Commit 7720e6ea authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Initial revision

parent 7408da9c
The Python Profiler
To use the profiler in its simplest form:
>>> import profile
This will execute the statement and print statistics. To get more
information out of the profiler, use:
>>> import profile
>>>, dump_file)
where dump_file is a string naming a file to which the (binary)
profile statistics is to be dumped. The binary format is a dump of a
dictionary. The key is the function name in the format described
above; the value is a tuple consisting of, in order, number of calls,
total time spent in the function, total time spent in the function and
all functions called from it, a list of functions called by this
function, and a list of functions that called this function. The dump
can be read back using the following code:
>>> import marshal
>>> f = open(dump_file, 'r')
>>> dict = marshal.load(f)
>>> f.close()
An easier way of doing this is by using the class `Stats' which is
also defined in profile:
>>> import profile
>>> s = profile.Stats().init(dump_file)
The following methods are defined for instances of `Stats':
print_stats() -- Print the statistics in a format similar to
the format uses.
print_callers() -- For each function, print all functions
which it calls.
print_callees() -- For each function, print all functions from
which it is called.
sort_stats(n) -- Sort the statistics for subsequent
printing. The argument determines on which
field the output should be sorted.
Possibilities are
-1 function name
0 number of calls
1 total time spent in a function
2 total time spent in a function
plus all functions it called
strip_dirs() -- Strip the directory names off of the file
names which are part of the function names.
This undoes the effect of sort_stats(), but
a subsequent sort_stats() does work.
The methods sort_stats and strip_dirs may change in the future.
Output of and of the print_stats() method of
the `Stats' class consists of the following fields.
Number of times the function was called.
Total time spent in the function.
Mean time per function call (second field divided by first).
Total time spent in the function and all functions it called,
Mean time time spent in the function and all functions it
called (fourth field divided by first).
Name of the function in the format
<file name>:<line number>(<function name>)
The output of the print_callers and print_callees methods consists of
the name of the function and the names of all function it called or
was called from. The latter names are followed by a parenthesised
number which is the number of calls for this function.
# Class for profiling python code.
# Author: Sjoerd Mullender
# See the accompanying document profile.doc for more information.
import sys
import codehack
import posix
class Profile():
def init(self):
self.timings = {}
self.debug = None
self.call_level = 0
self.profile_func = None
self.profiling = 0
return self
def profile(self, funcname):
if not self.profile_func:
self.profile_func = {}
self.profile_func[funcname] = 1
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
if event == 'call':
funcname = codehack.getcodename(frame.f_code)
if self.profile_func and not self.profiling:
if self.profile_func.has_key(funcname):
self.profiling = 1
t = posix.times()
t = t[0] + t[1]
lineno = codehack.getlineno(frame.f_code)
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
key = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
self.call_level = depth(frame)
self.cur_frame = frame
pframe = frame.f_back
if self.debug:
s0 = 'call: ' + key + ' depth: ' + `self.call_level` + ' time: ' + `t`
if pframe:
pkey = pframe.f_code.co_filename + ':' + \
`codehack.getlineno(pframe.f_code)` + '(' + \
codehack.getcodename(pframe.f_code) + ')'
if self.debug:
s1 = 'parent: ' + pkey
if pframe.f_locals.has_key('__start_time'):
st = pframe.f_locals['__start_time']
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.timings[pkey]
if self.debug:
s1 = s1+' before: st='+`st`+' nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt`+' ct='+`ct`
if callers.has_key(key):
callers[key] = callers[key] + 1
callers[key] = 1
if self.debug:
s1 = s1+' after: st='+`st`+' nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt+(t-st)`+' ct='+`ct`
self.timings[pkey] = nc, tt + (t - st), ct, callers, callees
if self.timings.has_key(key):
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.timings[key]
