// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO(rsc): The code having to do with the heap bitmap needs very serious cleanup.
// It has gotten completely out of control.

// Garbage collector (GC).
// The GC runs concurrently with mutator threads, is type accurate (aka precise), allows multiple
// GC thread to run in parallel. It is a concurrent mark and sweep that uses a write barrier. It is
// non-generational and non-compacting. Allocation is done using size segregated per P allocation
// areas to minimize fragmentation while eliminating locks in the common case.
// The algorithm decomposes into several steps.
// This is a high level description of the algorithm being used. For an overview of GC a good
// place to start is Richard Jones' gchandbook.org.
// The algorithm's intellectual heritage includes Dijkstra's on-the-fly algorithm, see
// Edsger W. Dijkstra, Leslie Lamport, A. J. Martin, C. S. Scholten, and E. F. M. Steffens. 1978.
// On-the-fly garbage collection: an exercise in cooperation. Commun. ACM 21, 11 (November 1978),
// 966-975.
// For journal quality proofs that these steps are complete, correct, and terminate see
// Hudson, R., and Moss, J.E.B. Copying Garbage Collection without stopping the world.
// Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(3-5), 2003.
//  0. Set phase = GCscan from GCoff.
//  1. Wait for all P's to acknowledge phase change.
//         At this point all goroutines have passed through a GC safepoint and
//         know we are in the GCscan phase.
//  2. GC scans all goroutine stacks, mark and enqueues all encountered pointers
//       (marking avoids most duplicate enqueuing but races may produce benign duplication).
//       Preempted goroutines are scanned before P schedules next goroutine.
//  3. Set phase = GCmark.
//  4. Wait for all P's to acknowledge phase change.
//  5. Now write barrier marks and enqueues black, grey, or white to white pointers.
//       Malloc still allocates white (non-marked) objects.
//  6. Meanwhile GC transitively walks the heap marking reachable objects.
//  7. When GC finishes marking heap, it preempts P's one-by-one and
//       retakes partial wbufs (filled by write barrier or during a stack scan of the goroutine
//       currently scheduled on the P).
//  8. Once the GC has exhausted all available marking work it sets phase = marktermination.
//  9. Wait for all P's to acknowledge phase change.
// 10. Malloc now allocates black objects, so number of unmarked reachable objects
//        monotonically decreases.
// 11. GC preempts P's one-by-one taking partial wbufs and marks all unmarked yet
//        reachable objects.
// 12. When GC completes a full cycle over P's and discovers no new grey
//         objects, (which means all reachable objects are marked) set phase = GCoff.
// 13. Wait for all P's to acknowledge phase change.
// 14. Now malloc allocates white (but sweeps spans before use).
//         Write barrier becomes nop.
// 15. GC does background sweeping, see description below.
// 16. When sufficient allocation has taken place replay the sequence starting at 0 above,
//         see discussion of GC rate below.

// Changing phases.
// Phases are changed by setting the gcphase to the next phase and possibly calling ackgcphase.
// All phase action must be benign in the presence of a change.
// Starting with GCoff
// GCoff to GCscan
//     GSscan scans stacks and globals greying them and never marks an object black.
//     Once all the P's are aware of the new phase they will scan gs on preemption.
//     This means that the scanning of preempted gs can't start until all the Ps
//     have acknowledged.
//     When a stack is scanned, this phase also installs stack barriers to
//     track how much of the stack has been active.
//     This transition enables write barriers because stack barriers
//     assume that writes to higher frames will be tracked by write
//     barriers. Technically this only needs write barriers for writes
//     to stack slots, but we enable write barriers in general.
// GCscan to GCmark
//     In GCmark, work buffers are drained until there are no more
//     pointers to scan.
//     No scanning of objects (making them black) can happen until all
//     Ps have enabled the write barrier, but that already happened in
//     the transition to GCscan.
// GCmark to GCmarktermination
//     The only change here is that we start allocating black so the Ps must acknowledge
//     the change before we begin the termination algorithm
// GCmarktermination to GSsweep
//     Object currently on the freelist must be marked black for this to work.
//     Are things on the free lists black or white? How does the sweep phase work?

