Zope Changes

  This file gives information on changes made to Zope over time,
  things that need to be done before the next release and future

  Notes on Zope 2.0


    Zope 2 includes:

      - ZODB 3, the next generation of the Zope Object Database,

      - Z Classes, a new mechanism for building Zope applications

      - WebDAV level 1 support,

      - Support for XML-RPC clients.

      - ZServer, the integration of Zope and Medusa,

      - ZCatalog, a mechanism for indexing content and creating

      - Beginnings of XML support
        o The Python pyexpat extension, which provides access to the
          widely used expat XML parsing library, is included in the
        o DOM interface on Zope objects (initially this is limited to
          read-only access).
        o Import/export using XML
        Of course, XML is used in XML-RPC and WebDAV

      - Many other sundry big significant items, such as:

        o Look and feel improvements,

        o Tighter security,

        o Simpler creation of Python products.

    ZODB 3

      See ZODB.txt for notes on ZODB 3.


      ZClasses provide a powerful new way to develop Zope
      applications.  ZClasses allow new objects to be developed
      entirely through the web.  

      ZClasses also support building applications through combinations
      of Python classes created on the file system and objects created
      through the web.  For example, Python classes could implemented
      business/domain logic and then augmented with Zope web methods
      to provide a web interface.


    Zope 2.x

      Bugs Fixed 

        - Conflict errors (multiple threads trying to modify the same
          object) were not handled correctly for requests with
          bodies (e.g. POST requests).

        - ZODB FileStorage index files could become out of date after
          an undo. This could lead to strange results and apparent
          database corruption if Zope was shut down ungracefully and
          restarted.  Now index files are removed when undoing

    Zope 2.1.0
      Features Changed
        - Enabled preliminary support for FastCGI to ZServer. This
          allows Zope to communicate with web servers that support
          FastCGI. Use z2.py's -F switch to configure FastCGI support
          in ZServer. See WEBSERVER.txt for more information.

      Bugs Fixed

        - Redefining the "views" on a ZClass could incorrectly affect
          the views available on instances of base classes of the ZClass.

        - The new 'url' option to DTML 'var' tags did not work properly
          for DTML and other callable objects.

    Zope 2.1.0 beta 2

      Features Added

        - Added Oleg Broytmann's patches to utilities/load_site.py 
          that provide automatic parsing of title and property 
          information and inclusion of std headers and footers.

        - Added Martijn Pieters' patches to DT_Try.py to implement 
          try/except/else and try/finally constructs.

	- Virtual Hosting and SiteObjects.  Virtual Hosting allows a
	  server that can multi-host, like Apache, to serve different
	  hosts from different Zope folders.  'SiteObjects' act as a
	  placeholder for a virtualhost.

      Bugs Fixed

        - Some problems with the product distribution machinery that
          prevented product distributions from installing correctly 
          have been fixed.

        - Description lines on the Undo screen were not HTML quoted,
          which could cause problems rendering the Undo log if any 
          of the descriptions contained stray HTML tags.

        - Bugs in the way that ZClass instances were pickled have 
          been fixed.

        - Some long-standing indentation problems with the tree tag 
          have been fixed.

        - The Zope database lock file was not properly closed.
        - Linux and Solaris binary distributions did not contain the
          python _locale module required for locale support.

    Zope 2.1.0 beta 1

      Features Added

        - The ZCatalog now supports relevance ranking.  Instead of
          search results being returned in an essentially random
          order, results are now sorted by 'score'.  For text indexes, 
          the score is the number of occurrences of the search term in 
          a document.  The score can be accessed by an attribute on
          Catalog results 'data_record_score_' and
          'data_record_normalized_score_' contain the score and
          normalized score for the result object.

        - Added Keyword Indexes to the Catalog.  Keyword indexes allow
          you to index a sequence of 'keywords' as an atomic property
          of an object.  This is useful for buiding catagorical

        - Z SQL Methods arguments list is now a TEXTAREA widget to
          ease editing long aruments lists.

        - SQL Database Adapters now have a 'test' tab where arbitrary
          SQL may be entered and executed immediately through the
          connection object.  DTML is not supported in this tab.

        - SQL Methods now support an option 'op' parameter on the DTML 
          method <dtml-sqltest> which allows you to choose the
          operator used for comparison. 

        - WebDAV support has been modified to support MS Office 2000
          applications. The changes _emulate_ aspects of DAV level 2
          locking but do _not_ provide actual locking support at the
          present time.

        - Files and Images now can be served without loading themselves
          into memory. This is automatically done for large Files and 
          Images. As a by product, RESPONSE.write now works better in

        - Most if not all of the default DTML generated by Zope and its
          built-in products is now generated in the new <dtml-var ...>
          syntax. The DTML sources for Zope's built-in management 
          interfaces have also been converted to the new syntax.

        - DTML entity references can now include dot-separated
          var tag *options*, as in: '&dtml.url_quote-foo;'

        - There is a new 'url' option on the DTML var tag that causes
          absolute_url to be called on the displayed value.  This
          allows entity references like: '&dtml.url-foo;'

        - There is a new 'url_quote_plus' option on the DTML var tag that
          acts like the standard url_quote option but uses '+' to encode
          blank spaces.

        - There is a new 'missing' option in the DTML var tag that
          allows you to provide a value to be used if the variable is
          missing, rather than raising a KeyError.  This will work in
          the entity reference syntax as well.  If it is used without
          an argument, it will provide an empty string.

        - The DTML built-in function, getattr, now accepts an additional 
          argument providing a default value.    

        - The tag() method of Image objects now support optional 'scale',
          'xscale' and 'yscale' arguments that will automatically scale 
          the output height and width tag attributes.

        - The Products folder in the Control Panel now has an 'Import/Export'
          tab to allow easier importing and exporting of Control Panel

      Features Changed

        - ZCatalog uses subtransactions to keep memory consuption low
          at the expense of indexing speed.  Subtransactions can now
          be disabled through the management interface for use with
          non subtransactions compatible objects like ZSQL Methods (or
          for raw speed if you have lots of RAM).

        - Added a coptimizations module.  The first optimization is
          to provide an implementation of persistent_id in C.  This
          routine, which is called extremely often while pickling was
          found to be a significant bottleneck.

        - More flexible cache management methods were added to ZODB
          Connection objects so that apps that want to move objects
          out of memory can force aggressive cache behavior.

        - Added the beginnings of internationalization support to Zope.
          The Zope startup script (z2.py) now supports a "-L" option 
          that can be used to pass a locale name (such as "en" or "de")
          to Zope at startup. If specified, Zope will attempt to set the
          locale using the locale module if it is available. This change
          will allow Zope to better handle international characters in
          a number of places such as searching and indexing.

        - Logging from ZServer modified to produce Common Log Format
          in a Combined format, where user-agent and referer are also 
        - xmlrpclib was updated to relect the current version (0.9.8)
          from Pythonware.

        - Add button returned to the management interface, although
          the Javascript auto-select is still in place.  This resolves 
          some problems with browsers on certain platforms.

        - Added small explanation on Image/File add form that if the
          'id' is not provided, it will be autogenerated based on the
          file name.

      Bugs Fixed

        - The build procedure for source checkouts now sets the
          directory structure permissions to something (775) readable
          by anyone, including, e.g., the web server running under a
          different user id and group than the installer...

        - A bug in the DTML tree tag that prevented expand_all from
          working correctly has been fixed.

        - ZCatalog now actually saves memory when using
          subtransactions.  Plugged a couple memory leaks doing this.

        - Added ALT text fixed nested anchor tags produced by the Tree
          tag to ensure that valid HTML is produced, and fixed the
          reverse option to the Tree tag.

