#! /usr/local/bin/python # -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4 -*- # # Author: Sam Rushing <rushing@nightmare.com> # Copyright 1996-2000 by Sam Rushing # All Rights Reserved. # RCS_ID = '$Id: http_server.py,v 1.33 2002/06/20 14:39:34 zigg Exp $' # python modules import os import re import socket import stat import string import sys import time import base64 # async modules import asyncore import asynchat # medusa modules import http_date import producers import status_handler import logger if RCS_ID.startswith('$Id: '): VERSION_STRING = string.split(RCS_ID)[2] else: VERSION_STRING = '0.0' from counter import counter from urllib import unquote # =========================================================================== # Request Object # =========================================================================== class http_request: # default reply code reply_code = 200 request_counter = counter() # Whether to automatically use chunked encoding when # # HTTP version is 1.1 # Content-Length is not set # Chunked encoding is not already in effect # # If your clients are having trouble, you might want to disable this. use_chunked = 1 # by default, this request object ignores user data. collector = None def __init__ (self, *args): # unpack information about the request (self.channel, self.request, self.command, self.uri, self.version, self.header) = args self.outgoing = fifo() self.reply_headers = { 'Server' : 'Medusa/%s' % VERSION_STRING, 'Date' : http_date.build_http_date (time.time()) } self.request_number = http_request.request_counter.increment() self._split_uri = None self._header_cache = {} # -------------------------------------------------- # reply header management # -------------------------------------------------- def __setitem__ (self, key, value): self.reply_headers[key] = value def __getitem__ (self, key): return self.reply_headers[key] def has_key (self, key): return self.reply_headers.has_key (key) def build_reply_header (self): return string.join ( [self.response(self.reply_code)] + map ( lambda x: '%s: %s' % x, self.reply_headers.items() ), '\r\n' ) + '\r\n\r\n' # -------------------------------------------------- # split a uri # -------------------------------------------------- # <path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment> path_regex = re.compile ( # path params query fragment r'([^;?#]*)(;[^?#]*)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?' ) def split_uri (self): if self._split_uri is None: m = self.path_regex.match (self.uri) if m.end() != len(self.uri): raise ValueError, "Broken URI" else: self._split_uri = m.groups() return self._split_uri def get_header_with_regex (self, head_reg, group): for line in self.header: m = head_reg.match (line) if m.end() == len(line): return head_reg.group (group) return '' def get_header (self, header): header = string.lower (header) hc = self._header_cache if not hc.has_key (header): h = header + ': ' hl = len(h) for line in self.header: if string.lower (line[:hl]) == h: r = line[hl:] hc[header] = r return r hc[header] = None return None else: return hc[header] # -------------------------------------------------- # user data # -------------------------------------------------- def collect_incoming_data (self, data): if self.collector: self.collector.collect_incoming_data (data) else: self.log_info( 'Dropping %d bytes of incoming request data' % len(data), 'warning' ) def found_terminator (self): if self.collector: self.collector.found_terminator() else: self.log_info ( 'Unexpected end-of-record for incoming request', 'warning' ) def push (self, thing): if type(thing) == type(''): self.outgoing.push (producers.simple_producer (thing)) else: self.outgoing.push (thing) def response (self, code=200): message = self.responses[code] self.reply_code = code return 'HTTP/%s %d %s' % (self.version or '1.0', code, message) def error (self, code): self.reply_code = code message = self.responses[code] s = self.DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE % { 'code': code, 'message': message, } self['Content-Length'] = len(s) self['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' # make an error reply self.push (s) self.done() # can also be used for empty replies reply_now = error def done (self): "finalize this transaction - send output to the http channel" # ---------------------------------------- # persistent connection management # ---------------------------------------- # --- BUCKLE UP! ---- connection = string.lower (get_header (CONNECTION, self.header)) close_it = 0 wrap_in_chunking = 0 if self.version == '1.0': if connection == 'keep-alive': if not self.has_key ('Content-Length'): close_it = 1 else: self['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' else: close_it = 1 elif self.version == '1.1': if connection == 'close': close_it = 1 elif not self.has_key ('Content-Length'): if self.has_key ('Transfer-Encoding'): if not self['Transfer-Encoding'] == 'chunked': close_it = 1 elif self.use_chunked: self['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' wrap_in_chunking = 1 else: close_it = 1 elif self.version is None: # Although we don't *really* support http/0.9 (because we'd have to # use \r\n as a terminator, and it would just yuck up a lot of stuff) # it's very common for developers to not want to type a version number # when using telnet to debug a server. close_it = 1 outgoing_header = producers.simple_producer (self.build_reply_header()) if close_it: self['Connection'] = 'close' if wrap_in_chunking: outgoing_producer = producers.chunked_producer ( producers.composite_producer (self.outgoing) ) # prepend the header outgoing_producer = producers.composite_producer ( fifo([outgoing_header, outgoing_producer]) ) else: # prepend the header self.outgoing.push_front (outgoing_header) outgoing_producer = producers.composite_producer (self.outgoing) # apply a few final transformations to the output self.channel.push_with_producer ( # globbing gives us large packets producers.globbing_producer ( # hooking lets us log the number of bytes sent producers.hooked_producer ( outgoing_producer, self.log ) ) ) self.channel.current_request = None if close_it: self.channel.close_when_done() def log_date_string (self, when): logtime=time.localtime(when) return time.strftime('%d/', logtime) + \ http_date.monthname[logtime[1]] + \ time.strftime('/%Y:%H:%M:%S ', logtime) + \ tz_for_log def log (self, bytes): user_agent=self.get_header('user-agent') if not user_agent: user_agent='' referer=self.get_header('referer') if not referer: referer='' auth=self.get_header('Authorization') name='Anonymous' if auth is not None: if string.lower(auth[:6]) == 'basic ': try: decoded=base64.decodestring(auth[6:]) except base64.binascii.Error: decoded='' t = string.split(decoded, ':', 1) if len(t) < 2: name = 'Unknown (bad auth string)' else: name = t[0] self.channel.server.logger.log ( self.channel.addr[0], ' - %s [%s] "%s" %d %d "%s" "%s"\n' % ( name, self.log_date_string (time.time()), self.request, self.reply_code, bytes, referer, user_agent ) ) responses = { 100: "Continue", 101: "Switching Protocols", 200: "OK", 201: "Created", 202: "Accepted", 203: "Non-Authoritative Information", 204: "No Content", 205: "Reset Content", 206: "Partial Content", 300: "Multiple Choices", 301: "Moved Permanently", 302: "Moved Temporarily", 303: "See Other", 304: "Not Modified", 305: "Use Proxy", 400: "Bad Request", 401: "Unauthorized", 402: "Payment Required", 403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not Found", 405: "Method Not Allowed", 406: "Not Acceptable", 407: "Proxy Authentication Required", 408: "Request Time-out", 409: "Conflict", 410: "Gone", 411: "Length Required", 412: "Precondition Failed", 413: "Request Entity Too Large", 414: "Request-URI Too Large", 415: "Unsupported Media Type", 500: "Internal Server Error", 501: "Not Implemented", 502: "Bad Gateway", 503: "Service Unavailable", 504: "Gateway Time-out", 505: "HTTP Version not supported" } # Default error message DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE = string.join ( ['<head>', '<title>Error response</title>', '</head>', '<body>', '<h1>Error response</h1>', '<p>Error code %(code)d.', '<p>Message: %(message)s.', '</body>', '' ], '\r\n' ) # =========================================================================== # HTTP Channel Object # =========================================================================== class http_channel (asynchat.async_chat): # use a larger default output buffer ac_out_buffer_size = 1<<16 current_request = None channel_counter = counter() def __init__ (self, server, conn, addr): self.channel_number = http_channel.channel_counter.increment() self.request_counter = counter() asynchat.async_chat.__init__ (self, conn) self.server = server self.addr = addr self.set_terminator ('\r\n\r\n') self.in_buffer = '' self.creation_time = int (time.time()) self.check_maintenance() def __repr__ (self): ar = asynchat.async_chat.__repr__(self)[1:-1] return '<%s channel#: %s requests:%s>' % ( ar, self.channel_number, self.request_counter ) # Channel Counter, Maintenance Interval... maintenance_interval = 500 def check_maintenance (self): if not self.channel_number % self.maintenance_interval: self.maintenance() def maintenance (self): self.kill_zombies() # 30-minute zombie timeout. status_handler also knows how to kill zombies. zombie_timeout = 30 * 60 def kill_zombies (self): now = int (time.time()) for channel in asyncore.socket_map.values(): if channel.__class__ == self.