From f17e3d2288f8f076ff2b08d1ec31b04e1b65f237 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mike Samuel <> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 14:07:48 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] exp/template/html: handle custom attrs and HTML5 embedded elements. HTML5 allows embedded SVG and MathML. Code searches show SVG is used for graphing. This changes transition to deal with constructs like <svg xmlns:xlink=""> It changes attr and clients to call a single function that combines the name lookup and "on" prefix check to determine an attribute value type given an attribute name. That function uses heuristics to recognize that xlink:href and svg:href have URL content, and that data-url is likely contains URL content, since "javascript:" injection is such a problem. I did a code search over a closure templates codebase to determine patterns of custom attribute usage. I did something like $ find . -name \*.soy | \ xargs egrep perl -ne 'while (s/\b((data-|\w+:)\w+)\s*=//) { print "$1\n"; }' | \ sort | uniq to produce the list at the bottom. Filtering that by egrep -i 'src|url|uri' produces data-docConsumptionUri data-docIconUrl data-launchUrl data-lazySrc data-pageUrl data-shareurl data-suggestServerUrl data-tweetUrl g:secondaryurls g:url which seem to match all the ones that are likely URL content. There are some short words that match that heuristic, but I still think it decent since any custom attribute that has a numeric or enumerated keyword value will be unaffected by the URL assumption. Counterexamples from /usr/share/dict: during, hourly, maturity, nourish, purloin, security, surly Custom attributes present in existing closure templates codebase: buzz:aid data-a data-action data-actor data-allowEqualityOps data-analyticsId data-bid data-c data-cartId data-categoryId data-cid data-command data-count data-country data-creativeId data-cssToken data-dest data-docAttribution data-docConsumptionUri data-docCurrencyCode data-docIconUrl data-docId data-docPrice data-docPriceMicros data-docTitle data-docType data-docid data-email data-entityid data-errorindex data-f data-feature data-fgid data-filter data-fireEvent data-followable data-followed data-hashChange data-height data-hover data-href data-id data-index data-invitable data-isFree data-isPurchased data-jid data-jumpid data-launchUrl data-lazySrc data-listType data-maxVisiblePages data-name data-nid data-nodeid data-numItems data-numPerPage data-offerType data-oid data-opUsesEquality data-overflowclass data-packageName data-pageId data-pageUrl data-pos data-priceBrief data-profileIds data-query data-rating data-ref data-rentalGrantPeriodDays data-rentalactivePeriodHours data-reviewId data-role data-score data-shareurl data-showGeLe data-showLineInclude data-size data-sortval data-suggestServerType data-suggestServerUrl data-suggestionIndex data-tabBarId data-tabBarIndex data-tags data-target data-textColor data-theme data-title data-toggletarget data-tooltip data-trailerId data-transactionId data-transition data-ts data-tweetContent data-tweetUrl data-type data-useAjax data-value data-width data-x dm:index dm:type g:aspects g:decorateusingsecondary g:em g:entity g:groups g:id g:istoplevel g:li g:numresults g:oid g:parentId g:pl g:pt g:rating_override g:secondaryurls g:sortby g:startindex g:target g:type g:url g:value ga:barsize ga:css ga:expandAfterCharsExceed ga:initialNumRows ga:nocancelicon ga:numRowsToExpandTo ga:type ga:unlockwhenrated gw:address gw:businessname gw:comment gw:phone gw:source ng:controller xlink:href xml:lang xmlns:atom xmlns:dc xmlns:jstd xmlns:ng xmlns:og xmlns:webstore xmlns:xlink R=nigeltao CC=golang-dev --- src/pkg/exp/template/html/attr.go | 331 +++++++++++------------ src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape_test.go | 60 ++++ src/pkg/exp/template/html/html.go | 2 +- src/pkg/exp/template/html/transition.go | 37 ++- 4 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/attr.go b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/attr.go index cc57f8bd8a..6a36c7b718 100644 --- a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/attr.go +++ b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/attr.go @@ -4,181 +4,172 @@ package html -// attrType[n] describes the value of the given attribute. +import ( + "strings" +) + +// attrTypeMap[n] describes the value of the given attribute. // If an attribute affects (or can mask) the encoding or interpretation of // other content, or affects the contents, idempotency, or credentials of a // network message, then the value in this map is contentTypeUnsafe. // This map is derived from HTML5, specifically -// and -// +// // as