        - A bug in FTP cookie authentication was fixed.

        - Fixed a bug that caused External Methods to be reloaded every
          time they were used in development mode.

        - Fixed a permission typo in ZCatalog and a sort_on bug.

        - Fix for missing REQUEST in a method signature in the 
          CatalogAwareness module.

        - Changed to propagate errors raised by _begin for thunked
          database adapters. Also changed completion code to check 
          registered status and avoid completion logic if not registered, 
          which would be the case if _begin failed.

        - A memory leak in cPersistence has been fixed, and a bug in
          object deactivation that prevented deactivation of BTrees
          was fixed.

        - A problem in BTrees that caused unintended db writes on 
          Catalog searches was fixed.

        - Some unnecessary debug mode overhead eliminated - external
          methods are now automatically reloaded only when the .py
          files are changed. 

        - A thread-safety problem with PCGI handling was fixed.

        - A bug that caused installation of through-the-web product
          distributions to fail.

        - A bug in the handling of long int properties was fixed.

        - Some bugs in the generation and verification of CRYPT based 
          passwords was fixed.

        - A bug in the earliestTime method of DateTime objects was fixed.

        - A bug in determination of the ZServer version string was fixed.

        - Height and width detection for some PNG images did not work 

        - A bug that caused proxy role machinery to ignore local roles
          was fixed.

        - Added a fix for PCGI to make sure binary IO is used on win32.

        - A javascript fix for IE5 was made for the folder add list.

        - A bug in sequence multiplication in DTML was fixed.

        - A ZServer bug that prevented running multiple Zope2 installations 
          on non-posix systems was fixed.

        - An External Method error handling bug was fixed.

        - The local 'Owner' role could be overwritten when an object
          was copied, moved or renamed.

        - Documented and fixed the creation of 'selection' and 'multiple
          selection' properties.

        - SECURITY: Fixed bug that allowed users with local roles gain 
          priviledges on acquired objects.  getRolesInContext did not 
          used the correct context, as defined by the inner-most object 

        - SECURITY: The permissions for Find support methods were not 
          being properly initialized.

        - SECURITY: Viewing existing user no long displays current password,
          only space for putting in the new password. This will be more
          critical as we move toward fully encrypted passwords.

        - SECURITY: A bug that prevented setting permissions on External 
          Methods in ZClasses was fixed.

    Zope 2.0.1

      Bugs Fixed

        - Fixed a bug which allowed unauthorized options to be displayed 
          when adding a Folder. Now you only see options to add an 
          index_document and/or a user folder if you have adequate 

    Zope 2.0

      Features Added

        - Database conflict errors are now logged.  Although conflict
          errors are normally handled by retrying requests, frequent
          conflict errors can degrade performance and should be dealt
          with by redesigning applications.

      Features Changed

        - The process id displayed in the control panel now inclused
          the thread id, in parentheses.

        - Upload of image or file data *always* used
          sub-transactions. Unfortunately, database adapters don't
          support subtransactions.  Images and files now use
          subtransactions only of the image or file is greater than
          128K bytes in size.  Also, subtransactions are not used if
          data are uploaded as a string by using the ':string'
          ZPublisher type in the upload form.

          More advanced DA's could, and probably should support

      Bugs Fixed

        - Attempting to cut an object then paste it into itself or
          one of its subobjects would cause a recursion problem.

        - Certain ZCatalog reindex operations could fail due to an
          unintended transaction abort.

        - Database connections were leaked when database conflict
          errors occurred and handled by reexecuting requests.  When 7
          connections leaked, the site would accept no more web

        - The transaction-integration for relational databases didn't
          work properly.  Aborting Zope transactions didn't abort
          relational database transactions. What's worse, transactions
          were not committed after a Zope transaction using a
          relational database was aborted.  This explains the reported
          problems with Gadfly databases and transactions.

        - Fixed a bug which prevented ZPublisher.Client from uploading
          files to ZServer.

        - Added some logic to the win32 binary installer to fix some
          dll loading problems people were getting on international
          versions of NT.

        - Fixed a bug in cDocumentTemplate that could cause AttributeError
          instances to be leaked in certain situations.

        - 'reverse' option for the 'in' tag as well as the 'tree' tag
          has been changed to deal with a copy of the data, rather
          than the original.  The database was being modified in
          place. The side effect is that in large list situations
          (with ZCatalog for example), sizable memory usage may

        - Missing values (as returned from SQL methods) were output as
          empty strings by the DTML var tag, even when a numeric
          format (e.g. "%5.3f") is used.  Using a numeric format with
          a missing value should generate an error, unless the null
          attribute is used. Also, the null attribute had no effect
          when outputing missing values.

        - It was impossible to map some permissions to themselves, or
          to other inherited, but not registered permissions in
          products and in class methods.  When this failed, a silly
          error message ("Waaa" ;) was output.

        - SQL methods had an unused method, getFindContent allowed
          anonymous users to read SQL method source.  This method was
          renamed to PrincipiaSearchSource, and protected with a

        - SQL methods could not be found with the find mechanism by
          searching their source.

        - The PrincipiaSearchSource method of DTML documents and
          methods was not protected, so anonymous users could read
          their source.

        - Fixed a bug in ZOM which caused getElementsByTagName to fail
          when using XML Document. Thanks to Andrew Kuchling.

        - It was possible to hijak 'self' arguments for DTML and
          External methods with request variables. This was especially
          problematic for XML-RPC, which uses positional arguments.

        - It was difficult or impossible to call External methods with
          'self' arguments from XML-RPC.

    Zope 2.0 beta 6

      Features Added

        - The control panel process id display now also includes the
          thread id.

        - The Zope start script, 'start', is now written in a
          location-independent manner, making it a little easier to
          move Zope sites around after installation.

      Features Changed

        Zope 2.0 introduces a new HTML DTML syntax that, among other
        things, allows simple 'var' tags to be entered using the
        entity-reference syntax, as in::

          <input name=spam value="&dtml-spam;">

        The entity reference syntax is mainly intended for use
        when a var tag is used to insert text into an HTML tag.  In
        these cases, the text needs to be html-quoted. For this
        reason, use of the entity reference syntax now implies html
        quoting. For example, the DTML snippet above is equivalent to::

          <input name=spam value="<dtml-var spam html_quote>">

        (Note that when inserting text to be used in a URL, as in an A
        tag HREF attribute, we need to url-quote the text. Zope 2.1
        will provide a means to do this with the entity-reference

      Bugs Fixed

        - Missing values were not formatted correctly with numeric
          formats and did not work properly with the 'null' attribute of
          the DTML 'var' tag.

        - It wasn't possible to map some permissions of objects in
          Products. For example, it wasn't possible to enable a
          permission by mapping it to itself.  Attempts to do so lead
          to a rather silly uninformative error message.

        - When providing default values for input fields, few of the
          built-in DTML methods used html quoting.  This lead to
          incorrect behavior when default values included markup or

        - View filtering failed to show tabs for views in some cases
          where it should.

        - Single-character variable names were'nt allowed in the
          entity-reference DTML syntax.

        - DTML batch processing didn't work properly.

        - The DTML functions, '_.getattr', and '_.hasattr' incorrectly
          acquired attributes even when explicit acquisition was used.

        - Image dimensions were not autodetected for PNG 1.2 files.

        - The "View" view didn't display correctly for images with ids
          with characters that had special meaning in URLs.

        - The 'optional' attribute in the 'sqltest' tag had no effect.

        - With browsers (like lynx) that correctly implement RFC 1867
          for file-upload support, non-file fields in file-upload
          requests were treated as file fields.

    Zope 2.0 beta 5
      Features Removed

       - The help system, which was primarily geared to DTML
         programmers was removed.

