Commit 66808aa0 authored by Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar Kurt B. Kaiser

Added installation instructions.

Added a patch which modifies idlefork so that it can co-exist with
"official" IDLE in the site-packages directory. This patch is not
necessary if only idlefork IDLE is installed. See INSTALLATION for further
parent e222a292
IDLE Fork Installation on Linux:
Until the tarball is released, you must download a CVS copy. An excellent
place for it is
/usr/local/src/PythonX.X/Tools/idlefork, assuming that's where your Python
source is located. Put the correct version in for X.X .
# cd /usr/local/src/PythonX.X/Tools
Now do the CVS login and checkout:
# cvs login
Type an <enter> for the password.
# cvs -z3 \
-d idlefork checkout idle
The -d option to checkout puts the files in an idlefork directory, so you don't
step on "official" idle.
# cd idlefork
# su to root
# python install
# echo "idle" > /usr/local/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages.pth
This last is necessary so idle can find itself. I hope we can create/append
this file via at some point, but it needs to be done manually now, and
it only needs to be done once (unless you totally remove and reinstall python
# exit from root
NOTE that the above procedure will install idlefork IDLE on top of any
"official" IDLE that may be already installed. If you wish to avoid doing
that, there is a patch file, coexist.patch, in the idlefork directory. If,
_*before*_ you install idle, you run
# patch -p0 < coexist.patch
idlefork will be modified so that it installs as .../site-packages/fildlelib,
idle as fidle, and idles as fidles. (If you previously installed without
patching, remove the idlefork/build directory before running the install.)
NOTE: You must then append "fidlelib" to site-packages.pth !
Then "official" IDLE and idlefork IDLE will exist side by side for comparision.
And if idlefork is temporarily broken :-(, well, you have your old IDLE ways.
This is obviously an expedient development hack, but if popular, I imagine
there could be a setup option.
? coexist.diff
? fidle
? build
? install.kbk
? coexist.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6
*** 2001/07/16 05:25:12 1.6
--- 2001/07/16 05:53:22
*** 470,476 ****
def begin(self):
! self.write("Python %s on %s\n%s\nIDLE Fork %s -- press F1 for help\n" %
(sys.version, sys.platform, self.COPYRIGHT,
--- 470,476 ----
def begin(self):
! self.write("Python %s on %s\n%s\nFIDLE Fork %s -- press F1 for help\n" %
(sys.version, sys.platform, self.COPYRIGHT,
RCS file: /cvsroot/idlefork/idle/,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -r1.4
*** 2001/07/16 04:00:10 1.4
--- 2001/07/16 05:53:22
*** 5,11 ****
import idlever
# name of idle package
! idlelib = "idlelib"
# the normal build_py would not incorporate the .txt files
txt_files = ['config-unix.txt','config-win.txt','config.txt', 'help.txt']
--- 5,11 ----
import idlever
# name of idle package
! idlelib = "fidlelib"
# the normal build_py would not incorporate the .txt files
txt_files = ['config-unix.txt','config-win.txt','config.txt', 'help.txt']
*** 55,69 ****
# Arghhh. install_lib thinks that all files returned from build_py's
# get_outputs are bytecode files
class idle_install_lib(install_lib):
def _bytecode_filenames(self, files):
files = [n for n in files if n.endswith('.py')]
return install_lib._bytecode_filenames(self,files)
! setup(name="IDLE",
version = idlever.IDLE_VERSION,
! description = "IDLE, the Python IDE",
author = "Guido van Rossum",
author_email = "",
#url =
--- 55,69 ----
# Arghhh. install_lib thinks that all files returned from build_py's
# get_outputs are bytecode files
class idle_install_lib(install_lib):
def _bytecode_filenames(self, files):
files = [n for n in files if n.endswith('.py')]
return install_lib._bytecode_filenames(self,files)
! setup(name="FIDLE",
version = idlever.IDLE_VERSION,
! description = "FIDLE, the Forked Python IDE",
author = "Guido van Rossum",
author_email = "",
#url =
*** 71,81 ****
"""IDLE is a Tkinter based IDE for Python. It is written in 100% pure
Python and works both on Windows and Unix. It features a multi-window
text editor with multiple undo, Python colorizing, and many other things,
! as well as a Python shell window and a debugger.""",
cmdclass = {'build_py':idle_build_py,
package_dir = {idlelib:'.'},
packages = [idlelib],
! scripts = ['idle', 'idles']
--- 71,86 ----
"""IDLE is a Tkinter based IDE for Python. It is written in 100% pure
Python and works both on Windows and Unix. It features a multi-window
text editor with multiple undo, Python colorizing, and many other things,
! as well as a Python shell window and a debugger.
! FIDLE is a separate line of development which was initiated by D. Scherer
! at CMU as part of Visual Python. It features execution in a separate
! process, with a fresh environment for each run. For further details,
! refer to""",
cmdclass = {'build_py':idle_build_py,
package_dir = {idlelib:'.'},
packages = [idlelib],
! scripts = ['fidle', 'fidles']
*** /dev/null Tue May 5 16:32:27 1998
--- fidle Sat Jul 14 12:40:25 2001
*** 0 ****
--- 1,12 ----
+ #! /usr/bin/env python
+ import os
+ import sys
+ from fidlelib import IdleConf
+ idle_dir = os.path.dirname(IdleConf.__file__)
+ IdleConf.load(idle_dir)
+ # defer importing Pyshell until IdleConf is loaded
+ from fidlelib import PyShell
+ PyShell.main()
*** idle Sat Jul 14 12:40:36 2001
--- /dev/null Tue May 5 16:32:27 1998
*** 1,12 ****
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import os
- import sys
- from idlelib import IdleConf
- idle_dir = os.path.dirname(IdleConf.__file__)
- IdleConf.load(idle_dir)
- # defer importing Pyshell until IdleConf is loaded
- from idlelib import PyShell
- PyShell.main()
--- 0 ----
*** /dev/null Tue May 5 16:32:27 1998
--- fidles Mon Jul 16 02:25:48 2001
*** 0 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ #! /usr/bin/env python
+ import os
+ import sys
+ from fidlelib import IdleConf
+ idle_dir = os.path.dirname(IdleConf.__file__)
+ IdleConf.load(idle_dir)
+ # defer importing Pyshell until IdleConf is loaded
+ from fidlelib import PyShell
+ # open a shell instead of an editor window
+ PyShell.main(0)
*** idles Mon Jul 16 02:27:23 2001
--- /dev/null Tue May 5 16:32:27 1998
*** 1,13 ****
- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import os
- import sys
- from idlelib import IdleConf
- idle_dir = os.path.dirname(IdleConf.__file__)
- IdleConf.load(idle_dir)
- # defer importing Pyshell until IdleConf is loaded
- from idlelib import PyShell
- # open a shell instead of an editor window
- PyShell.main(0)
--- 0 ----
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