well as "%URI"-typed attributes from // -var attrType = map[string]contentType{ - "accept": contentTypePlain, - "accept-charset": contentTypeUnsafe, - "action": contentTypeURL, - "alt": contentTypePlain, - "archive": contentTypeURL, - "async": contentTypeUnsafe, - "autocomplete": contentTypePlain, - "autofocus": contentTypePlain, - "autoplay": contentTypePlain, - "background": contentTypeURL, - "border": contentTypePlain, - "checked": contentTypePlain, - "cite": contentTypeURL, - "challenge": contentTypeUnsafe, - "charset": contentTypeUnsafe, - "class": contentTypePlain, - "classid": contentTypeURL, - "codebase": contentTypeURL, - "cols": contentTypePlain, - "colspan": contentTypePlain, - "content": contentTypeUnsafe, - "contenteditable": contentTypePlain, - "contextmenu": contentTypePlain, - "controls": contentTypePlain, - "coords": contentTypePlain, - "crossorigin": contentTypeUnsafe, - "data": contentTypeURL, - "datetime": contentTypePlain, - "default": contentTypePlain, - "defer": contentTypeUnsafe, - "dir": contentTypePlain, - "dirname": contentTypePlain, - "disabled": contentTypePlain, - "draggable": contentTypePlain, - "dropzone": contentTypePlain, - "enctype": contentTypeUnsafe, - "for": contentTypePlain, - "form": contentTypeUnsafe, - "formaction": contentTypeURL, - "formenctype": contentTypeUnsafe, - "formmethod": contentTypeUnsafe, - "formnovalidate": contentTypeUnsafe, - "formtarget": contentTypePlain, - "headers": contentTypePlain, - "height": contentTypePlain, - "hidden": contentTypePlain, - "high": contentTypePlain, - "href": contentTypeURL, - "hreflang": contentTypePlain, - "http-equiv": contentTypeUnsafe, - "icon": contentTypeURL, - "id": contentTypePlain, - "ismap": contentTypePlain, - "keytype": contentTypeUnsafe, - "kind": contentTypePlain, - "label": contentTypePlain, - "lang": contentTypePlain, - "language": contentTypeUnsafe, - "list": contentTypePlain, - "longdesc": contentTypeURL, - "loop": contentTypePlain, - "low": contentTypePlain, - "manifest": contentTypeURL, - "max": contentTypePlain, - "maxlength": contentTypePlain, - "media": contentTypePlain, - "mediagroup": contentTypePlain, - "method": contentTypeUnsafe, - "min": contentTypePlain, - "multiple": contentTypePlain, - "name": contentTypePlain, - "novalidate": contentTypeUnsafe, - "onabort": contentTypeJS, - "onblur": contentTypeJS, - "oncanplay": contentTypeJS, - "oncanplaythrough": contentTypeJS, - "onchange": contentTypeJS, - "onclick": contentTypeJS, - "oncontextmenu": contentTypeJS, - "oncuechange": contentTypeJS, - "ondblclick": contentTypeJS, - "ondrag": contentTypeJS, - "ondragend": contentTypeJS, - "ondragenter": contentTypeJS, - "ondragleave": contentTypeJS, - "ondragover": contentTypeJS, - "ondragstart": contentTypeJS, - "ondrop": contentTypeJS, - "ondurationchange": contentTypeJS, - "onemptied": contentTypeJS, - "onended": contentTypeJS, - "onerror": contentTypeJS, - "onfocus": contentTypeJS, - "oninput": contentTypeJS, - "oninvalid": contentTypeJS, - "onkeydown": contentTypeJS, - "onkeypress": contentTypeJS, - "onkeyup": contentTypeJS, - "onload": contentTypeJS, - "onloadeddata": contentTypeJS, - "onloadedmetadata": contentTypeJS, - "onloadstart": contentTypeJS, - "onmousedown": contentTypeJS, - "onmousemove": contentTypeJS, - "onmouseout": contentTypeJS, - "onmouseover": contentTypeJS, - "onmouseup": contentTypeJS, - "onmousewheel": contentTypeJS, - "onpause": contentTypeJS, - "onplay": contentTypeJS, - "onplaying": contentTypeJS, - "onprogress": contentTypeJS, - "onratechange": contentTypeJS, - "onreadystatechange": contentTypeJS, - "onreset": contentTypeJS, - "onscroll": contentTypeJS, - "onseeked": contentTypeJS, - "onseeking": contentTypeJS, - "onselect": contentTypeJS, - "onshow": contentTypeJS, - "onstalled": contentTypeJS, - "onsubmit": contentTypeJS, - "onsuspend": contentTypeJS, - "ontimeupdate": contentTypeJS, - "onvolumechange": contentTypeJS, - "onwaiting": contentTypeJS, - "open": contentTypePlain, - "optimum": contentTypePlain, - "pattern": contentTypeUnsafe, - "placeholder": contentTypePlain, - "poster": contentTypeURL, - "profile": contentTypeURL, - "preload": contentTypePlain, - "pubdate": contentTypePlain, - "radiogroup": contentTypePlain, - "readonly": contentTypePlain, - "rel": contentTypeUnsafe, - "required": contentTypePlain, - "reversed": contentTypePlain, - "rows": contentTypePlain, - "rowspan": contentTypePlain, - "sandbox": contentTypeUnsafe, - "spellcheck": contentTypePlain, - "scope": contentTypePlain, - "scoped": contentTypePlain, - "seamless": contentTypePlain, - "selected": contentTypePlain, - "shape": contentTypePlain, - "size": contentTypePlain, - "sizes": contentTypePlain, - "span": contentTypePlain, - "src": contentTypeURL, - "srcdoc": contentTypeHTML, - "srclang": contentTypePlain, - "start": contentTypePlain, - "step": contentTypePlain, - "style": contentTypeCSS, - "tabindex": contentTypePlain, - "target": contentTypePlain, - "title": contentTypePlain, - "type": contentTypeUnsafe, - "usemap": contentTypeURL, - "value": contentTypeUnsafe, - "width": contentTypePlain, - "wrap": contentTypePlain, +var