diff --git a/src/runtime/Makefile b/src/runtime/Makefile
index b9e57701037e3af4ebf7dbf7a5c8a2a8c78d7548..df33b5801518e9bbe171c97aab3ec2eca7a7cee0 100644
--- a/src/runtime/Makefile
+++ b/src/runtime/Makefile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ LIBOFILES=\
-	map.$O\
+	hashmap.$O\
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ LIBOFILES=\
-HFILES=runtime.h $(OS_H_)
+HFILES=runtime.h hashmap.h $(OS_H_)
 install: rt0 $(LIB) runtime.acid
 	cp $(RT0OFILES) $(GOROOT)/lib
diff --git a/src/runtime/hashmap.c b/src/runtime/hashmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a8e68c39c6a096ab800b729795a1c5bfc941939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/hashmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "runtime.h"
+#include "hashmap.h"
+/* Return a pointer to the struct/union of type "type"
+   whose "field" field is addressed by pointer "p". */
+struct hash {	   /* a hash table; initialize with hash_init() */
+	uint32 count;	  /* elements in table - must be first */
+	uint8 datasize;   /* amount of data to store in entry */
+	uint8 max_power;  /* max power of 2 to create sub-tables */
+	uint8 max_probes; /* max entries to probe before rehashing */
+	int32 changes;	      /* inc'ed whenever a subtable is created/grown */
+	hash_hash_t (*data_hash) (uint32, void *a);  /* return hash of *a */
+	uint32 (*data_eq) (uint32, void *a, void *b);   /* return whether *a == *b */
+	void (*data_del) (uint32, void *arg, void *data);  /* invoked on deletion */
+	struct hash_subtable *st;    /* first-level table */
+	uint32	keysize;
+	uint32	valsize;
+	uint32	ko;
+	uint32	vo;
+	uint32	po;
+	Alg*	keyalg;
+	Alg*	valalg;
+struct hash_entry {
+	hash_hash_t hash;     /* hash value of data */
+	byte data[1];	 /* user data has "datasize" bytes */
+struct hash_subtable {
+	uint8 power;	 /* bits used to index this table */
+	uint8 used;	  /* bits in hash used before reaching this table */
+	uint8 datasize;      /* bytes of client data in an entry */
+	uint8 max_probes;    /* max number of probes when searching */
+	int16 limit_bytes;	   /* max_probes * (datasize+sizeof (hash_hash_t)) */
+	struct hash_entry *end;      /* points just past end of entry[] */
+	struct hash_entry entry[1];  /* 2**power+max_probes-1 elements of elemsize bytes */
+#define HASH_DATA_EQ(h,x,y) ((*h->data_eq) (h->keysize, (x), (y)))
+#define HASH_REHASH 0x2       /* an internal flag */
+/* the number of bits used is stored in the flags word too */
+#define HASH_USED(x)      ((x) >> 2)
+#define HASH_MAKE_USED(x) ((x) << 2)
+#define HASH_LOW	6
+#define HASH_ONE	(((hash_hash_t)1) << HASH_LOW)
+#define HASH_MASK       (HASH_ONE - 1)
+#define HASH_ADJUST(x)  (((x) < HASH_ONE) << HASH_LOW)
+#define HASH_BITS       (sizeof (hash_hash_t) * 8)
+#define HASH_NIL	0
+#define HASH_NIL_MEMSET 0
+#define HASH_OFFSET(base, byte_offset) \
+	  ((struct hash_entry *) (((byte *) (base)) + (byte_offset)))
+/* return a hash layer with 2**power empty entries */
+static struct hash_subtable *
+hash_subtable_new (struct hash *h, int32 power, int32 used)
+	int32 elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	int32 bytes = elemsize << power;
+	struct hash_subtable *st;
+	int32 limit_bytes = h->max_probes * elemsize;
+	int32 max_probes = h->max_probes;
+	if (bytes < limit_bytes) {
+		limit_bytes = bytes;
+		max_probes = 1 << power;
+	}
+	bytes += limit_bytes - elemsize;
+	st = malloc (offsetof (struct hash_subtable, entry[0]) + bytes);
+	st->power = power;
+	st->used = used;
+	st->datasize = h->datasize;
+	st->max_probes = max_probes;
+	st->limit_bytes = limit_bytes;
+	st->end = HASH_OFFSET (st->entry, bytes);
+	memset (st->entry, HASH_NIL_MEMSET, bytes);
+	return (st);
+static void
+init_sizes (int64 hint, int32 *init_power, int32 *max_power)
+	int32 log = 0;
+	int32 i;
+	for (i = 32; i != 0; i >>= 1) {
+		if ((hint >> (log + i)) != 0) {
+			log += i;
+		}
+	}
+	log += 1 + (((hint << 3) >> log) >= 11);  /* round up for utilization */
+	if (log <= 14) {
+		*init_power = log;
+	} else {
+		*init_power = 12;
+	}
+	*max_power = 12;
+static void
+hash_init (struct hash *h,
+		int32 datasize,
+		hash_hash_t (*data_hash) (uint32, void *),
+		uint32 (*data_eq) (uint32, void *, void *),
+		void (*data_del) (uint32, void *, void *),
+		int64 hint)
+	int32 init_power;
+	int32 max_power;
+	if(datasize < sizeof (void *))
+		datasize = sizeof (void *);
+	init_sizes (hint, &init_power, &max_power);
+	h->datasize = datasize;
+	h->max_power = max_power;
+	h->max_probes = 15;
+	assert (h->datasize == datasize);
+	assert (h->max_power == max_power);
+	assert (sizeof (void *) <= h->datasize || h->max_power == 255);
+	h->count = 0;
+	h->changes = 0;
+	h->data_hash = data_hash;
+	h->data_eq = data_eq;
+	h->data_del = data_del;
