Commit 5e36ad39 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

pickle: Comment repair.

pickletools:  Import decode_long from pickle instead of duplicating it.
parent 213608df
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import warnings
__all__ = ["PickleError", "PicklingError", "UnpicklingError", "Pickler",
"Unpickler", "dump", "dumps", "load", "loads"]
# These are purely informational; no code usues these
# These are purely informational; no code uses these.
format_version = "2.0" # File format version we write
compatible_formats = ["1.0", # Original protocol 0
"1.1", # Protocol 0 with INST added
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ compatible_formats = ["1.0", # Original protocol 0
] # Old format versions we can read
# Why use struct.pack() for pickling but marshal.loads() for
# unpickling? struct.pack() is 40% faster than marshal.loads(), but
# unpickling? struct.pack() is 40% faster than marshal.dumps(), but
# marshal.loads() is twice as fast as struct.unpack()!
mloads = marshal.loads
......@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ class UnpicklingError(PickleError):
# An instance of _Stop is raised by Unpickler.load_stop() in response to
# the STOP opcode, passing the object that is the result of unpickling.
class _Stop(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
......@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ BINFLOAT = 'G' # push float; arg is 8-byte float encoding
TRUE = 'I01\n' # not an opcode; see INT docs in
FALSE = 'I00\n' # not an opcode; see INT docs in
# Protocol 2 (not yet implemented).
# Protocol 2 (XXX not yet implemented).
PROTO = '\x80' # identify pickle protocol
NEWOBJ = '\x81' # build object by applying cls.__new__ to argtuple
......@@ -772,6 +774,9 @@ def _keep_alive(x, memo):
# A cache for whichmodule(), mapping a function object to the name of
# the module in which the function was found.
classmap = {} # called classmap for backwards compatibility
def whichmodule(func, funcname):
......@@ -780,7 +785,7 @@ def whichmodule(func, funcname):
Search sys.modules for the module.
Cache in classmap.
Return a module name.
If the function cannot be found, return __main__.
If the function cannot be found, return "__main__".
if func in classmap:
return classmap[func]
......@@ -603,29 +603,7 @@ float8 = ArgumentDescriptor(
# Protocol 2 formats
def decode_long(data):
r"""Decode a long from a two's complement little-endian binary string.
>>> decode_long("\xff\x00")
>>> decode_long("\xff\x7f")
>>> decode_long("\x00\xff")
>>> decode_long("\x00\x80")
>>> decode_long("\x80")
>>> decode_long("\x7f")
x = 0L
i = 0L
for c in data:
x |= long(ord(c)) << i
i += 8L
if data and ord(c) >= 0x80:
x -= 1L << i
return x
from pickle import decode_long
def read_long1(f):
......@@ -1793,6 +1771,7 @@ def assure_pickle_consistency(verbose=False):
raise ValueError("\n".join(msg))
del assure_pickle_consistency
# A pickle opcode generator.
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