// Concurrent sweep.
// The sweep phase proceeds concurrently with normal program execution.
// The heap is swept span-by-span both lazily (when a goroutine needs another span)
// and concurrently in a background goroutine (this helps programs that are not CPU bound).
// At the end of STW mark termination all spans are marked as "needs sweeping".
// The background sweeper goroutine simply sweeps spans one-by-one.
// To avoid requesting more OS memory while there are unswept spans, when a
// goroutine needs another span, it first attempts to reclaim that much memory
// by sweeping. When a goroutine needs to allocate a new small-object span, it
// sweeps small-object spans for the same object size until it frees at least
// one object. When a goroutine needs to allocate large-object span from heap,
// it sweeps spans until it frees at least that many pages into heap. There is
// one case where this may not suffice: if a goroutine sweeps and frees two
// nonadjacent one-page spans to the heap, it will allocate a new two-page
// span, but there can still be other one-page unswept spans which could be
// combined into a two-page span.
// It's critical to ensure that no operations proceed on unswept spans (that would corrupt
// mark bits in GC bitmap). During GC all mcaches are flushed into the central cache,
// so they are empty. When a goroutine grabs a new span into mcache, it sweeps it.
// When a goroutine explicitly frees an object or sets a finalizer, it ensures that
// the span is swept (either by sweeping it, or by waiting for the concurrent sweep to finish).
// The finalizer goroutine is kicked off only when all spans are swept.
// When the next GC starts, it sweeps all not-yet-swept spans (if any).

// GC rate.
// Next GC is after we've allocated an extra amount of memory proportional to
// the amount already in use. The proportion is controlled by GOGC environment variable
// (100 by default). If GOGC=100 and we're using 4M, we'll GC again when we get to 8M
// (this mark is tracked in next_gc variable). This keeps the GC cost in linear
// proportion to the allocation cost. Adjusting GOGC just changes the linear constant
// (and also the amount of extra memory used).

package runtime

import "unsafe"

const (
	_DebugGC         = 0
	_ConcurrentSweep = true
	_FinBlockSize    = 4 * 1024
	_RootData        = 0
	_RootBss         = 1
	_RootFinalizers  = 2
	_RootSpans       = 3
	_RootFlushCaches = 4
	_RootCount       = 5

	// firstStackBarrierOffset is the approximate byte offset at
	// which to place the first stack barrier from the current SP.
	// This is a lower bound on how much stack will have to be
	// re-scanned during mark termination. Subsequent barriers are
	// placed at firstStackBarrierOffset * 2^n offsets.
	// For debugging, this can be set to 0, which will install a
	// stack barrier at every frame. If you do this, you may also
	// have to raise _StackMin, since the stack barrier
	// bookkeeping will use a large amount of each stack.
	firstStackBarrierOffset = 1024
	debugStackBarrier       = false

	// sweepMinHeapDistance is a lower bound on the heap distance
	// (in bytes) reserved for concurrent sweeping between GC
	// cycles. This will be scaled by gcpercent/100.
	sweepMinHeapDistance = 1024 * 1024

// heapminimum is the minimum heap size at which to trigger GC.
// For small heaps, this overrides the usual GOGC*live set rule.
// When there is a very small live set but a lot of allocation, simply
// collecting when the heap reaches GOGC*live results in many GC
// cycles and high total per-GC overhead. This minimum amortizes this
// per-GC overhead while keeping the heap reasonably small.
// During initialization this is set to 4MB*GOGC/100. In the case of
// GOGC==0, this will set heapminimum to 0, resulting in constant
// collection even when the heap size is small, which is useful for
// debugging.
var heapminimum uint64 = defaultHeapMinimum

// defaultHeapMinimum is the value of heapminimum for GOGC==100.
const defaultHeapMinimum = 4 << 20