+	h->st = hash_subtable_new (h, init_power, 0);
+static void
+hash_remove_n (struct hash_subtable *st, struct hash_entry *dst_e, int32 n)
+	int32 elemsize = st->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	struct hash_entry *src_e = HASH_OFFSET (dst_e, n * elemsize);
+	struct hash_entry *end_e = st->end;
+	int32 shift = HASH_BITS - (st->power + st->used);
+	int32 index_mask = (((hash_hash_t)1) << st->power) - 1;
+	int32 dst_i = (((byte *) dst_e) - ((byte *) st->entry)) / elemsize;
+	int32 src_i = dst_i + n;
+	hash_hash_t hash;
+	int32 skip;
+	int32 bytes;
+	while (dst_e != src_e) {
+		if (src_e != end_e) {
+			struct hash_entry *cp_e = src_e;
+			int32 save_dst_i = dst_i;
+			while (cp_e != end_e && (hash = cp_e->hash) != HASH_NIL &&
+			     ((hash >> shift) & index_mask) <= dst_i) {
+				cp_e = HASH_OFFSET (cp_e, elemsize);
+				dst_i++;
+			}
+			bytes = ((byte *) cp_e) - (byte *) src_e;
+			memmove (dst_e, src_e, bytes);
+			dst_e = HASH_OFFSET (dst_e, bytes);
+			src_e = cp_e;
+			src_i += dst_i - save_dst_i;
+			if (src_e != end_e && (hash = src_e->hash) != HASH_NIL) {
+				skip = ((hash >> shift) & index_mask) - dst_i;
+			} else {
+				skip = src_i - dst_i;
+			}
+		} else {
+			skip = src_i - dst_i;
+		}
+		bytes = skip * elemsize;
+		memset (dst_e, HASH_NIL_MEMSET, bytes);
+		dst_e = HASH_OFFSET (dst_e, bytes);
+		dst_i += skip;
+	}
+static int32
+hash_insert_internal (struct hash_subtable **pst, int32 flags, hash_hash_t hash,
+		struct hash *h, void *data, void **pres);
+static void
+hash_conv (struct hash *h,
+		struct hash_subtable *st, int32 flags,
+		hash_hash_t hash,
+		struct hash_entry *e)
+	int32 new_flags = (flags + HASH_MAKE_USED (st->power)) | HASH_REHASH;
+	int32 shift = HASH_BITS - HASH_USED (new_flags);
+	hash_hash_t prefix_mask = (-(hash_hash_t)1) << shift;
+	int32 elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	void *dummy_result;
+	struct hash_entry *de;
+	int32 index_mask = (1 << st->power) - 1;
+	hash_hash_t e_hash;
+	struct hash_entry *pe = HASH_OFFSET (e, -elemsize);
+	while (e != st->entry && (e_hash = pe->hash) != HASH_NIL && (e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {
+		e = pe;
+		pe = HASH_OFFSET (pe, -elemsize);
+	}
+	de = e;
+	while (e != st->end &&
+	    (e_hash = e->hash) != HASH_NIL &&
+	    (e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {
+		struct hash_entry *target_e = HASH_OFFSET (st->entry, ((e_hash >> shift) & index_mask) * elemsize);
+		struct hash_entry *ne = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+		hash_hash_t current = e_hash & prefix_mask;
+		if (de < target_e) {
+			memset (de, HASH_NIL_MEMSET, ((byte *) target_e) - (byte *) de);
+			de = target_e;
+		}
+		if ((hash & prefix_mask) == current ||
+		   (ne != st->end && (e_hash = ne->hash) != HASH_NIL &&
+		   (e_hash & prefix_mask) == current)) {
+			struct hash_subtable *new_st = hash_subtable_new (h, 1, HASH_USED (new_flags));
+			int32 rc = hash_insert_internal (&new_st, new_flags, e->hash, h, e->data, &dummy_result);
+			assert (rc == 0);
+			memcpy(dummy_result, e->data, h->datasize);
+			e = ne;
+			while (e != st->end && (e_hash = e->hash) != HASH_NIL && (e_hash & prefix_mask) == current) {
+				assert ((e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH);
+				rc = hash_insert_internal (&new_st, new_flags, e_hash, h, e->data, &dummy_result);
+				assert (rc == 0);
+				memcpy(dummy_result, e->data, h->datasize);
+				e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+			}
+			memset (de->data, HASH_NIL_MEMSET, h->datasize);
+			*(struct hash_subtable **)de->data = new_st;
+			de->hash = current | HASH_SUBHASH;
+		} else {
+			if (e != de) {
+				memcpy (de, e, elemsize);
+			}
+			e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+		}
+		de = HASH_OFFSET (de, elemsize);
+	}
+	if (e != de) {
+		hash_remove_n (st, de, (((byte *) e) - (byte *) de) / elemsize);
+	}
+static void
+hash_grow (struct hash *h, struct hash_subtable **pst, int32 flags)
+	struct hash_subtable *old_st = *pst;
+	int32 elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	*pst = hash_subtable_new (h, old_st->power + 1, HASH_USED (flags));
+	struct hash_entry *end_e = old_st->end;
+	struct hash_entry *e;
+	void *dummy_result;
+	int32 used = 0;
+	flags |= HASH_REHASH;
+	for (e = old_st->entry; e != end_e; e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize)) {
+		hash_hash_t hash = e->hash;
+		if (hash != HASH_NIL) {
+			int32 rc = hash_insert_internal (pst, flags, e->hash, h, e->data, &dummy_result);
+			assert (rc == 0);
+			memcpy(dummy_result, e->data, h->datasize);
+			used++;
+		}
+	}
+	free (old_st);
+hash_lookup (struct hash *h, void *data, void **pres)
+	int32 elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	hash_hash_t hash = (*h->data_hash) (h->keysize, data) & ~HASH_MASK;
