Commit b7c9a1df authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Reorganize docs.

Move the API reference to its own (sectioned) page to clean up the main page. Break up the massive 'gevent' module page into more digestable parts and add more xrefs.
parent 712b69b4
...@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ src/greentest/.coverage ...@@ -34,16 +34,6 @@ src/greentest/.coverage
doc/_build doc/_build
doc/__pycache__ doc/__pycache__
# Artifacts of configuring in place # Artifacts of configuring in place
deps/c-ares/config.log deps/c-ares/config.log
:mod:`gevent._socket2` -- Python 2 socket module
.. automodule:: gevent._socket2
:mod:`gevent._socket3` -- Python 3 socket module
.. automodule:: gevent._socket3
:mod:`gevent._ssl2` -- SSL wrapper for socket objects on Python 2.7.8 and below
.. automodule:: gevent._ssl2
:mod:`gevent._ssl3` -- SSL wrapper for socket objects on Python 3
.. automodule:: gevent._ssl3
:mod:`gevent._sslgte279` -- SSL wrapper for socket objects on Python 2.7.9 and above
.. automodule:: gevent._sslgte279
:mod:`gevent.ares` -- Backwards compatibility alias for :mod:`gevent.resolver.cares`
.. automodule:: gevent.ares
:mod:`gevent.backdoor` -- Interactive greenlet-based network console that can be used in any process
.. automodule:: gevent.backdoor
:mod:`gevent.baseserver` -- Base class for implementing servers
.. automodule:: gevent.baseserver
:mod:`gevent.builtins` -- gevent friendly implementations of builtin functions
.. automodule:: gevent.builtins
:mod:`` -- Publish/subscribe event infrastructure
.. automodule::
:mod:`gevent.exceptions` -- Exceptions
.. automodule:: gevent.exceptions
:mod:`gevent.fileobject` -- Wrappers to make file-like objects cooperative
.. automodule:: gevent.fileobject
==================================================== ==================
:mod:`gevent` -- basic utilities and configuration Greenlet Objects
==================================================== ==================
.. module:: gevent .. currentmodule:: gevent
The most common functions and classes are available in the :mod:`gevent` top level package. :class:`gevent.Greenlet` is a light-weight cooperatively-scheduled
execution unit. It is a more powerful version of
:class:`greenlet.greenlet`. For general information, see :ref:`greenlet-basics`.
.. autodata:: __version__ You can retrieve the current greenlet at any time using
Greenlet objects Starting Greenlets
================ ==================
:class:`Greenlet` is a light-weight cooperatively-scheduled execution unit.
To start a new greenlet, pass the target function and its arguments to To start a new greenlet, pass the target function and its arguments to
:class:`Greenlet` constructor and call :meth:`Greenlet.start`: :class:`Greenlet` constructor and call :meth:`Greenlet.start`:
...@@ -24,42 +25,53 @@ does the same: ...@@ -24,42 +25,53 @@ does the same:
>>> g = Greenlet.spawn(myfunction, 'arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1=1) >>> g = Greenlet.spawn(myfunction, 'arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1=1)
There are also various spawn helpers in :mod:`gevent`, including:
- :func:`gevent.spawn`
- :func:`gevent.spawn_later`
- :func:`gevent.spawn_raw`
Stopping Greenlets
You can forcibly stop a :class:`Greenlet` using its :meth:`Greenlet.kill`
method. There are also helper functions that can be useful in limited
circumstances (if you might have a :class:`raw greenlet <greenlet.greenlet>`):
- :func:`gevent.kill`
- :func:`gevent.killall`
.. _subclassing-greenlet:
Subclassing Greenlet
To subclass a :class:`Greenlet`, override its ``_run()`` method and To subclass a :class:`Greenlet`, override its ``_run()`` method and
call ``Greenlet.__init__(self)`` in the subclass ``__init__``. It also a good call ``Greenlet.__init__(self)`` in the subclass ``__init__``. This
idea to override :meth:`Greenlet.__str__`: if ``_run`` raises an exception, can be done to override :meth:`Greenlet.__str__`: if ``_run`` raises
its string representation will be printed after the traceback it an exception, its string representation will be printed after the
generated. traceback it generated.