// Initialized from $GOGC.  GOGC=off means no GC.
var gcpercent int32

func gcinit() {
	if unsafe.Sizeof(workbuf{}) != _WorkbufSize {
		throw("size of Workbuf is suboptimal")

	work.markfor = parforalloc(_MaxGcproc)
	_ = setGCPercent(readgogc())
	for datap := &firstmoduledata; datap != nil; datap = datap.next {
		datap.gcdatamask = progToPointerMask((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(datap.gcdata)), datap.edata-datap.data)
		datap.gcbssmask = progToPointerMask((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(datap.gcbss)), datap.ebss-datap.bss)
	memstats.next_gc = heapminimum

func readgogc() int32 {
	p := gogetenv("GOGC")
	if p == "" {
		return 100
	if p == "off" {
		return -1
	return int32(atoi(p))

// gcenable is called after the bulk of the runtime initialization,
// just before we're about to start letting user code run.
// It kicks off the background sweeper goroutine and enables GC.
func gcenable() {
	c := make(chan int, 1)
	go bgsweep(c)
	memstats.enablegc = true // now that runtime is initialized, GC is okay

func setGCPercent(in int32) (out int32) {
	out = gcpercent
	if in < 0 {
		in = -1
	gcpercent = in
	heapminimum = defaultHeapMinimum * uint64(gcpercent) / 100
	return out

// Garbage collector phase.
// Indicates to write barrier and sychronization task to preform.
var gcphase uint32
var writeBarrierEnabled bool // compiler emits references to this in write barriers

// gcBlackenEnabled is 1 if mutator assists and background mark
// workers are allowed to blacken objects. This must only be set when
// gcphase == _GCmark.
var gcBlackenEnabled uint32

// gcBlackenPromptly indicates that optimizations that may
// hide work from the global work queue should be disabled.
// If gcBlackenPromptly is true, per-P gcWork caches should
// be flushed immediately and new objects should be allocated black.
// There is a tension between allocating objects white and
// allocating them black. If white and the objects die before being
// marked they can be collected during this GC cycle. On the other
// hand allocating them black will reduce _GCmarktermination latency
// since more work is done in the mark phase. This tension is resolved
// by allocating white until the mark phase is approaching its end and
// then allocating black for the remainder of the mark phase.
var gcBlackenPromptly bool

const (
	_GCoff             = iota // GC not running; sweeping in background, write barrier disabled
	_GCstw                    // unused state
	_GCscan                   // GC collecting roots into workbufs, write barrier ENABLED
	_GCmark                   // GC marking from workbufs, write barrier ENABLED
	_GCmarktermination        // GC mark termination: allocate black, P's help GC, write barrier ENABLED

func setGCPhase(x uint32) {
	atomicstore(&gcphase, x)
	writeBarrierEnabled = gcphase == _GCmark || gcphase == _GCmarktermination || gcphase == _GCscan

// gcMarkWorkerMode represents the mode that a concurrent mark worker
// should operate in.
// Concurrent marking happens through four different mechanisms. One
// is mutator assists, which happen in response to allocations and are
// not scheduled. The other three are variations in the per-P mark
// workers and are distinguished by gcMarkWorkerMode.
type gcMarkWorkerMode int

const (
	// gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode indicates that the P of a mark
	// worker is dedicated to running that mark worker. The mark
	// worker should run without preemption until concurrent mark
	// is done.
	gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode gcMarkWorkerMode = iota

	// gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode indicates that a P is currently
	// running the "fractional" mark worker. The fractional worker
	// is necessary when GOMAXPROCS*gcGoalUtilization is not an
	// integer. The fractional worker should run until it is
	// preempted and will be scheduled to pick up the fractional
	// part of GOMAXPROCS*gcGoalUtilization.

	// gcMarkWorkerIdleMode indicates that a P is running the mark
	// worker because it has nothing else to do. The idle worker
	// should run until it is preempted and account its time
	// against gcController.idleMarkTime.