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = 0, 0, 0, {}, {}
if self.debug:
s0 = s0+' before: nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt`+' ct='+`ct`
s0 = s0+' after: nc='+`nc+1`+' tt='+`tt`+' ct='+`ct`
if pframe:
if callees.has_key(pkey):
callees[pkey] = callees[pkey] + 1
callees[pkey] = 1
self.timings[key] = nc + 1, tt, ct, callers, callees
frame.f_locals['__start_time'] = t
if self.debug:
print s0
print s1
if event == 'return':
if self.profile_func:
if not self.profiling:
if self.profile_func.has_key(codehack.getcodename(frame.f_code)):
self.profiling = 0
self.call_level = depth(frame)
self.cur_frame = frame
pframe = frame.f_back
if self.debug:
s0 = 'return: '
s0 = None
self.handle_return(pframe, frame, s0)
if event == 'exception':
if self.profile_func and not self.profiling:
call_level = depth(frame)
if call_level < self.call_level:
if call_level <> self.call_level - 1:
print 'heh!',call_level,self.call_level
if self.debug:
s0 = 'exception: '
s0 = None
self.handle_return(self.cur_frame, frame, s0)
self.call_level = call_level
self.cur_frame = frame
print 'profile.Profile.dispatch: unknown debugging event:', `event`
def handle_return(self, pframe, frame, s0):
t = posix.times()
t = t[0] + t[1]
funcname = codehack.getcodename(frame.f_code)
lineno = codehack.getlineno(frame.f_code)
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
key = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
if self.debug:
s0 = s0 + key + ' depth: ' + `self.call_level` + ' time: ' + `t`
if pframe:
funcname = codehack.getcodename(frame.f_code)
lineno = codehack.getlineno(frame.f_code)
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
pkey = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
if self.debug:
s1 = 'parent: '+pkey
if pframe.f_locals.has_key('__start_time') and \
st = pframe.f_locals['__start_time']
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.timings[pkey]
if self.debug:
s1 = s1+' before: st='+`st`+' nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt`+' ct='+`ct`
s1 = s1+' after: st='+`t`+' nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt`+' ct='+`ct+(t-st)`
self.timings[pkey] = nc, tt, ct + (t - st), callers, callees
pframe.f_locals['__start_time'] = t
if self.timings.has_key(key):
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.timings[key]
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = 0, 0, 0, {}, {}
if frame.f_locals.has_key('__start_time'):
st = frame.f_locals['__start_time']
st = t
if self.debug:
s0 = s0+' before: st='+`st`+' nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt`+' ct='+`ct`
s0 = s0+' after: nc='+`nc`+' tt='+`tt+(t-st)`+' ct='+`ct+(t-st)`
print s0
print s1
self.timings[key] = nc, tt + (t - st), ct + (t - st), callers, callees
def print_stats(self):
import string
s = string.rjust('# calls', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('tot time', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('per call', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('cum time', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('per call', 8)
print s + ' filename(function)'
for key in self.timings.keys():
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.timings[key]
if nc == 0:
s = string.rjust(`nc`, 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(`tt`, 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(`tt/nc`, 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(`ct`, 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(`ct/nc`, 8)
print s + ' ' + key
def dump_stats(self, file):
import marshal
f = open(file, 'w')
marshal.dump(self.timings, f)
# The following two functions can be called by clients to use
# a debugger to debug a statement, given as a string.
def run(self, cmd):
import __main__
dict = __main__.__dict__
self.runctx(cmd, dict, dict)
def runctx(self, cmd, globals, locals):
## self.reset()
## try:
exec(cmd + '\n', globals, locals)
## except ProfQuit:
## pass
## self.quitting = 1
# XXX What to do if the command finishes normally?
def depth(frame):
d = 0
while frame:
d = d + 1
frame = frame.f_back
return d
def run(statement, *args):
prof = Profile().init()
except SystemExit:
if len(args) == 0:
def cv_float(val, width):
import string
s = `val`
e = string.index(s, 'e')
exp = s[e+1:]
s = s[:e]
width = width - len(exp) - 1
except string.index_error:
exp = ''
d = string.index(s, '.')
