diff --git a/erp5/util/scalability/runScalabilityTestSuite.py b/erp5/util/scalability/runScalabilityTestSuite.py
index 2900f1744da7e7bdab9f6daf335990d95cd7ac25..cc26d0ef554956a087e1a1a070682778fa401be8 100644
--- a/erp5/util/scalability/runScalabilityTestSuite.py
+++ b/erp5/util/scalability/runScalabilityTestSuite.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import shutil
 import time
 import sys
 import multiprocessing
-import subprocess
 import signal
 import errno
 import json
@@ -16,14 +15,23 @@ import glob
 import urlparse
 import httplib
 import base64
+import threading
 from erp5.util.benchmark.argument import ArgumentType
 from erp5.util.benchmark.performance_tester import PerformanceTester
+from erp5.util.benchmark.thread import TestThread, TestMetricThread
 from erp5.util import taskdistribution
 from erp5.util.testnode import Utils
+from erp5.util.testnode.ProcessManager import SubprocessError, ProcessManager, CancellationError
+import datetime
+SCALABILITY_LOG_FILENAME = "runScalabilityTestSuite"
+LOG_FILE_PREFIX = "scalability-test"
 class DummyLogger(object):
   def __init__(self, func):
@@ -31,17 +39,18 @@ class DummyLogger(object):
       'critical', 'fatal'):
        setattr(self, name, func)
-def getConnection(erp5_url, log):
+def getConnection(instance_url, log):
-  Return a connection with the erp5 instance.
+  Return a connection with the instance.
   start_time = time.time()
   count = 0
   while MAX_GETTING_CONNECTION_TIME > time.time()-start_time:
       count = count + 1
-      parsed = urlparse.urlparse(erp5_url)
+      parsed = urlparse.urlparse(instance_url)
       host = "%s:%s" % (parsed.hostname, str(parsed.port))
+      if parsed.port is None: host = parsed.hostname
       if parsed.scheme == 'https':
         return httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
       elif parsed.scheme == 'http':
@@ -49,16 +58,18 @@ def getConnection(erp5_url, log):
         raise ValueError("Protocol not implemented")
-      log("Can't get connection to %s, we will retry." %erp5_url)
+      log("Can't get connection to %s, we will retry." %instance_url)
   raise ValueError("Cannot get new connection after %d try (for %s s)" %(count, str(time.time()-start_time)))
-def waitFor0PendingActivities(erp5_url, log):
+# TODO: this will be refactored soon
+def waitFor0PendingActivities(instance_url, log):
-  Waiting while there are no pending activities on the erp5 instance.
+  Waiting while there are no pending activities on the instance.
+  log("waiting activities for: " + str(instance_url))
   start_time = time.time()
-  parsed = urlparse.urlparse(erp5_url)
+  parsed = urlparse.urlparse(instance_url)
   user = parsed.username;
   password = parsed.password;
   header_dict = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % \
@@ -67,7 +78,7 @@ def waitFor0PendingActivities(erp5_url, log):
   count = 0
   ok = False
   while MAX_INSTALLATION_TIME > time.time()-start_time and not ok:
-    zope_connection = getConnection(erp5_url, log)
+    zope_connection = getConnection(instance_url, log)
       count = count + 1
@@ -87,54 +98,14 @@ def waitFor0PendingActivities(erp5_url, log):
       log("There is %d pending activities" %len(message_list))
-    except:
+    except Exception as e:
+      log("exception: " + str(e))
       log("Getting activities failed, retry.")
   if not ok:
     raise ValueError("Cannot waitFor0PendingActivities after %d try (for %s s)" %(count, str(time.time()-start_time)))
-def getCreatedDocumentNumberFromERP5(erp5_url, log):
-  """
-  Get the number of created documents from erp5 instance.
-  """
-  log("count docs number from ERP5 instance")
-  count_retry = 0
-  parsed = urlparse.urlparse(erp5_url)
-  user = 'zope'
-  password = 'insecure'
-  header_dict = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % \
-  base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (user, password)).strip()}
-  zope_connection = getConnection(erp5_url, log)
-  while count_retry < 100 :
-    try:
-      zope_connection.request(
-        'GET', '/erp5/count_docs_scalability',
-        headers=header_dict
-      )
-      result = zope_connection.getresponse()
-      return int(result.read())
-    except:
-      log("retry..")
-      count_retry += 1
-      time.sleep(15)
-  raise ValueError("Impossible to get number of docs from ERP5")
-# XXX: This import is required, just to populate sys.modules['test_suite'].
