Zope Changes

  This file contains change information for the current Zope release.
  Change information for previous versions of Zope can be found in the
  file HISTORY.txt.

  Zope 2.10.10 (2009/12/22)

    Features added

      - Testing/custom_zodb.py: added support use a different storage other
        than DemoStorage. A dedicated FileStorage can be mount by setting the
        $TEST_FILESTORAGE environment variable to a custom Data.fs file.  A 
        ZEO server can be configured using the $TEST_ZEO_HOST and 
        $TEST_ZEO_PORT environment variables. This new functionality allows us
        to use the standard Zope testrunner for writing and running tests
        against existing Zope installations.

    Bugs fixed

      - LP #490514:  preserve tainting when calling into DTML from ZPT.

      - LP #360761 (backported from Acquisition trunk): fix iteration proxy
        to pass `self` acquisition-wrapped into `__iter__` and `__getitem__`.

      - LP #414757 (backported from Zope trunk): don't emit a IEndRequestEvent
        when clearing a cloned request.

  Zope 2.10.9 (2009/08/06)


      - Moved exception MountedStorageError from ZODB.POSExceptions
        to Products.TemporaryFolder.mount (now its only client).

      - LP #253362:  Moved Zope2-specific module, ZODB/Mount.py, to
        Products/TemporaryFolder/mount.py (its only client is

      - Removed spurious import-time dependencies from

    Bugs fixed

      - Fixed vulnerabilities in the ZEO network protocol 
        affecting ZEO storage servers.

  Zope 2.10.8 (2009/05/04)

    Features added

      - SiteErrorLog now includes the entry id in the information copied to
        the event log. This allowes you to correlate a user error report with
        the event log after a restart, or let's you find the REQUEST
        information in the SiteErrorLog when looking at a traceback in the
        event log.


      - Added 'InitializeClass' alias in 'App.class_init' to ease migration.
        In Zope 2.12 it will be recommended to import 'InitializeClass' from
        'App.class_init' instead of 'Globals'.

      - Moved 'ApplicationDefaultPermissions' from 'App.class_init' to
        'AccessControl.Permissions', in order to break an import cycle
        in third-party code which avoids imports from 'Globals.'  Left
        the class importable from its old location without deprecation.

    Bugs fixed

      - Launchpad #373299: Removed bogus string exception in OFS.CopySupport.

      - ZPublisher response.setBody: don't append Accept-Encoding to Vary
        header if it is already present - this can make cache configuration
        difficult. (merged 99493)

      - Launchpad #267834: proper separation of HTTP header fields    
        using CRLF as requested by RFC 2616. (merged 90980, 92625)

      - Launchpad #348223: optimize catalog query by breaking out early from
        loop over indexes if the result set is already empty.

      - Launchpad ##332168: Connection.py: do not expose DB connection strings
        through exceptions

      - LP/#143873: Fixed problems when no HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET is in the
        request. This required an update of zope.publisher to 3.3.3.

      - LP/#324876: tighened regex for detecting the charset
        from a meta-equiv header

      - Acquisition wrappers now correctly proxy __iter__.

      - Products.PluginIndexes.PathIndex:  backported doc fixes /
        optimizations from trunk (and ExtendedPathIndex).

      - Launchpad #174705:  ensure that the error info object exposed to a
        'tal:on_error' handler has attributes visible to restricted code.

  Zope 2.10.7 (2008/10/24)

    Bugs fixed

      - Ensure that response header values cannot embed CRLF pairs, which
        violate the HTTP spec (RFC 2616).

      - Launchpad #282677: fixed implementation of guarded_map and
        provided tests and implementation for guarded_zip

      - Lauchpad #143736,#271395: fixed AttributeError' on _ltid in TempStorage

      - 'AccessControl.ZopeGuards.guarded_import' mapped some Unauthorized
        exceptions onto ImportErrors:  don't do that!  Also, removed
        mutable defaults from argument list, improved tests.

      - LP #281156:  'AccessControl.SecurityInfo.secureModule' dropped
        ModuleSecurity for failed imports, obscuring later attempts to
        import the same broken module.

      - LP #142667:  Updated to ZODB-3.7.3 to fix problem with product

      - Updated to Five 1.5.8

      - Launchpad #245649:  the Products package is now a proper
        "namespace package" under the rules specified by setuptools.

      - Fixed outdated transaction.commit(1) call in 

      - Launchpad #239636:  Ensure that HEAD requests lock an empty body
        for NotFound errors.

      - Launchpad #229549:  Don't ignore 'debug' flag when rendering
        page templates (thanks to Eric Steele for the patch).

      - integrated Hotfix-2008-08-12

      - Launchpad #267545: DateTime(DateTime()) now preserves the
        correct hour

      - Launchpad #262313: respect the 'Expand macros when editing' flag
        when editing a page template through the ZMI

  Zope 2.10.6 (2008/05/10)

    Bugs fixed

      - Launchpad #142350: Display description for properties as row title,
        if present.

      - Launchpad #200007: DateTime(anotherDateTime) now preserves the

      - Launchpad #213311:  Handle "unsubscriptable object" errors
        during publishing traversal.

      - Launchpad #143813: zopectl now exits non-zero when
        child processes fail.

      - Launchpad #173658:  Removed dead code in OFS.Traversable's
        'unrestrictedTraverse' (apparent NameError).

      - Launchpad #198274:  "empty" ZopePageTemplates could not be

      - zope.security: switched to use standalone 3.3.3 version, which
        contains a backport of a huge performance bugfix from the 3.4 branch.

      - Launchpad #164783: Indexes were migrated on initial creation of a

  Zope 2.10.5 (2007/10/30)

    Other changes

      - Turned deprecation warnings for manage_afterAdd, manage_beforeDelete
        and manage_afterClone methods into discouraged warnings. These methods
        will not be removed in Zope 2.11, but stay for the foreseeable future.
        Using events is still highly encouraged.

    Bugs fixed

      - Launchpad #147201: treat container-class in zope.conf as a string,
        making it possible to use types from extra products directories.

      - Collector #2358: backported fix making 'Products' package a real
        "namespace package" from the trunk.

      - Collector #2287: form ':record' objects did not implement enough of
        the mapping interface.

      - Collector #2352: fix in OFS.Traversable

      - Collector #2346: username logging in FCGI crashed the server

      - ZopePageTemplate's pt_edit did not recognize content type arguments
        which had a charset information included.

      - Collector #2332: SessionDataManger: don't swallow ConflictErrors

      - Collector #2339: ZPT: fixed unicode issue when using the 'structure'

      - Launchpad #151020: HTTP_CHAR_SET headers containing 'x-user-defined'
        caused a LookupError exception. Unknown encodings are from now on
        silently discarded.

  Zope 2.10.4 (2007/06/23)

    Other changes

      - updated to ZODB 3.7.1

      - updated to Zope 3.3.2

      - updated to Five 1.5.5

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #1306: Missing acquisition context on local roles screen.

      - Collector #2153: Supporting unquoted cookies with spaces.

      - The REQUEST no longer accepts holds after it has been closed.

      - Collector #1441: WebDAV compatibility with Windows Web Folders
        restored by adding a configuration variable that controls the
        sending of the non-standard MS-Author-Via and Public
        headers. Thanks for PatrickD for the the hard work coming up
        with an initial patch.  