.. important:: You *SHOULD NOT* attempt to override the ``run()`` method. ::
.. class:: Greenlet class MyNoopGreenlet(Greenlet):
.. automethod:: Greenlet.__init__ def __init__(self, seconds):
self.seconds = seconds
.. autoattribute:: Greenlet.exception def _run(self):
.. autoattribute:: Greenlet.minimal_ident gevent.sleep(self.seconds)
.. autoattribute::
.. autoattribute:: Greenlet.dead
.. rubric:: Methods def __str__(self):
return 'MyNoopGreenlet(%s)' % self.seconds
.. important:: You *SHOULD NOT* attempt to override the ``run()`` method.
.. automethod:: Greenlet.spawn
.. automethod:: Greenlet.ready
.. automethod:: Greenlet.successful
.. automethod:: Greenlet.start
.. automethod:: Greenlet.start_later
.. automethod:: Greenlet.join
.. automethod:: Greenlet.get
.. automethod:: Greenlet.kill(exception=GreenletExit, block=True, timeout=None)
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: Greenlet.link_value(callback)
.. automethod:: Greenlet.link_exception(callback)
.. automethod:: Greenlet.rawlink
.. automethod:: Greenlet.unlink
.. automethod:: Greenlet.__str__
Boolean Contexts Boolean Contexts
---------------- ================
Greenlet objects have a boolean value (``__nonzero__`` or Greenlet objects have a boolean value (``__nonzero__`` or
``__bool__``) which is true if it's active: started but not dead yet. ``__bool__``) which is true if it's active: started but not dead yet.
...@@ -77,24 +89,6 @@ switched to yet or is already dead. While the latter is OK, the former ...@@ -77,24 +89,6 @@ switched to yet or is already dead. While the latter is OK, the former
is not good, because a just spawned Greenlet has not been switched to is not good, because a just spawned Greenlet has not been switched to
yet and thus would evaluate to False. yet and thus would evaluate to False.
Raw greenlet Methods
Being a greenlet__ subclass, :class:`Greenlet` also has `switch()
<switching>`_ and `throw() <throw>`_ methods. However, these should
not be used at the application level as they can very easily lead to
greenlets that are forever unscheduled. Prefer higher-level safe
classes, like :class:`Event <gevent.event.Event>` and :class:`Queue
<gevent.queue.Queue>`, instead.
.. _switching:
.. _throw:
.. class:: greenlet.greenlet
The base class from which `Greenlet` descends.
.. exception:: GreenletExit .. exception:: GreenletExit
A special exception that kills the greenlet silently. A special exception that kills the greenlet silently.
...@@ -104,103 +98,52 @@ __ ...@@ -104,103 +98,52 @@ __
The exception instance is available under :attr:`value <Greenlet.value>` The exception instance is available under :attr:`value <Greenlet.value>`
property as if it was returned by the greenlet, not raised. property as if it was returned by the greenlet, not raised.
Spawn helpers
.. autofunction:: spawn
.. autofunction:: spawn_later
.. autofunction:: spawn_raw
Useful general functions
.. seealso:: :mod:`gevent.util`
.. function:: getcurrent() .. class:: Greenlet
Return the currently executing greenlet (the one that called this
function). Note that this may be an instance of :class:`Greenlet`
or :class:`greenlet.greenlet`.
.. autofunction:: sleep
.. autofunction:: idle
Stopping Greenlets
.. autofunction:: kill(greenlet, exception=GreenletExit)
.. autofunction:: killall(greenlets, exception=GreenletExit, block=True, timeout=None)
.. autofunction:: wait
.. autofunction:: iwait
.. autofunction:: joinall
Working with muliple processes
.. autofunction:: fork
.. autofunction:: reinit
.. function:: signal(signalnum, handler, *args, **kwargs)
Call the *handler* with the *args* and *kwargs* when the process
receives the signal *signalnum*.
The *handler* will be run in a new greenlet when the signal is delivered.
This returns an object with the useful method ``cancel``, which, when called,
will prevent future deliveries of *signalnum* from calling *handler*.
.. note::
This may not operate correctly with SIGCHLD if libev child watchers
are used (as they are by default with :func:`gevent.os.fork`).
