diff --git a/Doc/lib/tkinter.tex b/Doc/lib/tkinter.tex
index 8ef40ff2e6b1b7042a501808a1aecc5590fea961..50108d66b7f5b9567203627bd8ef75b10bc6e71f 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/tkinter.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/tkinter.tex
@@ -1781,13 +1781,15 @@ translations from the itcl to Python. It offers most of the range of
 widgets that \code{[incr Widgets]} does, and is almost as complete as
 Tix, lacking however Tix's fast \class{HList} widget for drawing trees.
-is a Widget Construction Kit that allows you to write new Tkinter
-widgets in Python using Mixins. It is built on top of Tkinter,
-and does not offer the extended range of widgets that \refmodule{Tix} does,
-but does allow a form of  building mega-widgets. The project is
-still in the early stages.
+\seetitle[http://tkinter.effbot.org/]{Tkinter3000 Widget Construction
+          Kit (WCK)}{%
+is a library that allows you to write new Tkinter widgets in pure
+Python.  The WCK framework gives you full control over widget
+creation, configuration, screen appearance, and event handling.  WCK
+widgets can be very fast and light-weight, since they can operate
+directly on Python data structures, without having to transfer data
+through the Tk/Tcl layer.}