      - Fixed bug in ZPublisher.BaseRequest with persistent site managers. An
        EndRequestEvent was thrown after the ZODB connection was already
        closed and thus the site manager not being available anymore.

      - Collector #2295: Comments in PythonScripts could lead to syntax

      - Collector #2307: ObjectCopiedEvent not dispatched to sublocations.

      - Collector #2304: fixed markup issue in ptEdit.zpt

      - Collector #2260: fixed Examples.zexp

      - Collector #2320: HTTPResponse setHeader lowercased keys but getHeader
        did not, causing lookups of 'Content-Type' to fail

      - Collector #2321: Skip trusted proxies when extracting the client IP
        address from the request.

      - Collector #2318: Allow override of zopectl's control socket in

      - Collector #2316: correctly unpack DateTimeIndex dates when browsing the

      - Collector #1866: a 304 HTTP status should not have a content length.
      - Collector #2300: delimit *all* HTTP Response headers with CRLF.
  Zope 2.10.3 (2007/03/25)

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #2298: webdav.Resource.COPY and webdav.Resource.MOVE did
        not send the expected copy/move events.

      - Collector #2296: Fixed import of ZClass products, broken by removal
        of BBB support for pasting objects whose meta_type info was

      - Collector #2294: Protected DOS-able ControlPanel methods with the
        same 'requestmethod' wrapper.

      - Collector #2294: Protected various security mutators with a new
        'postonly' decorator.  The decorator limits method publishing to
        POST requests only, and is a backport from Zope 2.11's requestmethod
        decorator factory.

      - Collector #2289: restored compatibility with PTProfiler
      - No longer opens a zodb connection every time a ProductDispatcher
        is looked up.

      - Collector #2288: @ and + should not be quoted when forming
        request URLs in BaseRequest and HTTPRequest

      - Undeprecated 'zLOG', which will remain a backward-compatibility
        shim for the Python logging module.

      - PageTemplate/ZRPythonExpr.py: expressions represented as unicode string
        caused UnicodeDecodeErrors. 

  Zope 2.10.2 (2007/01/26)

    Bugs fixed

      - Updated Zope 3 to bugfix release 3.3.1.

      - Collector #2261: Acquisition when creating objects via Webdav.

      - Collector #2269: fixed broken FTP support for ZPT

  Zope 2.10.2 beta 1 (2007/01/14)

    Bugs fixed

      - Fixed Collector #2190: Calls to
        zope.security.management.checkPermission aren't rerouted to
        Zope 2's security policy.

        NOTE: If you already have a Zope 2.10 instance running, you
        will either have to recreate it or add the following lines to
        the end of the etc/site.zcml file::

                component="Products.Five.security.FiveSecurityPolicy" />

      - Fixed Collector #2223: Evaluation of booleans in TALES and the
        'default' variable.

      - Reverted backward-incompatible fix for Collector #2191.

      - Fixed the creation of lib/python/Zope2/version.txt

      - added Python 2.4.4 as optimal Python version to 'configure'

      - the ZopePageTemplate implementation now uses unicode
        internally.  Non-unicode instances are migrated on-the-fly to
        unicode. However this will work only properly for ZPT
        instances formerly encoded as utf-8 or ISO-8859-15. For other
        encodings you might set the environment variable
        ZPT_REFERRED_ENCODING to insert your preferred encoding in
        front of utf-8 and ISO-8859-15 within the encoding sniffer
        code. In addition there is a new 'output_encodings' property
        that controls the conversion from/to unicode for WebDAV/FTP

      - the ZPT implementation has now a configurable option in order
        how to deal with UnicodeDecodeErrors. A custom
        UnicodeEncodingConflictResolver can be configured through ZCML
        (see Products/PageTemplates/(configure.zcml,
        unicodeconflictresolver.py, interfaces.py)

  Zope 2.10.1 (2006-11-22)

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #2191: extended DateTime parser for better support
        to the ISO8601 specification.

      - Reworking of _cached_result in Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA.DA:

        - fixed KeyError reported in Collector #2212

        - fixed two memory leaks that occurred under high load

        - fixed broken cache keys for people using the obscure 

        - fixed incorrect cache ordering resulting in newer results
          being dumped when the cache became too large.

      - Collector #2232: Can't call DTML templates from Page Templates

      - Collector #2213: Can't edit "old" ZopePageTemplate instances.

      - Collector #2237: 'make' doesn't tell you to run 'make inplace'
        before running 'make instance'.

      - Collector #2235: A number of ZCatalog methods were doing boolean
        evaluation of objects that implemented __len__ instead of checking
        them against None. Replaced a number of "if not obj" with
        "if obj is None".

      - Collector #2208: rewriting/setting the 'charset' part of the
        content-type HTTP header will be done only for 'text/*'

      - Collector #2209: ZTUtils module could not be used inside ZPT

      - Collector #2206: Set PYTHONPATH to include existing PYTHONPATH
        in skel/bin/zopectl.in and skel/bin/runzope.in

  Zope 2.10.0 (2006/10/04)

    Bugs fixed

  Zope 2.10.0 RC 1 (2006/09/25)

    Bugs fixed

      - Call setDefaultSkin on new requests created as the result of
        ConflictError retries.

      - Collector #2187: PUT_factory broken
  Zope 2.10.0 beta 2 (2006/09/17)

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #2117: Don't choke in 'unrestrictedTraverse' for '+'
        path elements.

      - Collector #2185: Log username for FCGI requests.

      - Collector #2152: Fixed MailHost documentation; simple_send does not
        process or validate its arguments in any way.

      - Collector #2175: ZTUtils.make_hidden_input did not escape

      - Collector #2176: Fixed bad logging call.

      - Collector #1907: Moved 'alt' property from File to Image.

      - Collector #1983: Specifying session-resolution-seconds >= 1200 caused
        Zope startup to fail.

      - Collector #2169: webdav.Resource.COPY did not send ObjectClonedEvent.

      - Collector #2178: Fix ZopeTestCase doctest support for layers

  Zope 2.10.0 beta 2 (2006/08/20)

    Bugs Fixed

      - Collector #2155: Fix wrong parameter being passed to
        logger's error() method, with tests.

      - Updated Five to stable 1.5 release.

      - Traversal order changes were causing WebDAV requests which used
        acquisition to fail.

      - Collector #2157: Expose name of broken class in SystemError raised
        from '__getstate__' of a broken instance.

      - Usage of 'urljoin' in 'webdav.davcmds' could lead to wrongly
        constructed urls.

      - Fix #2141: TALES doesn't traverse correctly over 'repeat'

      - reStructuredText/ZReST: setting raw_enabled to 0 for security

      - Collector #2113:  'zopectl test' masked Ctrl-C.

      - OFS Image: Image and File updated to use isinstance(data, str)
        and raises TypeError upon encountering unicode objects.

      - OFS Application: Updated deprecation warnings.
        Support for '__ac_permissions__' and 'meta_types' will be removed in
        Zope 2.11, 'methods' support might remain longer.

      - Collector #2136: Map ResourceLockedError to the correct response code.

      - Collector #2016: DemoStorage couldn't wrap base storages without
                         an '_oid' attribute.

      - Collector #2118: Empty TALES path expressions are allowed
        in Zope 2.

      - Acquisition wrappers now correctly proxy __contains__.