.. versionchanged:: 1.1b4 .. automethod:: Greenlet.__init__
This is an alias for ``gevent.hub.signal``, included for .. autoattribute:: Greenlet.exception
backwards compatibility; the new module :doc:`gevent.signal <gevent.signal>` .. autoattribute:: Greenlet.minimal_ident
is replacing this name. This alias will be removed in a .. autoattribute::
future release. .. autoattribute:: Greenlet.dead
.. versionchanged:: 1.2a1 .. rubric:: Methods
The *handler* is required to be callable at construction time. .. automethod:: Greenlet.spawn
.. automethod:: Greenlet.ready
.. automethod:: Greenlet.successful
.. automethod:: Greenlet.start
.. automethod:: Greenlet.start_later
.. automethod:: Greenlet.join
.. automethod:: Greenlet.get
.. automethod:: Greenlet.kill(exception=GreenletExit, block=True, timeout=None)
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: Greenlet.link_value(callback)
.. automethod:: Greenlet.link_exception(callback)
.. automethod:: Greenlet.rawlink
.. automethod:: Greenlet.unlink
.. automethod:: Greenlet.__str__
.. This is also in the docstring of gevent.hub.signal, which is the
actual callable invoked
Timeouts Raw greenlet Methods
======== ====================
.. autoclass:: Timeout Being a greenlet__ subclass, :class:`Greenlet` also has `switch()
:members: <switching>`_ and `throw() <throw>`_ methods. However, these should
:undoc-members: not be used at the application level as they can very easily lead to
:special-members: __enter__, __exit__ greenlets that are forever unscheduled. Prefer higher-level safe
classes, like :class:`Event <gevent.event.Event>` and :class:`Queue
<gevent.queue.Queue>`, instead.
.. autofunction:: with_timeout __
.. _switching:
.. _throw:
.. _gevent-configuration: .. class:: greenlet.greenlet
Configuration The base class from which `Greenlet` descends.
.. autoclass:: gevent._config.Config
.. LocalWords: Greenlet GreenletExit Greenlet's greenlet's .. LocalWords: Greenlet GreenletExit Greenlet's greenlet's
.. LocalWords: automethod .. LocalWords: automethod
:mod:`gevent.local` -- Greenlet-local objects
.. automodule:: gevent.local
:mod:`gevent.lock` -- Locking primitives
.. automodule:: gevent.lock
:mod:`gevent.monkey` -- Make the standard library cooperative
.. automodule:: gevent.monkey
:mod:`gevent.os` -- Low-level operating system functions from :mod:`os`
.. automodule:: gevent.os
:mod:`gevent.pywsgi` -- A pure-Python, gevent-friendly WSGI server
.. automodule:: gevent.pywsgi
:mod:`gevent` -- common functions
.. module:: gevent
The most common functions and classes are available in the
:mod:`gevent` top level package.
Please read :doc:`/intro` for an introduction to the concepts
discussed here.
.. autodata:: __version__
See :class:`gevent.Greenlet` for information about greenlet objects.
.. seealso:: :mod:`gevent.util`
Creating Greenlets
.. autofunction:: spawn
.. autofunction:: spawn_later
.. autofunction:: spawn_raw
Getting Greenlets
.. function:: getcurrent()
Return the currently executing greenlet (the one that called this
function). Note that this may be an instance of :class:`Greenlet`
or :class:`greenlet.greenlet`.
Stopping Greenlets
.. autofunction:: kill(greenlet, exception=GreenletExit)
.. autofunction:: killall(greenlets, exception=GreenletExit, block=True, timeout=None)
.. autofunction:: sleep
.. autofunction:: idle
.. autofunction:: wait
.. autofunction:: iwait
.. autofunction:: joinall
Working with muliple processes
.. note::
These functions will only be available if :func:`os.fork` is
available. In general, prefer to use :func:`gevent.os.fork` instead
of manually calling these functions.
.. autofunction:: fork
.. autofunction:: reinit
.. function:: signal_handler(signalnum, handler, *args, **kwargs)
Call the *handler* with the *args* and *kwargs* when the process
receives the signal *signalnum*.
The *handler* will be run in a new greenlet when the signal is delivered.
This returns an object with the useful method ``cancel``, which, when called,
will prevent future deliveries of *signalnum* from calling *handler*.
.. note::
This may not operate correctly with SIGCHLD if libev child watchers
are used (as they are by default with :func:`gevent.os.fork`).