// gcController implements the GC pacing controller that determines
// when to trigger concurrent garbage collection and how much marking
// work to do in mutator assists and background marking.
// It uses a feedback control algorithm to adjust the memstats.next_gc
// trigger based on the heap growth and GC CPU utilization each cycle.
// This algorithm optimizes for heap growth to match GOGC and for CPU
// utilization between assist and background marking to be 25% of
// GOMAXPROCS. The high-level design of this algorithm is documented
// at https://golang.org/s/go15gcpacing.
var gcController = gcControllerState{
	// Initial trigger ratio guess.
	triggerRatio: 7 / 8.0,

type gcControllerState struct {
	// scanWork is the total scan work performed this cycle. This
	// is updated atomically during the cycle. Updates may be
	// batched arbitrarily, since the value is only read at the
	// end of the cycle.
	// Currently this is the bytes of heap scanned. For most uses,
	// this is an opaque unit of work, but for estimation the
	// definition is important.
	scanWork int64

	// bgScanCredit is the scan work credit accumulated by the
	// concurrent background scan. This credit is accumulated by
	// the background scan and stolen by mutator assists. This is
	// updated atomically. Updates occur in bounded batches, since
	// it is both written and read throughout the cycle.
	bgScanCredit int64

	// assistTime is the nanoseconds spent in mutator assists
	// during this cycle. This is updated atomically. Updates
	// occur in bounded batches, since it is both written and read
	// throughout the cycle.
	assistTime int64

	// dedicatedMarkTime is the nanoseconds spent in dedicated
	// mark workers during this cycle. This is updated atomically
	// at the end of the concurrent mark phase.
	dedicatedMarkTime int64

	// fractionalMarkTime is the nanoseconds spent in the
	// fractional mark worker during this cycle. This is updated
	// atomically throughout the cycle and will be up-to-date if
	// the fractional mark worker is not currently running.
	fractionalMarkTime int64

	// idleMarkTime is the nanoseconds spent in idle marking
	// during this cycle. This is updated atomically throughout
	// the cycle.
	idleMarkTime int64

	// bgMarkStartTime is the absolute start time in nanoseconds
	// that the background mark phase started.
	bgMarkStartTime int64

	// heapGoal is the goal memstats.heap_live for when this cycle
	// ends. This is computed at the beginning of each cycle.
	heapGoal uint64

	// dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded is the number of dedicated mark
	// workers that need to be started. This is computed at the
	// beginning of each cycle and decremented atomically as
	// dedicated mark workers get started.
	dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded int64

	// assistRatio is the ratio of allocated bytes to scan work
	// that should be performed by mutator assists. This is
	// computed at the beginning of each cycle.
	assistRatio float64

	// fractionalUtilizationGoal is the fraction of wall clock
	// time that should be spent in the fractional mark worker.
	// For example, if the overall mark utilization goal is 25%
	// and GOMAXPROCS is 6, one P will be a dedicated mark worker
	// and this will be set to 0.5 so that 50% of the time some P
	// is in a fractional mark worker. This is computed at the
	// beginning of each cycle.
	fractionalUtilizationGoal float64

	// triggerRatio is the heap growth ratio at which the garbage
	// collection cycle should start. E.g., if this is 0.6, then
	// GC should start when the live heap has reached 1.6 times
	// the heap size marked by the previous cycle. This is updated
	// at the end of of each cycle.
	triggerRatio float64

	// reviseTimer is a timer that triggers periodic revision of
	// control variables during the cycle.
	reviseTimer timer

	_ [_CacheLineSize]byte

	// fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded is the number of fractional
	// mark workers that need to be started. This is either 0 or
	// 1. This is potentially updated atomically at every
	// scheduling point (hence it gets its own cache line).
	fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded int64

	_ [_CacheLineSize]byte

// startCycle resets the GC controller's state and computes estimates
// for a new GC cycle. The caller must hold worldsema.
func (c *gcControllerState) startCycle() {
	c.scanWork = 0
	c.bgScanCredit = 0
	c.assistTime = 0
	c.dedicatedMarkTime = 0
	c.fractionalMarkTime = 0
	c.idleMarkTime = 0

	// If this is the first GC cycle or we're operating on a very
	// small heap, fake heap_marked so it looks like next_gc is
	// the appropriate growth from heap_marked, even though the
	// real heap_marked may not have a meaningful value (on the
	// first cycle) or may be much smaller (resulting in a large
	// error response).
	if memstats.next_gc <= heapminimum {
		memstats.heap_marked = uint64(float64(memstats.next_gc) / (1 + c.triggerRatio))
		memstats.heap_reachable = memstats.heap_marked