      - Collector #2116: sequence.sort() did not work properly
        locale related comparison methods

      - Collector #2122: fixed missing is_proxying_match definition
        in ZServer/HTTPServer

      - Collector 2077: fixed problem with ACTUAL_URL and SiteRoot

      - Collector #2073: fixed misbehaviour of OFS.Owned.changeOwnership

      - Collector #2063: cleaned up some mess in MailHost.sendTemplate()

      - View and attribute lookup order was changed to the following:
           1. Unacquired attributes
           3. Acquired attributes
        According to consensus in z3-five mailing list:
      - The defaultView directive now only looks up views, not attributes.

      - Collector #2178: Fix ZopeTestCase doctest support for layers

    Other Changes

      - Disabled docutils file inclusion completely, rather than trying
        to jigger it via configuration settings.

      - Returned to the "classic" './configure && make && make install'
        recipe, dropping the use of 'zpkg' for building Zope2 releases.

  Zope 2.10.0 beta 1 (2006/05/30)


      - Zope 2.10+ now includes site.zcml as part of its instance 
        creation skel directory.  As a consequence Five now requires 
        this file to exist in every instance.  If upgrading a site 
        from Zope 2.9 to 2.10, you will need to copy site.zcml and 
        package-includes/ from your installed Zope installation 
        location (skel/etc/) into the etc/ directory of your upgraded 
        The rationale for requiring this new file is to bring Zope 2 
        instances closer in consistency to Zope 3 instances.  It also 
        eases use of Zope 3 coding techniques in Zope 2 and removes 
        some confusion when trying to run pure Zope 3 applications on 
        Zope 2.

      - Products.PageTemplates now uses the Zope 3 ZPT implementation
        in zope.pagetemplate.

      - The TAL package has been deprecated in favour of the TAL
        engine from zope.tal.

      - Products.PageTemplates.TALES has been deprecated in favour of
        the TALES engine from zope.tales.

      - ZTUtils.Iterator has been deprecated in favour of the TALES
        iterator implementation in zope.tales.tales.

      - ZCatalog: removed manage_deleteIndex(), manage_delColumns()
        which were deprecated since Zope 2.4

      - deprecated the zLOG module. Use Pythons 'logging' module instead.

      - replaced all zLOG occurences (expect the zLOG module itself) with 
        the 'logging' module

      - PluginIndexes/TextIndex is deprecated. Use ZCTextIndex instead

      - the 'StructuredText' module is deprecated. Use zope.structuredtext

      - removed ZopeTutorial (Elvis is now really dead)

      - ZClasses are deprecated and should no longer be used. In addition
        any code related to the ZClasses (re)distribution mechanism is

      - ZGadyFlyDA/Gadfly is deprecated

      - deprecated OFS.content_types (to be removed in Zope 2.11) and
        replaced all occurences with zope.app.content_types 

      - OFS.content_types: moved code to zope.app.content_types and added
        method aliases

      - Using FastCGI is offically deprecated.

    Features added

      - Included Zope 3.3 and corresponding Five 1.5 release.

      - There is now a default favicon.ico.
      - Experimental WSGI and Twisted support for http.
        Zope now has a WSGI interface for integration with other
        web-servers than ZServer. Most notably Twisted is supported.
        The WSGI application is ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher.publish_module
        You can make ZServer use the twisted interface with the 
        "use-wsgi on" keyword in the http-server section in zope.conf.
        You can run Twisted by installing Twisted (2.1 recommended) and
        replacing the http-server section with a server section in 
        zope.conf. It is not possible to run a Twisted server together with
        a ZServer at the same time.
            address 8080
            type Zope2-HTTP
        WSGI: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/
        Twisted: http://twistedmatrix.com/

      - The traversal has been refactored to take heed of Zope3s 
        IPublishTraverse adapter interfaces. The ZCML directives 
        five:traversable and five:defaultViewable are therefore no
        longer needed, as everything now is five:traversable and

        There was a bug in earlier versions of Five that allowed you 
        to do custom publishing traversal with ITraversable adapters.
        This bug has been corrected. Anybody using ITraversable 
        adapters need to convert them to IPublishTraversal adapters.

      - Testing.makerequest: Added an 'environ' argument so
        clients can use mappings other than os.environ.

      - Updated to Docutils 0.4.0 

      - reStructuredText: The default value for the 'stylesheet'
        property has been changed from 'default.css' to None because
        there is no 'default.css' file by default. 

      - ZReST: rewritten render() method to integrate it smoothly
        with Docutils 0.4.0. The default value for the 'stylesheet'
        property has been changed from 'default.css' to None because
        there is no 'default.css' file by default. 

      - Added a "clock server" servertype which allows users to
        configure methods that should be called periodically as if
        they were being called by a remote user agent on one of Zope's
        HTTP ports.  This is meant to replace wget+cron for some class
        of periodic callables.

        To use, create a "clock-server" directive section anywhere
        in your zope.conf file, like so:

            method /do_stuff
            period 60
            user admin
            password 123
            host localhost

        Any number of clock-server sections may be defined within a
        single zope.conf.  Note that you must specify a
        username/password combination with the appropriate level of
        access to call the method you've defined.  You can omit the
        username and password if the method is anonymously callable.
        Obviously the password is stored in the clear in the config
        file, so you need to protect the config file with filesystem
        security if the Zope account is privileged and those who have
        filesystem access should not see the password.

        Descriptions of the values within the clock-server section

          method -- the traversal path (from the Zope root) to an
          executable Zope method (Python Script, external method,
          product method, etc).  The method must take no arguments or
          must obtain its arguments from a query string.

          period -- the number of seconds between each clock "tick" (and
          thus each call to the above "method").  The lowest number
          providable here is typically 30 (this is the asyncore mainloop
          "timeout" value).

          user -- a zope username.

          password -- the password for the zope username provided above.

          host -- the hostname passed in via the "Host:" header in the
          faux request.  Could be useful if you have virtual host rules
          set up inside Zope itself.

        To make sure the clock is working, examine your Z2.log file.  It
        should show requests incoming via a "Zope Clock Server"

      - Added a 'conflict-error-log-level' directive to zope.conf, to set
        the level at which conflict errors (which are normally retried
        automatically) are logged. The default is 'info'.

      - The SiteErrorLog now copies exceptions to the event log by default.

      - ObjectManager now has an hasObject method to test presence. This
        brings it in line with BTreeFolder.

      - Improved logging of ConflictErrors. All conflict errors are
        logged at INFO, with counts of how many occurred and how many
        were resolved. Tracebacks for all conflicts are logged a DEBUG
        level, although these won't help anyone much. If a conflict
        error is unresolved, it will now bubble up to error_log and

      - Use new-style security declarations everywhere possible. This
        means remove the use of __ac_permissions__, foo__roles__ and
        default__class_init__. A few corner cases can't be converted
        because of circular imports.

      - Fixed unclear security declarations. Warn when an attempt is
        made to have a security declaration on a nonexistent method.

      - updated to ZPL 2.1

      - interfaces: Added 'Interfaces' tab to basic core objects.
        This is a Five feature and only available if the classes are made
        five:traversable. It allows to inspect interfaces and to assign
        marker interfaces through the ZMI.

      - webdav: Added support for the z3 WriteLock interface.
        It is no longer necessary to have the WriteLockInterface in the
        __implements__ list of lockable objects. All classes inheriting from
        LockableItem inherit also the IWriteLock interface. Note that this
        enables webdav locking for all subclasses by default even if they
        don't specify the WriteLockInterface explicitly.

      - App ProductContext: Made registerClass aware of z3 interfaces.
        Z2 and z3 interfaces are registered side by side in the same tuple in
        Products.meta_types. IFAwareObjectManagers like the ZCatalog work now
        with z3 interfaces as well.

      - Zope now sends Zope 3 events when objects are added or removed
        from standard containers. manage_afterAdd, manage_beforeDelete
        and manage_afterClone are now deprecated. See
        lib/python/Products/Five/tests/event.txt for details.

      - Zope now utilizes ZODB 3.6.  It had previously used
        ZODB 3.4.  As a result, the DBTab package was removed, as
        ZODB 3.6 has multidatabase support that makes DBTab

      - Added a 'product-config' section type to zope.conf, allowing
        arbitrary key-value mappings.  Products can look for such
        confgiurations to set product-specific options.  Products mwy
        also register their own section types, extending the
        'zope.product.base' type. (see the example '<product-config>'
        section in skel/etc/zope.conf.in for sample usage).

      - Collector #1490: Added a new zope.conf option to control the
        character set used to encode unicode data that reaches
        ZPublisher without any specified encoding.

      - AccessControl, Acquisition, App, OFS, webdav, PluginIndexes,
        ZCatalog and ZCTextIndex: Added some Zope 3 style interfaces.
        This makes the bridged interfaces shipped with Five obsolete.

      - ZConfig extension, address now also accepts symbolic port names
        from etc/services (unix) or etc\services (win32)

      - ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.FileUpload now supports full file
        object interface.  This means Iterator support was added. (for
        line in fileobject: ..., as well as fileobject.next() and
        fileobject.xreadlines() ) Collector #1837

      - Switched the bundled Zope 3 to release 3.2 and upgraded the
        Five product to version 1.3 (see Products/Five/CHANGES.txt).

      - The PageTemplate implementation now uses Zope 3 message
        catalogs by default for translation.  Old-style translation
        services such as Localizer or PlacelessTranslationService are
        still supported as fall-backs.  See Products/Five/doc/i18n.txt
        for more information.

      - Switched to the new improved test runner from Zope 3.  Run
        test.py with -h to find out more.

      - lib/python/docutils is now a reference to docutils package
        from the Zope 3 source tree (to get rid of redundant packages)

    Bugs Fixed

      - Collector #1447: When editing content on a virtual-hosted zope,
        AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager now purges the correct URL.

      - When you add roles in manage_access, roles are now stripped of
        any leading or trailing spaces.

      - Collector #2062: Fix manage_historyCopy, which was broken, and write
        tests for it.

      - Collector #2061: Fix problems where windows line endings are passed
        to restricted code compilers.

      - Collector #2051: Applied patch by Yoshinori Okuji to fix some
        XML export/import problems, including tests for that feature.

      - Collector #2037: fixed broken ACTUAL_URL for '/'

      - Missing import of NotFound in webdav.Resource

      - Collector #1819: fixed method signature of

      - Collector #2019: removed validateValue() from cAccessControl (already
        removed in former Zope versions from the AccessControl Python

      - Collector #1991: ZPublisher did not deal properly with a trailing
        %20 in the URL

      - zope.app.introspector was not included with the source archive

      - Collector #2013: improved XHTML conformance of error messages,
        some of which did not close '<p>' tags.

      - Collector #2002: fixed broken 'ls -R' functionality (didn't
        recurse properly subclasses of OFS.Folder)

      - Collector #1992: unified the visible hostnames of the FTP and
        HTTP servers

      - Collector #1999: fixed broken FTP rename functionality
        (RNFR now returns 350 as status code instead 250)

      - HTTPResponse: for XML content the encoding specified within
        the XML preamble is adjusted to the real encoding of the content
        as specified through the 'charset' within the content-type

      - Collector #1939: When running as a service, Zope could
        potentially collect too much log output filling the NT Event
        Log. When that happened, a 'print' during exception handling
        would cause an IOError in the restart code causing the service
        not to restart automatically.

        Problem is that a service/pythonw.exe process *always* has an
        invalid sys.stdout.  But due to the magic of buffering, small
        "print" statements would not fail - but once the file actually
        got written to, the error happened.  Never a problem when
        debugging, as the process has a console, and hence a valid

      - For content-type HTTP headers starting with 'text/' or 'application/'
        the 'charset' field is automatically if not specified by the
        application. The 'charset' is determined by the content-type header
        specified by the application (if available) or from the
        zpublisher_default_encoding value as configured in etc/zope.conf

      - Collector #1976: FTP STOR command would load the file being
        uploaded in memory. Changed to use a TemporaryFile.

      - OFS ObjectManager: Fixed list_imports() to tolerate missing
        import directories.

      - Collector #1621, 1894:  Removed support for use of long-deprecated
        'whrandom' module.

      - OFS PropertySheets / webdav: Fixed dav__resourcetype.
        __dav_collection__ with a false value was overridden by

      - added missing Zope 3 imports: zope.app.intid, zope.app.keyreference, 
        zope.app.session, zope.contentprovider, zope.viewlet


      - AccessControl.User: Use a better __repr__.

      - ZSQLMethod.manage_main: Moved the error message that warns of a
        non-existing or closed database connection next to the Connection ID
        dropdown and present it using red to increase its visibility.

      - The ImageFile module has finally been deprecated for good and
        will be removed in Zope 2.11.  Use App.ImageFile instead.

  after Zope 2.8.1

      - The '@' character is now allowed in object ids (RFC 1738 allows it).

    Bugs Fixed

      - If a content object implemented any in-place numeric operators, 
        untrusted code could call them, thus modifying the content.

      - If Python 2.4 is used, despite the fact that Python 2.4 is
        unsupported, untrusted code could use generator expressions to
        gain access to container items.

      - Collector #1895: testrunner: omitting the 'var' from recursive
        directory walking

      - OFS.Image.manage_FTPget() would str() it's .data attribute,
        potentially loading the whole file in memory as a
        string. Changed to use RESPONSE.write() iterating through the
        Pdata chain, just like index_html().

      - Collector #1863: Prevent possibly sensitive information to leak via
        the TransientObject's __repr__ method.

      - Repaired 'handle_errors' usage for doctests, along with the
        supporting 'debug' argument passed to

      - Collector #1879: applied patch by Dieter Maurer to fix a bug in 
        ac_aquire() ignoring the default argument

      - Collector #1864, #1906: fixed header normalization in appendHeader()

      - Collector #1899: fixed migration issue when using export/import for
        ZCatalog instances

      - Collector #1871: Applied patch to support lists with records using

      - AccessControl: creating a new user through "zpasswd inituser" did not
        work properly with a top-level user folder with enabled password

      - ZCatalog: refreshCatalog() could not be called safely from a ZEO
        client script

      - Catalog.clear(): fixed handling of _length attribute (caused import
        problems for some .zexp files e.g. Squishdot instances)

      - DateIndex now properly removes documents from both indexes if
        the value is None

      - Collector #1888: Some parts of the TALInterpreter would not pass a 
        default when  translating, yet expect a string back. This would cause 
        an error (usually "NoneType has no attribute 'replace'") in the case 
        the message was not translated.
  Zope 2.8.1 (2005/08/11)

    Features added

      - Interface: Added Z3 -> Z2 bridge utilities.
        This allows to migrate interfaces to Zope 3 style interfaces and
        bridge them back to oldstyle interfaces for backwards compatibility.