.. versionchanged:: 1.1b4
``gevent.signal`` is an alias for this function, included for
backwards compatibility; the new module :doc:`gevent.signal <gevent.signal>`
is replacing this name. This alias will be removed in a
future release.
.. versionchanged:: 1.2a1
The *handler* is required to be callable at construction time.
.. This is also in the docstring of gevent.hub.signal, which is the
actual callable invoked
See class :class:`gevent.Timeout` for information about Timeout objects.
.. autofunction:: with_timeout
.. LocalWords: Greenlet GreenletExit Greenlet's greenlet's
.. LocalWords: automethod
==================================================== ====================================================
Synchronization primitives (locks, queues, events) :mod:`` -- Waiting for I/O completion
==================================================== ====================================================
.. toctree:: .. automodule::
:mod:`gevent.server` -- TCP/SSL server
.. automodule:: gevent.server
:mod:`gevent.signal` -- Cooperative implementation of special cases of :func:`signal.signal`
.. automodule:: gevent.signal
:mod:`gevent.subprocess` -- Cooperative ``subprocess`` module
.. automodule:: gevent.subprocess
:mod:`gevent.thread` -- Implementation of the standard :mod:`thread` module that spawns greenlets
.. automodule:: gevent.thread
:mod:`gevent.threading` -- Implementation of the standard :mod:`threading` using greenlets
.. automodule:: gevent.threading
:mod:`gevent.time` -- Makes *sleep* gevent aware
This module has all the members of :mod:`time`, but the *sleep*
function is :func:`gevent.sleep`.
.. automodule:: gevent.time
Cooperative Timeouts
Cooperative timeouts can be implemented with the
:class:`gevent.Timeout` class, and the helper function
.. autoclass:: gevent.Timeout
:special-members: __enter__, __exit__
:mod:`gevent.util` -- Low-level utilities
.. automodule:: gevent.util
API reference
High-level concepts
.. toctree::
.. _networking:
Networking interfaces
.. toctree::
Synchronization primitives (locks, queues, events)
.. toctree::
Low-level details
.. toctree::
Module Listing
.. This should be sorted alphabetically
.. toctree::
Deprecated Modules
.. toctree::
.. toctree::
Community ===========
========= Community
The official mailing list is hosted on `Google Groups (gevent)`_. To The official mailing list is hosted on `Google Groups (gevent)`_. To
subscribe via email, send a message to subscribe via email, send a message to
...@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ You're also welcome to join `#gevent`_ IRC channel on freenode. ...@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ You're also welcome to join `#gevent`_ IRC channel on freenode.
Russian group Russian group
------------- =============
Русскоязычная группа находится здесь: `Google Groups (gevent-ru)`_. Чтобы подписаться, отправьте сообщение на Русскоязычная группа находится здесь: `Google Groups (gevent-ru)`_. Чтобы подписаться, отправьте сообщение на
...@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ import os ...@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ import os
# for better documentation extraction and ease of tweaking docs. # for better documentation extraction and ease of tweaking docs.
os.environ['PURE_PYTHON'] = '1' os.environ['PURE_PYTHON'] = '1'
os.system('%s generate' % sys.executable)
sys.path.append('.') # for mysphinxext sys.path.append('.') # for mysphinxext
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
.. _gevent-configuration:
Configuring gevent
.. autoclass:: gevent._config.Config
Table Of Contents ===================
================= Table Of Contents
Introduction and Basics
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2 :maxdepth: 2
intro intro
whatsnew_1_3 whatsnew_1_3
changelog changelog
examples/index API Details
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Related Information
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
older_releases older_releases
* :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search` * :ref:`search`
...@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ relative performance and correctness tradeoffs. ...@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ relative performance and correctness tradeoffs.