      Bugs fixed

        - Database packing failed in certain cases where the data set
          contained many version commits.

        - Database packing generated spurious error logs indicating
          that there were bad references for objects created in
          ncommitted versions.

        - A memory leak due to errors in managing request data.

        - Zope sites became unresponsive (a.k.a. "Hung") due to an
          error in managing ZODB 3 database connections.

        - Only the top-level folder's standard_error_message was used.

        - There were thread-safety and resouce consumption problems
          in the implementation of thread-safe regex objects.
        - Fixed bug where ZCatalog's not in the root folder did not
          recognize the proper URL of objects using the 'Find'
          machinery.  This caused all the objects to mysteriously
          disapear when you updated the catalog (because their paths
          were wrong).  The Catalog now works correctly anywhere in
          the object hierarchy.

        - Fixed a bug that caused error messages to be formatted
          incorrectly if the standard_html_header did not begin
          with an HTML tag.

        - The undo form was accessible even to people who couldn't do
          undo. This made it look like we were allowing undo in cases
          where we were'nt supposed to.

        - The undo form did not restrict undoable transactions to
          just those transactions performed by users that were 
          authenticated at the same level.  This made the new undo
          less restrictive than the Zope 1 undo.  Undo should probably
          be *more* restrictive, but that will have to wait for 2.1
          or later.

        - Zope crashed under load for applications using ZCatalog due
          to an ancient bug in handling loading of empty BTrees from
          the database.  This bug has only become effective with

    Zope 2.0 beta 4
      Features Removed

        - Draft objects are no longer supported.

      Features added

        - The source release install script now checks to make sure that
          the Python used has thread support.

        - FileStorages can now habe quotas.

      Bugs fixed

        - This release fixes a socket listen-queue depth problem on
          Win32 systems that caused poor performance and connection
          refusals in ZServer.

        - Fixes to the win32 installation were made to prevent a
          potential conflict on systems that have an existing
          installation of the Python win32 extensions.

        - Some of the management views, including the
          security/permission mapping views were not visible for

        - New SQL methods could bot be created.

        - New mailhost objects could not be created.

        - New Draft objects could be created.

        - Draft objects could not be deleted.

        - ZClasses could not be added as methods.
        - Disk full errors could leave the object system
          in an inconsistent state.  The handling of this error 
          was made more robust.  Also, when serious errors like this
          occur late in the transaction commit process, the
          transaction system switches to read-only mode.

          The File-storage recovery process needs to change to make
          disk full errors detectable earlier in the two-phase commit
          process so that the system can recover without switching to
          read-only mode.  This change, which is expected in 2.1 will
          also provide better write performance.

        - Errors during commit of sub-transactions were not handled
          correctly, leading to inconsistent object data.

        - Packing not not mark all transactions performed before the
          pack time as "packed". Undoing these transactions lead to a
          broken database.

        - On win9x systems, random data seems to be added to the end
          of the file on system crashes, causing apparent file
          corruption.  Code has been added to check for this case and
          recover by truncating the file with a log message.

        - The Zope version was not shown in the control panel.

        - The binary release had the PCGI wrapper program in the wrong
          directory so PCGI installations were not successful.

    Zope 2.0 beta 3
      Features added

        - Added a 'getobject' method to ZCatalog. This allows you to more
          easily get at a cataloged object from 'searchResults'. For
            <!--#in searchResults-->
            <!--#var "getobject(data_record_id_).title_or_id()"--><br>
      Bugs fixed

        - This release fixes a bug in acquisition that caused creation of
          ZClass instances to fail under some (common) circumstances.
        - Copy and Paste validation machinary now takes local roles into
        - ZDOM now adheres more closely to the DOM spec with respect to
          Document and DOMImplementation nodes.

        - The main management screen will no longer show the 'Delete' or
          'Export' buttons if the user doesn't have adequate permissions
          to delete or export objects respectively.
    Zope 2.0 beta 2

      Features added

        - Added a '-r' switch to z2.py for ZServer read-only mode.

        - The 'null' attribute in the DTML 'var' tag is now used when
          the value being output if the Python value 'None'. Some
          people considered this to be a bug.

        - Permission objects are automatically created for new ZClass
          objects as part of the ZClass wizard. 

        - For Python programmers, there is a new convenience function for
          debugging in the Zope package. 

          For example, to debug method spam in the Zope debugger::

            import Zope
            Zope.debug('spam', d=1)

      Bugs fixed

        - Changed the logic used to detect binary content types to
          only look for control characters. The previous version
          incorrectly considered certain Latin-1 characters as

        - The ZService.py used to implement Zope as a Win32 service 
          on NT has been updated to handle a difference in the way
          .dll files are found on internationalized versions of NT.

        - The configure.in file used to build PCGI has been updated.

        - Several fixes to DateTime were added to provide better
          behavior on machines with unrecognized time zone names.

        - Conflict errors, which occur when simultaneous writes occur
          to the same object in multiple database connections, are now
          handled correctly by re-executing (up to three times)
          the requests that lost the race condition.

        - Error formatting with standard_error_message has been moved
          to the object publisher via a new published module hook,
          'zpublisher_exception_hook'.  In addition to enabling
          conflict error handling, this fixed two other bugs:

           - Error handling in ExternalMethods and in DTML methods or
             documents called from other DTML documents or methods
             caused errors to be propagated in ways that defeated use of
             the try tag and other forms of error handling.

           - Errors raised before or after calling published objects
             were not formatted.

        - Errors in processing form variables, such as missing or
          miss-typed values resulted in server errors, rather than in
          formatted error reports.

        - Database browsing didn't work for ZGadflyDA database adapters.

        - Transaction meta data were not captured correctly by
          ZPublisher, which made the undo log look odd wrt the user
          who performed the transaction.

        - Permissions for version operations were not set correctly. This
          made it hard to delegate work to be done in versions and to
          separate version participation from version finalization.
          To fix this, it was necessary to split the "Join/Leave" view
          into separate "Join/Leave" and "Save/Discard" views.

        - No remark could be entered when discarding versions.
        - Fixed a ZServer kill_zombies bug which kept ZServer from killing
          hung connections.
        - Improved ZServer's handling of slightly broken HTTP requests.

        - Fixed a properties setting permission bug.
        - Fixed a product permissions registration bug that allowed
          product permission data to get lost.

        - Updated the MailHost product to use the new product initialization
          procedure. This fixed a MailHost adding permissions bug.
        - Made Z Class icons visible to everyone. This way you can view a
          Z Class icon without having and permissions on the Z Class.

        - Objects were sometimes incorrectly acquired do a bug in
          detecting attribute errors during acquisition. This led to
          errors getting covered up or obscured.

        - There was a memory leak in acquisition.

        - Some thread-safety problems were fixed.

        - DTML entity references (e.g. '&dtml-spam;') with missing
          semicolons  (e.g. '&dtml-spam') caused infinite loops.

        - Extra spaces around expressions in DTML caused syntax errors.

        - Broken objects, which are used as surrogates for objects
          that can no longer be instantiated due to missing product
          installations, no longer use HTML markup in their text
          representation, as this caused odd effects in HTML titles.

        - A number of fixes were made to the new DOM support.
        - Versions could be deleted by users working in the deleted
          versions. This led to strange paradoxical effects.  Attempts
          to delete a version or an object containing a version by
          someone working in a version now lead to errors.

        - ZGadflyDA has been updated to use the current (as of this
          release) version of Gadfly. (Note that this had been
          incorrectly reported as a 2.0 beta 1 feature.)

        - Using an sql method in a version sometimes caused the method
          to be locked, making it unusable by non-version users. This
          was due to the way that column meta-data was managed.  Now
          column meta-data, used by report creation wizards, is only
          safed when sql methods are tested.

