod/instance-neo-admin.cfg.in @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ssl = {{ dumps(bool(slapparameter_dict['ssl'])) }} cluster = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict['cluster']) }} masters = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict['masters']) }} extra-options = -{%- for k, v in monitor_dict.iteritems() %} +{%- for k, v in six.iteritems(monitor_dict) %} {%- if k == 'backup' %} {%- set k = 'monitor-backup' %} {%- endif %} diff --git a/software/neoppod/my.cnf.in b/software/neoppod/my.cnf.in index 161eb6dbb72fb8999dc20bc6a6ad7270bf9e1ba8..91669c83000f3baa16d372edf3f00fba0b1db274 100644 --- a/software/neoppod/my.cnf.in +++ b/software/neoppod/my.cnf.in @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = 1 {{x}}sync_frm = 0 # Extra parameters. -{%- for k, v in extra_dict.iteritems() %} +{%- for k, v in six.iteritems(extra_dict) %} {%- do assert('-' not in k) %} {{ k }} = {{ v }} {%- endfor %} diff --git a/software/neoppod/software-common.cfg b/software/neoppod/software-common.cfg index 91117768fc70bac55f6769cfbe3e59e54f35c9ba..9f653a263aa2f7f2f753cfc5824bd68dc539f3e7 100644 --- a/software/neoppod/software-common.cfg +++ b/software/neoppod/software-common.cfg @@ -129,8 +129,11 @@ inline = [versions] coverage = 5.5 ecdsa = 0.13 -mysqlclient = 1.3.12 +mysqlclient = 2.0.1 PyMySQL = 0.10.1 pycrypto = 2.6.1 cython-zstd = 0.2 funcsigs = 1.0.2 + +[versions:python2] +mysqlclient = 1.3.12 diff --git a/software/slapos-sr-testing/software.cfg b/software/slapos-sr-testing/software.cfg index 57163f3b85a9b2a88463d05a4103080d930dbe42..f2b77d8fddb01d879ba170eb8eb0c2ada69e0395 100644 --- a/software/slapos-sr-testing/software.cfg +++ b/software/slapos-sr-testing/software.cfg @@ -476,7 +476,6 @@ pysftp = 0.2.9 requests-toolbelt = 0.8.0 testfixtures = 6.11.0 mysqlclient = 2.1.1 -pexpect = 4.8.0 ptyprocess = 0.6.0 psycopg2 = 2.8.6 paho-mqtt = 1.5.0 diff --git a/stack/erp5/buildout-py3.cfg b/stack/erp5/buildout-py3.cfg index 15698add9a8914fbfa4f6a0bc73821c489365055..055c9f2ab3776f2b42521bff28e7005ca696bce4 100644 --- a/stack/erp5/buildout-py3.cfg +++ b/stack/erp5/buildout-py3.cfg @@ -4,12 +4,6 @@ extends = ../../component/cython/buildout.cfg buildout.cfg -parts += -# Development eggs - slapos-cookbook-develop - slapos-cookbook - PyStemmer - cython parts -= # XXX: The following parts have no support for Python 3. Ignore for now. @@ -24,7 +18,6 @@ parts -= jupyter matplotlibrc h5py - custom-js find-links += http://www.nexedi.org/static/packages/source/ @@ -59,6 +52,7 @@ recipe = recipe = [ocropy] recipe = + [hookbox] recipe = [scipy] @@ -83,30 +77,10 @@ include-dirs += ${cyrus-sasl:location}/include [eggs] -eggs += -## Python 3 variant - SOAPpy-py3 - suds-py3 + eggs -= -## Python 2 only - ZServer - Products.DCWorkflowGraph - uuid -# Probably not worth the effort (used for backuping multi-ZODB instances and has -# been discouraged for many years over NEO) - Products.TIDStorage -## Python < 3.5 - typing -## tracemalloc is now part of Python 3.4! - pytracemalloc -## XXX: The following eggs have no support for Python 3. Ignore for now. - ocropy ${ocropy:egg} - PyXML - threadframe - suds - SOAPpy - fpconst +# fpconst ${scipy:egg} ${scikit-learn:egg} ${scikit-image:egg} @@ -116,7 +90,6 @@ eggs -= ${statsmodels:egg} astor jupyter -# explicit eggs to generate scripts from them jupyter_client jupyter_console jupyter_core @@ -125,86 +98,58 @@ eggs -= notebook # additional eggs astor - ${matplotlib:egg} - ${scipy:egg} - ${scikit-learn:egg} ${seaborn:egg} ${statsmodels:egg} - patsy - ${h5py:egg} - openpyxl - sympy - xlrd # additional eggs for jupyterlab jupyterlab jupyterlab-launcher pytesseract -[astroid] -patches = - -[pylint] -patches= -setup-eggs = ${mccabe:egg} [versions] -# zc.recipe.egg 2.0.7 (in versions.cfg) requires zc.buildout>=2.12.0, so let's -# revert to the version contained in stack/slapos.cfg -zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3+slapos003 - pyasn1-modules = 0.2.8 pyasn1 = 0.4.8 -## Version up to support Python 3.8 -numpy = 1.16.6 -pandas = 0.24.2 -google-api-python-client = 2.41.0 -zope.app.appsetup = 4.2.0 -zope.app.publication = 4.5 -# google-api-python-client version bump -uritemplate = 3.0.1 +google-api-python-client = 2.81.0 google-api-core = 2.7.1 google-auth-httplib2 = 0.1.0 google-auth = 2.6.0 httplib2 = 0.15.0 protobuf = 3.19.4 googleapis-common-protos = 1.55.0 -cachetools = 5.0.0 -## XXX: No version of scipy is both compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.7 -scipy = 1.5.2 +scipy = 1.8.1 #scikit-learn = 0.20.4 statsmodels = 0.10.2 pyzmq = 19.0.2 -PyStemmer = 2.0.1 python-ldap = 3.1.0 -ipython = 7.31.1 -mccabe = 0.6 -setuptools-scm = 7.0.5 -packaging = 20.4 -typing-extensions = 4.3.0:whl -tomli = 2.0.1:whl -lazy-object-proxy = 1.4.3 -isort = 4.2.5 -astroid = 2.4.0 -wrapt = 1.11 -typed-ast = 1.4.0 -jedi = 0.16.0 -parso = 0.5.2 -mysqlclient = 2.0.1 -polib = 1.1.0 -# testrunner -pexpect = 4.8.0 +#mysqlclient = 2.0.1 +#polib = 1.2.0 + matplotlib-inline = 0.1.3 -backcall = 0.2.0 -prompt-toolkit = 3.0.27 -# 2to3 fixers to port code to python3 -zope.fixers = 1.1.2 +#prompt-toolkit = 3.0.27 + SOAPpy-py3 = 0.52.26 defusedxml = 0.7.1 suds-py3 = wstools-py3 = 0.54.4 -toml = 0.10.2 soupsieve = 2.3.2.post1:whl -pylint = 2.6.0 +# WIP pylint +[versions] +pylint = 2.17.0:whl +mccabe = 0.7.0:whl +tomli = 2.0.1:whl +lazy-object-proxy = 1.4.3 +isort = 4.2.5 +astroid = 2.15.0:whl +wrapt = 1.11 +typed-ast = 1.4.0 +tomlkit = 0.11.6 +platformdirs = 3.1.1:whl +dill = 0.3.6:whl + +[erp5] +repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/erp5.git +branch = zope4py3 +develop = true diff --git a/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg b/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg index b13570bc660532c070974bd648e4c2bc387bdd4c..c11008c004dd2554791cc6c6b684b8e2e19d6da4 100644 --- a/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg +++ b/stack/erp5/buildout.cfg @@ -349,8 +349,10 @@ wcfs-enable-default = false recipe = slapos.recipe.build:gitclone repository = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/erp5.git branch = master +develop = true git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git + [testrunner] # XXX: Workaround for fact ERP5Type is not an distribution and does not # expose entry point for test runner @@ -508,7 +510,6 @@ eggs += ipython_genutils ipykernel ipywidgets - requests [egg-with-zope-proxy] @@ -525,13 +526,15 @@ setup-eggs += [eggs] <= neoppod -eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} +eggs = + ${erp5-eggs-python2:eggs} + ${erp5-eggs-python3:eggs} + ${neoppod:eggs} ${caucase-eggs:eggs} ${wendelin.core:egg} ${numpy:egg} ${matplotlib:egg} ${lxml-python:egg} - ${ocropy:egg} ${pandas:egg} ${pillow-python:egg} ${python-ldap-python:egg} @@ -553,14 +556,12 