.. toctree:: .. toctree::
gevent.resolver.thread api/gevent.resolver.thread
gevent.resolver.ares api/gevent.resolver.ares
gevent.resolver.dnspython api/gevent.resolver.dnspython
gevent.resolver.blocking api/gevent.resolver.blocking
============================= ================================
Example Example
============================= ================================
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/ .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/
:language: python :language: python
:linenos: :linenos:
`Current source <>`_ `Current source <>`_
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import glob
from os.path import join, dirname, abspath, basename
# do not generate .rst for the following modules as they imported into gevent package
# and covered there
SKIP = ['hub', 'timeout', 'greenlet']
template = '''.. AUTOGENERATED -- will be overwritten (remove this comment to save changes)
.. automodule:: gevent.%(module)s
def _find_modules():
import gevent
except ImportError:
print("Failed to import gevent, no modules found")
return ()
directory = dirname(abspath(gevent.__file__))
print('Imported gevent from %s' % (directory, ))
modules = glob.glob(join(directory, '*.py')) + glob.glob(join(directory, '*.pyc'))
modules = set(basename(filename).split('.')[0] for filename in modules)
modules = set(name for name in modules
if name.startswith('_socket2') or name.startswith('_socket3') or name.startswith('_ssl')
or not name.startswith('_'))
return modules
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
modules = _find_modules()
def _read(fname, count):
with open(fname) as f:
def generate_rst_for_module(module, do=True):
rst_filename = 'gevent.%s.rst' % module
exists = os.path.exists(rst_filename)
if exists:
autogenerated = 'autogenerated' in _read(rst_filename, 200).lower()
if not autogenerated:
m = __import__('gevent.%s' % module)
m = getattr(m, module)
title = getattr(m, '__doc__', None)
if title:
lines = title.strip().splitlines()
for line in lines:
# skip leading blanks. Support both styles of docstrings.
if line:
title = line.strip()
title = title.strip(' .')
prefix = ':mod:`gevent.%s`' % module
if title:
title = prefix + ' -- %s' % (title, )
title = prefix
title_underline = '=' * len(title)
params = globals().copy()
result = template % params
if getattr(m, '_no_undoc_members', True):
result = '\n'.join(result.splitlines()[:-1])
if exists:
if _read(rst_filename, len(result) + 1) == result:
return # already exists one which is the same
if do:
print('Generated %s from %s' % (rst_filename, m.__file__))
with open(rst_filename, 'w') as f:
print('Would generate %s from %s' % (rst_filename, m.__file__))
def generate_rst(do=True):
assert os.path.exists('contents.rst'), 'Wrong directory, contents.rst not found'
for module in modules:
if module not in SKIP:
generate_rst_for_module(module, do=do)
except ImportError as e:
print("Failed to import and generate module", module, e)
def iter_autogenerated():
for module in modules:
rst_filename = 'gevent.%s.rst' % module
exists = os.path.exists(rst_filename)
if exists:
autogenerated = 'autogenerated' in open(rst_filename).read(200).lower()
if autogenerated:
yield rst_filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if sys.argv[1:] == ['show']:
for filename in iter_autogenerated():
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['delete']:
for filename in iter_autogenerated():
print('Removing', filename)
elif sys.argv[1:] == ['generate']:
elif sys.argv[1:] == []:
sys.exit('Invalid command line: %s' % (sys.argv[1:], ))
...@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ Features include: ...@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ Features include:
* **Fast event loop** based on libev or libuv (epoll on Linux, kqueue on FreeBSD). * **Fast event loop** based on libev or libuv (epoll on Linux, kqueue on FreeBSD).
* **Lightweight execution units** based on greenlet. * **Lightweight execution units** based on greenlet.
* API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for example there are :class:`gevent.event.Events` and :class:`gevent.queue.Queues`). * API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for
* :doc:`Cooperative sockets with SSL support <networking>` examples there are :class:`events <gevent.event.Event>` and
:class:`queues <gevent.queue.Queue>`).
* :ref:`Cooperative sockets with SSL support <networking>`
* DNS queries performed through threadpool or c-ares. * DNS queries performed through threadpool or c-ares.
* :ref:`Monkey patching utility <monkey-patching>` to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative * :ref:`Monkey patching utility <monkey-patching>` to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative
...@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ useful in the cooperative world: ...@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ useful in the cooperative world:
allows passing a value or an exception to the waiters. allows passing a value or an exception to the waiters.
- :class:`~queue.Queue` and :class:`~queue.JoinableQueue`. - :class:`~queue.Queue` and :class:`~queue.JoinableQueue`.