        - In StructuredText, list items could not directly introduce
          example code.

        - Undoing transactions that discarded versions did not cause
          versions to appear non-empty.

        - Temporary files were created for file storages that were
          opened in read-only mode.

        - A bug in FileStorage and DemoStorage didn't show you more
          than the first 20 previous transactions in the Undo log.

        - An incorrect contents view was returned after adding a File

        - On the cache parameters page, the number of bytes, rather
          than the number of objects in the database was shown.


        The section for Zope 2.0 alpha 4 did not mention that ZCatalog 
        is now shipped with the Zope core.

    Zope 2.0 beta 1

      Backward incompatibility

        - ZODB 2 is no longer supported or included!

        - The utility script bbb.py, no longer supports
          xml output.
      Known problems

        - Handling of conflict errors hasn't been implemented.  When
          two threads try to update the same object, one will get a
          conflict error. By beta release 2, requests that get conflict
          errors will be retried until they succeed (or fail without a
          conflict error) or until a maximum number of retries is

      Features added
        - The default ports used by ZServer have been changed. The
          new default ports are: 8080 for HTTP, 8021 for FTP and
          8099 for the monitor server.

        - ZServer now uses the zLOG logging mechanism for informational and
          warning messages.
        - ZServer now includes a fairly stable NT service ZService.py

        - 'access' file now can use SHA-1 hashing, and now does by

        - 'zpasswd.py' added to top directory to manage this
          new 'access' file

        - A number of changes have been made to enhance security
          control in through-the-web-developed products:

          - There are new "Permission" objects that can be added to 
            Products.  Permission objects provide a mechanism for
            defining new permissions. These new permissions show up in
            folder security screens.

          - Factory objects can have permission settings. This affects
            whether items show up in add lists and who can use factories.

          - Objects in products now have permission mapping rather
            than direct permission settings just like ZClass methods.

          - New permissions cannot be defined in ZClasses any longer.
            Rather, ZClasses can select from global permissions,
            including permissions defined with permission objects.

          Here's a sample scenario:

            1. Add a ZClass, "Container" with the option to create a
               factory and constructor methods.

            2. Add a permission object with the permission "Manage

            3. Change the permission of the factory created in step 1
               to "Manage Containers".

            4. Visit the ZClass created in step 1, view the "Define
               Permissions" view and map the "Create class instances"
               permission to "Manage Containers".

            5. Visit the constructor DTML Methods created in step 1,
               view the "Define Permissions" view and map the "View"
               permission to "Manage Containers".

          In this scenario, we created a ZClass and made it addable
          only by users (roles) that have the "Manage Containers" permission.

        - There is a new module, Shared.DC.THUNK
          (lib/python/Shared/DC/THUNK.py) that provides a mix-in class
          that implements ZODB 3 transaction protocols and that
          provides course-grained locking logic that should allow many
          non-thread-safe database adapters to be usable in
          multi-threaded Zope applications.  The Gadfly database
          adapter has been updated to use this mix-in class.

        - The transaction management mix-in classes (Shared.DC.TM.TM
          and Shared.DC.THUNK.THUNKED_TM) now provide a lower-level
          transaction management protocol.  Database adapters that mix
          these in should:

            - Call 'self._register()' when performing database
              queries, and

            - If necessary, override methods:

                _begin() -- Which is called to begin a transaction,

                _finish() -- Which is called to finish a transaction,
                             and save changes, or

                _abort() -- Which is called to abort (rollback) a transaction,
                            and discard changes, or

        - Object export now provides an XML export option and import
          files may be in Zope export format or XML format.

        - Zope objects that support the Zope management framework now
          support the DOM 1.0 read interfaces.  This allows DOM read
          methods and attributes to be usable with Zope objects and
          Python DOM tools, like FourThought's 4XSL to work with Zope

          Note that DOM-defined attributes are defined with "get"
          methods. For example, to get the DOM-defined "parentNode"
          attribute, use: 'object.getParentNode()'.

        - The pyexpat extension module for using James Clark's 
          expat library for parsing XML is included in the
          distribution as Shared.DC.pyexpat.

      Bugs Fixed
        - You can no longer cd to an acquired directory in ZServer FTP.

        - A number of changes were made for thread safety.  This was not as
          hard as it sounds, since persistent objects are always
          thread-safe. (Well, only one thread accesses any particular
          copy of a persistent object.)  The biggest issue here is
          mutable global variables, mutable objects stored in classes, 
          mutable default Python function arguments, and global
          variables in extensions.

    Zope 2.0 alpha 4

      Backward incompatibility

        - The old ZopeHTTPServer is no longer supported or included.
          Use ZServer.

      Features added

        - The let and return tags were added to DTML.

        - Several new input form types were added:

            :default -- allows you to specify default values

            :record -- allows you to combine multiple form variables
                       into a single input variable.
                For example::

                   <input name="date.year:record:int">
                   <input name="date.month:record:int">
                   <input name="date.day:record:int">

                will result in a single variable, 'date', with
                attributes 'year', 'month', and 'day'.

            :records -- allows you to input a list of records (ie a

            :ignore-empty -- If the field if the value is an empty

          For more information, see the section on "Form variable
          types" in http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Reference/Trinkets.

        - In the startup script, z2.py:

        - The startup script, z2.py, has additional documentation on
          providing empty strings as arguments.
        - Added a -P option to the startup script, z2.py, to specify a
          base port for the various servers. For example::
            python z2.py -P8000 
              is equivalent to:
            python z2.py -w8080 -f8021 -m8099
              This is a convenient short-hand for systems with many zserver
              instances running.
        - Added an -l option to the startup script, z2.py, to specify
          the location of the ZServer hit log. If the location is a
          relative path, then it is assumed to be rooted in the 'var'

        - A progress indicator was added to the database conversion
          utility, utilities/bbb.py.

        - The PCGI installer now writes the PCGI info file to use ZODB 3
          rather than ZODB 2.
        - The default content is provided in both ZODB 2 and ZODB 3

        - There is a new logging framework for reporting errors from
          Python-level code.  See the module zLOG.py for details.

          For the time being, to turn on logging, set the environment
          variable STUPID_LOG_FILE to a file name or to an empty
          string to log to standard error.  We will eventually provide
          a more formal and functional logging configuration

        - The hooks used by objects that modify their environment were
          changed.  The new hooks are:

            manage_addHook -- called after an object has been added

            manage_beforeDelete -- called before an object is deleted

            manage_afterClone -- called after an object has been
               copied. This should only be used by object that 
               capture their identity is some way other than their 
               id attribute or persistent id. (It's really for
               ZClasses, which have global ids.)
        - Pack is now supported for ZODB3 File Storages.
        - The header output by manage_tabs now shows whether the
          current object has been modified or locked by a version and
          shows the version if the version isn't the current working
            - The locked-in-version decoration in the object management
              contents view shows the locking version if the version isn't
              the current working version.
            - Several demonstration ZODB Storage implementations have been
              added. See lib/python/ZODB/DemoStorage.py and
        - Subtransactions have been added (instead of temporary
          versions). If a true argument is given in a transaction commit
          or abort call (e.g. 'get_transaction().commit(1)'), then
          the commit or abort applies to a subtransaction of the
          current transaction.  This is useful in a number of ways,
                o Subtransaction commits on requests that work with lots
                  of data can reduce memory usage because data can be
                  removed from memory after changes are saved in a
                o You can rollback changes due to a local error without
                  rolling back *all* of the changes made in a long

        - There is an advanced interface for specifying alternate
          storages for Zope.  Zope will try to import the module
          'custom_zodb' from INSTANCE_HOME and use it's Storage

          For example, to use a Demo storage based on the standard
          File storage, you might define a 'custom_zodb' module with::

            import Globals, ZODB.FileStorage, ZODB.DemoStorage

            name='%s/Data.fs' % Globals.data_dir

            base=ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage(name, read_only=1)
            Storage=ZODB.DemoStorage.DemoStorage("Demo (%s)" % name, base)

        - Find can now search text of SQL methods.

