Commit c25fcad5 authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Waste 1.3 extra's modified for waste 2.0 (and missing from MW's distribution of 2.0).

parent d9549701
WASTE Demo Project:
Sample WASTE Object Handlers
Copyright 1993-1998 Marco Piovanelli
All Rights Reserved
#include "WEObjectHandlers.h"
#ifndef __ICONS__
#include <Icons.h>
#ifndef __SOUND__
#include <Sound.h>
pascal OSErr HandleNewPicture(Point *defaultObjectSize, WEObjectReference objectRef)
PicHandle thePicture;
Rect frame;
/* get handle to object data (in this case, a picture handle) */
thePicture = (PicHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);
/* figure out the default object size by looking at the picFrame record */
frame = (*thePicture)->picFrame;
OffsetRect(&frame, -frame.left,;
defaultObjectSize->v = frame.bottom;
defaultObjectSize->h = frame.right;
return noErr;
pascal OSErr HandleDisposePicture(WEObjectReference objectRef)
PicHandle thePicture;
/* get handle to object data (in this case, a picture handle) */
thePicture = (PicHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);
/* kill the picture */
return MemError();
pascal OSErr HandleDrawPicture(const Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef)
PicHandle thePicture;
/* get handle to object data (in this case, a picture handle) */
thePicture = (PicHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);
/* draw the picture */
DrawPicture(thePicture, destRect);
return noErr;
/* SOUND */
pascal OSErr HandleNewSound(Point *defaultObjectSize, WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused(objectRef)
/* sounds are drawn as standard 32x32 icons */
defaultObjectSize->v = 32;
defaultObjectSize->h = 32;
return noErr;
pascal OSErr HandleDrawSound(const Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused(objectRef)
/* draw the sound icon */
return PlotIconID(destRect, kAlignNone, kTransformNone, kSoundIconID);
pascal Boolean HandleClickSound(Point hitPt, EventModifiers modifiers,
UInt32 clickTime, WEObjectReference objectRef)
#pragma unused(hitPt, clickTime)
SndListHandle theSound;
/* WASTE sets the low bit of modifiers on double (multiple) clicks */
if (modifiers & 0x0001)
/* get a handle to the object data (in this case, a sound handle) */
theSound = (SndListHandle) WEGetObjectDataHandle(objectRef);
/* play the sound */
SndPlay(nil, theSound, false);
/* return TRUE so WASTE knows we handled the click */
return true;
/* not a double click: let WASTE handle the mouse-down */
return false;
WASTE Demo Project:
Sample WASTE Object Handlers
Copyright 1993-1998 Marco Piovanelli
All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _WASTE_
#include "WASTE.h"
pascal OSErr HandleNewPicture(Point *defaultObjectSize, WEObjectReference objectRef);
pascal OSErr HandleDisposePicture(WEObjectReference objectRef);
pascal OSErr HandleDrawPicture(const Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef);
enum {
kSoundIconID = 550
pascal OSErr HandleNewSound(Point *defaultObjectSize, WEObjectReference objectRef);
pascal OSErr HandleDrawSound(const Rect *destRect, WEObjectReference objectRef);
pascal Boolean HandleClickSound(Point hitPt, EventModifiers modifiers,
UInt32 clickTime, WEObjectReference objectRef);
* WETabHooks.c
* Hooks for adding tab support to WASTE
* Written by:
* Mark Alldritt (original code)
* Dan Crevier (line breaks)
* John Daub (maintenance)
* Jonathan Kew (variable-width tabs)
* Marco Piovanelli (?)