	// Compute the heap goal for this cycle
	c.heapGoal = memstats.heap_reachable + memstats.heap_reachable*uint64(gcpercent)/100

	// Compute the total mark utilization goal and divide it among
	// dedicated and fractional workers.
	totalUtilizationGoal := float64(gomaxprocs) * gcGoalUtilization
	c.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded = int64(totalUtilizationGoal)
	c.fractionalUtilizationGoal = totalUtilizationGoal - float64(c.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded)
	if c.fractionalUtilizationGoal > 0 {
		c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded = 1
	} else {
		c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded = 0

	// Clear per-P state
	for _, p := range &allp {
		if p == nil {
		p.gcAssistTime = 0

	// Compute initial values for controls that are updated
	// throughout the cycle.

	// Set up a timer to revise periodically
	c.reviseTimer.f = func(interface{}, uintptr) {
	c.reviseTimer.period = 10 * 1000 * 1000
	c.reviseTimer.when = nanotime() + c.reviseTimer.period

// revise updates the assist ratio during the GC cycle to account for
// improved estimates. This should be called periodically during
// concurrent mark.
func (c *gcControllerState) revise() {
	// Compute the expected scan work. This is a strict upper
	// bound on the possible scan work in the current heap.
	// You might consider dividing this by 2 (or by
	// (100+GOGC)/100) to counter this over-estimation, but
	// benchmarks show that this has almost no effect on mean
	// mutator utilization, heap size, or assist time and it
	// introduces the danger of under-estimating and letting the
	// mutator outpace the garbage collector.
	scanWorkExpected := memstats.heap_scan

	// Compute the mutator assist ratio so by the time the mutator
	// allocates the remaining heap bytes up to next_gc, it will
	// have done (or stolen) the estimated amount of scan work.
	heapDistance := int64(c.heapGoal) - int64(work.initialHeapLive)
	if heapDistance <= 1024*1024 {
		// heapDistance can be negative if GC start is delayed
		// or if the allocation that pushed heap_live over
		// next_gc is large or if the trigger is really close
		// to GOGC. We don't want to set the assist negative
		// (or divide by zero, or set it really high), so
		// enforce a minimum on the distance.
		heapDistance = 1024 * 1024
	c.assistRatio = float64(scanWorkExpected) / float64(heapDistance)

// endCycle updates the GC controller state at the end of the
// concurrent part of the GC cycle.
func (c *gcControllerState) endCycle() {
	h_t := c.triggerRatio // For debugging

	// Proportional response gain for the trigger controller. Must
	// be in [0, 1]. Lower values smooth out transient effects but
	// take longer to respond to phase changes. Higher values
	// react to phase changes quickly, but are more affected by
	// transient changes. Values near 1 may be unstable.
	const triggerGain = 0.5

	// Stop the revise timer

	// Compute next cycle trigger ratio. First, this computes the
	// "error" for this cycle; that is, how far off the trigger
	// was from what it should have been, accounting for both heap
	// growth and GC CPU utilization. We computing the actual heap
	// growth during this cycle and scale that by how far off from
	// the goal CPU utilization we were (to estimate the heap
	// growth if we had the desired CPU utilization). The
	// difference between this estimate and the GOGC-based goal
	// heap growth is the error.
	goalGrowthRatio := float64(gcpercent) / 100
	actualGrowthRatio := float64(memstats.heap_live)/float64(memstats.heap_marked) - 1
	duration := nanotime() - c.bgMarkStartTime

	// Assume background mark hit its utilization goal.
	utilization := gcGoalUtilization
	// Add assist utilization; avoid divide by zero.
	if duration > 0 {
		utilization += float64(c.assistTime) / float64(duration*int64(gomaxprocs))

	triggerError := goalGrowthRatio - c.triggerRatio - utilization/gcGoalUtilization*(actualGrowthRatio-c.triggerRatio)