-# Even if it's not used in this file. Yuck.
-import product.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestSuite
-from subprocess import call
-LOG_FILE_PREFIX = "performance_tester_erp5"
-# Duration of a test case
-# Maximum limit of documents to create during a test case
 class ScalabilityTest(object):
   def __init__(self, data, test_result):
     self.__dict__ = {}
@@ -144,52 +115,45 @@ class ScalabilityTest(object):
 def doNothing(**kwargs):
-def makeSuite(test_suite=None, log=doNothing, **kwargs):
-  # BBB tests (plural form) is only checked for backward compatibility
-  for k in sys.modules.keys():
-    if k in ('tests', 'test',) or k.startswith('tests.') or k.startswith('test.'):
-      del sys.modules[k]
-  singular_succeed = True
-  while True:
-    module_name, class_name = ('%s.%s' % (singular_succeed and 'test' or 'tests',
-                                          test_suite)).rsplit('.', 1)
-    try:
-      suite_class = getattr(__import__(module_name, None, None, [class_name]),
-                            class_name)
-    except (AttributeError, ImportError):
-      if not singular_succeed:
-        raise
-      singular_succeed = False
-    else:
-      break
-  suite = suite_class(max_instance_count=1, **kwargs)
+def makeSuite(test_suite=None, location=None, log=doNothing, **kwargs):
+  import imp
+  try:
+    module = imp.load_source('scalability_test', location + '__init__.py')
+    suite_class = getattr(module, test_suite)
+    suite = suite_class(**kwargs)
+  except Exception as e:
+    log("[ERROR] While making suite: " + str(e))
+    raise
   return suite
+def createLogger(log_path):
+  log_path = os.path.join(log_path, SCALABILITY_LOG_FILENAME + ".log")
+  logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-13s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
+  formatter = logging.Formatter(logger_format)
+  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
+                     format=logger_format)
+  logger = logging.getLogger(SCALABILITY_LOG_FILENAME)
+  file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
+                  filename=log_path,
+                  maxBytes=20000000, backupCount=4)
+  file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+  logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+  return logger
 class ScalabilityLauncher(object):
   def __init__(self):
-    # Parse arguments
     self.__argumentNamespace = self._parseArguments(argparse.ArgumentParser(
-          description='Run ERP5 benchmarking scalability suites.'))
-    # Create Logger
-    log_path = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
-                            "runScalabilityTestSuite.log")
-    logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)-13s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
-    formatter = logging.Formatter(logger_format)
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
-                     format=logger_format)
-    logger = logging.getLogger('runScalabilityTestSuite')
-    logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
-    file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
-        filename=log_path,
-        maxBytes=20000000, backupCount=4)
-    file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-    logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+          description='Run benchmarking scalability suites.'))
+    logger = createLogger(self.__argumentNamespace.log_path)
     self.log = logger.info
-    # Proxy to with erp5 master test_result
+    self.logger = logger
+    self.users_file_original_content = []
+    # Proxy to with master test_result
+    portal_url = self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite_master_url
+    distributor = taskdistribution.TaskDistributor(portal_url, logger=DummyLogger(self.log))
+    self.log(self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite_master_url)
     self.test_result = taskdistribution.TestResultProxy(
-                        self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite_master_url,
+                        distributor,
                         1.0, DummyLogger(self.log),
@@ -198,18 +162,26 @@ class ScalabilityLauncher(object):
   def _addParserArguments(parser):
     # Mandatory arguments
-    parser.add_argument('--erp5-url',
-                        metavar='ERP5_URL',
-                        help='Main url of ERP5 instance to test')
+    parser.add_argument('--instance-url',
+                        metavar='INSTANCE_URL',
+                        help='Main url of instance to test')
+    parser.add_argument('--bootstrap-password',
+                        metavar='BOOTSRAP_PASSWORD',
+                        help='Bootstrap password of instance objects')
-                        metavar='ERP5_TEST_RESULT_PATH',
-                        help='ERP5 relative path of the test result')
+                        metavar='TEST_RESULT_PATH',
+                        help='Relative path of the test result')
                         help='Revision of the test_suite')
+    parser.add_argument('--current-test-data',
+                        metavar='CURRENT_TEST_DATA',
+                        help='Data of the current test')
                         help='Name of the test suite')
@@ -221,20 +193,24 @@ class ScalabilityLauncher(object):
-                        help='Url to connect to the ERP5 Master testsuite taskditributor')
+                        help='Url to connect to the Master testsuite taskditributor')
                         help='Log Path')
-    parser.add_argument('--erp5-location',
-                        metavar='ERP5_LOCATION',
-                        help='Path to erp5 depository')
+    parser.add_argument('--repo-location',