__class__: if (now - channel.creation_time) > channel.zombie_timeout: channel.close() # -------------------------------------------------- # send/recv overrides, good place for instrumentation. # -------------------------------------------------- # this information needs to get into the request object, # so that it may log correctly. def send (self, data): result = asynchat.async_chat.send (self, data) self.server.bytes_out.increment (len(data)) return result def recv (self, buffer_size): try: result = asynchat.async_chat.recv (self, buffer_size) self.server.bytes_in.increment (len(result)) return result except MemoryError: # --- Save a Trip to Your Service Provider --- # It's possible for a process to eat up all the memory of # the machine, and put it in an extremely wedged state, # where medusa keeps running and can't be shut down. This # is where MemoryError tends to get thrown, though of # course it could get thrown elsewhere. sys.exit ("Out of Memory!") def handle_error (self): t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2] if t is SystemExit: raise t, v else: asynchat.async_chat.handle_error (self) def log (self, *args): pass # -------------------------------------------------- # async_chat methods # -------------------------------------------------- def collect_incoming_data (self, data): if self.current_request: # we are receiving data (probably POST data) for a request self.current_request.collect_incoming_data (data) else: # we are receiving header (request) data self.in_buffer = self.in_buffer + data def found_terminator (self): if self.current_request: self.current_request.found_terminator() else: header = self.in_buffer self.in_buffer = '' lines = string.split (header, '\r\n') # -------------------------------------------------- # crack the request header # -------------------------------------------------- while lines and not lines[0]: # as per the suggestion of http-1.1 section 4.1, (and # Eric Parker <eparker@zyvex.com>), ignore a leading # blank lines (buggy browsers tack it onto the end of # POST requests) lines = lines[1:] if not lines: self.close_when_done() return request = lines[0] command, uri, version = crack_request (request) # unquote path if necessary (thanks to Skip Montaro for pointing # out that we must unquote in piecemeal fashion). # ajung: we unquote() the request *after* calling crack_request because # this function breaks when it gets an unquoted request if '%' in request: request = unquote (request) header = join_headers (lines[1:]) r = http_request (self, request, command, uri, version, header) self.request_counter.increment() self.server.total_requests.increment() if command is None: self.log_info ('Bad HTTP request: %s' % repr(request), 'error') r.error (400) return # -------------------------------------------------- # handler selection and dispatch # -------------------------------------------------- for h in self.server.handlers: if h.match (r): try: self.current_request = r # This isn't used anywhere. # r.handler = h # CYCLE h.handle_request (r) except: self.server.exceptions.increment() (file, fun, line), t, v, tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback() self.log_info( 'Server Error: %s, %s: file: %s line: %s' % (t,v,file,line), 'error') try: r.error (500) except: pass return # no handlers, so complain r.error (404) def writable (self): # this is just the normal async_chat 'writable', here for comparison return self.ac_out_buffer or len(self.producer_fifo) def writable_for_proxy (self): # this version of writable supports the idea of a 'stalled' producer # [i.e., it's not ready to produce any output yet] This is needed by # the proxy, which will be waiting for the magic combination of # 1) hostname resolved # 2) connection made # 3) data available. if self.ac_out_buffer: return 1 elif len(self.producer_fifo): p = self.producer_fifo.first() if hasattr (p, 'stalled'): return not p.stalled() else: return 1 # =========================================================================== # HTTP Server Object # =========================================================================== class http_server (asyncore.dispatcher): SERVER_IDENT = 'HTTP Server (V%s)' % VERSION_STRING channel_class = http_channel def __init__ (self, ip, port, resolver=None, logger_object=None): self.ip = ip self.port = port asyncore.dispatcher.__init__ (self) self.create_socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.handlers = [] if not logger_object: logger_object = logger.file_logger (sys.stdout) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind ((ip, port)) # lower this to 5 if your OS complains self.listen (1024) host, port = self.socket.getsockname() if not ip: self.log_info('Computing default hostname', 'warning') try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.error: ip = socket.gethostbyname('localhost') try: self.server_name = socket.gethostbyaddr (ip)[0] except socket.error: self.log_info('Cannot do reverse lookup', 'warning') self.server_name = ip # use the IP address as the "hostname" self.server_port = port self.total_clients = counter() self.total_requests = counter() self.exceptions = counter() self.bytes_out = counter() self.bytes_in = counter() if not logger_object: logger_object = logger.file_logger (sys.stdout) if resolver: self.logger = logger.resolving_logger (resolver, logger_object) else: self.logger = logger.unresolving_logger (logger_object) self.log_info ( 'Medusa (V%s) started at %s' '\n\tHostname: %s' '\n\tPort:%d' '\n' % ( VERSION_STRING, time.ctime(time.time()), self.server_name, port, ) ) def writable (self): return 0 def handle_read (self): pass def readable (self): return self.accepting def handle_connect (self): pass def handle_accept (self): self.total_clients.increment() try: tup = self.accept() except socket.error: # linux: on rare occasions we get a bogus socket back from # accept. socketmodule.c:makesockaddr complains that the # address family is unknown. We don't want the whole server # to shut down because of this. self.log_info ('warning: server accept() threw an exception', 'warning') self.total_clients.decrement() return try: conn, addr = tup except TypeError: # unpack non-sequence. this can happen when a read event # fires on a listening socket, but when we call accept() # we get EWOULDBLOCK, so dispatcher.accept() returns None. # Seen on FreeBSD3 and Linux. #self.log_info ('warning: server accept() returned %s ' # '(EWOULDBLOCK?)' % tup, 'warning') self.total_clients.decrement() return self.channel_class (self, conn, addr) def install_handler (self, handler, back=0): if back: self.handlers.append (handler) else: self.handlers.insert (0, handler) def remove_handler (self, handler): self.handlers.remove (handler) def status (self): def nice_bytes (n): return string.join (status_handler.english_bytes (n)) handler_stats = filter (None, map (maybe_status, self.handlers)) if self.total_clients: ratio = self.total_requests.as_long() / float(self.total_clients.as_long()) else: ratio = 0.0 return producers.composite_producer ( fifo ([producers.lines_producer ( ['<h2>%s</h2>' % self.SERVER_IDENT, '<br>Listening on: <b>Host:</b> %s' % self.server_name, '<b>Port:</b> %d' % self.port, '<p><ul>' '<li>Total <b>Clients:</b> %s' % self.total_clients, '<b>Requests:</b> %s' % self.total_requests, '<b>Requests/Client:</b> %.1f' % (ratio), '<li>Total <b>Bytes In:</b> %s' % (nice_bytes (self.bytes_in.as_long())), '<b>Bytes Out:</b> %s' % (nice_bytes (self.bytes_out.as_long())), '<li>Total <b>Exceptions:</b> %s' % self.exceptions, '</ul><p>' '<b>Extension List</b><ul>', ])] + handler_stats + [producers.simple_producer('</ul>')] ) ) def maybe_status (thing): if hasattr (thing, 'status'): return thing.status() else: return None CONNECTION = re.compile ('Connection: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) # merge multi-line headers # [486dx2: ~500/sec] def join_headers (headers): r = [] for i in range(len(headers)): if headers[i][0] in ' \t': r[-1] = r[-1] + headers[i][1:] else: r.append (headers[i]) return r def get_header (head_reg, lines, group=1): for line in lines: m = head_reg.match (line) if m and m.end() == len(line): return m.group (group) return '' def get_header_match (head_reg, lines): for line in lines: m = head_reg.match (line) if m and m.end() == len(line): return m return '' REQUEST = re.compile ('([^ ]+) (?:[^ :?#]+://[^ ?#/]*)?([^ ]+)(( HTTP/([0-9.]+))$|$)') def crack_request (r): m = REQUEST.match (r) if m is not None and m.end() == len(r): if m.group(3): version = m.group(5) else: version = None return string.lower (m.group(1)), m.group(2), version else: return None, None, None class fifo: def __init__ (self, list=None): if not list: self.list = [] else: self.list = list def __len__ (self): return len(self.list) def first (self): return self.list[0] def push_front (self, object): self.list.insert (0, object) def push (self, data): self.list.append (data) def pop (self): if self.list: result = self.list[0] del self.list[0] return (1, result) else: return (0, None) def compute_timezone_for_log (): if time.daylight: tz = time.altzone else: tz = time.timezone if tz > 0: neg = 1 else: neg = 0 tz = -tz h, rem = divmod (tz, 3600) m, rem = divmod (rem, 60) if neg: return '-%02d%02d' % (h, m) else: return '+%02d%02d' % (h, m) # if you run this program over a TZ change boundary, this will be invalid. tz_for_log = compute_timezone_for_log() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'usage: %s <root> <port>' % (sys.argv[0]) else: import monitor import filesys import default_handler import status_handler import ftp_server import chat_server import resolver import logger rs = resolver.caching_resolver ('') lg = logger.file_logger (sys.stdout) ms = monitor.secure_monitor_server ('fnord', '', 9999) fs = filesys.os_filesystem (sys.argv[1]) dh = default_handler.default_handler (fs) hs = http_server ('', string.atoi (sys.argv[2]), rs, lg) hs.install_handler (dh) ftp = ftp_server.ftp_server ( ftp_server.dummy_authorizer(sys.argv[1]), port=8021, resolver=rs, logger_object=lg ) cs = chat_server.chat_server ('', 7777) sh = status_handler.status_extension([hs,ms,ftp,cs,rs]) hs.install_handler (sh) if ('-p' in sys.argv): def profile_loop (): try: asyncore.loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass import profile profile.run ('profile_loop()', 'profile.out') else: asyncore.loop()