Commit 094d8809 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

More bits and pieces of project generation.

parent 4eab99d9
import cwxmlgen
import cwtalker
def mkproject(outputfile, modulename, settings):
# Copy the dictionary
dictcopy = {}
for k, v in settings.items():
dictcopy[k] = v
# Fill in mac-specific values
dictcopy['mac_projectxmlname'] = outputfile + '.xml'
dictcopy['mac_exportname'] = os.path.split(outputfile)[1] + '.exp'
dictcopy['mac_outputdir'] = ':lib:' # XXX Is this correct??
dictcopy['mac_dllname'] = modulename + '.ppc.slb'
dictcopy['mac_targetname'] = modulename + '.ppc'
of os.path.isabs(dictcopy['sysprefix']):
dictcopy['mac_sysprefixtype'] = 'Absolute'
dictcopy['mac_sysprefixtype'] = 'Project' # XXX not sure this is right...
# Generate the XML for the project
xmlbuilder = cwxmlgen.ProjectBuilder(dictcopy)
fp = open(dictcopy['mac_projectxmlname'], "w")
# Generate the export file
fp = open(outputfile + '.exp', 'w')
# Generate the project from the xml
cw = cwtalker.MyCodeWarrior(start=1)
cw.send_timeout = AppleEvents.kNoTimeOut
xmlfss = macfs.FSSpec(dictcopy['mac_projectxmlname'])
prjfss = macfs.FSSpec(outputfile)
cw.my_mkproject(prjfss, xmlfss)
def buildproject(projectfile):
cw = cwtalker.MyCodeWarrior(start=1)
cw.send_timeout = AppleEvents.kNoTimeOut
prjfss = macfs.FSSpec(projectfile)
cw.Make_Project() # XXX Should set target
def cleanproject(projectfile):
cw = cwtalker.MyCodeWarrior(start=1)
cw.send_timeout = AppleEvents.kNoTimeOut
prjfss = macfs.FSSpec(projectfile)
import CodeWarrior
class MyCodeWarrior(CodeWarrior.CodeWarrior):
# Bug in the CW OSA dictionary
def export(self, object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
"""export: Export the project file as an XML file
Keyword argument _in: the XML file in which to export the project
Keyword argument _attributes: AppleEvent attribute dictionary
_code = 'CWIE'
_subcode = 'EXPT'
aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_export)
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
# XXXX Optionally decode result
if _arguments.has_key('----'):
return _arguments['----']
def my_mkproject(self, prjfile, xmlfile):
self.make(new=CodeWarrior.project_document, with_data=xmlfile, at=prjfile)
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ TEMPLATELIST= [
("tmp_allsources", "file", "template-allsources.xml", "sources"),
("tmp_linkorder", "file", "template-linkorder.xml", "sources"),
("tmp_grouplist", "file", "template-grouplist.xml", "sources"),
("tmp_extrasearchdirs", "file", "template-searchdirs.xml", "extrasearchdirs"),
("tmp_projectxmldata", "file", "template.prj.xml", None)
......@@ -66,11 +67,15 @@ class ProjectBuilder:
def _test():
dict = {
"mac_projectxmlname" : "xxnew.prj.xml",
"mac_targetname" : "xxnew.ppc",
"mac_dllname" : "xxnew.ppc.slb",
"sources" : ["xxnewmodule.c"],
"mac_exportname" : "xxnew.prj.exp",
"mac_projectxmlname" : "controlstrip.prj.xml", # The XML filename (full path)
"mac_exportname" : "controlstrip.prj.exp", # Export file (relative to project)
"mac_outputdir" : ":", # The directory where the DLL is put (relative to project)
"mac_dllname" : "controlstrip.ppc.slb", # The DLL filename (within outputdir)
"mac_targetname" : "controlstrip.ppc", # The targetname within the project
"sysprefix" : sys.prefix, # Where the Python sources live
"mac_sysprefixtype" : "Absolute", # Type of previous pathname
"sources" : ["controlstripmodule.c"],
"extrasearchdirs": [], # -I and -L, in unix terms
pb = ProjectBuilder(dict)
......@@ -92,20 +92,30 @@
......@@ -136,7 +146,7 @@
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