// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package runtime

import (

// May run during STW, so write barriers are not allowed.
func sighandler(_ureg *ureg, note *byte, gp *g) int {
	_g_ := getg()
	var t sigTabT
	var docrash bool
	var sig int
	var flags int
	var level int32

	c := &sigctxt{_ureg}
	notestr := gostringnocopy(note)

	// The kernel will never pass us a nil note or ureg so we probably
	// made a mistake somewhere in sigtramp.
	if _ureg == nil || note == nil {
		print("sighandler: ureg ", _ureg, " note ", note, "\n")
		goto Throw
	// Check that the note is no more than ERRMAX bytes (including
	// the trailing NUL). We should never receive a longer note.
	if len(notestr) > _ERRMAX-1 {
		print("sighandler: note is longer than ERRMAX\n")
		goto Throw
	// See if the note matches one of the patterns in sigtab.
	// Notes that do not match any pattern can be handled at a higher
	// level by the program but will otherwise be ignored.
	flags = _SigNotify
	for sig, t = range sigtable {
		if hasprefix(notestr, t.name) {
			flags = t.flags
	if flags&_SigGoExit != 0 {
		exits((*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(note), 9))) // Strip "go: exit " prefix.
	if flags&_SigPanic != 0 {
		// Copy the error string from sigtramp's stack into m->notesig so
		// we can reliably access it from the panic routines.
		memmove(unsafe.Pointer(_g_.m.notesig), unsafe.Pointer(note), uintptr(len(notestr)+1))
		gp.sig = uint32(sig)
		gp.sigpc = c.pc()

		pc := c.pc()
		sp := c.sp()

		// If we don't recognize the PC as code
		// but we do recognize the top pointer on the stack as code,
		// then assume this was a call to non-code and treat like
		// pc == 0, to make unwinding show the context.
		if pc != 0 && findfunc(pc) == nil && findfunc(*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp))) != nil {
			pc = 0

		// IF LR exists, sigpanictramp must save it to the stack
		// before entry to sigpanic so that panics in leaf
		// functions are correctly handled. This will smash
		// the stack frame but we're not going back there
		// anyway.
		if usesLR {

		// If PC == 0, probably panicked because of a call to a nil func.
		// Not faking that as the return address will make the trace look like a call
		// to sigpanic instead. (Otherwise the trace will end at
		// sigpanic and we won't get to see who faulted).
		if pc != 0 {
			if usesLR {
			} else {
				if sys.RegSize > sys.PtrSize {
					sp -= sys.PtrSize
					*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
				sp -= sys.PtrSize
				*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = pc
		if usesLR {
		} else {
		return _NCONT
	if flags&_SigNotify != 0 {
		if sendNote(note) {
			return _NCONT
	if flags&_SigKill != 0 {
		goto Exit
	if flags&_SigThrow == 0 {
		return _NCONT
	_g_.m.throwing = 1
	print(notestr, "\n")
	print("PC=", hex(c.pc()), "\n")
	level, _, docrash = gotraceback()
	if level > 0 {
		tracebacktrap(c.pc(), c.sp(), c.lr(), gp)
	if docrash {
	return _NDFLT // not reached

func sigenable(sig uint32) {

func sigdisable(sig uint32) {

func sigignore(sig uint32) {

func resetcpuprofiler(hz int32) {
	// TODO: Enable profiling interrupts.
	getg().m.profilehz = hz