+	struct hash_subtable *st = h->st;
+	int32 used = 0;
+	hash_hash_t e_hash;
+	struct hash_entry *e;
+	struct hash_entry *end_e;
+	hash += HASH_ADJUST (hash);
+	for (;;) {
+		int32 shift = HASH_BITS - (st->power + used);
+		int32 index_mask = (1 << st->power) - 1;
+		int32 i = (hash >> shift) & index_mask;	   /* i is the natural position of hash */
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (st->entry, i * elemsize); /* e points to element i */
+		e_hash = e->hash;
+		if ((e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {      /* a subtable */
+			break;
+		}
+		used += st->power;
+		st = *(struct hash_subtable **)e->data;
+	}
+	end_e = HASH_OFFSET (e, st->limit_bytes);
+	while (e != end_e && (e_hash = e->hash) != HASH_NIL && e_hash < hash) {
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+	}
+	while (e != end_e && ((e_hash = e->hash) ^ hash) < HASH_SUBHASH) {
+		if (HASH_DATA_EQ (h, data, e->data)) {    /* a match */
+			*pres = e->data;
+			return (1);
+		}
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+	}
+	USED(e_hash);
+	*pres = 0;
+	return (0);
+hash_remove (struct hash *h, void *data, void *arg)
+	int32 elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	hash_hash_t hash = (*h->data_hash) (h->keysize, data) & ~HASH_MASK;
+	struct hash_subtable *st = h->st;
+	int32 used = 0;
+	hash_hash_t e_hash;
+	struct hash_entry *e;
+	struct hash_entry *end_e;
+	hash += HASH_ADJUST (hash);
+	for (;;) {
+		int32 shift = HASH_BITS - (st->power + used);
+		int32 index_mask = (1 << st->power) - 1;
+		int32 i = (hash >> shift) & index_mask;	   /* i is the natural position of hash */
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (st->entry, i * elemsize); /* e points to element i */
+		e_hash = e->hash;
+		if ((e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {      /* a subtable */
+			break;
+		}
+		used += st->power;
+		st = *(struct hash_subtable **)e->data;
+	}
+	end_e = HASH_OFFSET (e, st->limit_bytes);
+	while (e != end_e && (e_hash = e->hash) != HASH_NIL && e_hash < hash) {
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+	}
+	while (e != end_e && ((e_hash = e->hash) ^ hash) < HASH_SUBHASH) {
+		if (HASH_DATA_EQ (h, data, e->data)) {    /* a match */
+			(*h->data_del) (h->keysize, arg, e->data);
+			hash_remove_n (st, e, 1);
+			h->count--;
+			return (1);
+		}
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+	}
+	USED(e_hash);
+	return (0);
+static int32
+hash_insert_internal (struct hash_subtable **pst, int32 flags, hash_hash_t hash,
+				 struct hash *h, void *data, void **pres)
+	int32 elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	if ((flags & HASH_REHASH) == 0) {
+		hash += HASH_ADJUST (hash);
+		hash &= ~HASH_MASK;
+	}
+	for (;;) {
+		struct hash_subtable *st = *pst;
+		int32 shift = HASH_BITS - (st->power + HASH_USED (flags));
+		int32 index_mask = (1 << st->power) - 1;
+		int32 i = (hash >> shift) & index_mask;	   /* i is the natural position of hash */
+		struct hash_entry *start_e =
+			HASH_OFFSET (st->entry, i * elemsize);    /* start_e is the pointer to element i */
+		struct hash_entry *e = start_e;		   /* e is going to range over [start_e, end_e) */
+		struct hash_entry *end_e;
+		hash_hash_t e_hash = e->hash;
+		if ((e_hash & HASH_MASK) == HASH_SUBHASH) {      /* a subtable */
+			pst = (struct hash_subtable **) e->data;
+			flags += HASH_MAKE_USED (st->power);
+			continue;
+		}
+		end_e = HASH_OFFSET (start_e, st->limit_bytes);
+		while (e != end_e && (e_hash = e->hash) != HASH_NIL && e_hash < hash) {
+			e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+			i++;
+		}
+		if (e != end_e && e_hash != HASH_NIL) {
+			/* ins_e ranges over the elements that may match */
+			struct hash_entry *ins_e = e;
+			int32 ins_i = i;
+			hash_hash_t ins_e_hash;
+			while (ins_e != end_e && ((e_hash = ins_e->hash) ^ hash) < HASH_SUBHASH) {
+				if (HASH_DATA_EQ (h, data, ins_e->data)) {    /* a match */
+					*pres = ins_e->data;
+					return (1);
+				}
+				assert (e_hash != hash || (flags & HASH_REHASH) == 0);
+				hash += (e_hash == hash);	   /* adjust hash if it collides */
+				ins_e = HASH_OFFSET (ins_e, elemsize);
+				ins_i++;
+				if (e_hash <= hash) {	       /* set e to insertion point */
+					e = ins_e;
+					i = ins_i;
+				}
+			}
+			/* set ins_e to the insertion point for the new element */
+			ins_e = e;
+			ins_i = i;
+			ins_e_hash = 0;
+			/* move ins_e to point at the end of the contiguous block, but
+			   stop if any element can't be moved by one up */
+			while (ins_e != st->end && (ins_e_hash = ins_e->hash) != HASH_NIL &&
+			       ins_i + 1 - ((ins_e_hash >> shift) & index_mask) < st->max_probes &&
+			       (ins_e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {
+				ins_e = HASH_OFFSET (ins_e, elemsize);
+				ins_i++;
+			}
+			if (e == end_e || ins_e == st->end || ins_e_hash != HASH_NIL) {
+				e = end_e;    /* can't insert; must grow or convert to subtable */
+			} else {	      /* make space for element */
+				memmove (HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize), e, ((byte *) ins_e) - (byte *) e);
+			}
+		}
+		if (e != end_e) {
+			e->hash = hash;
+			*pres = e->data;
+			return (0);
+		}
+		h->changes++;
+		if (st->power < h->max_power) {
+			hash_grow (h, pst, flags);
+		} else {
+			hash_conv (h, st, flags, hash, start_e);
+		}
+	}
+hash_insert (struct hash *h, void *data, void **pres)
+	int32 rc = hash_insert_internal (&h->st, 0, (*h->data_hash) (h->keysize, data), h, data, pres);
+	h->count += (rc == 0);    /* increment count if element didn't previously exist */
+	return (rc);
+hash_count (struct hash *h)
+	return (h->count);
+static void
+iter_restart (struct hash_iter *it, struct hash_subtable *st, int32 used)
+	int32 elemsize = it->elemsize;
+	hash_hash_t last_hash = it->last_hash;
+	struct hash_entry *e;
+	hash_hash_t e_hash;
+	struct hash_iter_sub *sub = &it->subtable_state[it->i];
+	struct hash_entry *end;
+	for (;;) {
+		int32 shift = HASH_BITS - (st->power + used);
+		int32 index_mask = (1 << st->power) - 1;
+		int32 i = (last_hash >> shift) & index_mask;
+		end = st->end;
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (st->entry, i * elemsize);
+		sub->start = st->entry;
+		sub->end = end;
+		if ((e->hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {
+			break;
+		}
+		sub->e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+		sub = &it->subtable_state[++(it->i)];
+		used += st->power;
+		st = *(struct hash_subtable **)e->data;
+	}
+	while (e != end && ((e_hash = e->hash) == HASH_NIL || e_hash <= last_hash)) {
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+	}
+	sub->e = e;
+void *
+hash_next (struct hash_iter *it)
+	int32 elemsize = it->elemsize;
+	struct hash_iter_sub *sub = &it->subtable_state[it->i];
+	struct hash_entry *e = sub->e;
+	struct hash_entry *end = sub->end;
+	hash_hash_t e_hash = 0;
+	if (it->changes != it->h->changes) {    /* hash table's structure changed; recompute */
+		it->changes = it->h->changes;
+		it->i = 0;
+		iter_restart (it, it->h->st, 0);
+		sub = &it->subtable_state[it->i];
+		e = sub->e;
+		end = sub->end;
+	}
+	if (e != sub->start && it->last_hash != HASH_OFFSET (e, -elemsize)->hash) {
+		struct hash_entry *start = HASH_OFFSET (e, -(elemsize * it->h->max_probes));
+		struct hash_entry *pe = HASH_OFFSET (e, -elemsize);
+		hash_hash_t last_hash = it->last_hash;
+		if (start < sub->start) {
+			start = sub->start;
+		}
+		while (e != start && ((e_hash = pe->hash) == HASH_NIL || last_hash < e_hash)) {
+			e = pe;
+			pe = HASH_OFFSET (pe, -elemsize);
+		}
+		while (e != end && ((e_hash = e->hash) == HASH_NIL || e_hash <= last_hash)) {
+			e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+		}
+	}
+	for (;;) {
+		while (e != end && (e_hash = e->hash) == HASH_NIL) {
+			e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+		}
+		if (e == end) {
+			if (it->i == 0) {
+				it->last_hash = HASH_OFFSET (e, -elemsize)->hash;
+				sub->e = e;
+				return (0);
+			} else {
+				it->i--;
+				sub = &it->subtable_state[it->i];
+				e = sub->e;
+				end = sub->end;
+			}
+		} else if ((e_hash & HASH_MASK) != HASH_SUBHASH) {
+			it->last_hash = e->hash;
+			sub->e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+			return (e->data);
+		} else {
+			struct hash_subtable *st =
+				*(struct hash_subtable **)e->data;
+			sub->e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+			it->i++;
+			assert (it->i < sizeof (it->subtable_state) /
+					sizeof (it->subtable_state[0]));
+			sub = &it->subtable_state[it->i];
+			sub->e = e = st->entry;
+			sub->start = st->entry;
+			sub->end = end = st->end;
+		}
+	}
+hash_iter_init (struct hash *h, struct hash_iter *it)
+	it->elemsize = h->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	it->changes = h->changes;
+	it->i = 0;
+	it->h = h;
+	it->last_hash = 0;
+	it->subtable_state[0].e = h->st->entry;
+	it->subtable_state[0].start = h->st->entry;
+	it->subtable_state[0].end = h->st->end;
+static void
+clean_st (struct hash_subtable *st, int32 *slots, int32 *used)
+	int32 elemsize = st->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	struct hash_entry *e = st->entry;
+	struct hash_entry *end = st->end;
+	int32 lslots = (((byte *) end) - (byte *) e) / elemsize;
+	int32 lused = 0;
+	while (e != end) {
+		hash_hash_t hash = e->hash;
+		if ((hash & HASH_MASK) == HASH_SUBHASH) {
+			clean_st (*(struct hash_subtable **)e->data, slots, used);
+		} else {
+			lused += (hash != HASH_NIL);
+		}
