// Inferno utils/8l/obj.c // http://code.google.com/p/inferno-os/source/browse/utils/8l/obj.c // // Copyright © 1994-1999 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. // Portions Copyright © 1995-1997 C H Forsyth (forsyth@terzarima.net) // Portions Copyright © 1997-1999 Vita Nuova Limited // Portions Copyright © 2000-2007 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited (www.vitanuova.com) // Portions Copyright © 2004,2006 Bruce Ellis // Portions Copyright © 2005-2007 C H Forsyth (forsyth@terzarima.net) // Revisions Copyright © 2000-2007 Lucent Technologies Inc. and others // Portions Copyright © 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // Reading object files. #define EXTERN #include "l.h" #include "../ld/lib.h" #include "../ld/elf.h" #include "../ld/macho.h" #include "../ld/dwarf.h" #include "../ld/pe.h" #include <ar.h> #ifndef DEFAULT #define DEFAULT '9' #endif char *noname = "<none>"; char *thestring = "386"; Header headers[] = { "garbunix", Hgarbunix, "unixcoff", Hunixcoff, "plan9", Hplan9x32, "msdoscom", Hmsdoscom, "msdosexe", Hmsdosexe, "darwin", Hdarwin, "linux", Hlinux, "nacl", Hnacl, "freebsd", Hfreebsd, "windows", Hwindows, "windowsgui", Hwindows, "tiny", Htiny, 0, 0 }; /* * -Hgarbunix -T0x40004C -D0x10000000 is garbage unix * -Hunixcoff -T0xd0 -R4 is unix coff * -Hplan9 -T4128 -R4096 is plan9 format * -Hmsdoscom -Tx -Rx is MS-DOS .COM * -Hmsdosexe -Tx -Rx is fake MS-DOS .EXE * -Hdarwin -Tx -Rx is Apple Mach-O * -Hlinux -Tx -Rx is Linux ELF32 * -Hnacl -Tx -Rx was Google Native Client * -Hfreebsd -Tx -Rx is FreeBSD ELF32 * -Hwindows -Tx -Rx is MS Windows PE32 * -Htiny -Tx -Rx is tiny (os image) */ void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: 8l [-options] [-E entry] [-H head] [-I interpreter] [-L dir] [-T text] [-R rnd] [-r path] [-o out] main.8\n"); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; Binit(&bso, 1, OWRITE); cout = -1; listinit(); memset(debug, 0, sizeof(debug)); nerrors = 0; outfile = nil; HEADTYPE = -1; INITTEXT = -1; INITDAT = -1; INITRND = -1; INITENTRY = 0; ARGBEGIN { default: c = ARGC(); if(c == 'l') usage(); if(c >= 0 && c < sizeof(debug)) debug[c]++; break; case 'o': /* output to (next arg) */ outfile = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'E': INITENTRY = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'H': HEADTYPE = headtype(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'I': interpreter = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'L': Lflag(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'T': INITTEXT = atolwhex(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'D': INITDAT = atolwhex(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'R': INITRND = atolwhex(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'r': rpath = EARGF(usage()); break; case 'V': print("%cl version %s\n", thechar, getgoversion()); errorexit(); } ARGEND if(argc != 1) usage(); mywhatsys(); // get goos if(HEADTYPE == -1) HEADTYPE = headtype(goos); if(outfile == nil) { if(HEADTYPE == Hwindows) outfile = "8.out.exe"; else outfile = "8.out"; } libinit(); switch(HEADTYPE) { default: diag("unknown -H option"); errorexit(); case Hgarbunix: /* this is garbage */ HEADR = 