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} astor APacheDEX Pympler - SOAPpy chardet collective.recipe.template erp5diff interval ipdb Jinja2 - jsonschema mechanize mock oauthlib @@ -577,7 +578,6 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} requests responses urlnorm - uuid xml_marshaller xupdate_processor feedparser @@ -588,11 +588,9 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} qrcode spyne httplib2 - suds pprofile pycountry xfw - jsonschema ${selenium:egg} pytesseract decorator @@ -602,9 +600,6 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} ${pylint:egg} jedi yapf - typing - pytracemalloc - xlrd pydot # Zope @@ -617,16 +612,10 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} # for runzeo ${ZEO:egg} -# Other Zope 2 packages - Products.PluggableAuthService Products.DCWorkflow - -# Other products + Products.PluggableAuthService Products.MimetypesRegistry - Products.TIDStorage -# Currently forked in our repository -# Products.PortalTransforms # Dependency for our fork of PortalTransforms StructuredText @@ -661,11 +650,9 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} docutils zLOG Products.ZSQLMethods - ZServer Products.ExternalMethod Products.SiteErrorLog tempstorage - Products.DCWorkflow Products.Sessions Products.ZODBMountPoint Record @@ -703,6 +690,11 @@ python-magic-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/pyt python-magic-patch-options = -p1 urlnorm-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/urlnorm/urlnorm-1.1.4-py3.patch#5ef268fb44cbc005b62140099c33b641 urlnorm-patch-options = -p1 +Zope-patches = + ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/Zope/0001-WSGIPublisher-set-REMOTE_USER-even-in-case-of-error-.patch#a437f4da28975f94dd07db0b02954111 +Zope-patch-options = -p1 + +[eggs:python2] # backported security patches for waitress-1.4.4 from Debian 1.4.4-1.1+deb11u1 package. waitress-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/waitress/CVE-2022-24761-1.patch#a0508880f24662e48a20ce3bcbf440c2 @@ -712,9 +704,30 @@ waitress-patches = ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/waitress/CVE-2022-24761-5.patch#ad2765822397cd1e28e02a68a52d7768 ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/waitress/CVE-2022-24761-6.patch#85fc9c4105eabee3ff71c800b2ddf63b waitress-patch-options = -p1 -Zope-patches = - ${:_profile_base_location_}/../../component/egg-patch/Zope/0001-WSGIPublisher-set-REMOTE_USER-even-in-case-of-error-.patch#a437f4da28975f94dd07db0b02954111 -Zope-patch-options = -p1 + +# python version dependent eggs +[erp5-eggs-python2] +eggs = + +[erp5-eggs-python2:python2] +eggs = + ${ocropy:egg} + ZServer + Products.TIDStorage + pytracemalloc + SOAPpy + suds + typing + uuid + xlrd + +[erp5-eggs-python3] +eggs = + SOAPpy-py3 + suds-py3 + +[erp5-eggs-python3:python2] +eggs = # neoppod installs bin/coverage so we inject erp5 plugin here so that coverage script can use it in report [neoppod] @@ -753,20 +766,17 @@ PyPDF2 = 1.26.0+SlapOSPatched001 pysvn = 1.9.15+SlapOSPatched001 python-ldap = 2.4.32+SlapOSPatched001 python-magic = 0.4.12+SlapOSPatched001 -waitress = 1.4.4+SlapOSPatched006 Zope = 4.8.9+SlapOSPatched001 ## https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/slapos/merge_requests/648 pylint = 1.4.4+SlapOSPatched002 # astroid 1.4.1 breaks testDynamicClassGeneration astroid = 1.3.8+SlapOSPatched001 -# modified version that works fine for buildout