# This is the official list of people who can contribute # (and typically have contributed) code to the Go repository. # The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file # lists people. For example, Google employees are listed here # but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright. # # The submission process automatically checks to make sure # that people submitting code are listed in this file (by email address). # # Names should be added to this file only after verifying that # the individual or the individual's organization has agreed to # the appropriate Contributor License Agreement, found here: # # http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html # http://code.google.com/legal/corporate-cla-v1.0.html # # The agreement for individuals can be filled out on the web. # # When adding J Random Contributor's name to this file, # either J's name or J's organization's name should be # added to the AUTHORS file, depending on whether the # individual or corporate CLA was used. # Names should be added to this file like so: # Name <email address> # Please keep the list sorted. Abhinav Gupta <abhinav.g90@gmail.com> Adam Langley <agl@golang.org> Adrian O'Grady <elpollouk@gmail.com> Alex Brainman <alex.brainman@gmail.com> Amrut Joshi <amrut.joshi@gmail.com> Andrei Vieru <euvieru@gmail.com> Andrew Gerrand <adg@golang.org> Andrew Skiba <skibaa@gmail.com> Andrey Mirtchovski <mirtchovski@gmail.com> Andy Davis <andy@bigandian.com> Anh Hai Trinh <anh.hai.trinh@gmail.com> Anthony Starks <ajstarks@gmail.com> Aron Nopanen <aron.nopanen@gmail.com> Arvindh Rajesh Tamilmani <art@a-30.net> Austin Clements <aclements@csail.mit.edu> Ben Eitzen <eitzenb@golang.org> Ben Olive <sionide21@gmail.com> Bill Neubauer <wcn@golang.org> Brad Fitzpatrick <brad@danga.com> Brendan O'Dea <bod@golang.org> Cary Hull <chull@google.com> Charles L. Dorian <cldorian@gmail.com> Chris Lennert <calennert@gmail.com> Christopher Wedgwood <cw@f00f.org> Conrad Meyer <cemeyer@cs.washington.edu> Daniel Fleischman <danielfleischman@gmail.com> Daniel Nadasi <dnadasi@google.com> Daniel Theophanes <kardianos@gmail.com> David G. Andersen <dave.andersen@gmail.com> David Symonds <dsymonds@golang.org> David Titarenco <david.titarenco@gmail.com> Dean Prichard <dean.prichard@gmail.com> Devon H. O'Dell <devon.odell@gmail.com> Eden Li <eden.li@gmail.com> Evan Shaw <chickencha@gmail.com> Fazlul Shahriar <fshahriar@gmail.com> Firmansyah Adiputra <frm.adiputra@gmail.com> Fumitoshi Ukai <ukai@google.com> Giles Lean <giles.lean@pobox.com> Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo@niemeyer.net> <n13m3y3r@gmail.com> Hector Chu <hectorchu@gmail.com> Ian Lance Taylor <iant@golang.org> Icarus Sparry <golang@icarus.freeuk.com> Isaac Wagner <ibw@isaacwagner.me> Ivan Krasin <krasin@golang.org> Jacob Baskin <jbaskin@google.com> James Aguilar <jaguilar@google.com> James Meneghello <rawrz0r@gmail.com> James Toy <nil@opensesame.st> James Whitehead <jnwhiteh@gmail.com> Jan H. Hosang <jan.hosang@gmail.com> Jan Mercl <befelemepeseveze@gmail.com> Joe Poirier <jdpoirier@gmail.com> Jonathan Wills <runningwild@gmail.com> Josh Goebel <dreamer3@gmail.com> Kai Backman <kaib@golang.org> Kei Son <hey.calmdown@gmail.com> Ken Friedenbach <kenliz@cruzio.com> Ken Thompson <ken@golang.org> Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org> Kirklin McDonald <kirklin.mcdonald@gmail.com> Kyle Consalus <consalus@gmail.com> Larry Hosken <lahosken@golang.org> Mark Zavislak <zavislak@google.com> Markus Duft <markus.duft@salomon.at> Maxim Ushakov <ushakov@google.com> Micah Stetson <micah.stetson@gmail.com> Michael Elkins <michael.elkins@gmail.com> Michael Hoisie <hoisie@gmail.com> Moriyoshi Koizumi <mozo@mozo.jp> Môshe van der Sterre <moshevds@gmail.com> Nigel Tao <nigeltao@golang.org> Paolo Giarrusso <p.giarrusso@gmail.com> Petar Maymounkov <petarm@gmail.com> Peter Froehlich <peter.hans.froehlich@gmail.com> Peter McKenzie <petermck@google.com> Peter Mundy <go.peter.90@gmail.com> Péter Szabó <pts@google.com> Peter Williams <pwil3058@gmail.com> Phil Pennock <pdp@golang.org> Raif S. Naffah <go@naffah-raif.name> Risto Jaakko Saarelma <rsaarelm@gmail.com> Rob Pike <r@golang.org> Robert Griesemer <gri@golang.org> Roger Peppe <rogpeppe@gmail.com> Ross Light <rlight2@gmail.com> Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org> Sam Thorogood <thorogood@google.com> Scott Schwartz <scotts@golang.org> Sergei Skorobogatov <skorobo@rambler.ru> Sergey 'SnakE' Gromov <snake.scaly@gmail.com> Sergio Luis O. B. Correia <sergio@larces.uece.br> Spring Mc <heresy.mc@gmail.com> Stephen Ma <stephenm@golang.org> Stephen Weinberg <stephen@q5comm.com> Sven Almgren <sven@tras.se> Tom Szymanski <tgs@google.com> Timo Savola <timo.savola@gmail.com> Tor Andersson <tor.andersson@gmail.com> Trevor Strohman <trevor.strohman@gmail.com> Vinu Rajashekhar <vinutheraj@gmail.com> Vish Subramanian <vish@google.com> Wei Guangjing <vcc.163@gmail.com> William Josephson <wjosephson@gmail.com> Yongjian Xu <i3dmaster@gmail.com> Yuusei Kuwana <kuwana@kumama.org> Yves Junqueira <yves.junqueira@gmail.com>