20L+56L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x40004CL; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0x10000000L; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 0; break; case Hunixcoff: /* is unix coff */ HEADR = 0xd0L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0xd0; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0x400000; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 0; break; case Hplan9x32: /* plan 9 */ tlsoffset = -8; HEADR = 32L; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 4096+32; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 1; break; case Hmsdoscom: /* MS-DOS .COM */ HEADR = 0; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x0100; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4; break; case Hmsdosexe: /* fake MS-DOS .EXE */ HEADR = 0x200; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x0100; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4; HEADR += (INITTEXT & 0xFFFF); if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "HEADR = 0x%d\n", HEADR); break; case Hdarwin: /* apple MACH */ /* * OS X system constant - offset from %gs to our TLS. * Explained in ../../libcgo/darwin_386.c. */ tlsoffset = 0x468; machoinit(); HEADR = MACHORESERVE; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 4096+HEADR; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4096; break; case Hlinux: /* elf32 executable */ case Hfreebsd: /* * ELF uses TLS offsets negative from %gs. * Translate 0(GS) and 4(GS) into -8(GS) and -4(GS). * Also known to ../../pkg/runtime/linux/386/sys.s * and ../../libcgo/linux_386.c. */ tlsoffset = -8; elfinit(); HEADR = ELFRESERVE; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x08048000+HEADR; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4096; break; case Hwindows: /* PE executable */ peinit(); HEADR = PEFILEHEADR; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = PEBASE+PESECTHEADR; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = PESECTALIGN; break; case Htiny: tlsoffset = 0; elfinit(); HEADR = ELFRESERVE; if(INITTEXT == -1) INITTEXT = 0x100000+HEADR; if(INITDAT == -1) INITDAT = 0; if(INITRND == -1) INITRND = 4096; break; } if(INITDAT != 0 && INITRND != 0) print("warning: -D0x%ux is ignored because of -R0x%ux\n", INITDAT, INITRND); if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "HEADER = -H0x%d -T0x%ux -D0x%ux -R0x%ux\n", HEADTYPE, INITTEXT, INITDAT, INITRND); Bflush(&bso); instinit(); zprg.link = P; zprg.pcond = P; zprg.back = 2; zprg.as = AGOK; zprg.from.type = D_NONE; zprg.from.index = D_NONE; zprg.from.scale = 1; zprg.to = zprg.from; pcstr = "%.6ux "; nuxiinit(); histgen = 0; pc = 0; dtype = 4; version = 0; cbp = buf.cbuf; cbc = sizeof(buf.cbuf); addlibpath("command line", "command line", argv[0], "main"); loadlib(); deadcode(); patch(); follow(); doelf(); if(HEADTYPE == Hdarwin) domacho(); if(HEADTYPE == Hwindows) dope(); dostkoff(); if(debug['p']) if(debug['1']) doprof1(); else doprof2(); span(); addexport(); textaddress(); pclntab(); symtab(); dodata(); address(); reloc(); asmb(); undef(); if(debug['v']) { Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f cpu time\n", cputime()); Bprint(&bso, "%d symbols\n", nsymbol); Bprint(&bso, "%d sizeof adr\n", sizeof(Adr)); Bprint(&bso, "%d sizeof prog\n", sizeof(Prog)); } Bflush(&bso); errorexit(); } static Sym* zsym(char *pn, Biobuf *f, Sym *h[]) { int o; o = Bgetc(f); if(o < 0 || o >= NSYM || h[o] == nil) mangle(pn); return h[o]; } static void zaddr(char *pn, Biobuf *f, Adr *a, Sym *h[]) { int t; int32 l; Sym *s; Auto *u; t = Bgetc(f); a->index = D_NONE; a->scale = 0; if(t & T_INDEX) { a->index = Bgetc(f); a->scale = Bgetc(f); } a->type = D_NONE; a->offset = 0; if(t & T_OFFSET) a->offset = Bget4(f); a->offset2 = 0; if(t & T_OFFSET2) { a->offset2 = Bget4(f); a->type = D_CONST2; } a->sym = S; if(t & T_SYM) a->sym = zsym(pn, f, h); if(t & T_FCONST) { a->ieee.l = Bget4(f); a->ieee.h = Bget4(f); a->type = D_FCONST; } else if(t & T_SCONST) { Bread(f, a->scon, NSNAME); a->type = D_SCONST; } if(t & T_TYPE) a->type = Bgetc(f); adrgotype = S; if(t & T_GOTYPE) adrgotype = zsym(pn, f, h); t = a->type; if(t == D_INDIR+D_GS) a->offset += tlsoffset; s = a->sym; if(s == S) return; if(t != D_AUTO && t != D_PARAM) { if(adrgotype) s->gotype = adrgotype; return; } l = a->offset; for(u=curauto; u; u=u->link) { if(u->asym == s) if(u->type == t) { if(u->aoffset > l) u->aoffset = l; if(adrgotype) u->gotype = adrgotype; return; } } u = mal(sizeof(*u)); u->link = curauto; curauto = u; u->asym = s; u->aoffset = l; u->type = t; u->gotype = adrgotype; } void nopout(Prog *p) { p->as = ANOP; p->from.type = D_NONE; p->to.type = D_NONE; } void ldobj1(Biobuf *f, char *pkg, int64 len, char *pn) { int32 ipc; Prog *p; int v, o, r, skip; Sym *h[NSYM], *s, *di; uint32 sig; int ntext; int32 eof; char *name, *x; char src[1024]; Prog *lastp; lastp = nil; ntext = 0; eof = Boffset(f) + len; di = S; src[0] = 0; newloop: memset(h, 0, sizeof(h)); version++; histfrogp = 0; ipc = pc; skip = 0; loop: if(f->state == Bracteof || Boffset(f) >= eof) goto eof; o = Bgetc(f); if(o == Beof) goto eof; o |= Bgetc(f) << 8; if(o <= AXXX || o >= ALAST) { if(o < 0) goto eof; diag("%s:#%lld: opcode out of range: %#ux", pn, Boffset(f), o); print(" probably not a .%c file\n", thechar); errorexit(); } if(o == ANAME || o == ASIGNAME) { sig = 0; if(o == ASIGNAME) sig = Bget4(f); v = Bgetc(f); /* type */ o = Bgetc(f); /* sym */ r = 0; if(v == D_STATIC) r = version; name = Brdline(f, '\0'); if(name == nil) { if(Blinelen(f) > 0) { fprint(2, "%s: name too long\n", pn); errorexit(); } goto eof; } x = expandpkg(name, pkg); s = lookup(x, r); if(x != name) free(x); name = nil; if(debug['S'] && r == 0) sig = 1729; if(sig != 0){ if(s->sig != 0 && s->sig != sig) diag("incompatible type signatures" "%ux(%s) and %ux(%s) for %s", s->sig, s->file, sig, pn, s->name); s->sig = sig; s->file = pn; } if(debug['W']) print(" ANAME %s\n", s->name); if(o < 0 || o >= nelem(h)) mangle(pn); h[o] = s; if((v == D_EXTERN || v == D_STATIC) && s->type == 0) s->type = SXREF; if(v == D_FILE) { if(s->type != SFILE) { histgen++; s->type = SFILE; s->value = histgen; } if(histfrogp < MAXHIST) { histfrog[histfrogp] = s; histfrogp++; } else collapsefrog(s); dwarfaddfrag(s->value, s->name); } goto loop; } p = mal(sizeof(*p)); p->as = o; p->line = Bget4(f); p->back = 2; p->ft = 0; p->tt = 0; zaddr(pn, f, &p->from, h); fromgotype = adrgotype; zaddr(pn, f, &p->to, h); if(debug['W']) print("%P\n", p); switch(p->as) { case AHISTORY: if(p->to.offset == -1) { addlib(src, pn); histfrogp = 0; goto loop; } if(src[0] == '\0') copyhistfrog(src, sizeof src); addhist(p->line, D_FILE); /* 'z' */ if(p->to.offset) addhist(p->to.offset, D_FILE1); /* 