+                        metavar='REPO_LOCATION',
+                        help='Path to repository')
-                        metavar='Runner_PATH',
+                        metavar='RUNNER_PATH',
                         help='runner Path')
+    parser.add_argument('--metric-url',
+                        metavar='METRIC_URL',
+                        help='Url to connect to instance metric generator')
   def _checkParsedArguments(namespace):
     return namespace
@@ -246,31 +222,54 @@ class ScalabilityLauncher(object):
     return namespace
-  def moveLogs(self, folder_name):
-    # Get file paths
+  def moveLogs(self, folder_name, current_test):
     file_to_move_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
-                                "%s*.csv" %LOG_FILE_PREFIX))
+                                  "%s*.csv" %LOG_FILE_PREFIX))
     file_to_move_list += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
-                                "%s*.log" %LOG_FILE_PREFIX))
-    # Create folder
-    new_directory_path = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
-                                folder_name)
-    if not os.path.exists(new_directory_path): os.makedirs(new_directory_path)
-    # Move files
+                                  "%s*.log" %LOG_FILE_PREFIX))
+    root_test_dir = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
+                                 "scalability-test-%s/" % current_test.relative_path.split("/")[1])
+    if not os.path.exists(root_test_dir):
+      os.makedirs(root_test_dir)
+    new_directory_path = os.path.join(root_test_dir,
+                                      folder_name)
+    if not os.path.exists(new_directory_path):
+      os.makedirs(new_directory_path)
     for file_to_move in file_to_move_list:
       shutil.move(file_to_move, new_directory_path)
   def getRunningTest(self):
-    Return a ScalabilityTest with current running test case informations,
-    or None if no test_case ready
+    Return a ScalabilityTest with current running test case informations
-    data = self.test_result.getRunningTestCase()
-    if not data:
-      return None
+    data_array = self.__argumentNamespace.current_test_data.split(',')
+    data = json.dumps({"count": data_array[0], "title": data_array[1], "relative_path": data_array[2]})
     decoded_data = Utils.deunicodeData(json.loads(data))
     return ScalabilityTest(decoded_data, self.test_result)
+  def clearUsersFile(self, user_file_path):
+    self.log("Clearing users file: %s" % user_file_path)
+    os.remove(user_file_path)
+    users_file = open(user_file_path, "w")
+    for line in self.users_file_original_content:
+      users_file.write(line)
+    users_file.close()
+  def updateUsersFile(self, user_quantity, password, user_file_path):
+    self.log("Updating users file: %s" % user_file_path)
+    users_file = open(user_file_path, "r")
+    file_content = users_file.readlines()
+    self.users_file_original_content = file_content
+    new_file_content = []
+    for line in file_content:
+      new_file_content.append(line.replace('<password>', password).replace('<user_quantity>', str(user_quantity)))
+    users_file.close()
+    os.remove(user_file_path)
+    users_file = open(user_file_path, "w")
+    for line in new_file_content:
+      users_file.write(line)
+    users_file.close()
   def run(self):
     self.log("Scalability Launcher started, with:")
     self.log("Test suite master url: %s" %self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite_master_url)
@@ -278,140 +277,136 @@ class ScalabilityLauncher(object):
     self.log("Test result path: %s" %self.__argumentNamespace.test_result_path)
     self.log("Revision: %s" %self.__argumentNamespace.revision)
     self.log("Node title: %s" %self.__argumentNamespace.node_title)
-    self.log("ERP5 url: %s" %self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_url)
+    self.log("Instance url: %s" %self.__argumentNamespace.instance_url)
     error_message_set, exit_status = set(), 0
+    process_manager = ProcessManager(self.log)
     # Get suite informations
-    suite = makeSuite(self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite, self.log)
+    suite = makeSuite(self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite, self.__argumentNamespace.repo_location, self.log)
     test_suite_list = suite.getTestList()
-    # Main loop
-    while True:
-      # Loop for getting new test case
+    try:
       current_test = self.getRunningTest()
-      while not current_test:
-        time.sleep(15)
-        current_test = self.getRunningTest()
-      self.log("Test Case %s going to be run." %(current_test.title))
-      # Prepare configuration
-      current_test_number = int(current_test.title)
-      test_duration = suite.getTestDuration(current_test_number)
-      benchmarks_path = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_location, suite.getTestPath())
-      user_file_full_path = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_location, suite.getUsersFilePath())
-      user_file_path = os.path.split(user_file_full_path)[0]
-      user_file = os.path.split(user_file_full_path)[1]
-      tester_path = self.__argumentNamespace.runner_path
-      user_number = suite.getUserNumber(current_test_number)
-      repetition = suite.getTestRepetition(current_test_number)
-      self.log("user_number: %s" %str(user_number))
-      self.log("test_duration: %s seconds" %str(test_duration))
-      # Store the number of documents generated for each iteration
-      document_number = []
-      # Repeat the same test several times to accurate test result
-      for i in range(1, repetition+1):
-        self.log("Repetition: %d/%d" %(i, repetition))
-        # Get the number of documents present before running the test.
