############################################################################## # # Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 1.0 # ------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) Digital Creations. All rights reserved. # # This license has been certified as Open Source(tm). # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions in source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # 3. Digital Creations requests that attribution be given to Zope # in any manner possible. Zope includes a "Powered by Zope" # button that is installed by default. While it is not a license # violation to remove this button, it is requested that the # attribution remain. A significant investment has been put # into Zope, and this effort will continue if the Zope community # continues to grow. This is one way to assure that growth. # # 4. All advertising materials and documentation mentioning # features derived from or use of this software must display # the following acknowledgement: # # "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations # for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment # (http://www.zope.org/)." # # In the event that the product being advertised includes an # intact Zope distribution (with copyright and license included) # then this clause is waived. # # 5. Names associated with Zope or Digital Creations must not be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without # prior written permission from Digital Creations. # # 6. Modified redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain # the following acknowledgment: # # "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations # for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment # (http://www.zope.org/)." # # Intact (re-)distributions of any official Zope release do not # require an external acknowledgement. # # 7. Modifications are encouraged but must be packaged separately as # patches to official Zope releases. Distributions that do not # clearly separate the patches from the original work must be clearly # labeled as unofficial distributions. Modifications which do not # carry the name Zope may be packaged in any form, as long as they # conform to all of the clauses above. # # # Disclaimer # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DIGITAL CREATIONS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL CREATIONS OR ITS # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # # This software consists of contributions made by Digital Creations and # many individuals on behalf of Digital Creations. Specific # attributions are listed in the accompanying credits file. # ############################################################################## __doc__='''Standard routines for handling extensions. Extensions currently include external methods and pluggable brains. $Id: Extensions.py,v 1.15 2001/04/03 14:42:30 brian Exp $''' __version__='$Revision: 1.15 $'[11:-2] from string import find, split import os, zlib, rotor, imp import Products path_split=os.path.split path_join=os.path.join exists=os.path.exists class FuncCode: def __init__(self, f, im=0): self.co_varnames=f.func_code.co_varnames[im:] self.co_argcount=f.func_code.co_argcount-im def __cmp__(self,other): if other is None: return 1 try: return cmp((self.co_argcount, self.co_varnames), (other.co_argcount, other.co_varnames)) except: return 1 def _getPath(home, prefix, name, suffixes): d=path_join(home, prefix) if d==prefix: raise ValueError, ( 'The prefix, %s, should be a relative path' % prefix) d=path_join(d,name) if d==name: raise ValueError, ( # Paranoia 'The file name, %s, should be a simple file name' % name) for s in suffixes: if s: s="%s.%s" % (d, s) else: s=d if exists(s): return s def getPath(prefix, name, checkProduct=1, suffixes=('',)): """Find a file in one of several relative locations Arguments: prefix -- The location, relative to some home, to look for the file name -- The name of the file. This must not be a path. checkProduct -- a flag indicating whether product directories should be used as additional hope ares to be searched. This defaults to a true value. If this is true and the name contains a dot, then the text before the dot is treated as a product name and the product package directory is used as anothe rhome. suffixes -- a sequences of file suffixes to check. By default, the name is used without a suffix. The search takes on multiple homes which are INSTANCE_HOME, the directory containing the directory containing SOFTWARE_HOME, and possibly product areas. """ d,n = path_split(name) if d: raise ValueError, ( 'The file name, %s, should be a simple file name' % name) if checkProduct: l = find(name, '.') if l > 0: p = name[:l] n = name[l + 1:] for product_dir in Products.__path__: r = _getPath(product_dir, os.path.join(p, prefix), n, suffixes) if r is not None: return r sw=path_split(path_split(SOFTWARE_HOME)[0])[0] for home in (INSTANCE_HOME, sw): r=_getPath(home, prefix, name, suffixes) if r is not None: return r def getObject(module, name, reload=0, # The use of a mutable default is intentional here, # because modules is a module cache. modules={} ): # The use of modules here is not thread safe, however, there is # no real harm in a rece condition here. If two threads # update the cache, then one will have simply worked a little # harder than need be. So, in this case, we won't incur # the expense of a lock. if modules.has_key(module): old=modules[module] if old.has_key(name) and not reload: return old[name] else: old=None if module[-3:]=='.py': p=module[:-3] elif module[-4:]=='.pyp': p=module[:-4] elif module[-4:]=='.pyc': p=module[:-4] else: p=module p=getPath('Extensions', p, suffixes=('','py','pyp','pyc')) if p is None: raise "Module Error", ( "The specified module, %s, couldn't be found." % module) __traceback_info__=p, module if p[-4:]=='.pyc': file = open(p, 'rb') binmod=imp.load_compiled('Extension', p, file) file.close() m=binmod.__dict__ elif p[-4:]=='.pyp': prod_id=split(module, '.')[0] data=zlib.decompress( rotor.newrotor(prod_id +' shshsh').decrypt(open(p,'rb').read()) ) execsrc=compile(data, module, 'exec') m={} exec execsrc in m else: try: execsrc=open(p) except: raise "Module Error", ( "The specified module, %s, couldn't be opened." % module) m={} exec execsrc in m try: r=m[name] except KeyError: raise 'Invalid Object Name', ( "The specified object, %s, was not found in module, " "%s." % (name, module)) if old: for k, v in m.items(): old[k]=v else: modules[module]=m return r class NoBrains: pass def getBrain(module, class_name, reload=0): 'Check/load a class' if not module and not class_name: return NoBrains try: c=getObject(module, class_name, reload) except KeyError, v: if v == class_name: raise ValueError, ( 'The class, %s, is not defined in file, %s' % (class_name, module)) if not hasattr(c,'__bases__'): raise ValueError, ( '%s, is not a class' % class_name) return c