    Bugs Fixed

      - Zope2.Startup.zopectl: fork before execv when running unit tests
        (don't exit the shell, if run from there).

      - TAL: MassageIDs are now handled the same way as in zope.tal.

      - DocumentTemplate: ustr no longer mangles MassageIDs.
        Custom string types are now returned unchanged.

      -  As developed in a long thread starting at
         there appears to be a race bug in the Microsoft Windows socket
         implementation, rarely visible in ZEO and/or in
         ZServer/medusa/thread/select_trigger.py when multiple processes try
         to create an "asyncore trigger" simultaneously, most often (in
         stress tests) manifesting as a hung process.  Windows-specific
         trigger code in both changed to work around this bug when it occurs.

      - Collector #1807: fixed memory leak in cAccessControl.guarded_getattr()

  Zope 2.8.1 b1 (2005/07/28)

    Features Added

      - PluginIndexes, ZCTextIndex and ZCatalog: Added some z3 interfaces.

      - Verbose security exception reporting has been folded into Zope,
        removing the need for the VerboseSecurity product.  See the
        documentation for the "verbose-security" option in zope.conf.

      - "TemporaryStorage" (the storage that is used mainly to back the
        default sessioning database) is now MVCC capable, which essentially
        means that its usage will no longer generate ZODB ReadConflictErrors.

    Bugs Fixed

      - Collector #1852: fixed wrong URL construction in webdav.davcmds

      - Collector #1844: fixed whitespace handling in the ZMI "Find" tab

      - Collector #1813: removed spurious inclusion of CMFBTreeFolder.
        in Products/BTreeFolder2 (CMFCore will include it after 1.5, with
        an appropriate module alias for backward compatibility).

      - Replaced all transaction.commit(1) calls by  transaction.savepoint()

      - Collector #1832: UnIndex swallowed ConflictErrors.

      - Collector #1815: ZCTextIndex accepts (again) sequences of strings to
        be indexed.

      - Collector #1812: Fixed key error in ZSQL ZMI/Test

      - Fixed CMFBTreeFolder for CMF 1.5+

      - WebDAV COPY and MOVE did not call '_notifyOfCopyTo' and '_postCopy'
        hooks like it was done in OFS.CopySupport. Additionally added
        'manage_changeOwnershipType' to make MOVE behave even closer to

      - Collector #1548: Fix 'httplib' usage in ZPublisher.Client.

      - Collector #1808: manage_convertIndexes no longer tries to change the
        index types causing some trouble with CMF.

      - manage_convertIndexes did not treat DateRangeIndexes and PathIndexes

      - Updated Zope X3 to bugfix release 3.0.1

      - Updated Five to bugfix release 1.0.2 (see Products/Five/CHANGES.txt)

  Zope 2.8.0 (2005/06/11)

    Bugs Fixed

      - Collector #1792: applied patch for broken ZClasses

      - doc/FAQ.txt updated: should bear some resemblance to reality now.
        (PCGI stuff removed; error information updated; PID information
        updated; upgrade procedure added; some common version questions added.)

      - Collector #1770: Fixed RestructuredText subtitle

      - Collector #1803: Fixed InitializeClass for some corner case.

      - Collector #1798, issue 1: ZopeTestCase no longer tries to
        install products that were installed by Zope during startup.

      - Collector #1799: Avoid lying about parent's refcount when
        calling back into Python code.

      - Collector #889:  made 'and' operator for KeywordIndexes actually
        restrict results as expected (thanks to 'aroda' for the patch!).

      - Collector #1323: applied patch to fix umask problem in zdctl

      - Updated Five to bugfix release 1.0.1 (see Products/Five/CHANGES.txt)

  Zope 2.8.0 b2 (2005/05/22)

    Features added

      - Made WebDAV server distinguishable from the default HTTP
        server both in the ZMI and in event.log.

      - Included BTreeFolder2

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #1507/1728: Server addresses are now handled the same way on
        all platforms. This fixes the default binding on Windows.

      - Collector #1781: made 'create_mount_points' ZConfig option actually
        work (thanks to Dieter Maurer for the patch).

      - Collector #1780: DateTime.strftime() now handles dates <= 1900 or
        >= 2038

      - Collector #1775: turning off debug mode by default

      - Collector #1784: fixed handling of multiple attributes in ZCTextIndex

      - Don't copy '.svn' directories from skeleton into an instance
        (thanks to Dale Hirt for the patch).

      - Collector #1776: Improved setup.py.
        The Finder class is now used for the complete lib/python tree and has
        a blacklist instead of a whitelist for file extensions. So there
        should no longer be a need to update setup.py if modules or files are
        added or removed in lib/python.

      - Collector #1751: Improved error reporting reporting during the
        startup phase

      - Collector #1745: Fixed ZSQL error KeyError 'query'

      - Collector #1735: fixed UnicodeDecodeError in Loader.py

  Zope 2.8b1 (2005/04/24)

    Features added

      - Added lazy: TAL expression and fixed defer: expression for python

      - ZCatalog.CatalogBrains: An _unrestrictedGetObject method has
        been added.

      - ZODB transactions now support savepoints. See
        transaction/savepoint.txt.  These will replace

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #1754: Fixed import of 'transaction' in
        'zopectl adduser' (which wasy dying with a NameError).

      - Collector #1750: StructuredText: fixed handling of image URLs
        with query string

      - Collector #1748: Fixed SIGSEGV in Acquisition

      - Hotfix_20050405:  classes defined in untrusted code could shadow
        the roles of methods defined as protected by their bases.

      - Collector #1656: Fixed enumeration within untrusted code
        (forward-port from 2.7 branch).

      - Collector #1721: Fixed handling of an empty indexed_attrs parameter

  Zope 2.8a2 (2005/04/02)

    Features added

      - ZCatalog.CatalogBrains:  'getObject' now raises errors, rather than
        returning None, in cases where the path points either to a nonexistent
        object (in which case it raises NotFound) or to one which the user
        cannot access (raising Unauthorized).  Sites which rely on the old
        behavior can restore setting a new zope.conf option,
        'catalog-getObject-raises', to "off".

        This compatibility option will be removed in Zope 2.10.

      - PluginIndexes: the ZCatalog's "Indexes" tab now show the number of
        distinct values indexed by each index instead of a mixture of indexed
        objects versus number of distinct values. Indexes derived from UnIndex
        show both values within their own ZMI screen. In addition most indexes
        have now a "Browse" tab to browse through the list of indexed
        values and their occurrences.

      - FTPServer: a RNFR (rename from) request is now being responded
        with a 550 error code if the source file does not exist

      - Fixed ObjectManager to not swallow exceptions during object
        deletion (in debug mode and if the user is not Manager). This
        allows for better debugging, while still keeping the possibility
        for a Manager to delete buggy objects.

      - Added a ZConfig directive 'large-file-threshold' to control
        the request content-size threshold at which a temporary file
        gets created. Use the same value for deciding between reading
        the whole request in memory or just a chunk inside

      - RAMCacheManager: Allow invalidation of a cache entry from the
        Statistics view in the ZMI

      - Collector #1454/OFS.File: Accept content types ending with
        "javascript" as editable through the File edit form, just like
        text/<foo> types

      - Zope X3 3.0.0's 'src/zope' package is included now.