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+	}
+	free (st);
+	*slots += lslots;
+	*used += lused;
+hash_destroy (struct hash *h)
+	int32 slots = 0;
+	int32 used = 0;
+	clean_st (h->st, &slots, &used);
+	free (h);
+static void
+hash_visit_internal (struct hash_subtable *st,
+		int32 used, int32 level,
+		void (*data_visit) (void *arg, int32 level, void *data),
+		void *arg)
+	int32 elemsize = st->datasize + offsetof (struct hash_entry, data[0]);
+	struct hash_entry *e = st->entry;
+	int32 shift = HASH_BITS - (used + st->power);
+	int32 i = 0;
+	while (e != st->end) {
+		int32 index = ((e->hash >> (shift - 1)) >> 1) & ((1 << st->power) - 1);
+		if ((e->hash & HASH_MASK) == HASH_SUBHASH) {
+			  (*data_visit) (arg, level, e->data);
+			  hash_visit_internal (*(struct hash_subtable **)e->data,
+				used + st->power, level + 1, data_visit, arg);
+		} else {
+			  (*data_visit) (arg, level, e->data);
+		}
+		if (e->hash != HASH_NIL) {
+			  assert (i < index + st->max_probes);
+			  assert (index <= i);
+		}
+		e = HASH_OFFSET (e, elemsize);
+		i++;
+	}
+hash_visit (struct hash *h, void (*data_visit) (void *arg, int32 level, void *data), void *arg)
+	hash_visit_internal (h->st, 0, 0, data_visit, arg);
+/// interfaces to go runtime
+static void
+donothing(uint32 s, void *a, void *b)
+	USED(s);
+	USED(a);
+	USED(b);
+typedef	struct hash	Hmap;
+static	int32	debug	= 0;
+// newmap(keysize uint32, valsize uint32,
+//	keyalg uint32, valalg uint32,
+//	hint uint32) (hmap *map[any]any);
+sys·newmap(uint32 keysize, uint32 valsize,
+	uint32 keyalg, uint32 valalg, uint32 hint,
+	Hmap* ret)
+	Hmap *h;
+	if(keyalg >= 3 ||
+	   valalg >= 3) {
+		prints("0<=");
+		sys·printint(keyalg);
+		prints("<");
+		sys·printint(nelem(algarray));
+		prints("\n0<=");
+		sys·printint(valalg);
+		prints("<");
+		sys·printint(nelem(algarray));
+		prints("\n");
+		throw("sys·newmap: key/val algorithm out of range");
+	}
+	h = mal(sizeof(*h));
+	hash_init(h, keysize+valsize,
+		algarray[keyalg].hash,
+		algarray[keyalg].equal,
+		donothing,
+		hint);
+	h->keysize = keysize;
+	h->valsize = valsize;
+	h->keyalg = &algarray[keyalg];
+	h->valalg = &algarray[valalg];
+	// these calculations are compiler dependent
+	h->ko = rnd(sizeof(h), keysize);
+	h->vo = rnd(h->ko+keysize, valsize);
+	h->po = rnd(h->vo+valsize, 1);
+	ret = h;
+	FLUSH(&ret);
+	if(debug) {
+		prints("newmap: map=");
+		sys·printpointer(h);
+		prints("; keysize=");
+		sys·printint(keysize);
+		prints("; valsize=");
+		sys·printint(valsize);
+		prints("; keyalg=");
+		sys·printint(keyalg);
+		prints("; valalg=");
+		sys·printint(valalg);
+		prints("; ko=");
+		sys·printint(h->ko);
+		prints("; vo=");
+		sys·printint(h->vo);
+		prints("; po=");
+		sys·printint(h->po);
+		prints("\n");
+	}
+// mapaccess1(hmap *map[any]any, key any) (val any);
+sys·mapaccess1(Hmap *h, ...)
+	byte *ak, *av;
+	byte *res;
+	int32 hit;
+	ak = (byte*)&h + h->ko;
+	av = (byte*)&h + h->vo;
+	res = nil;
+	hit = hash_lookup(h, ak, (void**)&res);
+	if(!hit)
+		throw("sys·mapaccess1: key not in map");
+	h->valalg->copy(h->valsize, av, res+h->keysize);
+	if(debug) {
+		prints("sys·mapaccess1: map=");
+		sys·printpointer(h);
+		prints("; key=");
+		h->keyalg->print(h->keysize, ak);
+		prints("; val=");
+		h->valalg->print(h->valsize, av);
+		prints("; hit=");
+		sys·printint(hit);
+		prints("; res=");
+		sys·printpointer(res);
+		prints("\n");
+	}
+// mapaccess2(hmap *map[any]any, key any) (val any, pres bool);
+sys·mapaccess2(Hmap *h, ...)
+	byte *ak, *av, *ap;
+	byte *res;
+	int32 hit;
+	ak = (byte*)&h + h->ko;
+	av = (byte*)&h + h->vo;
+	ap = (byte*)&h + h->po;
+	res = nil;
+	hit = hash_lookup(h, ak, (void**)&res);
+	if(!hit) {
+		*ap = false;
+		h->valalg->copy(h->valsize, av, nil);
+	} else {
+		*ap = true;
+		h->valalg->copy(h->valsize, av, res+h->keysize);
+	}
+	if(debug) {
+		prints("sys·mapaccess2: map=");
+		sys·printpointer(h);
+		prints("; key=");
+		h->keyalg->print(h->keysize, ak);
+		prints("; val=");
+		h->valalg->print(h->valsize, av);
+		prints("; hit=");
+		sys·printint(hit);
+		prints("; res=");
+		sys·printpointer(res);
+		prints("; pres=");
+		sys·printbool(*ap);
+		prints("\n");
+	}
+static void
+mapassign(Hmap *h, byte *ak, byte *av)
+	byte *res;
+	int32 hit;
+	res = nil;
+	hit = hash_insert(h, ak, (void**)&res);
+	h->keyalg->copy(h->keysize, res, ak);
+	h->valalg->copy(h->valsize, res+h->keysize, av);
+	if(debug) {
+		prints("mapassign: map=");
+		sys·printpointer(h);
+		prints("; key=");
+		h->keyalg->print(h->keysize, ak);
+		prints("; val=");
+		h->valalg->print(h->valsize, av);
+		prints("; hit=");
+		sys·printint(hit);
+		prints("; res=");
+		sys·printpointer(res);
+		prints("\n");
+	}
+// mapassign1(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any);
+sys·mapassign1(Hmap *h, ...)
