Commit 9008a4d4 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Patch from SF bug #473150: configure weaknesses on HP-UX (Michael Piotrowski)

    1. configure doesn't handle HP-UX release numbers
    (e.g., B.11.00), resulting in MACHDEP = "hpuxB".

    2. After checking for wchar.h, configure doesn't
    include it when checking the size of wchar_t.

    (Python 2.2b1 on HP-UX 11.00)
parent 743cc438
......@@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ platform: $(PYTHON)
# Build the shared modules
sharedmods: $(PYTHON)
case $$MAKEFLAGS in \
*-s*) CC='$(CC)' LDSHARED='$(LDSHARED)' ./$(PYTHON) -E $(srcdir)/ -q build;; \
*) CC='$(CC)' LDSHARED='$(LDSHARED)' ./$(PYTHON) -E $(srcdir)/ build;; \
*-s*) CC='$(CC)' LDSHARED='$(LDSHARED)' OPT='$(OPT)' ./$(PYTHON) -E $(srcdir)/ -q build;; \
*) CC='$(CC)' LDSHARED='$(LDSHARED)' OPT='$(OPT)' ./$(PYTHON) -E $(srcdir)/ build;; \
# buildno should really depend on something like LIBRARY_SRC
......@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@ Christopher J. Phoenix
Neale Pickett
Dan Pierson
Franois Pinard
Michael Piotrowski
John Popplewell
Amrit Prem
Paul Prescod
......@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ then
ac_md_system=`echo $ac_sys_system |
tr -d '/ ' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
ac_md_release=`echo $ac_sys_release |
tr -d '/ ' | sed 's/\..*//'`
tr -d '/ ' | sed 's/^[A-Z]\.//' | sed 's/\..*//'`
case $MACHDEP in
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ then
ac_md_system=`echo $ac_sys_system |
tr -d '[/ ]' | tr '[[A-Z]]' '[[a-z]]'`
ac_md_release=`echo $ac_sys_release |
tr -d '[/ ]' | sed 's/\..*//'`
tr -d '[/ ]' | sed 's/^[[A-Z]]\.//' | sed 's/\..*//'`
case $MACHDEP in
......@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ wchar_h="no"
# determine wchar_t size
if test "$wchar_h" = yes
AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(wchar_t, 4)
AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(wchar_t, 4, [#include <wchar.h>])
AC_MSG_CHECKING(what type to use for unicode)
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