.. _greenlet-basics:
Lightweight pseudothreads Lightweight pseudothreads
========================= =========================
...@@ -277,30 +278,17 @@ The traceback is asynchronously printed to ``sys.stderr`` when the greenlet dies ...@@ -277,30 +278,17 @@ The traceback is asynchronously printed to ``sys.stderr`` when the greenlet dies
- :meth:`kill <gevent.Greenlet.kill>` -- interrupts greenlet's execution; - :meth:`kill <gevent.Greenlet.kill>` -- interrupts greenlet's execution;
- :meth:`get <gevent.Greenlet.get>` -- returns the value returned by greenlet or re-raises the exception that killed it. - :meth:`get <gevent.Greenlet.get>` -- returns the value returned by greenlet or re-raises the exception that killed it.
It is possible to customize the string printed after the traceback by Greenlets can be subclassed with care. One use for this is to
subclassing the :class:`~gevent.Greenlet` class and redefining its customize the string printed after the traceback by subclassing the
``__str__`` method. :class:`~gevent.Greenlet` class and redefining its ``__str__`` method.
For more information, see :ref:`subclassing-greenlet`.
To subclass a :class:`gevent.Greenlet`, override its ``_run`` method
and call ``Greenlet.__init__(self)`` in ``__init__``::
class MyNoopGreenlet(Greenlet):
def __init__(self, seconds):
self.seconds = seconds
def _run(self):
def __str__(self):
return 'MyNoopGreenlet(%s)' % self.seconds
Greenlets can be killed synchronously from another greenlet. Killing Greenlets can be killed synchronously from another greenlet. Killing
will resume the sleeping greenlet, but instead of continuing will resume the sleeping greenlet, but instead of continuing
execution, a :exc:`GreenletExit` will be raised. execution, a :exc:`GreenletExit` will be raised.
>>> g = MyNoopGreenlet(4) >>> g = Greenlet(gevent.sleep, 4)
>>> g.start() >>> g.start()
>>> g.kill() >>> g.kill()
>>> g.dead >>> g.dead
...@@ -315,12 +303,12 @@ raised. ...@@ -315,12 +303,12 @@ raised.
The :meth:`kill <gevent.Greenlet.kill>` method can accept a custom exception to be raised: The :meth:`kill <gevent.Greenlet.kill>` method can accept a custom exception to be raised:
>>> g = MyNoopGreenlet.spawn(5) # spawn() creates a Greenlet and starts it >>> g = Greenlet.spawn(gevent.sleep, 5) # spawn() creates a Greenlet and starts it
>>> g.kill(Exception("A time to kill")) >>> g.kill(Exception("A time to kill"))
Traceback (most recent call last): Traceback (most recent call last):
... ...
Exception: A time to kill Exception: A time to kill
MyNoopGreenlet(5) failed with Exception Greenlet(5) failed with Exception
The :meth:`kill <gevent.Greenlet.kill>` can also accept a *timeout* The :meth:`kill <gevent.Greenlet.kill>` can also accept a *timeout*
argument specifying the number of seconds to wait for the greenlet to argument specifying the number of seconds to wait for the greenlet to
...@@ -374,17 +362,28 @@ The :class:`socket <gevent.socket.socket>` and :class:`SSLObject ...@@ -374,17 +362,28 @@ The :class:`socket <gevent.socket.socket>` and :class:`SSLObject
<gevent.ssl.SSLObject>` instances can also have a timeout, set by the <gevent.ssl.SSLObject>` instances can also have a timeout, set by the
:meth:`settimeout <socket.socket.settimeout>` method. :meth:`settimeout <socket.socket.settimeout>` method.
When these are not enough, the :class:`~gevent.Timeout` class can be used to When these are not enough, the :class:`gevent.Timeout` class and
add timeouts to arbitrary sections of (cooperative, yielding) code. :func:`gevent.with_timeout` can be used to add timeouts to arbitrary
sections of (cooperative, yielding) code.
Further reading Further Reading
=============== ===============
To limit concurrency, use the :class:`gevent.pool.Pool` class (see :doc:`examples/dns_mass_resolve`). To limit concurrency, use the :class:`gevent.pool.Pool` class (see
Gevent comes with TCP/SSL/HTTP/WSGI servers. See :doc:`servers`. Gevent comes with TCP/SSL/HTTP/WSGI servers. See :doc:`servers`.
There are a number of configuration options for gevent. See
:ref:`gevent-configuration` for details. This document also explains how
to enable gevent's builtin monitoring and debugging features.