+	byte *ak, *av;
+	ak = (byte*)&h + h->ko;
+	av = (byte*)&h + h->vo;
+	mapassign(h, ak, av);
+// mapassign2(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any, pres bool);
+sys·mapassign2(Hmap *h, ...)
+	byte *ak, *av, *ap;
+	byte *res;
+	int32 hit;
+	ak = (byte*)&h + h->ko;
+	av = (byte*)&h + h->vo;
+	ap = (byte*)&h + h->po;
+	if(*ap == true) {
+		// assign
+		mapassign(h, ak, av);
+		return;
+	}
+	// delete
+	hit = hash_remove(h, ak, (void**)&res);
+	if(debug) {
+		prints("mapassign2: map=");
+		sys·printpointer(h);
+		prints("; key=");
+		h->keyalg->print(h->keysize, ak);
+		prints("; hit=");
+		sys·printint(hit);
+		prints("; res=");
+		sys·printpointer(res);
+		prints("\n");
+	}
diff --git a/src/runtime/hashmap.h b/src/runtime/hashmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04bb73269959c49f792347b6014dbd1d0e1954fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/hashmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+/* A hash table.
+   Example, hashing nul-terminated char*s:
+	hash_hash_t str_hash (void *v) {
+		char *s;
+		hash_hash_t hash = 0;
+		for (s = *(char **)v; *s != 0; s++) {
+			hash = (hash ^ *s) * 2654435769U;
+		}
+		return (hash);
+	}
+	int str_eq (void *a, void *b) {
+		return (strcmp (*(char **)a, *(char **)b) == 0);
+	}
+	void str_del (void *arg, void *data) {
+		*(char **)arg = *(char **)data;
+	}
+	struct hash *h = hash_new (sizeof (char *), &str_hash, &str_eq, &str_del, 3, 12, 15);
+	...  3=> 2**3  entries initial size
+	... 12=> 2**12 entries before sprouting sub-tables
+	... 15=> number of adjacent probes to attempt before growing
+  Example lookup:
+	char *key = "foobar";
+	char **result_ptr;
+	if (hash_lookup (h, &key, (void **) &result_ptr)) {
+	      printf ("found in table: %s\n", *result_ptr);
+	} else {
+	      printf ("not found in table\n");
+	}
+  Example insertion:
+	char *key = strdup ("foobar");
+	char **result_ptr;
+	if (hash_lookup (h, &key, (void **) &result_ptr)) {
+	      printf ("found in table: %s\n", *result_ptr);
+	      printf ("to overwrite, do   *result_ptr = key\n");
+	} else {
+	      printf ("not found in table; inserted as %s\n", *result_ptr);
+	      assert (*result_ptr == key);
+	}
+  Example deletion:
+	char *key = "foobar";
+	char *result;
+	if (hash_remove (h, &key, &result)) {
+	      printf ("key found and deleted from table\n");
+	      printf ("called str_del (&result, data) to copy data to result: %s\n", result);
+	} else {
+	      printf ("not found in table\n");
+	}
+  Example iteration over the elements of *h:
+	char **data;
+	struct hash_iter it;
+	hash_iter_init (h, &it);
+	for (data = hash_next (&it); data != 0; data = hash_next (&it)) {
+	    printf ("%s\n", *data);
+	}
+ */
+#define	malloc		mal
+#define	free(a)		USED(a)
+#define	offsetof(s,m)	(uint32)(&(((s*)0)->m))
+#define	memset(a,b,c)	sys·memclr((byte*)(a), (uint32)(c))
+#define	memmove(a,b,c)	mmov((byte*)(a),(byte*)(b),(uint32)(c))
+#define	memcpy(a,b,c)	mcpy((byte*)(a),(byte*)(b),(uint32)(c))
+#define	assert(a)	if(!(a)) throw("assert")
+struct hash;	    /* opaque */
+struct hash_subtable;   /* opaque */
+struct hash_entry;      /* opaque */
+typedef	uint64 uintptr_t;
+typedef uintptr_t hash_hash_t;
+struct hash_iter {
+	int32 elemsize;	 /* size of elements in table */
+	int32 changes;	  /* number of changes observed last time */
+	int32 i;		/* stack pointer in subtable_state */
+	hash_hash_t last_hash; /* last hash value returned */
+	struct hash *h;       /* the hash table */
+	struct hash_iter_sub {
+		struct hash_entry *e;    /* pointer into subtable */
+		struct hash_entry *start;  /* start of subtable */
+		struct hash_entry *end;  /* end of subtable */
+	} subtable_state[16];   /* Should be large enough unless the hashing is
+				   so bad that many distinct data values hash
+				   to the same hash value.  */
+/* Return a hashtable h 2**init_power empty entries, each with
+   "datasize" data bytes.  
+   (*data_hash)(a) should return the hash value of data element *a.
+   (*data_eq)(a,b) should return whether the data at "a" and the data at "b"
+   are equal.
+   (*data_del)(arg, a) will be invoked when data element *a is about to be removed
+   from the table.  "arg" is the argument passed to "hash_remove()".
+   Growing is accomplished by resizing if the current tables size is less than
+   a threshold, and by adding subtables otherwise.  hint should be set
+   the expected maximum size of the table.