installation -SOAPpy = 0.12.0nxd001 - # Pinned versions alabaster = 0.7.12 APacheDEX = 1.8 +arrow = 1.2.3 Beaker = 1.11.0 beautifulsoup4 = 4.8.2 cloudpickle = 0.5.3 @@ -779,7 +789,7 @@ erp5diff = facebook-sdk = 2.0.0 five.formlib = 1.0.4 fpconst = 0.7.2 -future = 0.18.2 +fqdn = 1.5.1 google-api-python-client = 1.6.1 graphviz = 0.5.2 haufe.requestmonitoring = 0.6.0 @@ -788,8 +798,8 @@ httplib2 = 0.10.3 huBarcode = 1.0.0 interval = 1.0.0 ipdb = 0.10.2 +isoduration = 20.11.0 jdcal = 1.3 -jedi = 0.15.1 jsonpickle = 0.9.6 jsonpointer = 2.2 logilab-common = 1.3.0 @@ -799,16 +809,13 @@ mpmath = 0.19 munnel = 0.3 networkx = 2.1 nt-svcutils = 2.13.0 -numpy = 1.13.1 oauth2client = 4.0.0 oauthlib = 3.1.0 objgraph = 3.1.0 oic = 0.15.1 olefile = 0.44 -openpyxl = 2.4.8 -parso = 0.5.1 Pillow = 6.2.2 -polib = 1.0.8 +polib = 1.2.0 pprofile = 2.0.4 Products.BTreeFolder2 = 4.4+SlapOSPatched001 Products.CMFCore = 2.7.0+SlapOSPatched001 @@ -843,10 +850,12 @@ pytracemalloc = 1.2 PyWavelets = 0.5.2 qrcode = 5.3 responses = 0.10.6 +rfc3339-validator = 0.1.4 rfc3987 = 1.3.8 rsa = 3.4.2 scikit-image = 0.14.0 scipy = 0.19.0 +SOAPpy-py3 = 0.52.26 soupsieve = 1.9.5 spyne = 2.12.14 strict-rfc3339 = 0.7 @@ -855,10 +864,11 @@ suds = 0.4 toolz = 0.9.0 typing = unidiff = 0.5.5 +uri-template = 1.2.0 urlnorm = 1.1.4+SlapOSPatched001 uuid = 1.30 validictory = 1.1.0 -webcolors = 1.10 +webcolors = 1.12 webencodings = 0.5.1 WebOb = 1.8.5 WebTest = 2.0.33 @@ -884,4 +894,14 @@ zope.session = 4.5 zope.testbrowser = 5.5.1 [versions:python2] +ipython = 5.3.0 +jedi = 0.15.1 +numpy = 1.13.1 +ocropy = 1.0+SlapOSPatched001 +openpyxl = 2.4.8 +parso = 0.5.1 +prompt-toolkit = 1.0.13 PyStemmer = 1.3.0 +SOAPpy = 0.12.0nxd001 +waitress = 1.4.4+SlapOSPatched006 +webcolors = 1.10 diff --git a/stack/erp5/buildout.hash.cfg b/stack/erp5/buildout.hash.cfg index eb3129b5e8edff1ab324dc16709292f6cff7f54a..f0b6e1ce9eeeca61a24deec8dde3e56a9d328fad 100644 --- a/stack/erp5/buildout.hash.cfg +++ b/stack/erp5/buildout.hash.cfg @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ md5sum = 3f7b28085ceff321a3cb785db60f7c3e [template-erp5] filename = instance-erp5.cfg.in -md5sum = 4a2587c0b3ad6a34af1f11fb75511e55 +md5sum = ab7b0e52ab64f23d3cf0301edd0dad1f [template-zeo] filename = instance-zeo.cfg.in diff --git a/stack/erp5/instance-erp5.cfg.in b/stack/erp5/instance-erp5.cfg.in index a1ec6cc9368f3709a6617052d7c0ff6f6f65dbc7..99e5f650b882a760e295fa40f07495baccdf893f 100644 --- a/stack/erp5/instance-erp5.cfg.in +++ b/stack/erp5/instance-erp5.cfg.in @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ config-zodb-dict = {{ dumps(zodb_dict) }} {% for server_type, server_dict in six.iteritems(storage_dict) -%} {% if server_type == 'neo' -%} config-neo-cluster = ${publish-early:neo-cluster} -config-neo-name = {{ server_dict.keys()[0] }} +config-neo-name = {{ list(server_dict.keys())[0] }} config-neo-masters = ${publish-early:neo-masters} {% else -%} config-zodb-zeo = ${request-zodb:connection-storage-dict} diff --git a/stack/slapos.cfg b/stack/slapos.cfg index 091d0d3cb1048b0a0132fc9c617984d072dcb1c5..c178da4e8e54abf0d451ab7998b7950d381a7407 100644 --- a/stack/slapos.cfg +++ b/stack/slapos.cfg @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ typeguard = 2.13.3:whl typing-extensions = 4.3.0:whl tzlocal = 1.5.1 unicodecsv = 0.14.1 -uritemplate = 3.0.0 +uritemplate = 3.0.1 urllib3 = 1.26.12 wcwidth = 0.2.5 webencodings = 0.5.1