Commit 6b3c7098 authored by Guilherme Polo's avatar Guilherme Polo

Issue #1522587: New constants and methods for the Tix.Grid widget.

parent 57f9b729
......@@ -46,6 +46,21 @@ BALLOON = 'balloon'
AUTO = 'auto'
ACROSSTOP = 'acrosstop'
# A few useful constants for the Grid widget
ASCII = 'ascii'
CELL = 'cell'
COLUMN = 'column'
DECREASING = 'decreasing'
INCREASING = 'increasing'
INTEGER = 'integer'
MAIN = 'main'
MAX = 'max'
REAL = 'real'
ROW = 'row'
S_REGION = 's-region'
X_REGION = 'x-region'
Y_REGION = 'y-region'
# Some constants used by Tkinter dooneevent()
TCL_DONT_WAIT = 1 << 1
......@@ -1786,16 +1801,21 @@ class Grid(TixWidget, XView, YView):
TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixGrid', static, cnf, kw)
# valid options as of Tk 8.4
# anchor, bdtype, cget, configure, delete, dragsite, dropsite, entrycget, edit
# entryconfigure, format, geometryinfo, info, index, move, nearest, selection
# set, size, unset, xview, yview
# def anchor option ?args ...?
# anchor, bdtype, cget, configure, delete, dragsite, dropsite, entrycget,
# edit, entryconfigure, format, geometryinfo, info, index, move, nearest,
# selection, set, size, unset, xview, yview
def anchor_clear(self):
"""Removes the selection anchor.""", 'anchor', 'clear')
def anchor_get(self):
"Get the (x,y) coordinate of the current anchor cell"
return self._getints(, 'anchor', 'get'))
# def bdtype
# def delete dim from ?to?
def anchor_set(self, x, y):
"""Set the selection anchor to the cell at (x, y).""", 'anchor', 'set', x, y)
def delete_row(self, from_, to=None):
"""Delete rows between from_ and to inclusive.
If to is not provided, delete only row at from_"""
......@@ -1803,6 +1823,7 @@ class Grid(TixWidget, XView, YView):, 'delete', 'row', from_)
else:, 'delete', 'row', from_, to)
def delete_column(self, from_, to=None):
"""Delete columns between from_ and to inclusive.
If to is not provided, delete only column at from_"""
......@@ -1810,8 +1831,16 @@ class Grid(TixWidget, XView, YView):, 'delete', 'column', from_)
else:, 'delete', 'column', from_, to)
# def edit apply
# def edit set x y
def edit_apply(self):
"""If any cell is being edited, de-highlight the cell and applies
the changes.""", 'edit', 'apply')
def edit_set(self, x, y):
"""Highlights the cell at (x, y) for editing, if the -editnotify
command returns True for this cell.""", 'edit', 'set', x, y)
def entrycget(self, x, y, option):
"Get the option value for cell at (x,y)"
......@@ -1830,6 +1859,18 @@ class Grid(TixWidget, XView, YView):
# This seems to always return '', at least for 'text' displayitems
return, 'info', 'bbox', x, y)
def move_column(self, from_, to, offset):
"""Moves the the range of columns from position FROM through TO by
the distance indicated by OFFSET. For example, move_column(2, 4, 1)
moves the columns 2,3,4 to columns 3,4,5.""", 'move', 'column', from_, to, offset)
def move_row(self, from_, to, offset):
"""Moves the the range of rows from position FROM through TO by
the distance indicated by OFFSET.
For example, move_row(2, 4, 1) moves the rows 2,3,4 to rows 3,4,5.""", 'move', 'row', from_, to, offset)
def nearest(self, x, y):
"Return coordinate of cell nearest pixel coordinate (x,y)"
return self._getints(, 'nearest', x, y))
......@@ -1839,7 +1880,6 @@ class Grid(TixWidget, XView, YView):
# def selection includes
# def selection set
# def selection toggle
# def move dim from to offset
def set(self, x, y, itemtype=None, **kw):
args= self._options(self.cnf, kw)
......@@ -1847,8 +1887,59 @@ class Grid(TixWidget, XView, YView):
args= ('-itemtype', itemtype) + args, 'set', x, y, *args)
# def size dim index ?option value ...?
# def unset x y
def size_column(self, index, **kw):
"""Queries or sets the size of the column given by
INDEX. INDEX may be any non-negative
integer that gives the position of a given column.
INDEX can also be the string "default"; in this case, this command
queries or sets the default size of all columns.
When no option-value pair is given, this command returns a tuple
containing the current size setting of the given column. When
option-value pairs are given, the corresponding options of the
size setting of the given column are changed. Options may be one
of the follwing:
pad0 pixels
Specifies the paddings to the left of a column.
pad1 pixels
Specifies the paddings to the right of a column.
size val
Specifies the width of a column .
Val may be: "auto" -- the width of the column is set the
the widest cell in the column; a valid Tk screen distance
unit; or a real number following by the word chars
(e.g. 3.4chars) that sets the width of the column to the
given number of characters."""
return, 'size', 'column', index,
*self._options({}, kw)))
def size_row(self, index, **kw):
"""Queries or sets the size of the row given by
INDEX. INDEX may be any non-negative
integer that gives the position of a given row .
INDEX can also be the string "default"; in this case, this command
queries or sets the default size of all rows.
When no option-value pair is given, this command returns a list con-
taining the current size setting of the given row . When option-value
pairs are given, the corresponding options of the size setting of the
given row are changed. Options may be one of the follwing:
pad0 pixels
Specifies the paddings to the top of a row.
pad1 pixels
Specifies the paddings to the the bottom of a row.
size val
Specifies the height of a row.
Val may be: "auto" -- the height of the row is set the
the highest cell in the row; a valid Tk screen distance
unit; or a real number following by the word chars
(e.g. 3.4chars) that sets the height of the row to the
given number of characters."""
self, 'size', 'row', index, *self._options({}, kw)))
def unset(self, x, y):
"""Clears the cell at (x, y) by removing its display item.""", 'unset', x, y)
class ScrolledGrid(Grid):
'''Scrolled Grid widgets'''
......@@ -359,6 +359,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #1522587: New constants and methods for the Tix.Grid widget.
- Issue #1250469: Fix the return value of Tix.PanedWindow.panes.
- Issue #1119673: Do not override Tkinter.Text methods when creating a
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