The objects in :mod:`gevent.util` may be helpful for monitoring and
debugging purposes.
See :doc:`api/index` for a complete API reference.
External resources External resources
================== ==================
Low-level details
.. toctree::
Networking interfaces (sockets, SSL)
.. toctree::
API reference
.. toctree::
.. implementing-servers: .. _implementing-servers:
====================== ======================
Implementing servers Implementing servers
...@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ The :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` module contains an implementation of a :pep:`3333` ...@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ The :mod:`gevent.pywsgi` module contains an implementation of a :pep:`3333`
:class:`WSGI server <gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer>`. In addition, :class:`WSGI server <gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer>`. In addition,
gunicorn_ is a stand-alone server that supports gevent. gunicorn_ is a stand-alone server that supports gevent.
API Reference
- :doc:`api/gevent.baseserver`
- :doc:`api/gevent.server`
- :doc:`api/gevent.pywsgi`
More :doc:`examples <examples/index>` are available: More :doc:`examples <examples/index>` are available:
- :doc:`examples/echoserver` - demonstrates :class:`gevent.server.StreamServer` - :doc:`examples/echoserver` - demonstrates :class:`gevent.server.StreamServer`
...@@ -50,11 +61,5 @@ More :doc:`examples <examples/index>` are available: ...@@ -50,11 +61,5 @@ More :doc:`examples <examples/index>` are available:
- :doc:`examples/wsgiserver_ssl` - demonstrates :class:`WSGIServer with ssl <gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer>` - :doc:`examples/wsgiserver_ssl` - demonstrates :class:`WSGIServer with ssl <gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer>`
.. _gunicorn:
.. toctree::
gevent.baseserver .. _gunicorn:
Success stories =================
=============== Success stories
If you have a success story for Gevent, contact or post to the `google group`_. If you have a success story for gevent, contact post to the `google group`_.
.. _google group: .. _google group:
Omegle_ Omegle_
------- =======
I've been using gevent to power Omegle, my high-volume chat site, I've been using gevent to power Omegle, my high-volume chat site,
since 2010. Omegle is used by nearly half a million people every day, since 2010. Omegle is used by nearly half a million people every day,
...@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ library. ...@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ library.
Pediapress_ Pediapress_
----------- ===========
Pediapress_ powers Wikipedia_'s PDF rendering cluster. I've started using Pediapress_ powers Wikipedia_'s PDF rendering cluster. I've started using
gevent in 2009 after our NFS based job queue showed serious performance gevent in 2009 after our NFS based job queue showed serious performance
...@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ much cleaner and much more manageable then before. ...@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ much cleaner and much more manageable then before.
`ESN Social Software`_ `ESN Social Software`_
---------------------- ======================
Wanting to avoid the ravages of asynchronous programming we choose to base Wanting to avoid the ravages of asynchronous programming we choose to base
our real-time web development framework Planet on gevent and Python. We’ve our real-time web development framework Planet on gevent and Python. We’ve
...@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ enough for our needs and our customer’s requirements. ...@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ enough for our needs and our customer’s requirements.
`Blue Shell Games`_ `Blue Shell Games`_
------------------- ===================
At Blue Shell Games we use gevent to power the application servers that At Blue Shell Games we use gevent to power the application servers that
connect more than a million daily players of our social casino games. connect more than a million daily players of our social casino games.
...@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ of problems with ease. ...@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ of problems with ease.
