Commit 119aebdf authored by Éric Araujo's avatar Éric Araujo

Minor improvement to extensions section in setup.cfg.

The right-hand part in [extension: foo] is now used as the name of the
extension module.  (I changed the separator from = to : and allowed
whitespace to make the sections look nicer.)
parent 46b75b4b
......@@ -756,8 +756,7 @@ needs to have its options defined in a dedicated section. Here's an example::
packages = coconut
name = coconut._fastcoconut
[extension: coconut._fastcoconut]
language = cxx
sources = cxx_src/cononut_utils.cxx
......@@ -768,8 +767,10 @@ needs to have its options defined in a dedicated section. Here's an example::
-DGECODE_VERSION=$(./gecode_version) -- sys.platform != 'win32'
/DGECODE_VERSION='win32' -- sys.platform == 'win32'
The section name must start with ``extension=``; the righ-hand part is currently
discarded. Valid fields and their values are listed in the documentation of the
The section name must start with ``extension:``; the right-hand part is used as
the full name (including a parent package, if any) of the extension. Whitespace
around the extension name is allowed.
Valid fields and their values are listed in the documentation of the
:class:`packaging.compiler.extension.Extension` class; values documented as
Python lists translate to multi-line values in the configuration file. In
addition, multi-line values accept environment markers on each line, after a
......@@ -251,13 +251,16 @@ class Config:
ext_modules = self.dist.ext_modules
for section_key in content:
labels = section_key.split('=')
# no str.partition in 2.4 :(
labels = section_key.split(':')
if len(labels) == 2 and labels[0] == 'extension':
# labels[1] not used from now but should be implemented
# for extension build dependency
values_dct = content[section_key]
if 'name' in values_dct:
raise PackagingOptionError(
'extension name should be given as [extension: name], '
'not as key')
_pop_values(values_dct, 'sources'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'include_dirs'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'define_macros'),
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from io import StringIO
from packaging import command
from packaging.dist import Distribution
from packaging.errors import PackagingFileError
from packaging.errors import PackagingFileError, PackagingOptionError
from packaging.compiler import new_compiler, _COMPILERS
from packaging.command.sdist import sdist
......@@ -100,21 +100,20 @@ sub_commands = foo
# Can not be merged with SETUP_CFG else install_dist
# command will fail when trying to compile C sources
# TODO use a DummyCommand to mock build_ext
packages = one
name = one.speed_coconuts
sources = c_src/speed_coconuts.c
extra_link_args = "`gcc -print-file-name=libgcc.a`" -shared
define_macros = HAVE_CAIRO HAVE_GTK2
libraries = gecodeint gecodekernel -- sys.platform != 'win32'
GecodeInt GecodeKernel -- sys.platform == 'win32'
name = two.fast_taunt
[extension: two.fast_taunt]
sources = cxx_src/utils_taunt.cxx
include_dirs = /usr/include/gecode
......@@ -123,7 +122,11 @@ extra_compile_args = -fPIC -O2
-DGECODE_VERSION=$(./gecode_version) -- sys.platform != 'win32'
/DGECODE_VERSION='win32' -- sys.platform == 'win32'
language = cxx
[extension: realname]
name = crash_here
......@@ -335,6 +338,9 @@ class ConfigTestCase(support.TempdirManager,
self.assertEqual(ext.extra_compile_args, cargs)
self.assertEqual(ext.language, 'cxx')
self.write_file('setup.cfg', EXT_SETUP_CFG_BUGGY_1)
self.assertRaises(PackagingOptionError, self.get_dist)
def test_project_setup_hook_works(self):
# Bug #11637: ensure the project directory is on sys.path to allow
# project-specific hooks
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