#!/bin/sh """:" exec python $0 ${1+"$@"} """ #" ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ############################################################################## """Bobo call interface This module provides tools for accessing web objects as if they were functions or objects with methods. It also provides a simple call function that allows one to simply make a single web request. Function -- Function-like objects that return both header and body data when called. Object -- Treat a URL as a web object with methods call -- Simple interface to call a remote function. The module also provides a command-line interface for calling objects. """ __version__='$Revision: 1.46 $'[11:-2] import sys, re, socket, mimetools from httplib import HTTP from os import getpid from time import time from random import random from base64 import encodestring from urllib import urlopen, quote from types import FileType, ListType, DictType, TupleType from string import translate, maketrans from urlparse import urlparse class BadReply(Exception): pass class Function: username=None password=None method=None timeout=60 def __init__(self,url, arguments=(),method=None,username=None,password=None, timeout=None, **headers): while url[-1:]=='/': url=url[:-1] self.url=url self.headers=headers if not headers.has_key('Host') and not headers.has_key('host'): headers['Host']=urlparse(url)[1] self.func_name=url[url.rfind('/')+1:] self.__dict__['__name__']=self.func_name self.func_defaults=() self.args=arguments if method is not None: self.method=method if username is not None: self.username=username if password is not None: self.password=password if timeout is not None: self.timeout=timeout mo = urlregex.match(url) if mo is not None: host,port,rurl=mo.group(1,2,3) if port: port=int(port[1:]) else: port=80 self.host=host self.port=port rurl=rurl or '/' self.rurl=rurl else: raise ValueError, url def __call__(self,*args,**kw): method=self.method if method=='PUT' and len(args)==1 and not kw: query=[args[0]] args=() else: query=[] for i in range(len(args)): try: k=self.args[i] if kw.has_key(k): raise TypeError, 'Keyword arg redefined' kw[k]=args[i] except IndexError: raise TypeError, 'Too many arguments' headers={} for k, v in self.headers.items(): headers[translate(k,dashtrans)]=v method=self.method if headers.has_key('Content-Type'): content_type=headers['Content-Type'] if content_type=='multipart/form-data': return self._mp_call(kw) else: content_type=None if not method or method=='POST': for v in kw.values(): if hasattr(v,'read'): return self._mp_call(kw) can_marshal=type2marshal.has_key for k,v in kw.items(): t=type(v) if can_marshal(t): q=type2marshal[t](k,v) else: q='%s=%s' % (k,quote(v)) query.append(q) url=self.rurl if query: query='&'.join(query) method=method or 'POST' if method == 'PUT': headers['Content-Length']=str(len(query)) if method != 'POST': url="%s?%s" % (url,query) query='' elif not content_type: headers['Content-Type']='application/x-www-form-urlencoded' headers['Content-Length']=str(len(query)) else: method=method or 'GET' if (self.username and self.password and not headers.has_key('Authorization')): headers['Authorization']=( "Basic %s" % encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.username,self.password)).replace( '\012','') ) try: h=HTTP(self.host, self.port) h.putrequest(method, self.rurl) for hn,hv in headers.items(): h.putheader(translate(hn,dashtrans),hv) h.endheaders() if query: h.send(query) ec,em,headers=h.getreply() response =h.getfile().read() except: raise NotAvailable, RemoteException( NotAvailable,sys.exc_info()[1],self.url,query) if (ec - (ec % 100)) == 200: return (headers,response) self.handleError(query, ec, em, headers, response) def handleError(self, query, ec, em, headers, response): try: v=headers.dict['bobo-exception-value'] except: v=ec try: f=headers.dict['bobo-exception-file'] except: f='Unknown' try: l=headers.dict['bobo-exception-line'] except: l='Unknown' try: t=exceptmap[headers.dict['bobo-exception-type']] except: if ec >= 400 and ec < 500: t=NotFound elif ec == 503: t=NotAvailable else: t=ServerError raise t, RemoteException(t,v,f,l,self.url,query,ec,em,response) def _mp_call(self,kw, type2suffix={ type(1.0): ':float', type(1): ':int', type(1L): ':long', type([]): ':list', type(()): ':tuple', } ): # Call