	// Finally, we adjust the trigger for next time by this error,
	// damped by the proportional gain.
	c.triggerRatio += triggerGain * triggerError
	if c.triggerRatio < 0 {
		// This can happen if the mutator is allocating very
		// quickly or the GC is scanning very slowly.
		c.triggerRatio = 0
	} else if c.triggerRatio > goalGrowthRatio*0.95 {
		// Ensure there's always a little margin so that the
		// mutator assist ratio isn't infinity.
		c.triggerRatio = goalGrowthRatio * 0.95

	if debug.gcpacertrace > 0 {
		// Print controller state in terms of the design
		// document.
		H_m_prev := memstats.heap_marked
		H_T := memstats.next_gc
		h_a := actualGrowthRatio
		H_a := memstats.heap_live
		h_g := goalGrowthRatio
		H_g := int64(float64(H_m_prev) * (1 + h_g))
		u_a := utilization
		u_g := gcGoalUtilization
		W_a := c.scanWork
		print("pacer: H_m_prev=", H_m_prev,
			" h_t=", h_t, " H_T=", H_T,
			" h_a=", h_a, " H_a=", H_a,
			" h_g=", h_g, " H_g=", H_g,
			" u_a=", u_a, " u_g=", u_g,
			" W_a=", W_a,
			" goalΔ=", goalGrowthRatio-h_t,
			" actualΔ=", h_a-h_t,
			" u_a/u_g=", u_a/u_g,

// findRunnableGCWorker returns the background mark worker for _p_ if it
// should be run. This must only be called when gcBlackenEnabled != 0.
func (c *gcControllerState) findRunnableGCWorker(_p_ *p) *g {
	if gcBlackenEnabled == 0 {
		throw("gcControllerState.findRunnable: blackening not enabled")
	if _p_.gcBgMarkWorker == nil {
		throw("gcControllerState.findRunnable: no background mark worker")
	if work.bgMark1.done != 0 && work.bgMark2.done != 0 {
		// Background mark is done. Don't schedule background
		// mark worker any more. (This is not just an
		// optimization. Without this we can spin scheduling
		// the background worker and having it return
		// immediately with no work to do.)
		return nil

	decIfPositive := func(ptr *int64) bool {
		if *ptr > 0 {
			if xaddint64(ptr, -1) >= 0 {
				return true
			// We lost a race
			xaddint64(ptr, +1)
		return false

	if decIfPositive(&c.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded) {
		// This P is now dedicated to marking until the end of
		// the concurrent mark phase.
		_p_.gcMarkWorkerMode = gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode
		// TODO(austin): This P isn't going to run anything
		// else for a while, so kick everything out of its run
		// queue.
	} else {
		if _p_.gcw.wbuf == 0 && work.full == 0 && work.partial == 0 {
			// No work to be done right now. This can
			// happen at the end of the mark phase when
			// there are still assists tapering off. Don't
			// bother running background mark because
			// it'll just return immediately.
			if work.nwait == work.nproc {
				// There are also no workers, which
				// means we've reached a completion point.
				// There may not be any workers to
				// signal it, so signal it here.
				readied := false
				if gcBlackenPromptly {
					if work.bgMark1.done == 0 {
						throw("completing mark 2, but bgMark1.done == 0")
					readied = work.bgMark2.complete()
				} else {
					readied = work.bgMark1.complete()
				if readied {
					// complete just called ready,
					// but we're inside the
					// scheduler. Let it know that
					// that's okay.
			return nil
		if !decIfPositive(&c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded) {
			// No more workers are need right now.
			return nil

		// This P has picked the token for the fractional worker.
		// Is the GC currently under or at the utilization goal?
		// If so, do more work.
		// We used to check whether doing one time slice of work
		// would remain under the utilization goal, but that has the
		// effect of delaying work until the mutator has run for
		// enough time slices to pay for the work. During those time
		// slices, write barriers are enabled, so the mutator is running slower.
		// Now instead we do the work whenever we're under or at the
		// utilization work and pay for it by letting the mutator run later.
		// This doesn't change the overall utilization averages, but it
		// front loads the GC work so that the GC finishes earlier and
		// write barriers can be turned off sooner, effectively giving
		// the mutator a faster machine.
		// The old, slower behavior can be restored by setting
		//	gcForcePreemptNS = forcePreemptNS.
		const gcForcePreemptNS = 0

