Commit 5e7918c7 authored by R. David Murray's avatar R. David Murray

Per request, make 'nosy' vs 'assign' explicit in maintainers.rst.

Also add myself as assignable for email issues.
parent ddfb2c3a
......@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ final judgement on a feature or bug. If no active maintainer is listed for
a given module, then questionable changes should go to python-dev, while
any other issues can and should be decided by any committer.
Unless a name is followed by a '*', you should never assign an issue to
that person, only make them nosy. Names followed by a '*' may be assigned
issues involving the module or topic for which the name has a '*'.
The Platform and Interest Area tables list broader fields in which various
people have expertise. These people can also be contacted for help,
opinions, and decisions when issues involve their areas.
......@@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ dis
distutils tarek
doctest tim_one (inactive)
dummy_threading brett.cannon
email barry, r.david.murray
email barry, r.david.murray*
encodings lemburg
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