Commit 13f6a040 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 38d44f67
......@@ -460,8 +460,17 @@ func sha1s(data []byte) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha1.Sum(data))
func download(t *testing.T, url string) (*http.Response, []byte) {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
func download(t *testing.T, url string, h http.Header) (*http.Response, []byte) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
// copy header to request
for k,v := range h {
req.Header[k] = v
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
......@@ -473,65 +482,87 @@ func download(t *testing.T, url string) (*http.Response, []byte) {
return resp, body
func TestAllowedBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
// Prepare test server and backend
ts := testAuthServer(nil, 200, gitOkBody(t))
defer ts.Close()
ws := startWorkhorseServer(ts.URL)
defer ws.Close()
// Context for downloading & verifying paths under URL prefix
type DownloadContext struct {
t *testing.T
urlPrefix string
Header http.Header
func DownloadContextNew(t *testing.T, urlPrefix string) *DownloadContext {
h := make(http.Header)
return &DownloadContext{t, urlPrefix, h}
func (dl DownloadContext) downloadRaw(path string) (*http.Response, []byte) {
return download(dl.t, dl.urlPrefix + path, dl.Header)
downloadRaw := func (refpath string) (*http.Response, []byte) {
return download(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/raw/%s", ws.URL, testProject, refpath))
// download `path` and expect content sha1 to be `expectSha1`
func (dl DownloadContext) ExpectSha1(path, expectSha1 string) {
resp, out := dl.downloadRaw(path)
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
dl.t.Fatalf("Unexpected status code (expected 200, got %v)", resp.StatusCode)
downloadAndExpectSha1 := func (refpath, expectSha1 string) {
_, out := downloadRaw(refpath)
outSha1 := sha1s(out)
if outSha1 != expectSha1 {
t.Fatal("Unexpected content in blob download")
downloadAndExpect := func (refpath, expect string) {
downloadAndExpectSha1(refpath, sha1s([]byte(expect)))
dl.t.Fatal("Unexpected content in blob download")
// download `path` and expect content data to be `expect`
func (dl DownloadContext) Expect(path, expect string) {
dl.ExpectSha1(path, sha1s([]byte(expect)))
downloadAndExpect("5f923865/", "testme\n======\n\nSample repo for testing gitlab features\n")
downloadAndExpectSha1("5f923865/files/ruby/popen.rb", "68990cc20fa74383358797a27967fa2b45d7d8f6")
downloadAndExpectSha1("874797c3/files/ruby/popen.rb", "4c266708f2bfd7ca3fed3f7ec74253f92ff3fe73")
resp, _ := downloadRaw("master/non-existing-file")
if resp.StatusCode != 404 {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected status code (expected 404, got %v)", resp.StatusCode)
// download `path` and expect HTTP status code to be `code`
func (dl DownloadContext) ExpectCode(path string, code int) {
resp, _ := dl.downloadRaw(path)
if resp.StatusCode != code {
dl.t.Fatalf("Unexpected status code (expected %v, got %v)", code, resp.StatusCode)
func TestBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
// Prepare test server and "all-ok" auth backend
ts := testAuthServer(nil, 200, gitOkBody(t))
defer ts.Close()
ws := startWorkhorseServer(ts.URL)
defer ws.Close()
dl := DownloadContextNew(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/raw", ws.URL, testProject))
dl.Expect("/5f923865/", "testme\n======\n\nSample repo for testing gitlab features\n")
dl.ExpectSha1("/5f923865/", "5f7af35c185a9e5face2f4afb6d7c4f00328d04c")
dl.ExpectSha1("/5f923865/files/ruby/popen.rb", "68990cc20fa74383358797a27967fa2b45d7d8f6")
dl.ExpectSha1("/874797c3/files/ruby/popen.rb", "4c266708f2bfd7ca3fed3f7ec74253f92ff3fe73")
dl.ExpectCode("/master/non-existing-file", 404)
func TestDeniedBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
// Prepare test server and backend
// Prepare test server and "all-deny" auth backend
ts := testAuthServer(nil, 403, "Access denied")
defer ts.Close()
ws := startWorkhorseServer(ts.URL)
defer ws.Close()
dl := DownloadContextNew(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/raw", ws.URL, testProject))
downloadAndExpect := func (refpath string, code int) {
resp, _ := download(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/raw/%s", ws.URL, testProject, refpath))
if resp.StatusCode != code {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected status code (expected %v, got %v)", code, resp.StatusCode)
downloadAndExpect("5f923865/", 403)
downloadAndExpect("5f923865/files/ruby/popen.rb", 403)
downloadAndExpect("874797c3/files/ruby/popen.rb", 403)
downloadAndExpect("master/non-existing-file", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/files/ruby/popen.rb", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/874797c3/files/ruby/popen.rb", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/master/non-existing-file", 403)
func TestPrivateBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
// Prepare test server and auth backend:
// access is ok if token is provided either via query or via header
ts := testServerWithHandler(url, func(w, http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ts := testServerWithHandler(nil, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Println("UPSTREAM", r.Method, r.URL)
token_ok1 := r.URL.Query().Get("aaa_token") == "TOKEN-4AAA"
token_ok2 := r.Header.Get("BBB-TOKEN") == "TOKEN-4BBB"
if !(token_ok1 || token_ok2) {
fmt.Fprintf("w", "Access denied")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Access denied")
data, err := json.Marshal(gitOkBody(t))
......@@ -541,10 +572,20 @@ func TestPrivateBlobDownload(t *testing.T) {
defer ts.Close()
ws := startWorkhorseServer(ts.URL)
defer ws.Close()
download(t, "%s/%s/raw/5f923865/
dl := DownloadContextNew(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/raw", ws.URL, testProject))
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 200)
dl.ExpectSha1("/5f923865/", "5f7af35c185a9e5face2f4afb6d7c4f00328d04c")
dl.Header.Add("AAA-TOKEN", "TOKEN-4AAA")
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 403)
dl.Header.Add("BBB-TOKEN", "TOKEN-4BBB")
dl.ExpectCode("/5f923865/", 200)
dl.ExpectSha1("/5f923865/", "5f7af35c185a9e5face2f4afb6d7c4f00328d04c")
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