TellApart_ TellApart_
---------- ==========
At TellApart, we have been using gevent since 2010 as the underpinnings of At TellApart, we have been using gevent since 2010 as the underpinnings of
our frontend servers. It enables us to serve millions of requests every hour our frontend servers. It enables us to serve millions of requests every hour
...@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ See also: `Gevent at TellApart`_ ...@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ See also: `Gevent at TellApart`_
Disqus Disqus
------ ======
See: `Making Disqus Realtime`_ See: `Making Disqus Realtime`_
...@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ See: `Making Disqus Realtime`_ ...@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ See: `Making Disqus Realtime`_
Pinterest Pinterest
--------- =========
Pinterest is one of the biggest players of gevents. We started using gevent in Pinterest is one of the biggest players of gevents. We started using gevent in
2011 to query our mysql shards concurrently. It served us well so far. We run 2011 to query our mysql shards concurrently. It served us well so far. We run
...@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ __all__ = [ ...@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ __all__ = [
'sleep', 'sleep',
'idle', 'idle',
'kill', 'kill',
'signal', 'signal', # deprecated
'fork', 'fork',
'reinit', 'reinit',
'getswitchinterval', 'getswitchinterval',
...@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ except ImportError: ...@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@ except ImportError:
# to treat 'from gevent import signal' as a callable, to matter whether # to treat 'from gevent import signal' as a callable, to matter whether
# the 'gevent.signal' module has been imported first # the 'gevent.signal' module has been imported first
from gevent.hub import signal as _signal_class from gevent.hub import signal as _signal_class
signal_handler = _signal_class
from gevent import signal as _signal_module from gevent import signal as _signal_module
# The object 'gevent.signal' must: # The object 'gevent.signal' must:
...@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def gethostbyname(hostname): ...@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ def gethostbyname(hostname):
Return the IP address (a string of the form '') for a host. Return the IP address (a string of the form '') for a host.
.. seealso:: :doc:`dns` .. seealso:: :doc:`/dns`
""" """
return get_hub().resolver.gethostbyname(hostname) return get_hub().resolver.gethostbyname(hostname)
...@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def gethostbyname_ex(hostname): ...@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def gethostbyname_ex(hostname):
for a host. The host argument is a string giving a host name or IP number. for a host. The host argument is a string giving a host name or IP number.
Resolve host and port into list of address info entries. Resolve host and port into list of address info entries.
.. seealso:: :doc:`dns` .. seealso:: :doc:`/dns`
""" """
return get_hub().resolver.gethostbyname_ex(hostname) return get_hub().resolver.gethostbyname_ex(hostname)
...@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def getaddrinfo(host, port, family=0, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0): ...@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def getaddrinfo(host, port, family=0, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0):
narrow the list of addresses returned. Passing zero as a value for each of narrow the list of addresses returned. Passing zero as a value for each of
these arguments selects the full range of results. these arguments selects the full range of results.
.. seealso:: :doc:`dns` .. seealso:: :doc:`/dns`
""" """
return get_hub().resolver.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, socktype, proto, flags) return get_hub().resolver.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, socktype, proto, flags)
...@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ def gethostbyaddr(ip_address): ...@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ def gethostbyaddr(ip_address):
Return the true host name, a list of aliases, and a list of IP addresses, Return the true host name, a list of aliases, and a list of IP addresses,
for a host. The host argument is a string giving a host name or IP number. for a host. The host argument is a string giving a host name or IP number.
.. seealso:: :doc:`dns` .. seealso:: :doc:`/dns`
""" """
return get_hub().resolver.gethostbyaddr(ip_address) return get_hub().resolver.gethostbyaddr(ip_address)
...@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ def getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags): ...@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ def getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags):
Get host and port for a sockaddr. Get host and port for a sockaddr.
.. seealso:: :doc:`dns` .. seealso:: :doc:`/dns`
""" """
return get_hub().resolver.getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags) return get_hub().resolver.getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags)
...@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ def patch_socket(dns=True, aggressive=True): ...@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ def patch_socket(dns=True, aggressive=True):
sockets. sockets.
:keyword bool dns: When true (the default), also patch address :keyword bool dns: When true (the default), also patch address
resolution functions in :mod:`socket`. See :doc:`dns` for details. resolution functions in :mod:`socket`. See :doc:`/dns` for details.
""" """
from gevent import socket from gevent import socket
# Note: although it seems like it's not strictly necessary to monkey patch 'create_connection', # Note: although it seems like it's not strictly necessary to monkey patch 'create_connection',
...@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ def patch_socket(dns=True, aggressive=True): ...@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ def patch_socket(dns=True, aggressive=True):
@_ignores_DoNotPatch @_ignores_DoNotPatch
def patch_dns(): def patch_dns():
""" """
Replace :doc:`DNS functions <dns>` in :mod:`socket` with Replace :doc:`DNS functions </dns>` in :mod:`socket` with
cooperative versions. cooperative versions.
This is only useful if :func:`patch_socket` has been called and is This is only useful if :func:`patch_socket` has been called and is
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