      - Five (Zope 3 integration technology for Zope 2) is included
        now in Products/Five.

    Bugs fixed

      - Collector #1460: guarded_apply was too restrictive.

      - OFS.Traversable still used a string 'NotFound' exception.

      - ZPublisher would fail to recognize a XML-RPC request if the
        content-type header included a 'charset' parameter.

      - Forward-ported 'aq_acquire'-related fix and associated tests
        from Zope 2.7.4.

      - Collector #1730: XML page templates couldn't call aq_parent in
        path expressions.

      - Fixed brain.getObject() to correctly traverse to an object even
        if one of its parents is not accessible, to be close to what the
        Publisher does.

      - Forward ported fix for OFS.CopySupport tests which corrected
        signature of a faux security policy's 'validate' method.

      - 'setup.py' did not install the 'Zope' compatibility module
        (the old 'Zope' package has been renamed to 'Zope2').

      - Fixed Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results to behave with the new-style
        ExtensionClass. Added a test.

      - 'setup.py' did not install the new 'Zope' compatibility module
        (the 'Zope' package has been renamedd to 'Zope2').

      - Collector #1507: Zope now binds again to all available IP addresses if
        ip-address is unset

      - Use 'del' instead of 'list.remove()' in
        Catalog.delColumn(). There can be only one column with the
        same name, and it could potentially break catalog metadata as
        remove() may remove more than one element from the list if
        they have the same value. Also, we already have the list index
        we are interested in deleting so it doesn't make sense to look
        up the value and call 'list.remove()' on it.

      - Collector #1628: FTP server has been broken (directory
        listings did not work)

      - Collector #1705: CopySource._postCopy is never called

      - Collector #1617: Fixed crash in ZPT code (caused by improper
        checks in cAccessControl)

      - Collector #1683: fixing batching in the DA "Test" tab

      - Collector #1648: Fix bug in Medusa FTP

      - Collector #1667: allow 'max-number-of-session-objects 0' to have
        the same effect as setting the value via the web interface (i.e.,
        make the number of session objects unlimited, rather than falling
        back to the default).

      - Collector: #1651: removed compiler warning

      - Collector #1661: make 'python-check-interval' setting in zope.conf
        actually work as documented.  This setting allows for important
        tuning opportunities for production Zope servers.

      - Collector #1657:  Don't break host-based virtual hosting when
        purging an HTTP accelerator.

      - DTML Methods were not interoperable with the new filestream_iterator
        and caches based on it (FileCacheManager).

      - Collector #1655: fixed severe memory leak in TemporaryStorage

      - Collector #1407: fixed XML escaping problem introduced in 2.7.4 b1

      - Collector #1151: HTTP compression was broken on error pages

      - The REQUEST now contains a new entry ACTUAL_URL which contains the
        full URL without query string as it appears within the location bar of
        the browser. The key has been added to provide a single key that is
        available for vhosted and non-vhosted installations.

      - Collector #1605: VHM did not quote URLs

      - webdav.Resource: during COPY, manage_afterClone was called way
        too early, thus the object wasn't bound to the database and
        couldn't find a context. Changed to behave the same way as

      - RAMCacheManager: opimized performance by using cPickle instead
        of pickle and by using the highest pickle protocol available
        instead of using ASCII pickles (patch by Dieter Maurer)

      - Collector #631: Image URLs in StructuredText containing port
        numbers were not rendered correctly

      - Collector #1498: Don't choke on malformed cookies. Cookies of
        the form "foo=bar; hmm; baz=gee" will give an empty value for
        'hmm' instead of silently discarding it and the rest of the
        string. (Thanks to 'sirilyan' for the patch.)

      - bin/zopectl test now uses os.execv, instead os os.system,
        so that options with characters that needs shell quoting
        doesn't break the command.

      - Collector #1219:  Make XML export sane again.

      - Collector #945:  Allow adding empty PythonScript instances

      - Updated doc/UNITTEST.txt and lib/python/Testing/README.txt to
        reflect progress made since UNITTEST.txt was originally written.

      - Removed Version objects from the add menu. Versions are agreed to be a
        feature that should not be used as it is not well implemented and
        allows for data loss.

      - Collector #1510: Allow encoding of application/xhtml+xml pages
        according to the charset specified in the Content-Type header
        (thanks to Jacek Konieczny for the patch).

      - Collector #1599: made sqltest work with unicode strings (thanks
        to Peter Sabaini for the patch).

      - zopectl: fixed handling of child processes (patch by Dieter Maurer)

      - Collector #1593: fixed dumb _get_id() implementation in
        OFS.CopySupport that produced copy_of_copy_of....files (thanks
        to Alexandre Boeglin for the patch).

      - Collector #1450: files in utilities/ZODBTools are now installed
        during the installation process in the 'bin' directory

      - Collector #1003: added new 'http-header-max-length' directive
        to zope.conf to specific the maximum length of a HTTP request
        header before it is considered as a possible DoS attack and

      - Collector #1371: added new 'cgi-maxlen' directive to zope.conf
        to limit the amount of form data being processed by Zope
        to prevent DoS attacks

      - Collector #1407: changed WebDAV display name for objects
        to title_or_id()

      - the 'trusted-proxy' directive in zope.conf now also accepts
        hostnames instead of IP addresses only (patch by Dieter Maurer)

      - Fixed test.py to not over-resolve symbolic links. Needed to run
        tests when the Products directory and a product are symlinks.

      - Collector #1583/ZReST: Fixed handling of the title attribute
        for non-ascii characters.

      - Collector #1577: Fixed cryptic error message in ZPublisher if a
        non-ASCII string is passed to a date, int, long or float property.

      - Collector #1576: Fixed Z Search Interface to use proper HTML.

      - Collector #1127: strftime did not take timezone into account.

      - Collector #1569/DateTime: Added a new ISO8601-method that will
        return correctly formatted ISO 8601-representations to augment
        the ISO method which isn't compliant with ISO 8601.

      - ZPublisher: changed some hardcoded 'latin1' arguments to 'iso-8859-15'
        since latin1 is obsolete.

      - Collector #1566: Installation of Zope on some older Solaris versions
        could fail due to a broken "echo" implementation causing the
        creation of a borked version.txt file.

      - Collector #934: Image and File objects are now always internally
        split into small chunks even when initialized from a string.

      - docutils: updated to V 0.3.5. The Zope core now contains a full copy of
        the docutils package except some GPLed files which can not be included
        with the Zope distribution due to license constraints on svn.zope.org.

      - docutils: moved from lib/python/docutils to

      - Collector #1557/OFS.Image: Introducing new 'alt' property. The 'alt'
        attribute is no longer taken from the 'title' property but from the new
        'alt' property.  The border="0" attribute is no longer part of the HTML
        output except specified otherwise.

      - Set a default value of '' for the new 'alt' property as not to
        break existing content.

      - Collector #1511: made IPCServer show up in the Control Panel under
        "Network Services"

      - Collector #1443: Applied patch by Simon Eisenmann that reimplements
        the XML parser used in WebDAV fixing a memory leak.

      - Always unescape element contents on webdav.xmltools

      - Use saxutils to escape/unescape values for/from

      - Make OFS.PropertySheet use the escaping function from

      - Escape/unescape &quot; and &apos;

      - Don't escape properties stored as XML (ie: having a
        __xml_attrs__ metadata set by PROPPATCH) when building a
        PROPFIND response.

