diff --git a/product/ERP5Form/MultiRelationField.py b/product/ERP5Form/MultiRelationField.py
index 0e0251fb590735b747d27b8b17eaee7eb76cccf4..1379bfd742794d35fb365c51d76b7c47c02208a3 100755
--- a/product/ERP5Form/MultiRelationField.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Form/MultiRelationField.py
@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ class MultiRelationStringFieldWidget(Widget.LinesTextAreaWidget, RelationField.R
           # no modification made, we can display only a lines text area widget
           html_string += Widget.LinesTextAreaWidget.render(self, field, key, value_list, REQUEST)
+          html_string += '&nbsp;<input type="image" src="%s/images/exec16.png" value="update..." name="%s/portal_selections/viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog%s:method">' \
+            %  (portal_url_string, portal_object.getPath(), field.aq_parent._v_relation_field_index)
           if value_list not in ((), [], None, ['']) and value_list == field.get_value('default'):
             if REQUEST.get('selection_name') is not None:
               html_string += '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="%s?field_id=%s&form_id=%s&selection_name=%s&selection_index=%s"><img src="%s/images/jump.png"></a>' \
@@ -334,6 +338,8 @@ class MultiRelationStringFieldValidator(Validator.LinesValidator,  RelationField
+        relation_field_id = 'relation_%s' % ( key )      
         # We must be able to erase the relation
         if value_list == ['']:
           display_text = 'Delete the relation'
@@ -341,8 +347,37 @@ class MultiRelationStringFieldValidator(Validator.LinesValidator,  RelationField
 #          return RelationEditor(key, base_category, portal_type, None, 
 #                                portal_type_item, catalog_index, value, relation_setter_id, display_text)
                                 # Will be interpreted by Base_edit as "delete relation" (with no uid and value = '')
+        if REQUEST.has_key( relation_field_id ):
+          # user click on the wheel: get the selection, and store the relation
+          if value_list == ['%']:
+            # we must know if user validate the form or click on the wheel button
+            relation_uid_list = REQUEST.get(relation_field_id, None)
+            if relation_uid_list != None:
+              relation_editor_list = []
+              for i in range( len(relation_uid_list) ):
+                relation_item_id = 'item_%s_%s' % ( key, i )      
+                relation_uid = relation_uid_list[i]
+                related_object = portal_catalog.getObject(relation_uid)
+                if related_object is not None:
+                  display_text = str(related_object.getProperty(catalog_index))
+                else:
+                  display_text = 'Object has been deleted'        
+                # Check 
+                REQUEST.set(relation_item_id, ( (display_text, relation_uid),  ))
+                relation_editor_list.append( (i, '%', str(relation_uid), display_text) )
+              return MultiRelationEditor(field.id, base_category, portal_type, portal_type_item, catalog_index, relation_setter_id, relation_editor_list)
+          else:
+            # value must be define to ['%'] to see all objects in listbox
+            raise
+          # User validate the form
           relation_editor_list = []
           raising_error_needed = 0
           raising_error_value = ''