+   "datasize" should be in [sizeof (void*), ..., 255].  If you need a
+   bigger "datasize", store a pointer to another piece of memory. */
+//struct hash *hash_new (int32 datasize,
+//		hash_hash_t (*data_hash) (void *),
+//		int32 (*data_eq) (void *, void *),
+//		void (*data_del) (void *, void *),
+//		int64 hint);
+/* Lookup *data in *h.   If the data is found, return 1 and place a pointer to
+   the found element in *pres.   Otherwise return 0 and place 0 in *pres. */
+int32 hash_lookup (struct hash *h, void *data, void **pres);
+/* Lookup *data in *h.  If the data is found, execute (*data_del) (arg, p)
+   where p points to the data in the table, then remove it from *h and return
+   1.  Otherwise return 0.  */
+int32 hash_remove (struct hash *h, void *data, void *arg);
+/* Lookup *data in *h.   If the data is found, return 1, and place a pointer
+   to the found element in *pres.   Otherwise, return 0, allocate a region
+   for the data to be inserted, and place a pointer to the inserted element
+   in *pres; it is the caller's responsibility to copy the data to be
+   inserted to the pointer returned in *pres in this case.
+   If using garbage collection, it is the caller's responsibility to
+   add references for **pres if HASH_ADDED is returned. */
+int32 hash_insert (struct hash *h, void *data, void **pres);
+/* Return the number of elements in the table. */
+uint32 hash_count (struct hash *h);
+/* The following call is useful only if not using garbage collection on the
+   table.
+   Remove all sub-tables associated with *h.
+   This undoes the effects of hash_init().
+   If other memory pointed to by user data must be freed, the caller is
+   responsible for doiing do by iterating over *h first; see
+   hash_iter_init()/hash_next().  */
+void hash_destroy (struct hash *h);
+/*----- iteration -----*/
+/* Initialize *it from *h. */
+void hash_iter_init (struct hash *h, struct hash_iter *it);
+/* Return the next used entry in the table which which *it was initialized. */
+void *hash_next (struct hash_iter *it);
+/*---- test interface ----*/
+/* Call (*data_visit) (arg, level, data) for every data entry in the table,
+   whether used or not.   "level" is the subtable level, 0 means first level. */
+void hash_visit (struct hash *h, void (*data_visit) (void *arg, int32 level, void *data), void *arg);
diff --git a/src/runtime/map.c b/src/runtime/map.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4b3b8e84fa41c2e21d083268772f90464b47d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/runtime/map.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "runtime.h"
-static	int32	debug	= 0;
-typedef	struct	Link	Link;
-typedef	struct	Hmap	Hmap;
-struct	Link
-	Link*	link;
-	byte	data[8];
-struct	Hmap
-	uint32	len;		// must be first
-	uint32	keysize;
-	uint32	valsize;
-	uint32	hint;
-	uint32	valoffset;
-	uint32	ko;
-	uint32	vo;
-	uint32	po;
-	Alg*	keyalg;
-	Alg*	valalg;
-	Link*	link;
-// newmap(keysize uint32, valsize uint32,
-//	keyalg uint32, valalg uint32,
-//	hint uint32) (hmap *map[any]any);
-sys·newmap(uint32 keysize, uint32 valsize,
-	uint32 keyalg, uint32 valalg, uint32 hint,
-	Hmap* ret)
-	Hmap *m;
-	if(keyalg >= 3 ||
-	   valalg >= 3) {
-		prints("0<=");
-		sys·printint(keyalg);
-		prints("<");
-		sys·printint(nelem(algarray));
-		prints("\n0<=");
-		sys·printint(valalg);
-		prints("<");
-		sys·printint(nelem(algarray));
-		prints("\n");
-		throw("sys·newmap: key/val algorithm out of range");
-	}
-	m = mal(sizeof(*m));
-	m->len = 0;
-	m->keysize = keysize;
-	m->valsize = valsize;
-	m->keyalg = &algarray[keyalg];
-	m->valalg = &algarray[valalg];
-	m->hint = hint;
-	// these calculations are compiler dependent
-	m->valoffset = rnd(keysize, valsize);
-	m->ko = rnd(sizeof(m), keysize);
-	m->vo = rnd(m->ko+keysize, valsize);
-	m->po = rnd(m->vo+valsize, 1);
-	ret = m;
-	FLUSH(&ret);
-	if(debug) {
-		prints("newmap: map=");
-		sys·printpointer(m);
-		prints("; keysize=");
-		sys·printint(keysize);
-		prints("; valsize=");
-		sys·printint(valsize);
-		prints("; keyalg=");
-		sys·printint(keyalg);
-		prints("; valalg=");
-		sys·printint(valalg);
-		prints("; valoffset=");
-		sys·printint(m->valoffset);
-		prints("; ko=");
-		sys·printint(m->ko);
-		prints("; vo=");
-		sys·printint(m->vo);
-		prints("; po=");
-		sys·printint(m->po);
-		prints("\n");
-	}
-// mapaccess1(hmap *map[any]any, key any) (val any);
-sys·mapaccess1(Hmap *m, ...)
-	Link *l;
-	byte *ak, *av;
-	ak = (byte*)&m + m->ko;
-	av = (byte*)&m + m->vo;
-	for(l=m->link; l!=nil; l=l->link) {
-		if(m->keyalg->equal(m->keysize, ak, l->data)) {
-			m->valalg->copy(m->valsize, av, l->data+m->valoffset);
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	m->valalg->copy(m->valsize, av, 0);
-	throw("sys·mapaccess1: key not in map");
-	if(debug) {
-		prints("sys·mapaccess1: map=");
-		sys·printpointer(m);
-		prints("; key=");
-		m->keyalg->print(m->keysize, ak);
-		prints("; val=");
-		m->valalg->print(m->valsize, av);
-		prints("\n");
-	}
-// mapaccess2(hmap *map[any]any, key any) (val any, pres bool);
-sys·mapaccess2(Hmap *m, ...)