        - DTML tree tags now have a reverse option.

        - ZClasses now have class ids.  These class ids are registered
          in a central registry and are used when unpicking instances.

        - Database connections now have a sync method for
          synchronizing the connection with saved data.  This is
          useful for interactive connections to see database changes
          made by other threads.

        - Errors encountered when trying to unpickle object state are
          now logged, if logging is enabled.

        - Added an extra checkpoint to ZODB 3 FileStorage Transaction
          commit to better handle system crashes.

        - ZPublisher request objects now have a BODYFILE key to get
          the request body as a file for non-form non-GET requests.

        - Cookie support was added to the ZServer FTP server to make
          FTP access compatible with cookie-based authentication.

        - ZServer now includes a NT Service, 'ZServer.py' This service
          requires the Python win32 extensions. It is not yet complete
          and not yet integrated with the Zope installer. It does however
          include a large doc string.
        - ZServer is officially using the z2.py start script now. The old
          start.py and zinit.py were removed. Note: z2.py will call zdaemon.py
          for you, if you want to use ZServer in daemon mode on Unix.
        - Added a 'has_permission' method to user objects. This facilitates
          finding out if a user has access to a given object. For example::
            <!--#if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_permissions('View',someObject)"-->
        - The product add list is now filtered. This should keep
          objects out of the product add list for which the user does
          not have adequate permissions. This is implemented with a
          new method, 'filtered_meta_types' which returns all the
          meta_types for which a given user has permissions. Note:
          Right now ZClasses do not associate permissions with
          Products. Thus all Control Panel Products appear in the
          product add list, no matter what roles the user has.
        - HTTP REQUEST objects now use HTML in their string representation.

        - The REQUEST keys of the form BASEx and URLx, where x is
          an integer now allow x to be greater than 9.
        - index_html is not longer used automatically for XML-RPC

        - ZPublisher debugger, 'ZPublisher.test' now accepts a 'extra'
          keyword argument with a dictionary giving extra variables to
          be added to the request. This is handy for testing methods
          that require large amounts of input data, such as file uploads.

        - The load_site utility ('utilities/load_site.py') now accepts
          a '-9' switch to make it work with Zope (and Principia)
          sites at revisions 1.9 and lower. 

      Bugs fixed

        - Got rid of some DOS line-endings in xmlrpclib.py that caused
          install-time module compilation to fail.

        - Fixed DOS line-endings in medusa/max_sockets.py

        - Fixed a NameError (missing TupleType) definition in
          the export/import (copy/paste) machinery.

        - The startup script failed on Windows because it imported the
          posix module without checking the os.

        - ZServer crashed when the number of simultaneous connections
          exceeded a system limit, especially on Windows. ZServer now
          stops accepting new connections when the number of active
          connections exceeds a threshold.

        - Accessing cached results of items() (or values() or keys())
          calls on BTrees caused core dumps if affected elements were
          deleted.  For example::
                 for k in abtree.keys(): 
                    del abtree[k]

          Note that this code is still incorrect due to the fact that
          the objects returned from abtree.items()  (or values() or
          keys()) have reference, rather than copy semantics.
        - Compiling Acquisition.c caused (bogus) compiler errors on

        - zdeemun wus mispeled

        - Local roles were not handled correctly when filtering
          management views.

        - Copying and pasting ZClass instances copied and pasted their
          ZClasses too, effectively disconnecting them from their
          managed ZClasses. The same thing happened when ZClass
          instances were exported and imported.

        - The Database area in the control panel was broken.

        - Copy and paste of multiple objects was broken.

        - Copy and paste of ZClass methods was broken.

        - Copy and paste of ZClass properysheets was enabled and
          broken. It is now disabled.

        - Accidental import of BoboPOS in processes using ZODB (3)
          caused strange errors.

        - A bug in batch processing caused batch processing to hang or
          give incorrect results.

        - DocumentTemplate-based classes, like DTMLDocument and
          DTMLMethod could not be subclassed correctly. 

        - There was a memeory leak in the DTML try tag.

        - When adding folders with user databases, no check was made
          to make sure the user was permitted to add a user database.

        - Broken objects weren't created for objects whose class could
          not be found when using ZODB 3.

        - The 'self' argument wasn't properly passed to external
          methods used in ZClasses.

        - The Setup file in the SearchIndex package had an unneeded -I
          option that caused compilation errors on some platforms.

        - ZGadflyDA transactions were not committed.

        - ZClasses didn't provide an interface to edit their titles.

        - Propertysheets were broken for ZClasses that inherited from
          built-in classes, like Folder and DTMLDocument.

        - Propertysheets were disabled for instances by default.  Now,
          propertysheets have the "manage properties" permission by

        - The navigation pane wasn't updated when classes were added.

        - Changes in ZClasses were not properly propagated to all
          database connections using ZODB3.

        - Database connections were not closed correctly under heavy
          load when the number of application threads exceeded the
          number of database connections in the connection pool. This
          lead to Zope locking up under load if the application thread
          count was increased using the z2.py -t option.

        - undo in ZODB 3 didn't properly refresh objects.
        - export and import was broken for ZODB 3.
        - Fixed ZServer HTTP zombie killing. Now hung connections are
          successfully closed.

        - A bug in handling the case when a file was created on open
          without the create flag caused weird errors on windows.

        - The REQUEST BASE1 key was not computed correctly when
          SCRIPT_NAME was an empty string.

        - It was impossible to return an empty list or dictionary to
          an XML-RPC request. 
        - The database conversion script fails when the first record
          in the input file lacked properly-formatted transaction
          data.  The conversion script also didn't work on some
          systems due to an incorrect 'flush' call on the *input*

        - Factories that were also ZClass methods didn't get
          unregistered properly when they were deleted.

    Zope 2.0 alpha 3

      Features added

        - XML-RPC support

          All Zope objects are now XML-RPC servers.

        - ZODB 2 (aka BoboPOS) to ZODB 3 FileStorage database conversion

          An option has been added to the bbb.py script in the
          utilities directory to convert ZODB 2 database files to ZODB
          3 format. The bbb.py script now accepts an '-f' option that
          takes an argument specifying an output file name.  For
          example, to convert the ZODB 2 data file, Data.bbb, in the
          var directory, to ZODB 3 FileStorage format::

            python utilities/bbb.py -f var/Data.fs var/Data.bbb

          Note that version data are not converted.

        - In Z Classes, Methods and Property Sheets now have a "Define
          Permissions" management tab to map permissions. This tab used
          to be labeled "Security".

        - ZServer's FTP server now attempts to display an object's owner
          as defined in local roles.  

      Bugs fixed

        - The cache management screens were broken

        - Local roles on DTML Methods and Documents were not persistent.

        - ZServer's select trigger has been updated and now shouldn't give
          errors when running ZServer as another users.   

        - The tree tag used persistent object ids in ways that were 
          not compatible with ZODB 3.  This caused strange behavior
          like weird content-types and invalid state messages.

        - The DTML In tag no longer handled batch processing correctly, 
          and sometimes got into infinite loops.  This was due to a very
          old bug that was made effective by Python 1.5.2.

        - Objects that could not be loaded because their implementing modules
          (or packages) had been removed were not handled properly as
          broken objects when ZODB 3 was used.