'Z' */ histfrogp = 0; goto loop; case AEND: histtoauto(); if(cursym != nil && cursym->text) cursym->autom = curauto; curauto = 0; cursym = nil; if(Boffset(f) == eof) return; goto newloop; case AGLOBL: s = p->from.sym; if(s->type == 0 || s->type == SXREF) { s->type = SBSS; s->size = 0; } if(s->type != SBSS && !s->dupok) { diag("%s: redefinition: %s in %s", pn, s->name, TNAME); s->type = SBSS; s->size = 0; } if(p->to.offset > s->size) s->size = p->to.offset; if(p->from.scale & DUPOK) s->dupok = 1; if(p->from.scale & RODATA) s->type = SRODATA; goto loop; case ADATA: // Assume that AGLOBL comes after ADATA. // If we've seen an AGLOBL that said this sym was DUPOK, // ignore any more ADATA we see, which must be // redefinitions. s = p->from.sym; if(s->dupok) { // if(debug['v']) // Bprint(&bso, "skipping %s in %s: dupok\n", s->name, pn); goto loop; } if(s->file == nil) s->file = pn; else if(s->file != pn) { diag("multiple initialization for %s: in both %s and %s", s->name, s->file, pn); errorexit(); } savedata(s, p); unmal(p, sizeof *p); goto loop; case AGOK: diag("%s: GOK opcode in %s", pn, TNAME); pc++; goto loop; case ATEXT: s = p->from.sym; if(s->text != nil) { diag("%s: %s: redefinition", pn, s->name); return; } if(ntext++ == 0 && s->type != 0 && s->type != SXREF) { /* redefinition, so file has probably been seen before */ if(debug['v']) diag("skipping: %s: redefinition: %s", pn, s->name); return; } if(cursym != nil && cursym->text) { histtoauto(); cursym->autom = curauto; curauto = 0; } skip = 0; if(etextp) etextp->next = s; else textp = s; etextp = s; s->text = p; cursym = s; if(s->type != 0 && s->type != SXREF) { if(p->from.scale & DUPOK) { skip = 1; goto casdef; } diag("%s: redefinition: %s\n%P", pn, s->name, p); } s->type = STEXT; s->value = pc; lastp = p; p->pc = pc++; goto loop; case AFMOVF: case AFADDF: case AFSUBF: case AFSUBRF: case AFMULF: case AFDIVF: case AFDIVRF: case AFCOMF: case AFCOMFP: if(skip) goto casdef; if(p->from.type == D_FCONST) { /* size sb 9 max */ sprint(literal, "$%ux", ieeedtof(&p->from.ieee)); s = lookup(literal, 0); if(s->type == 0) { s->type = SDATA; adduint32(s, ieeedtof(&p->from.ieee)); s->reachable = 0; } p->from.type = D_EXTERN; p->from.sym = s; p->from.offset = 0; } goto casdef; case AFMOVD: case AFADDD: case AFSUBD: case AFSUBRD: case AFMULD: case AFDIVD: case AFDIVRD: case AFCOMD: case AFCOMDP: if(skip) goto casdef; if(p->from.type == D_FCONST) { /* size sb 18 max */ sprint(literal, "$%ux.%ux", p->from.ieee.l, p->from.ieee.h); s = lookup(literal, 0); if(s->type == 0) { s->type = SDATA; adduint32(s, p->from.ieee.l); adduint32(s, p->from.ieee.h); s->reachable = 0; } p->from.type = D_EXTERN; p->from.sym = s; p->from.offset = 0; } goto casdef; casdef: default: if(skip) nopout(p); p->pc = pc; pc++; if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH) p->to.offset += ipc; if(lastp == nil) { if(p->as != ANOP) diag("unexpected instruction: %P", p); goto loop; } lastp->link = p; lastp = p; goto loop; } goto loop; eof: diag("truncated object file: %s", pn); } Prog* prg(void) { Prog *p; p = mal(sizeof(Prog)); *p = zprg; return p; } Prog* copyp(Prog *q) { Prog *p; p = prg(); *p = *q; return p; } Prog* appendp(Prog *q) { Prog *p; p = prg(); p->link = q->link; q->link = p; p->line = q->line; return p; }