-	Link *l;
-	byte *ak, *av, *ap;
-	ak = (byte*)&m + m->ko;
-	av = (byte*)&m + m->vo;
-	ap = (byte*)&m + m->po;
-	for(l=m->link; l!=nil; l=l->link) {
-		if(m->keyalg->equal(m->keysize, ak, l->data)) {
-			*ap = true;
-			m->valalg->copy(m->valsize, av, l->data+m->valoffset);
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	*ap = false;
-	m->valalg->copy(m->valsize, av, nil);
-	if(debug) {
-		prints("sys·mapaccess2: map=");
-		sys·printpointer(m);
-		prints("; key=");
-		m->keyalg->print(m->keysize, ak);
-		prints("; val=");
-		m->valalg->print(m->valsize, av);
-		prints("; pres=");
-		sys·printbool(*ap);
-		prints("\n");
-	}
-static void
-sys·mapassign(Hmap *m, byte *ak, byte *av)
-	Link *l;
-	// mapassign(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any);
-	for(l=m->link; l!=nil; l=l->link) {
-		if(m->keyalg->equal(m->keysize, ak, l->data))
-			goto out;
-	}
-	l = mal((sizeof(*l)-8) + m->keysize + m->valsize);
-	l->link = m->link;
-	m->link = l;
-	m->keyalg->copy(m->keysize, l->data, ak);
-	m->len++;
-	m->valalg->copy(m->valsize, l->data+m->valoffset, av);
-	if(debug) {
-		prints("mapassign: map=");
-		sys·printpointer(m);
-		prints("; key=");
-		m->keyalg->print(m->keysize, ak);
-		prints("; val=");
-		m->valalg->print(m->valsize, av);
-		prints("\n");
-	}
-// mapassign1(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any);
-sys·mapassign1(Hmap *m, ...)
-	byte *ak, *av;
-	ak = (byte*)&m + m->ko;
-	av = (byte*)&m + m->vo;
-	sys·mapassign(m, ak, av);
-// mapassign2(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any, pres bool);
-sys·mapassign2(Hmap *m, ...)
-	Link **ll;
-	byte *ak, *av, *ap;
-	ak = (byte*)&m + m->ko;
-	av = (byte*)&m + m->vo;
-	ap = (byte*)&m + m->po;
-	if(*ap == true) {
-		// assign
-		sys·mapassign(m, ak, av);
-		return;
-	}
-	// delete
-	for(ll=&m->link; (*ll)!=nil; ll=&(*ll)->link) {
-		if(m->keyalg->equal(m->keysize, ak, (*ll)->data)) {
-			m->valalg->copy(m->valsize, (*ll)->data+m->valoffset, nil);
-			(*ll) = (*ll)->link;
-			m->len--;
-			if(debug) {
-				prints("mapdelete (found): map=");
-				sys·printpointer(m);
-				prints("; key=");
-				m->keyalg->print(m->keysize, ak);
-				prints("\n");
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if(debug) {
-		prints("mapdelete (not found): map=");
-		sys·printpointer(m);
-		prints("; key=");
-		m->keyalg->print(m->keysize, ak);
-		prints(" *** not found\n");
-	}
diff --git a/src/runtime/runtime.c b/src/runtime/runtime.c
index c84b21092eec2ad3d43b70e9a254bb262b7229d2..ea2c432396401f64268880e954d200dbaf38682d 100644
--- a/src/runtime/runtime.c
+++ b/src/runtime/runtime.c
@@ -87,6 +87,28 @@ mcpy(byte *t, byte *f, uint32 n)
+mmov(byte *t, byte *f, uint32 n)
+	if(t < f) {
+		while(n > 0) {
+			*t = *f;
+			t++;
+			f++;
+			n--;
+		}
+	} else {
+		t += n;
+		f += n;
+		while(n > 0) {
+			t--;
+			f--;
+			*t = *f;
+			n--;
+		}
+	}
 rnd(uint32 n, uint32 m)
@@ -582,9 +604,17 @@ check(void)
 static uint64
 memhash(uint32 s, void *a)
-	USED(s, a);
-	prints("memhash\n");
-	return 0x12345;
+	byte *b;
+	uint64 hash;
+	b = a;
+	hash = 33054211828000289ULL;
+	while(s > 0) {
+		hash = (hash ^ *b) * 23344194077549503ULL;
+		b++;
+		s--;
+	}
+	return hash;
 static uint32
@@ -644,9 +674,7 @@ memcopy(uint32 s, void *a, void *b)
 static uint64
 stringhash(uint32 s, string *a)
-	USED(s, a);
-	prints("stringhash\n");
-	return 0x12345;
+	return memhash((*a)->len, (*a)->str);
 static uint32
@@ -677,9 +705,7 @@ stringcopy(uint32 s, string *a, string *b)
 static uint64
 pointerhash(uint32 s, void **a)
-	USED(s, a);
-	prints("pointerhash\n");
-	return 0x12345;
+	return memhash(s, *a);
 static uint32
diff --git a/src/runtime/runtime.h b/src/runtime/runtime.h
index 74afa3aef1c4f579a0fd87879b34bc9eea4469eb..5f2ad18b172e7d2ee804be3bcd9c7848d9a9fa45 100644
--- a/src/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/src/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ void	throw(int8*);
 uint32	rnd(uint32, uint32);
 void	prints(int8*);
 void	mcpy(byte*, byte*, uint32);
+void	mmov(byte*, byte*, uint32);
 void*	mal(uint32);
 uint32	cmpstring(string, string);
 void	initsig(void);