-        waitFor0PendingActivities(self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_url, self.log)
-        previous_document_number = getCreatedDocumentNumberFromERP5(self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_url, self.log)
-        self.log("previous_document_number: %d" %previous_document_number)
-        # Generate commands to run
-        command_list = []
-        user_index = 0
-        for test_suite in test_suite_list:
-          command_list.append([tester_path,
-               self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_url,
-               str(user_number/len(test_suite_list)),
-               test_suite,
-               '--benchmark-path-list', benchmarks_path,
-               '--users-file-path', user_file_path,
-               '--users-file', user_file,
-               '--filename-prefix', "%s_%s_repetition%d" %(LOG_FILE_PREFIX, current_test.title, i),
-               '--report-directory', self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
-               '--repeat', "%s" %str(MAX_DOCUMENTS),
-               '--max-errors', str(1000000),
-               '--user-index', str(user_index),
-          ])
-          user_index += user_number/len(test_suite_list)
-        # Launch commands
-        tester_process_list = []
-        for command in command_list:
-          self.log("command: %s" %str(command))
-          tester_process_list.append(subprocess.Popen(command))
-        # Sleep
-        time.sleep(test_duration)
-        # Stop
-        for tester_process in tester_process_list:
-          tester_process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT)
-          self.log("End signal sent to the tester.")
-        # Count created documents
-        # Wait for 0 pending activities before counting
-        waitFor0PendingActivities(self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_url, self.log)
-        current_document_number = getCreatedDocumentNumberFromERP5(self.__argumentNamespace.erp5_url, self.log)
-        created_document_number = current_document_number - previous_document_number
-        self.log("previous_document_number: %d" %previous_document_number)
-        self.log("current_document_number: %d" %current_document_number)
-        self.log("created_document_number: %d" %created_document_number)
-        document_number.append(created_document_number)
-        # Move csv/logs
-        self.moveLogs(current_test.title)
-      self.log("Test Case %s is finish" %(current_test.title))
-      # Get the maximum as choice
-      maximum = 0
-      for i in range(0,len(document_number)):
-        if document_number[i] > maximum:
-          maximum = document_number[i]
-      # Send results to ERP5 master
-      retry_time = 2.0
-      proxy = taskdistribution.ServerProxy(
-                  self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite_master_url,
-                  allow_none=True
-              ).portal_task_distribution
-      test_result_line_test = taskdistribution.TestResultLineProxy(
-                                proxy, retry_time, self.log,
-                                current_test.relative_path,
-                                current_test.title
-                              )
-      results = "created docs=%d\n"\
-                "duration=%d\n"\
-                "number of tests=%d\n"\
-                "number of users=%d\n"\
-                "tests=%s\n"\
-                %(
-                  maximum,
-                  test_duration,
-                  len(test_suite_list),
-                  (user_number/len(test_suite_list))*len(test_suite_list),
-                  '_'.join(test_suite_list)
-                )
-      self.log("Results: %s" %results)
-      test_result_line_test.stop(stdout=results,
+    except Exception as e:
+      error_message = "ERROR while getting current running test: " + str(e)
+      self.log(error_message)
+      return error_message, 1
+    self.log("Test Case %s going to be run." %(current_test.title))
+    # Prepare configuration
+    current_test_number = int(current_test.title)
+    test_duration = suite.getTestDuration(current_test_number)
+    benchmarks_path = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.repo_location, suite.getTestPath())
+    user_file_full_path = os.path.join(self.__argumentNamespace.repo_location, suite.getUsersFilePath())
+    user_file_path = os.path.split(user_file_full_path)[0]
+    user_file = os.path.split(user_file_full_path)[1]
+    tester_path = self.__argumentNamespace.runner_path
+    user_quantity = suite.getUserQuantity(current_test_number)
+    repetition = suite.getTestRepetition(current_test_number)