		// TODO(austin): We could fast path this and basically
		// eliminate contention on c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded by
		// precomputing the minimum time at which it's worth
		// next scheduling the fractional worker. Then Ps
		// don't have to fight in the window where we've
		// passed that deadline and no one has started the
		// worker yet.
		// TODO(austin): Shorter preemption interval for mark
		// worker to improve fairness and give this
		// finer-grained control over schedule?
		now := nanotime() - gcController.bgMarkStartTime
		then := now + gcForcePreemptNS
		timeUsed := c.fractionalMarkTime + gcForcePreemptNS
		if then > 0 && float64(timeUsed)/float64(then) > c.fractionalUtilizationGoal {
			// Nope, we'd overshoot the utilization goal
			xaddint64(&c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded, +1)
			return nil
		_p_.gcMarkWorkerMode = gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode

	// Run the background mark worker
	gp := _p_.gcBgMarkWorker
	casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
	if trace.enabled {
		traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
	return gp

// gcGoalUtilization is the goal CPU utilization for background
// marking as a fraction of GOMAXPROCS.
const gcGoalUtilization = 0.25

// gcBgCreditSlack is the amount of scan work credit background
// scanning can accumulate locally before updating
// gcController.bgScanCredit. Lower values give mutator assists more
// accurate accounting of background scanning. Higher values reduce
// memory contention.
const gcBgCreditSlack = 2000

// gcAssistTimeSlack is the nanoseconds of mutator assist time that
// can accumulate on a P before updating gcController.assistTime.
const gcAssistTimeSlack = 5000

// Determine whether to initiate a GC.
// If the GC is already working no need to trigger another one.
// This should establish a feedback loop where if the GC does not
// have sufficient time to complete then more memory will be
// requested from the OS increasing heap size thus allow future
// GCs more time to complete.
// memstat.heap_live read has a benign race.
// A false negative simple does not start a GC, a false positive
// will start a GC needlessly. Neither have correctness issues.
func shouldtriggergc() bool {
	return memstats.heap_live >= memstats.next_gc && atomicloaduint(&bggc.working) == 0

// bgMarkSignal synchronizes the GC coordinator and background mark workers.
type bgMarkSignal struct {
	// Workers race to cas to 1. Winner signals coordinator.
	done uint32
	// Coordinator to wake up.
	lock mutex
	g    *g
	wake bool

func (s *bgMarkSignal) wait() {
	if s.wake {
		// Wakeup already happened
	} else {
		s.g = getg()
		goparkunlock(&s.lock, "mark wait (idle)", traceEvGoBlock, 1)
	s.wake = false
	s.g = nil

// complete signals the completion of this phase of marking. This can
// be called multiple times during a cycle; only the first call has
// any effect.
// The caller should arrange to deschedule itself as soon as possible
// after calling complete in order to let the coordinator goroutine
// run.
func (s *bgMarkSignal) complete() bool {
	if cas(&s.done, 0, 1) {
		// This is the first worker to reach this completion point.
		// Signal the main GC goroutine.
		if s.g == nil {
			// It hasn't parked yet.
			s.wake = true
		} else {
			ready(s.g, 0)
		return true
	return false

func (s *bgMarkSignal) clear() {
	s.done = 0

var work struct {
	full  uint64 // lock-free list of full blocks workbuf
	empty uint64 // lock-free list of empty blocks workbuf
	// TODO(rlh): partial no longer used, remove. (issue #11922)
	partial uint64                // lock-free list of partially filled blocks workbuf
	pad0    [_CacheLineSize]uint8 // prevents false-sharing between full/empty and nproc/nwait
	nproc   uint32
	tstart  int64
	nwait   uint32
	ndone   uint32
	alldone note
	markfor *parfor

	bgMarkReady note   // signal background mark worker has started
	bgMarkDone  uint32 // cas to 1 when at a background mark completion point
	// Background mark completion signaling

	// Coordination for the 2 parts of the mark phase.
	bgMark1 bgMarkSignal
	bgMark2 bgMarkSignal

	// Copy of mheap.allspans for marker or sweeper.
	spans []*mspan

	// totaltime is the CPU nanoseconds spent in GC since the
	// program started if debug.gctrace > 0.
	totaltime int64