* Bert Seltzer (horizontal scrolling)
#include "WETabs.h"
#include "WETabHooks.h"
#define FIXROUND(f) ((SInt16) (((f) + 0x00008000) >> 16))
#define BSL(A, B) (((SInt32) (A)) << (B))
static const Point kOneToOneScaling = { 1, 1 } ;
pascal void _WETabDrawText
const char * pText,
SInt32 textLength,
Fixed slop,
JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,
WEReference we
#pragma unused ( slop, styleRunPosition )
LongRect destRect;
SInt32 beginChar = 0;
SInt32 ii;
SInt16 tabWidth;
SInt16 destLeft;
Point penPos;
SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we);
WEGetDestRect(&destRect, we);
destLeft = (SInt16) destRect.left;
for ( ii = 0; ii < textLength; ii++ )
if (pText[ii] == '\t')
DrawText(pText, beginChar, ii - beginChar);
/* advance the pen to the next tab stop */
tabWidth = tabSize - (penPos.h - destLeft) % tabSize;
MoveTo(penPos.h + tabWidth, penPos.v);
beginChar = ii + 1;
} /* for */
DrawText(pText, beginChar, textLength - beginChar);
pascal SInt32 _WETabPixelToChar
const char * pText,
SInt32 textLength,
Fixed slop,
Fixed *width,
WEEdge *edge,
JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,
Fixed hPos,
WEReference we
SInt32 beginChar = 0;
SInt32 offset = 0;
SInt32 ii;
Fixed lastWidth;
Fixed tabWidth;
SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we);
/* loop through every character in the segment looking for tabs */
for ( ii = 0; ii < textLength; ii++ )
/* exit now if width has gone negative */
/* (i.e., if we have found which glyph was hit) */
if (*width <= 0)
/* tab found? */
if (pText[ii] == '\t')
/* calculate the width of the sub-segment preceding the tab */
lastWidth = *width;
offset += PixelToChar((char *)pText + beginChar, ii - beginChar, slop,
lastWidth, (Boolean *) edge, width, styleRunPosition,
kOneToOneScaling, kOneToOneScaling);
beginChar = ii + 1;
/* hit point past sub-segment? */
if (*width >= 0)
/* increment hPos by width of sub-segment preceding the tab */
hPos += (lastWidth - *width);
/* calculate the width of the tab "glyph" (as a Fixed value) */
tabWidth = BSL(tabSize - FIXROUND(hPos) % tabSize, 16);
/* increment hPos by width of tab character */
hPos += tabWidth;
/* hit point within tab glyph? */
if (*width < tabWidth)
/* yes: determine which half of tab glyph was hit */
if (*width > (tabWidth >> 1))
*edge = kTrailingEdge; /* second (trailing) edge of tab */
*edge = kLeadingEdge; /* first (leading) edge of tab */
/* returning -1 (as Fixed) in width means we're finished */
*width = 0xFFFF0000;
/* hit point is past tab: keep looping */
*width -= tabWidth;
} /* if (*width >= 0) */
} /* if tab found */
} /* for */
/* no more tabs in this segment: process the last sub-segment */
if (*width >= 0)
lastWidth = *width;
offset += PixelToChar((char *)pText + beginChar, textLength - beginChar, slop,
lastWidth, (Boolean *) edge, width, styleRunPosition,
kOneToOneScaling, kOneToOneScaling);
/* round width to nearest integer value */
/* this is supposed to fix an incompatibility with the WorldScript Power Adapter */
*width = (*width + 0x00008000) & 0xFFFF0000;
return offset;
pascal SInt16 _WETabCharToPixel
const char * pText,
SInt32 textLength,
Fixed slop,
SInt32 offset,
SInt16 direction,
JustStyleCode styleRunPosition,
SInt16 hPos,
WEReference we
LongRect destRect;
SInt32 beginChar = 0;
SInt32 ii;
SInt16 width;
SInt16 destLeft;
SInt16 totalWidth = 0;
SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we);
WEGetDestRect(&destRect, we);
destLeft = (SInt16) destRect.left;
/* measure text up to offset, if offset is within this segment,
otherwise to textLength */
if (offset > textLength)
offset = textLength;
for ( ii = 0; ii < offset; ii++ )
if (pText[ii] == '\t')
/* calculate the pixel width of the subsegment preceding the tab */
width = TextWidth(pText, beginChar, ii - beginChar);
totalWidth += width;
hPos += width;
/* calculate tab width */
width = tabSize - (hPos - destLeft) % tabSize;
totalWidth += width;
hPos += width;
/* go to next subsegment */
beginChar = ii + 1;
} /* for */
/* calculate width of remaining characters */
width = CharToPixel((char *)pText + beginChar, textLength - beginChar, slop,
offset - beginChar, direction, styleRunPosition,
kOneToOneScaling, kOneToOneScaling);
totalWidth += width;
return totalWidth;
pascal StyledLineBreakCode _WETabLineBreak
const char * pText,
SInt32 textLength,
SInt32 textStart,
SInt32 textEnd,
Fixed *textWidth,
SInt32 *textOffset,
WEReference we
LongRect destRect;
SInt32 beginChar = textStart;
SInt32 ii;
Fixed tabWidth;
SInt16 destWidth;
StyledLineBreakCode breakCode = smBreakOverflow;
SInt16 tabSize = WEGetTabSize(we);
WEGetDestRect(&destRect, we);
destWidth = (SInt16) (destRect.right - destRect.left);
for ( ii = textStart; ii < textEnd; ii++ )
if (pText[ii] == 0x0D)
/* found a <return>, so stop looking ahead for tabs */
if (pText[ii] == '\t')
/* do previous "segment" */
breakCode = StyledLineBreak((char *)pText, textLength, beginChar, ii, 0, textWidth, textOffset);
