• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    readme: Add appendix about how to read Go-FUSE debug log output · 425e8d53
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    d1c826d1 ("fuse: increase signal/noise in log messages",
    https://github.com/hanwen/go-fuse/pull/249) changed log to use
    abbreviations in the name of improving signal/noise ratio. However it
    might be not evident offhand what an abbreviation means.
    Add a short reference in the readme with the summary on how to read the
    log and a short example.
    The summary is incomplete - for example I don't describe Fh and other
    attributes that d1c826d1 did not change. I propose we review logging
    more, e.g. consider doing `Fh X` -> `fX` and maybe similarly for other
    fields, and while doing so, also populate/update the summary and example
    in the readme. In other words it is good to document current state, but
    it is not fixed in stone and can be evolved.
README.md 5.74 KB