        - The DTML Python string format did not allow expressions for 
          simple variable insertion.  Expression insertion is now
          allowed if the var tag name if the var tag name is supplied,
          as in::

            %(var expr="x+1")s

          Note that, because of this change, the var tag name must
          also be supplied when a variable named 'var' is inserted, as

            %(var var)s

    Zope 2.0 alpha 2

      Features added

        - There is a new optional EXPERIMENTAL HTML DTML syntax.  As
          an alternative to SSI syntax, you can now use ordinary HTML
          syntax, as in:

            <dtml-in objectIds>
              <dtml-var sequence-item>

          You can also use an entity-reference syntax for the var tag
          as an alternative to the tag syntax.  For example::


          is equivalent to::

            <dtml-var foo>

          and is especially handy in attributes::

            <a href="&dtml-foo;">

          Both the new syntax and the SSI syntax are allowed in the
          same document.  In fact, if you were really twisted, you

            <dtml-in objectIds>
              <dtml-var sequence-item>


             This feature really is EXPERIMENTAL.  It could disappear
            someday, depending on how people like it.  We'd really like
            to get feedback on how useful this feature is.

        - reverse options were added to the in and tree tags.

        - The startup script, z2.py, has a -D option to turn on
          debugging mode.

        - Made environment variable settings work with the http
          server. So now you can do things like ./z2.py -w 8888
          SCRIPT_NAME=Zope and actually have the specified SCRIPT_NAME
          override the normal SCRIPT_NAME. This is Useful for using ZServer
          behind a proxy.

        - Added support for the Medusa monitor server.

        - There's a first cut at a ZServer NT service. This is Zope on
          NT's answer to zdeamon.py

          It actually seems to work, though there's still a fair
          amount missing.

        - The error messages for missing or miss-formatted access
          files was improved.

        - A new debugging method, manage_debug, has been added to
          Control_Panel to monitor the Zope process for possible
          memory leaks.

        - The name, 'this', has been added to the namespace available
          to construction methods to provide a function for computing
          the destination object.  The name, 'this' is essentially
          equivalent to 'Destination' and 'Destination' will be
          deprecated eventually.

        - The title of the main Zope management interface now includes
          a full URL.

        - Folders that have (or acquire) index_html methods now have
          view tabs for viewing index_html.

        - On browsers that support Java Script, the "Add" button is
          omitted and the add form is visited as soon as a selection
          is made from the select list.

        - The python-pickle format used to export data from ZODB 2 was
          updated to handle string data differently.

      Bugs fixed

        - A number of bugs and features were left out of the 
          release notes for Zope 2.0 alpha 1.  The notes for
          Zope 2.0 alpha 1 have been updated substantially.

        - There was a serious memory leak introduced when a security
          bug was fixed in 1.10.0.

        - There was a memory leak in ZODB 3 persistent objects, which
          now manage object IDs as persistent objects.

        - The Python 1.5.2 cgi module didn't work with Zope.  
          Zope now includes its own fixed version of the module.

          This bug caused FTP, Netscape Publishing and WebDAV to fail.

        - A bug in transaction management caused Gadfly requests to
          fail. Other database adapters need to be updated.

        - Running ZServer as nobody failed due to the order in which
          the log file was opened.
        - Added fix contributed by Brian Hooper for HTTP Clients which
          don't always spell their HTTP headers correctly.

        - A number of classes didn't get there reference-counts
          reduced when instances were destroyed.  This confused the
          new memory allocation monitoring tool.

        - New user folders had no effect because they did not get
          properly registered in their containing folders.

        - Changes made to factory objects were lost when a process was
        - Clicking on the 'Help' caused the help information to be
          displayed in the current frame, rather than in a new

        - Shutting down Zope attempted to save the database index even
          when Zope was run in read-only mode.

        - A number of fixes were made in the Date-Time support.

        - Batch processing in the in tag sometimes failed.

        - Sites with custom roles in the top-level application
          object did not pick up the new 'Owner' role.
        - Content-type detection had problems in DTML documents and

        - Some cookie expiration dates used 2-digit years.

        - Error values for errors raised by ExternalMethods were lost.

        - Values returned by absolute_url were not URL quoted.

        - Extra newlines were prepended to documents when they were

        - Objects ids were not properly quoted in a number of places,
          because id quoting was unnecessary until recent relaxation
          of the rules for ids.
        - ExternalMethods are now automatically reloaded when running
          in debug mode.

        - Search interfaces generated by the search interface wizard
          no longer include a "Cancel" button.

        - Errors were masked by a bug in handling ZODB3 transaction

        - The ZODB 3 cache manager deactivated objects too quickly,
          causing performance to degrade.

        - BASEx request variables were not computed correctly when
          SCRIPT_NAME was not empty.

        - The URLx variables couldn't be computed in some cases when
          using ZServer.

    Zope 2.0 alpha 1


        - A change was made to the way ZClasses are constructed.

          Previously, the __call__ method was an alias for the
          index_html method which took took an id and a request
          and created a new instance and added the instance to
          the destination.
          Now, the __call__ method simply calls the underlying
          managed class with the supplied arguments to create and
          return an instance.  The instance is not added to a
          The index_html method is now an alias for the
          createInObjectManager method, which does what the
          index_html method did before.
          There is a new method, fromRequest, that takes an id
          and a request and creates a new instance.  It does not
          at the instance to a destination.

      Features Added

        - Integration of ZODB 3

        - The ZClass construction interface has been cleaned up to
          make construction of ZClasses a little easier from Python.

        - When adding ZClasses, there is now an option to
          automatically create construction methods and a factory.

        - "Management" screens now *only* show tabs a user permitted
          to see.  Used in combination with carefully selected roles, 
          this change provides an adaptable management interface.

        - Instance homes can now have local Products directories.

        - There is a new ZServer start up script that can be used without
          modification and that integrates process management.  This
          script replaces the ZServer 'start.py' and 'zinit.py' scripts.

        - When the new startup script is used, then the control panel
          shows a "Restart" button which causes the Zope process to
          exit and be restarted and a "Shutdown" button that causes Zope 
          to exit and not be restarted.

        - There is a *very* rough cut at a centralized version manager
          in the control panel.  This is only functional when the
          ZODB3 database is used.  This feature will mature
          significantly before the final 2.0 release.
        - A new Zope icon was added, and the "powered by Zope" icon
          has been updated.

        - Made DTMLDocuments, DTMLMethods, Images, Files and Folders
          subclassable by ZClasses.

        - ZClass property sheets can now have read and modify

        - An "add list" name can be specified when creating a ZClass.
          If specified, then construction methods and a factory are
          created. This makes the class immediately instantiatable and
          provides construction method examples.

        - The ZClass basic property sheet now shows base classes.

        - Changed the string representation of HTTPRequest so that
          <!--#var REQUEST--> is a lot friendlier.
        - Added a Zope debugging short cut.  


            import ZPublisher

          is a shortcut for::

            import ZPublisher
            ZPublisher.test('Zope', path)

      Bugs Fixed

        - ZClass permission setting interfaces didn't show inherited

        - A number of bugs arising from attempts to set 
          caching headers were fixed.

        - Some default permissions were not set correctly.

        - The unused non-functioning resource-consuming Scheduler has
          been removed.

        - Access was given to objects without roles even if access
          would be denied to the container.

        - Fix submitted by Martijn Pieters:

          Any property type int or long, set to 0, showed up in the
          Properties Management tab as blank. This resulted in errors
          when trying to change values of other properties, etc.

        - Version names were computed incorrectly.

        - Delete and rename were broken for ZClasses.

        - It wasn't possible to override inherited attributes with
          methods in ZClasses.

        - Property values were not removed from ZClasses when property
          sheets were deleted.  This made it impossible to re-add a
          property from a deleted property sheet.