a function using the file-upload protcol # Add type markers to special values: d={} special_type=type2suffix.has_key for k,v in kw.items(): if ':' not in k: t=type(v) if special_type(t): d['%s%s' % (k,type2suffix[t])]=v else: d[k]=v else: d[k]=v rq=[('POST %s HTTP/1.0' % self.rurl),] for n,v in self.headers.items(): rq.append('%s: %s' % (n,v)) if self.username and self.password: c=encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.username,self.password)).replace('\012','') rq.append('Authorization: Basic %s' % c) rq.append(MultiPart(d).render()) rq='\r\n'.join(rq) try: sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((self.host,self.port)) sock.send(rq) reply=sock.makefile('rb') sock=None line=reply.readline() try: [ver, ec, em] = line.split(None, 2) except ValueError: raise BadReply,'Bad reply from server: '+line if ver[:5] != 'HTTP/': raise BadReply,'Bad reply from server: '+line ec=int(ec) em=em.strip() headers=mimetools.Message(reply,0) response=reply.read() finally: if 0: raise NotAvailable, ( RemoteException(NotAvailable,sys.exc_info()[1], self.url,'<MultiPart Form>')) if ec==200: return (headers,response) self.handleError('', ec, em, headers, response) class Object: """Surrogate object for an object on the web""" username=None password=None method=None timeout=None special_methods= 'GET','POST','PUT' def __init__(self, url, method=None,username=None,password=None, timeout=None, **headers): self.url=url self.headers=headers if not headers.has_key('Host') and not headers.has_key('host'): headers['Host']=urlparse(url)[1] if method is not None: self.method=method if username is not None: self.username=username if password is not None: self.password=password if timeout is not None: self.timeout=timeout def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.special_methods: method=name url=self.url else: method=self.method url="%s/%s" % (self.url, name) f=Function(url, method=method, username=self.username, password=self.password, timeout=self.timeout) f.headers=self.headers return f def call(url,username=None, password=None, **kw): return apply(Function(url,username=username, password=password), (), kw) ############################################################################## # Implementation details below here urlregex=re.compile(r'http://([^:/]+)(:[0-9]+)?(/.+)?', re.I) dashtrans=maketrans('_','-') def marshal_float(n,f): return '%s:float=%s' % (n,f) def marshal_int(n,f): return '%s:int=%s' % (n,f) def marshal_long(n,f): value = '%s:long=%s' % (n, f) if value[-1] == 'L': value = value[:-1] return value def marshal_list(n,l,tname='list', lt=type([]), tt=type(())): r=[] for v in l: t=type(v) if t is lt or t is tt: raise TypeError, 'Invalid recursion in data to be marshaled.' r.append(marshal_whatever("%s:%s" % (n,tname) ,v)) return '&'.join(r) def marshal_tuple(n,l): return marshal_list(n,l,'tuple') type2marshal={ type(1.0): marshal_float, type(1): marshal_int, type(1L): marshal_long, type([]): marshal_list, type(()): marshal_tuple, } def marshal_whatever(k,v): try: q=type2marshal[type(v)](k,v) except KeyError: q='%s=%s' % (k,quote(str(v))) return q def querify(items): query=[] for k,v in items: query.append(marshal_whatever(k,v)) return query and '&'.join(query) or '' NotFound ='bci.NotFound' InternalError='bci.InternalError' BadRequest ='bci.BadRequest' Unauthorized ='bci.Unauthorized' ServerError ='bci.ServerError' NotAvailable ='bci.NotAvailable' exceptmap ={'AttributeError' :AttributeError, 'BadRequest' :BadRequest, 'EOFError' :EOFError, 'IOError' :IOError, 'ImportError' :ImportError, 'IndexError' :IndexError, 'InternalError' :InternalError, 'KeyError' :KeyError, 'MemoryError' :MemoryError, 'NameError' :NameError, 'NotAvailable' :NotAvailable, 'NotFound' :NotFound, 'OverflowError' :OverflowError, 'RuntimeError' :RuntimeError, 'ServerError' :ServerError, 'SyntaxError' :SyntaxError, 'SystemError' :SystemError, 'SystemExit' :SystemExit, 'TypeError' :TypeError, 'Unauthorized' :Unauthorized, 'ValueError' :ValueError, 'ZeroDivisionError':ZeroDivisionError} class RemoteException: def __init__(self,etype=None,evalue=None,efile=None,eline=None,url=None, query=None,http_code=None,http_msg=None, http_resp=None): """Contains information about an exception which occurs in a remote method call""" self.exc_type =etype self.exc_value =evalue self.exc_file =efile self.exc_line =eline self.url =url self.query =query self.http_code =http_code self.http_message=http_msg self.response =http_resp def __repr__(self): return '%s (File: %s Line: %s)\n%s %s for %s' % ( self.exc_value,self.exc_file,self.exc_line, self.http_code,self.http_message,self.url) class MultiPart: def __init__(self,*args): c=len(args) if c==1: name,val=None,args[0] elif c==2: name,val=args[0],args[1] else: raise ValueError, 'Invalid arguments' h={'Content-Type': {'_v':''}, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': {'_v':''}, 'Content-Disposition': {'_v':''},} dt=type(val) b=t=None if dt==DictType: t=1 b=self.boundary() d=[] h['Content-Type']['_v']='multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % b for n,v in val.items(): d.append(MultiPart(n,v)) elif (dt==ListType) or (dt==TupleType): raise ValueError, 'Sorry, nested multipart is not done yet!' elif dt==FileType or hasattr(val,'read'): if hasattr(val,'name'): fn=val.name.replace( '\\', '/') fn=fn[(fn.rfind('/')+1):] ex=(fn[(fn.rfind('.')+1):]).lower() if self._extmap.has_key(ex): ct=self._extmap[ex] else: ct=self._extmap[''] else: fn='' ct=self._extmap[None] if self._encmap.has_key(ct): ce=self._encmap[ct] else: ce='' h['Content-Disposition']['_v'] ='form-data' h['Content-Disposition']['name'] ='"%s"' % name h['Content-Disposition']['filename']='"%s"' % fn h['Content-Transfer-Encoding']['_v']=ce h['Content-Type']['_v'] =ct d=[] l=val.read(8192) while l: d.append(l) l=val.read(8192) else: h['Content-Disposition']['_v']='form-data' h['Content-Disposition']['name']='"%s"' % name d=[str(val)] self._headers =h self._data =d self._boundary=b self._top =t def boundary(self): return '%s_%s_%s' % (int(time()), getpid(), int(random()*1000000000)) def render(self): h=self._headers s=[] if self._top: for n,v in h.items(): if v['_v']: s.append('%s: %s' % (n,v['_v'])) for k in v.keys(): if k != '_v': s.append('; %s=%s' % (k, v[k])) s.append('\r\n') p=[] t=[] b=self._boundary for d in self._data: p.append(d.render()) t.append('--%s\n' % b) t.append(('\n--%s\n' % b).join(p)) t.append('\n--%s--\n' % b) t=''.join(t) s.append('Content-Length: %s\r\n\r\n' % len(t)) s.append(t) return ''.join(s) else: for n,v in h.items(): if v['_v']: s.append('%s: %s' % (n,v['_v'])) for k in v.keys(): if k != '_v': s.append('; %s=%s' % (k, v[k])) s.append('\r\n') s.append('\r\n') if self._boundary: p=[] b=self._boundary for d in self._data: p.append(d.render()) s.append('--%s\n' % b) s.append(('\n--%s\n' % b).join(p)) s.append('\n--%s--\n' % b) return ''.join(s) else: return ''.join(s+self._data) _extmap={'': 'text/plain', 'rdb': 'text/plain', 'html': 'text/html', 'dtml': 'text/html', 'htm': 'text/html', 'dtm': 'text/html', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'jpg': 'image/jpeg', 'exe': 'application/octet-stream', None : 'application/octet-stream', } _encmap={'image/gif': 'binary', 'image/jpg': 'binary', 'application/octet-stream': 'binary', } def ErrorTypes(code): if code >= 400 and code < 500: return NotFound if code >= 500 and code < 600: return ServerError return 'HTTP_Error_%s' % code usage=""" Usage: %s [-u username:password] url [name=value ...] where url is the web resource to call. The -u option may be used to provide a user name and password. Optional arguments may be provides as name=value pairs. In a name value pair, if a name ends in ":file", then the value is treated as a file name and the file is send using the file-upload protocol. If the file name is "-", then data are taken from standard input. The body of the response is written to standard output. The headers of the response are written to standard error. """ % sys.argv[0] def main(): import getopt user=None try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'u:') url=args[0] u =filter(lambda o: o[0]=='-u', optlist) if u: [user, pw] = u[0][1].split(':') kw={} for arg in args[1:]: [name,v]=arg.split('=') if name[-5:]==':file': name=name[:-5] if v=='-': v=sys.stdin else: v=open(v, 'rb') kw[name]=v except: print usage sys.exit(1) # The "main" program for this module f=Function(url) if user: f.username, f.password = user, pw headers, body = apply(f,(),kw) sys.stderr.write(''.join(map(lambda h: "%s: %s\n" % h, headers.items())) +"\n\n") print body if __name__ == "__main__": main()