      - If a PROPPATCH element value contains only a CDATA section,
        store the CDATA contents only.

      - Catch AttributeErrors and KeyErrors raised from
        __bobo_traverse__ and convert them to NotFound. In debug mode
        a more verbose error message is issued, the same way it's done
        on attribute/item traversal.

      - Collector #1523: replace the text field for importing .zexp/.xml
        files with a selection list

      - Stitch newly-created object into it's container *before*
        calling it's PUT() method. This fixes an issue with
        OFS.File/OFS.Image that would result into reading the whole
        file in memory and wrapping it into a *single* Pdata object.

      - Import ZServer.CONNECTION_LIMIT variable *inside* the method
        that uses it. Before this, the variable was imported at the
        module level, thus binding it too early which would cause the
        ZConfig handler to have no real effect.

  Zope 2.8a1 (2004/10/17)

    Features added

     - Included Stefan Holek's ZopeTestCase 0.9

     - The SiteErrorLog allows you to acknowledge (or delete) exceptions,
       so you can reduce or clear the list without restarting your
       Zope server. Additionally the SiteErrorLog is covered by unit tests

     - Unit tests added for the SiteErrorLog.

     - UI improvement for the ZCatalog. The "catalog contents" allow
       you to filter the cataloged objects by path now.

     - Made test.py follow symbolic links on POSIX systems.

     - added utilities/reindex_catalog.py to perform ZCatalog maintenance
       operations from the command line (through zopectl)

     - RESPONSE.setBody and RESPONSE.setStatus now accept lock
       parameters in the same way as RESPONSE.redirect. These prevent
       further calls to the methods from overwriting the previous value.
       This is useful when writing http proxies.

     - DateTime: new DateTime instance can be constructed from a given
       DateTime instance: d_new = DateTime(d_old)

     - The DateTime parser now throws a SyntaxError upon any parsing errors.

     - ZCatalog: added a new configuration option in the "Advanced" tab
       to provide optional logging of the progress of long running
       reindexing or recataloging operations.

     - made Zope.configure return the starter instance to enable other
       methods to be called, such as starter.setupConfiguredLoggers()

     - Improved Unicode handling in Page Templates. Template contents
       and title will now be saved as a Unicode string if
       the management_page_charset variable can be acquired and is true.
       The character set of an uploaded file can now be specified.

     - zopectl now accepts the -m argument to set a umask for files created
       by the managed process (e.g. -m 002 or --umask 002).

     - AccessControl/permission_settings() now has a new optional parameter
       'permission' to retrieve the permission settings for a particular

     - The obsolete 'SearchIndex' package has been removed

     - Traversal now supports a "post traversal hook" that get's run
       after traversal finished and the security context is established.

     - Using "_usage" parameters in a ZCatalog query is deprecated and
       logged as DeprecationWarning.

     - MailHost now has two additional properties, a user id and a
       password. These are used to attempt ESMTP authentication
       before sending a mail.

     - Folder listings in FTP now include "." as well as "..".

     - When a VHM is activated, it adds the mapping
       'VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS': (SERVER_URL, BASEPATH1, virtual_url_path)
       to the request's 'other' dictionary.  If BASEPATH1 is empty, it
       is omitted from the tuple.  The joined parts are also added
       under the key 'VIRTUAL_URL'.  Since the parts are evaluated
       before traversal continues, they will not reflect modifications
       to the path during traversal or by the addition of a default
       method such as 'index_html'.

     - Extension Classes, a key Zope foundation, have been totally
       rewritten based on Python new-style classes.

       This change provides a number of advantages:

       o Use of new-style class features (e.g. slots, descriptors,
         etc.) in Zope objects. Support for object protocols (special
         __ methods) added since Python 1.4.

       o Support for cyclic garbage collection.

       o Ability to use new-style classes as base classes of Zope objects.

       o Pave the way for sharing code between Zope 2 and Zope 3.

       Note -- Extension classes with __of__ methods are made into
         Python read descriptors.

         If an extension classes is used to implement a descriptor,
         indirectly by implementing __of__ or directly by implementing
         __get__, the behavior of the descriptor will differ from
         ordinary descriptors in an important way. The descriptors
         __get__ method will be called *even if* the descriptor is
         stored on an instance of an extension class.  Normally
         descritor __get__ methods are called only of the descriptor
         is stored in a class.

     - ZODB 3.3

       This is the first version of ZODB that does not require

     - Add 'parity' method to ZTUtils Iterators.

     - Allow untrusted code to mutate ZPublisher record objects.

     - Added a "mime-types" configuration value which names a file
       giving additional MIME type to filename extension mappings.
       The "mime-types" setting may be given more than once in the
       configuration file; the files have the same format at the
       mime.types file distributed with Apache.

     - Changed the ZEO server and control process to work with a
       single configuration file; this is now the default way to
       configure these processes.  (It's still possible to use
       separate configuration files.)  The ZEO configuration file can
       now include a "runner" section used by the control process and
       ignored by the ZEO server process itself.  If present, the
       control process can use the same configuration file.

     - ZConfig was updated to version 2.0.  The new version includes
       two new ways to perform schema extension; of particular
       interest in Zope is the ability for a configuration file to
       "import" new schema components to allow 3rd-party components
       (such as storages, databases, or logging handlers) to be used.

     - The testrunner.py script has been replaced with test.py which
       is now installed into the 'bin' folder.

    Bugs fixed

     - Removed Python 2.3.3 as valid option. ZODB 3.3 requires Python
       2.3.4 or later.

     - Collector #1332: Added in-place migration of the Catalog.__len__
       attribute to avoid new-style class caching problems. Instances of
       ZCatalog or instances of classes with ZCatalog as base class will be
       migrated automatically. Instances of Catalog or classes with Catalog
       as base class must be migrated manually by calling the migrate__len__()
       method on the every instance. In addition old BTree migration code
       (for pre-Zope 2.5 instances) has been removed. If you want to migrate
       from such an old version to Zope 2.8, you need to clear and reindex
       your ZCatalog).

     - Collector #1595: same as in Collector #1132 for indexes derived from
       UnIndex. Exisiting ZCatalog instances must be converted manually
       by calling the "manage_convertIndexes" method through-the-web for
       every single ZCatalog instance. See also doc/FAQ.txt (Installation,
       question #4)

     - Collector #1457: ZCTextIndex's QueryError and ParseError
       are now available for import from untrusted code.

     - Collector #1473: zpasswd.py can now accept --username
       without --password

     - Collector #1491: talgettext.py did not create a proper header
       for the generated .pot file if multiple pagetemplate files
       were processed.

     - Collector #1477: TaintedString.strip() now implements the
       same signature as str.strip()

     - TAL: tal:on-error does not trap ConflictError anymore.

     - OFS.CopySupport: Enforced "Delete objects" permission during
       move (CMF Collector #259).

     - Removed DWIM'y attempt to filter acquired-but-not-aceessible
       results from 'guarded_getattr'.

     - Collector #1267: applied patch to fix segmentation faults on
       x86_64 systems

     - ZReST: the charset used in the rendered HTML was not set to the
       corresponding output_encoding property of the ZReST
       instance. In addition changing the encodings through the
       Properties tab did not re-render the HTML.