attrTypeMap = map[string]contentType{ + "accept": contentTypePlain, + "accept-charset": contentTypeUnsafe, + "action": contentTypeURL, + "alt": contentTypePlain, + "archive": contentTypeURL, + "async": contentTypeUnsafe, + "autocomplete": contentTypePlain, + "autofocus": contentTypePlain, + "autoplay": contentTypePlain, + "background": contentTypeURL, + "border": contentTypePlain, + "checked": contentTypePlain, + "cite": contentTypeURL, + "challenge": contentTypeUnsafe, + "charset": contentTypeUnsafe, + "class": contentTypePlain, + "classid": contentTypeURL, + "codebase": contentTypeURL, + "cols": contentTypePlain, + "colspan": contentTypePlain, + "content": contentTypeUnsafe, + "contenteditable": contentTypePlain, + "contextmenu": contentTypePlain, + "controls": contentTypePlain, + "coords": contentTypePlain, + "crossorigin": contentTypeUnsafe, + "data": contentTypeURL, + "datetime": contentTypePlain, + "default": contentTypePlain, + "defer": contentTypeUnsafe, + "dir": contentTypePlain, + "dirname": contentTypePlain, + "disabled": contentTypePlain, + "draggable": contentTypePlain, + "dropzone": contentTypePlain, + "enctype": contentTypeUnsafe, + "for": contentTypePlain, + "form": contentTypeUnsafe, + "formaction": contentTypeURL, + "formenctype": contentTypeUnsafe, + "formmethod": contentTypeUnsafe, + "formnovalidate": contentTypeUnsafe, + "formtarget": contentTypePlain, + "headers": contentTypePlain, + "height": contentTypePlain, + "hidden": contentTypePlain, + "high": contentTypePlain, + "href": contentTypeURL, + "hreflang": contentTypePlain, + "http-equiv": contentTypeUnsafe, + "icon": contentTypeURL, + "id": contentTypePlain, + "ismap": contentTypePlain, + "keytype": contentTypeUnsafe, + "kind": contentTypePlain, + "label": contentTypePlain, + "lang": contentTypePlain, + "language": contentTypeUnsafe, + "list": contentTypePlain, + "longdesc": contentTypeURL, + "loop": contentTypePlain, + "low": contentTypePlain, + "manifest": contentTypeURL, + "max": contentTypePlain, + "maxlength": contentTypePlain, + "media": contentTypePlain, + "mediagroup": contentTypePlain, + "method": contentTypeUnsafe, + "min": contentTypePlain, + "multiple": contentTypePlain, + "name": contentTypePlain, + "novalidate": contentTypeUnsafe, + // Skip handler names from + // + // since we have special handling in attrType. + "open": contentTypePlain, + "optimum": contentTypePlain, + "pattern": contentTypeUnsafe, + "placeholder": contentTypePlain, + "poster": contentTypeURL, + "profile": contentTypeURL, + "preload": contentTypePlain, + "pubdate": contentTypePlain, + "radiogroup": contentTypePlain, + "readonly": contentTypePlain, + "rel": contentTypeUnsafe, + "required": contentTypePlain, + "reversed": contentTypePlain, + "rows": contentTypePlain, + "rowspan": contentTypePlain, + "sandbox": contentTypeUnsafe, + "spellcheck": contentTypePlain, + "scope": contentTypePlain, + "scoped": contentTypePlain, + "seamless": contentTypePlain, + "selected": contentTypePlain, + "shape": contentTypePlain, + "size": contentTypePlain, + "sizes": contentTypePlain, + "span": contentTypePlain, + "src": contentTypeURL, + "srcdoc": contentTypeHTML, + "srclang": contentTypePlain, + "start": contentTypePlain, + "step": contentTypePlain, + "style": contentTypeCSS, + "tabindex": contentTypePlain, + "target": contentTypePlain, + "title": contentTypePlain, + "type": contentTypeUnsafe, + "usemap": contentTypeURL, + "value": contentTypeUnsafe, + "width": contentTypePlain, + "wrap": contentTypePlain, + "xmlns": contentTypeURL, +} + +// attrType returns a conservative (upper-bound on authority) guess at the +// type of the named attribute. +func attrType(name string) contentType { + name = strings.ToLower(name) + if strings.HasPrefix(name, "data-") { + // Strip data- so that custom attribute heuristics below are + // widely applied. + // Treat data-action as URL below. + name = name[5:] + } else if colon := strings.IndexRune(name, ':'); colon != -1 { + if name[:colon] == "xmlns" { + return contentTypeURL + } + // Treat svg:href and xlink:href as href below. + name = name[colon+1:] + } + if t, ok := attrTypeMap[name]; ok { + return t + } + // Treat partial event handler names as script. + if strings.HasPrefix(name, "on") { + return contentTypeJS + } - // TODO: data-* attrs? Recognize data-foo-url and similar. + // Heuristics to prevent "javascript:..." injection in custom + // data attributes and custom attributes like g:tweetUrl. + // + // "Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data + // private to the page or application, for which there are no + // more appropriate attributes or elements." + // Developers seem to store URL content in data URLs that start + // or end with "URI" or "URL". + if strings.Contains(name, "src") || + strings.Contains(name, "uri") || + strings.Contains(name, "url") { + return contentTypeURL + } + return contentTypePlain } diff --git a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape_test.go b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape_test.go index 0ca3c56619..169cb76267 100644 --- a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape_test.go +++ b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/escape_test.go @@ -1400,6 +1400,66 @@ func TestEscapeText(t *testing.T) { `<style>value`, context{state: stateCSS, element: elementStyle}, }, + { + `<a xlink:href`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a xmlns`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a xmlns:foo`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a xmlnsxyz`, + context{state: stateAttrName}, + }, + { + `<a data-url`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a data-iconUri`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a data-urlItem`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a g:`, + context{state: stateAttrName}, + }, + { + `<a g:url`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a g:iconUri`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a g:urlItem`, + context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL}, + }, + { + `<a g:value`, + context{state: stateAttrName}, + }, + { + `<a svg:style='`, + context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote}, + }, + { + `<svg:font-face`, + context{state: stateTag}, + }, + { + `<svg:a svg:onclick="`, + context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote}, + }, } for _, test := range tests { diff --git a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/html.go b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/html.go index 6ef66dd6c3..91bb1b1704 100644 --- a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/html.go +++ b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/html.go @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ func htmlNameFilter(args ...interface{}) string { return filterFailsafe } s = strings.ToLower(s) - if t := attrType[s]; t != contentTypePlain && attrType["on"+s] != contentTypeJS { + if t := attrType(s); t != contentTypePlain { // TODO: Split attr and element name part filters so we can whitelist // attributes. return filterFailsafe diff --git a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/transition.go b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/transition.go index d3c8a05291..49a1451174 100644 --- a/src/pkg/exp/template/html/transition.go +++ b/src/pkg/exp/template/html/transition.go @@ -106,18 +106,13 @@ func tTag(c context, s []byte) (context, int) { err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got %q", s[i:]), }, len(s) } - canonAttrName := strings.ToLower(string(s[i:j])) - switch attrType[canonAttrName] { + switch attrType(string(s[i:j])) { case contentTypeURL: attr = attrURL case contentTypeCSS: attr = attrStyle case contentTypeJS: attr = attrScript - default: - if strings.HasPrefix(canonAttrName, "on") { - attr = attrScript - } } if j == len(s) { state = stateAttrName @@ -512,16 +507,34 @@ var elementNameMap = map[string]element{ "title": elementTitle, } +// asciiAlpha returns whether c is an ASCII letter. +func asciiAlpha(c byte) bool { + return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' +} + +// asciiAlphaNum returns whether c is an ASCII letter or digit. +func asciiAlphaNum(c byte) bool { + return asciiAlpha(c) || '0' <= c && c <= '9' +} + // eatTagName returns the largest j such that s[i:j] is a tag name and the tag type. func eatTagName(s []byte, i int) (int, element) { - j := i - for ; j < len(s); j++ { + if i == len(s) || !asciiAlpha(s[i]) { + return i, elementNone + } + j := i + 1 + for j < len(s) { x := s[j] - if !(('a' <= x && x <= 'z') || - ('A' <= x && x <= 'Z') || - ('0' <= x && x <= '9' && i != j)) { - break + if asciiAlphaNum(x) { + j++ + continue + } + // Allow "x-y" or "x:y" but not "x-", "-y", or "x--y". + if (x == ':' || x == '-') && j+1 < len(s) && asciiAlphaNum(s[j+1]) { + j += 2 + continue } + break } return j, elementNameMap[strings.ToLower(string(s[i:j]))] } -- 2.30.9