[buildout] extensions = mr.developer allow-picked-versions = false develop = . extends = sources.cfg versions.cfg parts = test scripts zopepy alltests ztktests allpy sphinx checkversions wsgi sources-dir = develop auto-checkout = AccessControl [test] recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner initialization = import sys import warnings warnings.simplefilter('default') eggs = Zope2 [scripts] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = Zope2 [zopepy] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = Zope2 interpreter = zopepy scripts = zopepy [alltests] recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner eggs = AccessControl Acquisition DateTime DocumentTemplate ExtensionClass five.globalrequest Missing MultiMapping Persistence Products.OFSP Products.SiteErrorLog Products.ZCatalog Products.ZCTextIndex Record Zope2 # RestrictedPython has an optional dependency on DateTime, make sure to run its # tests with DateTime being available RestrictedPython initgroups tempstorage zExceptions zLOG ZopeUndo # these are still dependencies of CMF. Test them here, so we don't have to # define a CMF KGS Products.BTreeFolder2 Products.ExternalMethod Products.MailHost Products.PythonScripts Products.StandardCacheManagers [ztktests] recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner eggs = zope.annotation zope.browser zope.browsermenu zope.browserpage zope.browserresource zope.component zope.configuration zope.container zope.contentprovider zope.contenttype zope.deferredimport zope.dottedname zope.event zope.exceptions zope.filerepresentation zope.i18n zope.i18nmessageid zope.interface zope.lifecycleevent zope.location zope.pagetemplate zope.ptresource zope.proxy zope.processlifetime zope.publisher zope.sendmail zope.schema zope.security zope.sequencesort zope.site[test] zope.size zope.structuredtext zope.tal zope.tales zope.traversing zope.testbrowser[test] zope.testing zope.testrunner zope.viewlet [allpy] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = ${alltests:eggs} interpreter = allpy scripts = allpy [sphinx] recipe = collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder build = ${buildout:directory}/docs/_build source = ${buildout:directory}/docs outputs = html script-name = make-docs extra-paths = ${buildout:directory} [checkversions] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = z3c.checkversions [buildout] [wsgi] recipe = zc.recipe.egg interpreter = wsgipy eggs = Zope2 repoze.who repoze.tm2 repoze.retry Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript