Commit e9ebce24 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Make it work with Py3k.

parent 03f66494
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def main():
def store(size, comps, total, d):
if comps == []:
return size, d
if not d.has_key(comps[0]):
if comps[0] not in d:
d[comps[0]] = None, {}
t1, d1 = d[comps[0]]
d[comps[0]] = store(size, comps[1:], t1, d1)
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def show(total, d, prefix):
print(prefix + repr(tsub).rjust(width) + ' ' + key)
psub = prefix + ' '*(width-1) + '|' + ' '*(len(key)+1)
if d.has_key(key):
if key in d:
show(tsub, d[key][1], psub)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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