#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2007 Nexedi SARL. All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ############################################################################## # Parts of this file are borrowed from Zope 2.8.8 repozo.py script. # Essentialy "usage" and "parseargs" methods. # So it's released under the ZPL v2.0, as is Zope 2.8.8 . """ repozo wrapper to backup for multiple Data.fs files in a consistent way. Usage: %(program)s [-h|--help] [-c|--config configuration_file] [--repozo repozo_command] [-R|--recover|--recover_check] [-H|--host address] [-p|--port port_number] [-u|--url formated_url] [...] -h --help Display this help and exit. -c configuration_file --config configuration_file Use given file as configuration file. It must be a python file. See sample_configuration.py for required values. Recquired if neither -h nor --help are given. --repozo repozo_command Use given executable as repozo command. Default: repozo.py -R --recover Instead of saving existing Data.fs, perform an automated recovery from backups + timestamp file. --recover_check Similar to above, except that it restores file to temp folder and compares with existing file. Files restored this way are automaticaly deleted after check. -H address --host address TIDStorage server host address. Overrides setting found in configuration_file. Not required if recovering (see above). -p port_number --port port_number TIDStorage port nuber. Overrides setting found in configuration_file. Not required if recovering (see above). -u formated_url --url formated_url Zope base url, optionnaly with credentials. Overrides setting found in configuration_file. Not required if recovering (see above). All others parameters are transmitted to repozo but are partly processed by getopt. To transmit unprocessed parameters to repozo, pass them as an argument. """ from tests.testTIDServer import TIDClient from ExchangeProtocol import ExchangeProtocol import socket import base64 import imp import getopt import sys import os # urllib2 does not support (?) urls containing credentials # (http://login:password@...) but it's fine with urllib. from urllib import urlopen import traceback import md5 import time import tempfile from struct import pack program = sys.argv[0] def log(message): print message def backup(address, known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, repozo_formated_command, zope_formated_url=None): connection = TIDClient(address) to_load = known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.keys() load_count = 2 while len(to_load): if load_count < 1: raise ValueError('It was impossible to retrieve all required TIDs. Missing: %s' % to_load) to_load = [] load_count -= 1 stored_tid_dict = connection.dump_all() #log(stored_tid_dict) for key, (file_path, storage_path, object_path) in known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.iteritems(): if key not in stored_tid_dict and zope_formated_url is not None: to_load.append(key) if object_path is not None: serialize_url = zope_formated_url % (object_path, ) log(serialize_url) try: response = urlopen(serialize_url) except Exception, message: # Prevent exceptions from interrupting the backup. # We don't care about how well the web server is working, the only # important thing is to get all TIDs in TIDStorage, and it's checked # later. log(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) backup_count = 0 total_count = len(known_tid_storage_identifier_dict) for key, (file_path, storage_path, object_path) in known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.iteritems(): tid_as_int = stored_tid_dict[key] + 1 tid = base64.encodestring(pack('>Q', tid_as_int)).rstrip() repozo_command = repozo_formated_command % (storage_path, file_path, tid) if not os.access(storage_path, os.R_OK): os.makedirs(storage_path) log('Runing %r...' % (repozo_command, )) status = os.system(repozo_command) status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) if status == 0: backup_count += 1 else: log('Error occured while saving %s: exit status=%i' % (file_path, status)) log('Saved %i FileStorages out of %i.' % (backup_count, total_count)) return total_count - backup_count def get_md5_diggest(file_instance, length): BLOCK_SIZE=512 file_instance.seek(0) md5sum = md5.new() read = file_instance.read update = md5sum.update while length > 0: to_read = min(BLOCK_SIZE, length) buffer = read(to_read) if len(buffer) != to_read: log('Warning: read %i instead of requiested %i, stopping read' % (len(buffer), to_read)) length = 0 else: length -= to_read update(buffer) return md5sum.hexdigest() def recover(known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, repozo_formated_command, check=False): recovered_count = 0 total_count = len(known_tid_storage_identifier_dict) for key, (file_path, storage_path, object_path) in known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.iteritems(): if not os.access(storage_path, os.R_OK): log('Warning: unable to recover %s because %s is missing/unreadable.' % (file_path, storage_path)) continue if check: original_file_path = file_path file_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.basename(file_path)) repozo_command = repozo_formated_command % (storage_path, file_path) status = os.system(repozo_command) status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) if status == 0: recovered_count += 1 else: log('Error occured while recovering %s: exit status=%i' % (file_path, status)) if check: log('Info: Comparing restored %s with original %s' % (file_path, original_file_path)) recovered_file = open(file_path, 'r') original_file = open(original_file_path, 'r') try: recovered_file.seek(0, 2) original_file.seek(0, 2) recovered_file_length = recovered_file.tell() original_file_length = original_file.tell() checked_length = recovered_file_length if recovered_file_length < original_file_length: log('Info: Shorter than original: -%i bytes (-%.02f%%)' % \ (original_file_length - recovered_file_length, 1 - (float(recovered_file_length) / original_file_length))) elif recovered_file_length > original_file_length: log('ERROR: Longer than original: +%i bytes (+%.02f%%). Was original packed since backup ?' % \ (recovered_file_length - original_file_length, float(recovered_file_length) / original_file_length)) checked_length = None if checked_length is not None: recovered_file_diggest = get_md5_diggest(recovered_file, checked_length) original_file_diggest = get_md5_diggest(original_file, checked_length) if recovered_file_diggest != original_file_diggest: log('ERROR: Recovered md5 does not match original: %s != %s.' % \ (recovered_file_diggest, original_file_diggest)) finally: recovered_file.close() original_file.close() os.unlink(file_path) log('Restored %i FileStorages out of %i.' % (recovered_count, total_count)) return total_count - recovered_count def usage(code, msg=''): outfp = sys.stderr if code == 0: outfp = sys.stdout print >> outfp, __doc__ % globals() if msg: print >> outfp, msg sys.exit(code) def parseargs(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vQr:FhzMRc:H:p:u:', ['help', 'verbose', 'quick', 'full', 'gzip', 'print-max-tid', 'repository', 'repozo=', 'config=', 'host=', 'port=', 'url=', 'recover', 'recover_check']) except getopt.error, msg: usage(1, msg) class Options: timestamp_file_path = None repozo_file_name = 'repozo.py' configuration_file_name = None repozo_opts = ['-B'] host = None port = None base_url = None known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {} recover = False dry_run = False options = Options() if args: options.repozo_opts.extend(args) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage(0) elif opt in ('-c', '--config'): options.configuration_file_name = arg elif opt == '--repozo': options.repozo_file_name = arg elif opt in ('-R', '--recover', '--recover_check'): options.repozo_opts[0] = '-R' options.recover = True if opt == '--recover_check': options.dry_run = True elif opt in ('-H', '--host'): options.host = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--port'): try: options.port = int(port) except ValueError, msg: usage(1, msg) elif opt in ('-u', '--url'): options.url = arg elif opt in ('-r', '--repository'): options.repozo_opts.append('%s %s' % (opt, arg)) else: options.repozo_opts.append(opt) if options.configuration_file_name is None: usage(1, 'Either -c or --config is required.') configuration_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(options.configuration_file_name)) configuration_path = os.path.dirname(options.configuration_file_name) if len(configuration_path): configuration_path = [configuration_path] else: configuration_path = sys.path file, path, description = imp.find_module(configuration_filename, configuration_path) module = imp.load_module(configuration_filename, file, path, description) file.close() try: options.known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = module.known_tid_storage_identifier_dict options.timestamp_file_path = module.timestamp_file_path except AttributeError, msg: usage(1, msg) for option_id in ('port', 'host', 'base_url'): if getattr(options, option_id) is None: setattr(options, option_id, getattr(module, option_id, None)) # XXX: we do not check any option this way, it's too dangerous. #options.repozo_opts.extend(getattr(module, 'repozo_opts', [])) if options.port is None: options.port = 9001 if options.host is None: usage(1, 'Either -H or --host is required (or host value should be set in configuration file).') return options options = parseargs() address = (options.host, options.port) zope_formated_url = options.base_url if options.base_url is not None and '%s' not in zope_formated_url: raise ValueError, 'Given base url (%r) is not properly formated, it must contain one \'%%s\'.' % (zope_formated_url, ) repozo_formated_command = '%s %s -r "%%s"' % (options.repozo_file_name, ' '.join(options.repozo_opts)) if options.recover: timestamp_file = open(options.timestamp_file_path, 'r') timestamp = '' read_line = ' ' while len(read_line): timestamp = read_line read_line = timestamp_file.readline() timestamp = timestamp.strip('\r\n \t') if timestamp is not None: repozo_formated_command += ' -o "%%s" -D %s' % (timestamp, ) result = recover( known_tid_storage_identifier_dict=options.known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, repozo_formated_command=repozo_formated_command, check=options.dry_run) else: repozo_formated_command += ' -f "%s" -m "%s"' result = backup( address=address, known_tid_storage_identifier_dict=options.known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, zope_formated_url=zope_formated_url, repozo_formated_command=repozo_formated_command) if result == 0: # Paranoid mode: # Issue a system-wide "sync" command to make sure all files which were saved # are really present on disk. os.system('sync') timestamp_file = open(options.timestamp_file_path, 'a', 0) try: # Borrowed from repozo. timestamp_file.write('\n%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d' % time.gmtime()[:6]) finally: timestamp_file.close() sys.exit(result)