        - Generated property view and edit forms for ZClass property
          sheets had a number of problems.

        - The propertysheets property sheet should only allow addition of
          property sheets.

    Zope 1.11.0 pr1, which should have been named Zope 2.0.0 alpha 0.
      Lots has changed in this release. The major news is ZClasses and WebDAV.
      Features Added

        - Added WebDAV support. See http://webdav.zope.org/ for details.

        - Added Z Classes. Documentation is forthcoming.

          ZClasses might be viewed as somewhat experimental, although
          we're using them aggressively for internal projects.

        - Added Property Sheets. Documentation is forthcoming.
        - ZServer now included in distribution.
        - Added new product registration interface. Documentation is

        - Added local roles which allow for permission settings for
          users on individual objects. This allows for 'ownership' of Zope
          objects. Added 'Owner' role to default roles, and automatic
          setting of the 'Owner' role on a created object to the user who
          created it.
        - Added hooks for XML-RPC support to ZPublisher. See the source
          for details. XML-RPC support is not yet finished.
        - Added automatic height/width detection for JPEG images.

        - Revised Zope error messages.

        - A new DTML 'try' tag added based on work by Jordan B. Baker.
          See the source for details. Documentation is forthcoming.

        - A new DTML 'mime' tag has been added. See the MIMETools README.txt
          for more information.

        - A new 'range' function added the the '_' DTML variable. 

        - A new 'utilities' directory is included in the distribution.

        - A new flag attribute, 'only', of the DTML 'with' tag
          prunes the DTML namespace to only the namespace created
          with the with tag.

        - Added contributed support for encoding options in the SendMail
          tag and MailHost send method.
        - Management tabs are now prettier and allow status messages with
          the manage_tabs_message variable.
        - Added a method of notifying users of changes without using a
          MessageDialog. This makes editing DTML Documents and Methods
        - Added more documentation to Product add screens.

        - New icons for many Zope objects.

        - Sessions are now known as Versions.

        - Changed from using 'manage_main' as default management method to use
          'manage_workspace' which is a reserved method that dispatches to the
          default management interface which is the first interface defined
          in manage_options

        - Permission settings are now inherited by Products from their base
          classes. This means when you build a Product you only need to specify
          its particular permission settings.

        - Changed ZPublisher.publish_module's interface so that instead of
          providing a stdin, stdout, and stderr, you can provide a Request and
          a Response object. ZServer makes extensive use of this feature.

        - Added methods to HTTPRequest to allow access to ZPublishers object
          traversal. HTTPRequest.clone and HTTPRequest.resolve_url. See the
          source for more details.
        - Added a new "builtin" function reorder to DTML.
          reorder(s, [with, without]])
          Reorder the items in s according to the order given in with
          and with items mentioned in without removed.  Items from s
          not mentioned in with are removed.

          s, with, and without are all either sequences if strings
          or sequences of key-value tuples, with ordering done on the

          This function is useful for constructing ordered select lists.

      Bugs Fixed

        - Added small fixes to ZopeHTTPServer in anticipation of DAV.

        - Construction, upload, and edit methods did not consistently
          support either string or file data.  This caused really weird
          behavior when file upload was used with out including the 
          ':string' suffix in the argument name when doing a file upload.

          This bug was previously (and incorrectly) reported as a 
          ZPublisher.Client problem.

        - Errors in ExternalMethods were masked by bugs in error
          reporting logic.  The bugs were made far more effective
          by Python 1.5.1.

        - Databases (or export files) created in binary distributions
          were not usable in source distributions due to cPickle
          limitations in stock Python 1.5.1.  We now link/copy the
          cPickle extension to BoboPOS to make sure that it uses the
          latest version.

        - Fixed registration of MailHost settings and incorrect default
          quoted-printable encoding of message bodies.

        - Added contributed patch that fixes bug in copied-object id

        - DTML Documents and Methods now attempt to determine their
          content-type rather than assuming they are text/html.

        - Fixed PUT bug in determining content-type of binary files.

        - Added changes that allow the top level userfolder to be replaced by a
          UserDB or other userfolder-like object.

        - Fixed an FTP support bug that sometimes kept simple items from
          producing FTP listings.

        - Added URL1 instead of "." as the form target for the workspace forms --
          using "." causes NS servers to intercept the request and report an
          error, making Zope effectively unusable.

        - Added ZPL 1.0 and credits to copyright link in management screen.
        - Fixed a bug that prevented validate() from working if the top-level
          object were accessed and no default object (index_html) existed.

        - Fixed a logic bug in security validation that allowed access to
          unacquired objects that didn't have __roles__ even if the
          containing object was protected.

    Zope  1.10.2

      Bugs Fixed

        - Fixed a permission problem with DTMLMethod objects that caused
          errors when attempting to commit permission changes.

        - Factories could not determine the available methods
          when they were being edited, making them uneditable.

    Zope  1.10.1

      This is a Python 1.5.2 beta 2 compatibility release.

      A Python C API change in Python 1.5.2 beta 2 broke
      Zope.  This release contains a fix.

      Zope should work correctly with Python 1.5, 1.5.1 and
      beta versions of 1.5.2.

    Zope  1.10.0

      New Features

        - Added Import/Export interfaces to Folders.

      Bugs Fixed

        - Fixed a bug in ZopeHTTPServer which caused it to fail on POST
          requests without content-type headers.

        - PUT and file uploads would fail if the content-type could
          not be determined. Now objects created via PUT and file
          upload will default to either 'application/octet-stream'
          for binary files or 'text/plain' for non-binary files if
          no content-type can be determined from headers or filename

        - Fixed a permission bug left from a change to the Find support.

        - Fixed misc typos in docstrings and docs.

        - Fixed a bug that kept objects from being freed from the cache!
          Basically, there was never a check for inactive objects.

        - MailHost objects didn't do appropriate CRLF conversion or
          recognize 4xx server responses.

    Zope  1.10.0 pr1

      New Features

        - Documents generated by the search interface wizard
          no longer use tab characters.

        - Added a -s option to ZopeHTTPServer.  This is useful
          for emulating older sites when generating screen shots
          for creating or updating documentation.

        - Default bobobase now includes a Zope button along with a link
          to the Zope site. This satisfies the ZPL attribution requirement.
          The button is created by a new builtin method
          'ZopeAttributionButton'. Also, both the source and the binary
          distributions now have the same default bobobase.

        - Made the logic for getting SOFTWARE_HOME a bit more robust, so that 
          it handles relative paths and paths starting with '.' and '..'.
          This is useful when simply importing Main from the Python
          prompt in the lib/python directory.

        - The ThreadLock module has been changed to reflect changes
          in the Python API in Python 1.5.2.

        - The '_' variable in DTML now has the random module
          as an attribute and DateTime.DateTime as the attribute DateTime.

        - Added keys() and items() methods to the REQUEST object.

        - Added get_header() method to the REQUEST object for retrieving
          HTTP headers.

        - New SearchIndex package and BTree component have been added to 
          the distribution, providing low-level support for products with
          built-in searching such as Tabula and Confera.

        - Documents have now been split into two distinct object types:
          DTML Documents and DTML Methods. DTML Methods behave exactly
          as Document objects did. DTML Documents are similar except that
          the "client" or "self" of a DTML Document is the DTML Document
          itself rather than its parent, and DTML Documents can have

        - DTML Documents, Image and File objects can now have properties.

        - A new PropertyManager mixin class allows developers to easily
          add properties and property management to non-Folder objects.

        - Added a new absolute_url method which can generate an absolute
          url for the object on which the method is called.

        - GIF and PNG Images now figure out their own dimensions when
          uploaded. Image height and width properties are now editable.

