Commit c749c241 authored by Michael Foord's avatar Michael Foord

Issue #10242: backport of more fixes to unittest.TestCase.assertItemsEqual

parent 1a5b7ace
......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ import warnings
from . import result
from .util import (
strclass, safe_repr, sorted_list_difference, unorderable_list_difference
strclass, safe_repr, unorderable_list_difference,
_count_diff_all_purpose, _count_diff_hashable
__unittest = True
......@@ -863,6 +865,7 @@ class TestCase(object):
- [0, 1, 1] and [1, 0, 1] compare equal.
- [0, 0, 1] and [0, 1] compare unequal.
first_seq, second_seq = list(actual_seq), list(expected_seq)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if sys.py3kwarning:
# Silence Py3k warning raised during the sorting
......@@ -871,29 +874,23 @@ class TestCase(object):
"comparing unequal types"]:
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", _msg, DeprecationWarning)
actual = collections.Counter(iter(actual_seq))
expected = collections.Counter(iter(expected_seq))
first = collections.Counter(first_seq)
second = collections.Counter(second_seq)
except TypeError:
# Unsortable items (example: set(), complex(), ...)
actual = list(actual_seq)
expected = list(expected_seq)
missing, unexpected = unorderable_list_difference(expected, actual)
# Handle case with unhashable elements
differences = _count_diff_all_purpose(first_seq, second_seq)
if actual == expected:
if first == second:
missing = list(expected - actual)
unexpected = list(actual - expected)
differences = _count_diff_hashable(first_seq, second_seq)
errors = []
if missing:
errors.append('Expected, but missing:\n %s' %
if unexpected:
errors.append('Unexpected, but present:\n %s' %
if errors:
standardMsg = '\n'.join(errors), standardMsg))
if differences:
standardMsg = 'Element counts were not equal:\n'
lines = ['First has %d, Second has %d: %r' % diff for diff in differences]
diffMsg = '\n'.join(lines)
standardMsg = self._truncateMessage(standardMsg, diffMsg)
msg = self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)
def assertMultiLineEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
"""Assert that two multi-line strings are equal."""
......@@ -228,12 +228,6 @@ class TestLongMessage(unittest.TestCase):
"^Missing: 'key'$",
"^Missing: 'key' : oops$"])
def testAssertItemsEqual(self):
self.assertMessages('assertItemsEqual', ([], [None]),
[r"\[None\]$", "^oops$",
r"\[None\] : oops$"])
def testAssertMultiLineEqual(self):
self.assertMessages('assertMultiLineEqual', ("", "foo"),
[r"\+ foo$", "^oops$",
......@@ -686,20 +686,19 @@ class Test_TestCase(unittest.TestCase, TestEquality, TestHashing):
# Test that sequences of unhashable objects can be tested for sameness:
self.assertItemsEqual([[1, 2], [3, 4], 0], [False, [3, 4], [1, 2]])
with test_support.check_warnings(quiet=True) as w:
# hashable types, but not orderable
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertItemsEqual,
[], [divmod, 'x', 1, 5j, 2j, frozenset()])
# comparing dicts raises a py3k warning
self.assertItemsEqual([{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}], [{'b': 2}, {'a': 1}])
# comparing heterogenous non-hashable sequences raises a py3k warning
self.assertItemsEqual([1, 'x', divmod, []], [divmod, [], 'x', 1])
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertItemsEqual,
[], [divmod, [], 'x', 1, 5j, 2j, set()])
# fail the test if warnings are not silenced
if w.warnings:'assertItemsEqual raised a warning: ' +
# Test that iterator of unhashable objects can be tested for sameness:
self.assertItemsEqual(iter([1, 2, [], 3, 4]),
iter([1, 2, [], 3, 4]))
# hashable types, but not orderable
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertItemsEqual,
[], [divmod, 'x', 1, 5j, 2j, frozenset()])
# comparing dicts
self.assertItemsEqual([{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}], [{'b': 2}, {'a': 1}])
# comparing heterogenous non-hashable sequences
self.assertItemsEqual([1, 'x', divmod, []], [divmod, [], 'x', 1])
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertItemsEqual,
[], [divmod, [], 'x', 1, 5j, 2j, set()])
self.assertRaises(self.failureException, self.assertItemsEqual,
[[1]], [[2]])
......@@ -717,6 +716,19 @@ class Test_TestCase(unittest.TestCase, TestEquality, TestHashing):
b = a[::-1]
self.assertItemsEqual(a, b)
# test utility functions supporting assertItemsEqual()
diffs = set(unittest.util._count_diff_all_purpose('aaabccd', 'abbbcce'))
expected = {(3,1,'a'), (1,3,'b'), (1,0,'d'), (0,1,'e')}
self.assertEqual(diffs, expected)
diffs = unittest.util._count_diff_all_purpose([[]], [])
self.assertEqual(diffs, [(1, 0, [])])
diffs = set(unittest.util._count_diff_hashable('aaabccd', 'abbbcce'))
expected = {(3,1,'a'), (1,3,'b'), (1,0,'d'), (0,1,'e')}
self.assertEqual(diffs, expected)
def testAssertSetEqual(self):
set1 = set()
set2 = set()
"""Various utility functions."""
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
__unittest = True
......@@ -92,3 +94,63 @@ def unorderable_list_difference(expected, actual, ignore_duplicate=False):
# anything left in actual is unexpected
return missing, actual
_Mismatch = namedtuple('Mismatch', 'actual expected value')
def _count_diff_all_purpose(actual, expected):
'Returns list of (cnt_act, cnt_exp, elem) triples where the counts differ'
# elements need not be hashable
s, t = list(actual), list(expected)
m, n = len(s), len(t)
NULL = object()
result = []
for i, elem in enumerate(s):
if elem is NULL:
cnt_s = cnt_t = 0
for j in range(i, m):
if s[j] == elem:
cnt_s += 1
s[j] = NULL
for j, other_elem in enumerate(t):
if other_elem == elem:
cnt_t += 1
t[j] = NULL
if cnt_s != cnt_t:
diff = _Mismatch(cnt_s, cnt_t, elem)
for i, elem in enumerate(t):
if elem is NULL:
cnt_t = 0
for j in range(i, n):
if t[j] == elem:
cnt_t += 1
t[j] = NULL
diff = _Mismatch(0, cnt_t, elem)
return result
def _ordered_count(iterable):
'Return dict of element counts, in the order they were first seen'
c = OrderedDict()
for elem in iterable:
c[elem] = c.get(elem, 0) + 1
return c
def _count_diff_hashable(actual, expected):
'Returns list of (cnt_act, cnt_exp, elem) triples where the counts differ'
# elements must be hashable
s, t = _ordered_count(actual), _ordered_count(expected)
result = []
for elem, cnt_s in s.items():
cnt_t = t.get(elem, 0)
if cnt_s != cnt_t:
diff = _Mismatch(cnt_s, cnt_t, elem)
for elem, cnt_t in t.items():
if elem not in s:
diff = _Mismatch(0, cnt_t, elem)
return result
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