     - Collector #1234: an exception triple passed to LOG() was not
       propagated properly to the logging module of Python

     - Collector #1441: Removed headers introduced to make Microsoft
       webfolders and office apps happy, since they make a lot of
       standards-compliant things unhappy AND they trick MS Office
       into trying to edit office files stored in Zope via WebDAV even
       when the user isn't allowed to edit them and is only trying to
       download them.

     - Collector #1445: Fixed bad interaction between -p and -v(v)
       options to test.py that resulted in exceptions being printed
       when they shouldn't have been.

     - Collector #729: manage_main doesn't display the correct page title
       most of the time. It is not completely fixed but using title_or_id
       makes folders display the correct id as a fallback.

     - Collector #1370: Fixed html generated by Z Search interface.

     - Collector #1295: Fixed minor niglet with the Elvis tutorial.

     - added "version.txt" to setup.py to avoid untrue "unreleased version"
       messages within the control panel

     - Collector #1436: applied patch to fix a memory leak in

     - Collector #1431: fixed NetBSD support in initgroups.c

     - Collector #1406: fixed segmentation fault by acquisition

     - Collector #1392: ExternalMethod ignored management_page_charset

     - unrestrictedTraverse() refactored to remove hasattr calls (which mask
       conflict errors) and for greater readability and maintainability.

     - Zope can now be embedded in C/C++ without exceptions being raised
       in zdoptions.

     - Collector #1213: Fixed wrong labels of cache parameters

     - Collector #1265: Fixed handling of orphans in ZTUtil.Batch

     - Collector #1293: missing 'address' parameters within one of the server
       sections raise an exception.

     - Collector #1345: AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager now sends the
       Last-Modified header.

     - Collector #1126: ZPublisher.Converters.field2lines now using
       splitlines() instead of split('\n').

     - Collector #1322: fixed HTML quoting problem with ZSQL methods
       in DA.py

     - Collector #1124: The ZReST product now uses the same reST encoding
       parameters from zope.conf as the low-level reStructuredText

     - Collector #1259: removed the "uninstall" target from the Makefile
       since the uninstall routine could also remove non-Zope files. Because
       this was to dangerous it has been removed completely.

     - Collector #1299: Fixed bug in sequence.sort()

     - Collector #1159: Added test for __MACH__ to initgroups.c so the
       initgroups method becomes available on Mac OS X.

     - Collector #1004: text,token properties were missing in
       PropertyManager management page.

     - Display index name on error message when index can't be used as

     - PUT would fail if the created object had a __len__ = 0 (eg:
       BTreeFolder2) and fallback to _default_put_factory. Fix by
       checking if the returned object is None instead.

     - Collector #1160: HTTPResponse.expireCookie() potentially didn't
       when an 'expires' keyword argument was passed.

     - Collector #1289: Allow ZSQL methods to be edited via WebDAV.

     - WebDAV property values were not being properly escaped on

     - WebDAV 'supportedlock' was not checking if the object did
       implement the WriteLockInterface before returning it's

     - reStructuredText ignored the encoding settings in zope.conf

     - ObjectManager no longer raises string exceptions

     - Collector #1260: Testing/__init__.py no longer changes the

     - App.config.setConfiguration() did not update the legacy source
       for debug_mode, Globals.DevelopmentMode.

     - Script (Python) objects now have a _filepath attribute, also
       used as the '__file__' global at runtime.  This prevents an
       import problem caused by the fix to #1074.

     - Minor usability tweaks:

       * Increased FindSupport meta type selection widgets
         height to 8 lines

     - The DateTime module did not recognize the settings for

     - Stop testrunner.py from recursing into the 'build-base' directory
       created by setup.py.

     - Collector #1074: Change Scripts' __name__ to None

     - Range searches with KeywordIndexes did not work with record-style
       query parameters

     - Item_w__name__ now has a working getId() method

     - PageTemplateFile now using Item_w__name__ mixin, fixing
       its getId() and absolute_url() methods.

     - Only one VirtualHostMonster is allowed per container.

     - Collector #1133: TreeTag choked on Ids of type long.

     - Collector #1012: A carefully crafted compressed tree state
       could violate size limit.  Limit is no longer hardcoded.

     - Collector #1139: tal:attributes didn't escape double quotes.

     - Management interface of TopicIndexes has been completely broken

     - Collector #1129: Improper parsing of ISO8601 in DateTime.

     - Removed pervasive use of string exceptions (some may still be
       hiding in the woodwork, but all raise's with string literals are

     - AccessControl.User used a misleading string exeception,
       'NotImplemented', which shadowed the Python builtin.

     - Collector #426: Inconsistent, undocumented error() method.

     - Collector #799: Eliminate improper uses of SCRIPT_NAME.

     - Collector #445: Add internal global declaration for Script bindings.

     - Collector #616: Make CONTEXTS available to TALES Python expressions.

     - Collector #1074: Give Script execution context a __name__

     - Collector #1095: Allow TAL paths starting with '/varname' as a
       preferred spelling for 'CONTEXTS/varname'.

     - Collector #391: Cut and paste now requires delete permissions.

     - Collector #331: Referenses to URL in manage_tabs was changed
       to REQUEST.URL to prevent accidental overriding.

     - Made the control panel properly reflect the cache-size setting
       of ZODB's object cache once again.

     - ConflictError was swallowed in ObjectManager by
       manage_beforeDelete and _delObject. This could break code
       expecting to do cleanups before deletion.

     - Python 2.3 BooleanType wasn't handled properly by ZTUtils
       marshalling and ZPublisher's converters.

     - Collector #1065: bin/ scripts didn't export HOME envars.

     - Collector #572: WebDAV GET protected by 'FTP Access' permission.
       Two new methods have been added to WebDAV resources, "manage_DAVget"
       and "listDAVObjects". These are now used by WebDAV instead of the
       earlier "manage_FTPget" and "objectValues". This separates the
       permissions, and allows WebDAV specific overriding of these methods.

     - Collector #904: Platform specific signals in zdaemon/Daemon.py
       (fixed by removing the "fossil" module from 2.7 branch and head).

     - Workaround for Collector #1081: The 'title' property for objects
       derived from OFS.Folder or PropertyManager can now be
       removed and replaced with a ustring property. This allows the usage
       of non-ISO-8859-1 or ASCII charsets

     - Collector #951: DateTime(None) is now equal to DateTime()

     - Collector #1056: aq_acquire() ignored the default argument

     - Collector #1087: ZPT: "repeat/item/length" did not work as documented
       in the Zope Book.

     - Collector #721: Entities in tal:attribute values weren't
       properly escaped.

     - Collector #851: Traversable.py: A bare try..except shadowed
       conflict errors

     - Collector #1058: Several fixes for PropertySheets when used
       outside ZClasses

     - Collector #1053: parseIndexRequest turned empty sequence of search
       terms into unrestricted search.

     - manage_tabs had a namespace problem with the acquisition of names from
       the manage_options variable resulting to acquire "target" and "action"
       from objects above in the hierachy.

     - PathIndex and TopicIndex are now using a counter for the number
       of indexed objects instead of using a very expensive calculation
       based on the keys of their indexes.

     - Collector #1039: Whitespace problem in Z2.log fixed

     - changed some bare try: except:'s in Shared.DC.ZRDB.Connection
       so that they now log exceptions that occur.

     - ObjectManager will now attempt to set Owner local role keyed
       to the user's id, rather than username.