+    instance_url = self.__argumentNamespace.instance_url
+    metric_url = self.__argumentNamespace.metric_url
+    # To take metrics
+    metric_thread_stop_event = threading.Event()
+    metric_thread = TestMetricThread(metric_url, self.log, metric_thread_stop_event, interval=TEST_METRIC_TIME_INTERVAL)
+    metric_thread.start()
+    bootstrap_password = self.__argumentNamespace.bootstrap_password
+    try:
+      self.updateUsersFile(user_quantity, bootstrap_password, user_file_full_path + ".py")
+    except Exception as e:
+      self.log("ERROR while updating file: " + str(e))
+    now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
+    log_dir = "test-%s_%s" % (current_test.title, now)
+    # the repetition of tests will be refactored soon
+    for i in range(1, repetition+1):
+      self.log("Repetition: %d/%d" %(i, repetition))
+      waitFor0PendingActivities(instance_url, self.log)
+      # Generate commands to run
+      command_list = []
+      user_index = 0
+      for test_suite in test_suite_list:
+        command_list.append([tester_path,
+                             instance_url,
+                             str(user_quantity/len(test_suite_list)),
+                             test_suite,
+                             '--benchmark-path-list', benchmarks_path,
+                             '--users-file-path', user_file_path,
+                             '--users-file', user_file,
+                             '--filename-prefix', "%s_%s_repetition%d_suite_%s" %(LOG_FILE_PREFIX, current_test.title, i, test_suite),
+                             '--report-directory', self.__argumentNamespace.log_path,
+                             '--repeat', "%d"%1,
+                             '--max-errors', str(MAX_ERRORS),
+                             '--user-index', str(user_index),
+                           ])
+        user_index += user_quantity/len(test_suite_list)
+      # Launch commands
+      for command in command_list:
+        test_thread = TestThread(process_manager, command, self.log)
+        test_thread.start()
+      # Sleep
+      self.log("Going to sleep for %s seconds (Test duration)." % str(test_duration))
+      time.sleep(test_duration)
+      waitFor0PendingActivities(instance_url, self.log)
+      self.moveLogs(log_dir, current_test)
+    self.log("Test Case %s has finished" %(current_test.title))
+    metric_thread_stop_event.set()
+    time.sleep(15) # wait thread to stop
+    metric_list = metric_thread.getMetricList()
+    test_output = suite.getScalabilityTestOutput(metric_list)
+    if not test_output:
+      self.log("metric list and test output empty. getting metric thread error message.")
+      test_output = metric_thread.getErrorMessage()
+    self.log("test_output: " + str(test_output))
+    # Send results to master
+    retry_time = 2.0
+    proxy = taskdistribution.ServerProxy(
+                self.__argumentNamespace.test_suite_master_url,
+                allow_none=True
+            ).portal_task_distribution
+    test_result_line_test = taskdistribution.TestResultLineProxy(
+                              proxy, retry_time, self.logger,
+                              current_test.relative_path,
+                              current_test.title
+                            )
+    test_details = "number of users=%d\n"\
+                    "number of repetitions=%d\n"\
+                    "number of tests=%d\n"\
+                    "tests=%s\n"\
+                    "duration=%d\n"\
+                    %(
+                      (user_quantity/len(test_suite_list))*len(test_suite_list),
+                      repetition,
+                      len(test_suite_list),
+                      '_'.join(test_suite_list),
+                      test_duration
+                    )
+    self.log("Test details: %s" % test_details)
+    self.log("Test output: %s" % test_output)
+    self.log("Stopping the test case...")
+    try:
+      test_result_line_test.stop(stdout=test_output,
+                      command=test_details,
-      self.log("Test Case Stopped")
+    except Exception as e:
+      self.log("ERROR stopping test line")
+      self.log(e)
+      raise e
+    self.log("Test Case Stopped")
+    self.clearUsersFile(user_file_full_path + ".py")
-    #
     error_message_set = None
     exit_status = 0
+    self.log("Scalability Launcher finished.")
     return error_message_set, exit_status
 def main():
   error_message_set, exit_status = ScalabilityLauncher().run()
-  for error_message in error_message_set:
-    print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % error_message