if ((breakCode != smBreakOverflow) || (ii >= textLength))
beginChar = ii + 1;
/* calculate tab width (as a Fixed value) */
tabWidth = BSL(tabSize - (destWidth - FIXROUND(*textWidth)) % tabSize, 16);
/* if tabWidth > pixelWidth we break in tab */
/* don't move tab to next line */
if (tabWidth > *textWidth)
breakCode = smBreakWord;
*textOffset = ii + 1;
*textWidth -= tabWidth;
} /* for */
/* do last sub-segment */
if ((ii - beginChar >= 0) && (breakCode == smBreakOverflow))
breakCode = StyledLineBreak((char *)pText, textLength, beginChar, ii, 0, textWidth, textOffset);
return breakCode;
* WETabHooks.h
* Private (internal) interface
* Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Marco Piovanelli
* All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _WASTE_
#include "WASTE.h"
enum {
kTabSizeTag = 'tbsz'
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal void _WETabDrawText(const char *, SInt32, Fixed, JustStyleCode, WEReference);
pascal SInt32 _WETabPixelToChar(const char *, SInt32, Fixed, Fixed *, WEEdge *, JustStyleCode, Fixed, WEReference);
pascal SInt16 _WETabCharToPixel(const char *, SInt32, Fixed, SInt32, SInt16, JustStyleCode, SInt16, WEReference);
pascal StyledLineBreakCode _WETabLineBreak(const char *, SInt32, SInt32, SInt32, Fixed *, SInt32 *, WEReference);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* WETabs.c
* Routines for installing/removing tab hooks; accessors
#include "WETabs.h"
#include "WETabHooks.h"
#ifndef __ERRORS__
#include <Errors.h>
/* static UPP's */
static WEDrawTextUPP _weTabDrawTextProc = nil;
static WEPixelToCharUPP _weTabPixelToCharProc = nil;
static WECharToPixelUPP _weTabCharToPixelProc = nil;
static WELineBreakUPP _weTabLineBreakProc = nil;
pascal OSErr WEInstallTabHooks(WEReference we)
OSErr err;
/* if first time, create routine descriptors */
if (_weTabDrawTextProc == nil)
_weTabDrawTextProc = NewWEDrawTextProc(_WETabDrawText);
_weTabPixelToCharProc = NewWEPixelToCharProc(_WETabPixelToChar);
_weTabCharToPixelProc = NewWECharToPixelProc(_WETabCharToPixel);
_weTabLineBreakProc = NewWELineBreakProc(_WETabLineBreak);
if ((err = WESetInfo( weDrawTextHook, &_weTabDrawTextProc, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = WESetInfo( wePixelToCharHook, &_weTabPixelToCharProc, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = WESetInfo( weCharToPixelHook, &_weTabCharToPixelProc, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = WESetInfo( weLineBreakHook, &_weTabLineBreakProc, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
return err;
pascal OSErr WERemoveTabHooks(WEReference we)
UniversalProcPtr nullHook = nil;
OSErr err;
if ((err = WESetInfo( weDrawTextHook, &nullHook, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = WESetInfo( wePixelToCharHook, &nullHook, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = WESetInfo( weCharToPixelHook, &nullHook, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = WESetInfo( weLineBreakHook, &nullHook, we )) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
return err;
pascal Boolean WEIsTabHooks(WEReference we)
WEPixelToCharUPP hook = nil;
/* return true if our tab hooks are installed */
return ( _weTabPixelToCharProc != nil ) &&
( WEGetInfo( wePixelToCharHook, &hook, we ) == noErr) &&
( _weTabPixelToCharProc == hook );
pascal SInt16 WEGetTabSize(WEReference we)
SInt32 result;
if (WEGetUserInfo( kTabSizeTag, &result, we ) != noErr)
result = kDefaultTabSize;
return result;
pascal OSErr WESetTabSize(SInt16 tabSize, WEReference we)
// make sure tabSize is a reasonable size
if ((tabSize < kMinTabSize) || (tabSize > kMaxTabSize))
return paramErr;
return WESetUserInfo( kTabSizeTag, tabSize, we );
* WETabs.h
* Public C/C++ interface
* version 1.3.2 (August 1996)
* Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Marco Piovanelli
* All Rights Reserved
#ifndef _WASTE_
#include "WASTE.h"
enum {
kMinTabSize = 1, // must be greater than zero
kDefaultTabSize = 32,
kMaxTabSize = 1024 // arbitrary value
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal OSErr WEInstallTabHooks(WEReference we);
pascal OSErr WERemoveTabHooks(WEReference we);
pascal Boolean WEIsTabHooks(WEReference we);
pascal SInt16 WEGetTabSize(WEReference we);
pascal OSErr WESetTabSize(SInt16 tabWidth, WEReference we);
#ifdef __cplusplus
These files were in the Waste 1.3 distribution, but they are missing from the
Waste 2.0 distribution. At least: from the 2.0 distribution as included with
MetroWerks CodeWarrior. As the Python Waste module needs them I have included them
here. There were a few minor changes (in function signatures) to accomodate
slight changes in the Waste 2.0 headers.
All the copyright notices in the files and in Waste 1.3 seem to indicate that it
is fine to redistribute these files. If I am mistaken in this please let me know
and I will rectify the situation immedeately.
Jack Jansen,, 31-Jan-01.
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