        - Images now generate themselves as html IMG tags, using an absolute
          url and correct height and width tags if possible.

        - There is a new form input type, boolean, for inputing boolean

        - Added a read_only option to the SimpleDB.MultipleRevision and 
          PickleDictionary constructors to open a database in read_only

        - Added an environment variable, ZOPE_READ_ONLY, used by the
          Zope framework.  If this variable is set, then the database
          is opened in read only mode.  If this variable is set to a
          string parsable by DateTime.DateTime, then the database is
          opened read-only as of the time given.  Note that changes
          made by another process after the database has been opened
          are not visible.

        - Added a database_quota option to the SimpleDB.MultipleRevision and 
          PickleDictionary constructors and a
          SimpleDB.MultipleRevision.set_quota method to set a database
          quota. The quota is given as either an integer number of
          bytes, or a function taking an integer number of bytes
          argument and returning whether the quota has been exceeded.

        - Added an environment variable, ZOPE_DATABASE_QUOTA, used by the
          Zope framework. If this variable is set, it should be set to
          an integer number of bytes.  Additions to the database are
          not allowed if the database size exceeds the quota.          

        - Added size and last modification time to DTML Method and DTML
          Document edit interface.

        - Added a new module, BoboPOS.winlock, that provides file
          locking on windows.  This should prevent many cases of data

        - Added FTP support to Documents, Files, Images, and Folders.
          FTP interface is detailed in OFS/FTPInterface.py though it may
          change. Basic FTP support was also added to SimpleItem to make
          it easier for Zope objects to support FTP.

      Bugs Fixed
        - Permissions for manage_clone method were wrong, meaning that
          essentially only managers could use it.

        - File paths that showed up in tracebacks reflected the paths the 
          files had when they were compiled (at distribution build-time).
          The compiled-in paths have been changed to be relative to the
          Zope installation directory.

        - Fixed a bug in ZPublisher's special handling the "cancel"
          submit buttons. The test for the cancel button was case
          sensitive.  I changed it so it would accept any case, as
          well as extra spaces.

          Cancel buttons should probably be handled using the new
          :method form type, but this would require the presense of an
          appropriate redirect method.  Perhaps there should be
          a :redirect form type.

        - Date strings with years < 31 were not accepted, even
          through the documentation says they should be.

        - If Zope crashed or was unable to completely write a database
          record, then on restart, a data corruption error was reported.
          Now, truncated records are removed if necessary on start up.
          If necessary, other records are removed as well to avoid 
          partially-written transactions.

        - Lack of sys.argv in the win32 service version of Zope caused 
          it to raise errors under certain conditions.

        - Several HTTP PUT related bugs were fixed.

        - Simple items did not have an objectValues method, which caused
          odd behavior in certain tree tags since the method would be
          acquired from the parent of the simple item.

        - The Find form in the management interface depended on javascript
          to function properly.

        - Added a fix to compensate for the fact that Apache servers may 
          rename the entire cgi environment when mod_rewrite rules are 
          used in .htaccess files.

        - If system clocks were changed, so that database records 
          had records in the "future", then database corruption could
          either occur or be incorrectly reported.  Now this situation
          results in an informative error message and corruption does
          not occur.

    Zope 1.9.0

      New Features

        - Zope now provides better information about products.  If a 
          Product has a README.txt, then it will be readable through
          the product management interface.   

          If a product encounters an error during startup, the
          traceback is available through the product management

        - Cache statistics are displayed in minutes, rather than

        - Products can define the attribute '__module_aliases__' in
          their '__init__' modules that specifies aliases for modules
          used in the product.  This is useful if module names have
          changed and the database contains pickles refering to the
          old modules.  The attribute should be a sequence of
          tuples. Each tuple has a (dotted) module name and a module.

      Bugs Fixed
        - Development on ZopeHTTPServer has been frozen in anticipation
          of the switch to Medusa. Therefor ZopeHTTPServer still does
          support PUT. Sorry.

        - ZPublisher.Client used the obsolete rand module.

        - Errors occuring during product import caused Zope to fail to come

        - Product version information was not displayed correctly.

        - ZGadflyDA cached table meta-data which lead to missleading
          information when browsing databases.

    Zope 1.9 beta 3

      New Features

        - Z SQL Methods (FKA Aqueduct) and the Z Gadfly Database Adapter
          are now included.

        - The argument handling for ZopeHTTPServer has been changed to 
          be a bit more flexible wrt the order of argumements.  
          While options must still come first, environment settings
          can be given in any order.  This makes startup scripts loke
          serve.py quite a bit simpler.

        - ZopeHTTPServer now sports preliminary support for PUT publishing.
        - ZopeHTTPServer now serves from port 9673 by default, not 8080.

      Bugs fixed

        - The start.bat file used to start ZopeHTTPServer on win32 was
          misnamed and didn't correctly pass command-line arguments.

        - Win32 machines without an existing Python installation had problems
          due to PYTHONPATH bootstrapping.

        - The included ZopeHTTPServer was failing to start correctly on
          win32 machines that were not connected to the network.

    Zope 1.9 beta 2

      In addition to various documentation updates, this release includes:

      New Features

        - Changed serve.py to accept ZopeHTTPServer command-line options.

        - Added a -P option to the ZopeHTTPServer to specify a file
          to contain the process ID.  This allows a script to stop
          the process on Unix.

        - Added support for the environment variables, Z_REALM and
          Z_DEBUG_MODE to set an authentication realm and to
          enable debug mode.

      Bugs fixed

        - External methods were broken due to differences in 
          Python 1.4 and Python 1.5 comparison semantics.

        - ZopeHTTPServer command-line environment settings
          were not available in os.environ.

        - Some class references were wrong in examples in the ExtensionClass

        - INSTANCE_HOME was not set correctly when the debugger was run
          with a relative path to the published module.

        - The #! line in the ZopeHTTPServer was hidden by the copyright
          statement and didn't have the right path.

        - A bug in pcgi_publisher.py caused file uploads larger than 1 MB
          to fail.

    Zope 1.9 beta 1

      Bugs fixed:

        - pcgi did not build correctly on Solaris 2.6

        - links in headers were broken when Zope was reached with
          /, as is the case when the ZopeHTTPServer is used.

        - Python sources used tabs and spaces for indentation, which
          made some people unhappy.

        - Copyright statements were missing or out of date.
        - Added better instructions for building and running Zope.

        - Added new Zope License and attribution information.

        - Merged BoboHTTPServer updates with ZopeHTTPServer. Including 
          socket changes to allow easier stopping and starting.

        - Shutting down the ZopeHTTPServer from the application
          caused an empty document to be returned.

        - The install scripts failed if run more than once when attempting
          to create a var directory.


        - Added (and old version of) the zlib module to make
          installation simpler.

        - Zope requires an access file.  The install scripts now create

    Zope 1.9 alpha 1 

      This was the inital Zope test release.


    Things we plan to happen real soon (maybe next release)


       - include a serve shell script along the lines of:
           python serve.py > var/serve.log 2> var/serve.errors &
         Note that this script should be written by the installers
         and use sys.executable.



       - Chase down weird bugs reported by Michel Pelletier.

    Things to do sometime


        - Better deamon management for ZopeHTTPServer, Medusa,
          and pcgi-LRP (when pcgi wrapper gets out of process
          management business).

          (Note that there is some experimental code along these
           lines in principia main.)

       - Need make_clean.py that:
         - runs make clobber for the extensions
         - runs make clean in pcgi
         - prints an message reminding user to manually remove var

       - The default access file should be handled a little differently.
         The installer should make people enter values, the default
         should have a randomly generated password, or the default should
         be ommitted.