frac = s[d+1:]
s = s[:d]
width = width - len(s) - 1
except string.index_error:
if exp <> '':
return s + 'e' + exp
return s
if width < 0:
width = 0
while width < len(frac):
c = frac[width]
frac = frac[:width]
if ord(c) >= ord('5'):
carry = 1
for i in range(width-1, -1, -1):
if frac[i] == '9':
frac = frac[:i]
# keep if trailing zeroes are wanted
# + '0' + frac[i+1:width]
frac = frac[:i] + chr(ord(frac[i])+1) + frac[i+1:width]
carry = 0
if carry:
for i in range(len(s)-1, -1, -1):
if s[i] == '9':
s = s[:i] + '0' + s[i+1:]
if i == 0:
# gets one wider, so
# should shorten
# fraction by one
s = '1' + s
if width > 0:
width = width - 1
s = s[:i] + chr(ord(s[i])+1) + s[i+1:]
# delete trailing zeroes
for i in range(len(frac)-1, -1, -1):
if frac[i] == '0':
frac = frac[:i]
# build up the number
if width > 0 and len(frac) > 0:
s = s + '.' + frac[:width]
if exp <> '':
s = s + 'e' + exp
return s
def print_line(nc, tt, ct, callers, callees, key):
import string
s = string.rjust(cv_float(nc,8), 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(cv_float(tt,8), 8)
if nc == 0:
s = s + ' '*9
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(cv_float(tt/nc,8), 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(cv_float(ct,8), 8)
if nc == 0:
s = s + ' '*9
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust(cv_float(ct/nc,8), 8)
print s + ' ' + key
class Stats():
def init(self, file):
import marshal
f = open(file, 'r')
self.stats = marshal.load(f)
self.stats_list = None
return self
def print_stats(self):
import string
s = string.rjust('# calls', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('tot time', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('per call', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('cum time', 8)
s = s + ' ' + string.rjust('per call', 8)
print s + ' filename(function)'
if self.stats_list:
for i in range(len(self.stats_list)):
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees, key = self.stats_list[i]
print_line(nc, tt, ct, callers, callees, key)
for key in self.stats.keys():
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.stats[key]
print_line(nc, tt, ct, callers, callees, key)
def print_callers(self):
if self.stats_list:
for i in range(len(self.stats_list)):
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees, key = self.stats_list[i]
print key,
for func in callers.keys():
print func+'('+`callers[func]`+')',
for key in self.stats.keys():
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.stats[key]
print key,
for func in callers.keys():
print func+'('+`callers[func]`+')',
def print_callees(self):
if self.stats_list:
for i in range(len(self.stats_list)):
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees, key = self.stats_list[i]
print key,
for func in callees.keys():
print func+'('+`callees[func]`+')',
for key in self.stats.keys():
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.stats[key]
print key,
for func in callees.keys():
print func+'('+`callees[func]`+')',
def sort_stats(self, field):
stats_list = []
for key in self.stats.keys():
t = self.stats[key]
nt = ()
for i in range(len(t)):
if i == field:
nt = (t[i],) + nt[:]
nt = nt[:] + (t[i],)
if field == -1:
nt = (key,) + nt
nt = nt + (key,)
self.stats_list = []
for i in range(len(stats_list)):
t = stats_list[i]
if field == -1:
nt = t[1:] + t[0:1]
nt = t[1:]
nt = nt[:field] + t[0:1] + nt[field:]
def strip_dirs(self):
import os
newstats = {}
for key in self.stats.keys():
nc, tt, ct, callers, callees = self.stats[key]
newkey = os.path.basename(key)
newcallers = {}
for c in callers.keys():
newcallers[os.path.basename(c)] = callers[c]
newcallees = {}
for c in callees.keys():
newcallees[os.path.basename(c)] = callees[c]
newstats[newkey] = nc, tt, ct, newcallers, newcallees
self.stats = newstats
self.stats_list = None
# test command
def debug():
prof = Profile().init()
prof.debug = 1
try:'import x; x.main()')
except SystemExit:
def test():
run('import x; x.main()')
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