	// bytesMarked is the number of bytes marked this cycle. This
	// includes bytes blackened in scanned objects, noscan objects
	// that go straight to black, and permagrey objects scanned by
	// markroot during the concurrent scan phase. This is updated
	// atomically during the cycle. Updates may be batched
	// arbitrarily, since the value is only read at the end of the
	// cycle.
	// Because of benign races during marking, this number may not
	// be the exact number of marked bytes, but it should be very
	// close.
	bytesMarked uint64

	// initialHeapLive is the value of memstats.heap_live at the
	// beginning of this GC cycle.
	initialHeapLive uint64

// GC runs a garbage collection and blocks the caller until the
// garbage collection is complete. It may also block the entire
// program.
func GC() {

const (
	gcBackgroundMode = iota // concurrent GC
	gcForceMode             // stop-the-world GC now
	gcForceBlockMode        // stop-the-world GC now and wait for sweep

func startGC(mode int) {
	// The gc is turned off (via enablegc) until the bootstrap has completed.
	// Also, malloc gets called in the guts of a number of libraries that might be
	// holding locks. To avoid deadlocks during stop-the-world, don't bother
	// trying to run gc while holding a lock. The next mallocgc without a lock
	// will do the gc instead.
	mp := acquirem()
	if gp := getg(); gp == mp.g0 || mp.locks > 1 || mp.preemptoff != "" || !memstats.enablegc || panicking != 0 || gcpercent < 0 {
	mp = nil

	if debug.gcstoptheworld == 1 {
		mode = gcForceMode
	} else if debug.gcstoptheworld == 2 {
		mode = gcForceBlockMode

	if mode != gcBackgroundMode {
		// special synchronous cases

	// trigger concurrent GC
	readied := false
	// The trigger was originally checked speculatively, so
	// recheck that this really should trigger GC. (For example,
	// we may have gone through a whole GC cycle since the
	// speculative check.)
	if !shouldtriggergc() {
	if !bggc.started {
		bggc.working = 1
		bggc.started = true
		readied = true
		go backgroundgc()
	} else if bggc.working == 0 {
		bggc.working = 1
		readied = true
		ready(bggc.g, 0)
	if readied {
		// This G just started or ready()d the GC goroutine.
		// Switch directly to it by yielding.

// State of the background concurrent GC goroutine.
var bggc struct {
	lock    mutex
	g       *g
	working uint
	started bool

// backgroundgc is running in a goroutine and does the concurrent GC work.
// bggc holds the state of the backgroundgc.
func backgroundgc() {
	bggc.g = getg()
	for {
		bggc.working = 0
		goparkunlock(&bggc.lock, "Concurrent GC wait", traceEvGoBlock, 1)

func gc(mode int) {
	// Timing/utilization tracking
	var stwprocs, maxprocs int32
	var tSweepTerm, tScan, tInstallWB, tMark, tMarkTerm int64

	// debug.gctrace variables
	var heap0, heap1, heap2, heapGoal uint64

	// memstats statistics
	var now, pauseStart, pauseNS int64

	// Ok, we're doing it!  Stop everybody else
	semacquire(&worldsema, false)

	// Pick up the remaining unswept/not being swept spans concurrently
	// This shouldn't happen if we're being invoked in background
	// mode since proportional sweep should have just finished
	// sweeping everything, but rounding errors, etc, may leave a
	// few spans unswept. In forced mode, this is necessary since
	// GC can be forced at any point in the sweeping cycle.
	for gosweepone() != ^uintptr(0) {

	if trace.enabled {

	if mode == gcBackgroundMode {
	now = nanotime()
	stwprocs, maxprocs = gcprocs(), gomaxprocs
	tSweepTerm = now
	heap0 = memstats.heap_live

	pauseStart = now
	systemstack(finishsweep_m) // finish sweep before we start concurrent scan.
	// clearpools before we start the GC. If we wait they memory will not be
	// reclaimed until the next GC cycle.


	if mode == gcBackgroundMode { // Do as much work concurrently as possible
		heapGoal = gcController.heapGoal

		systemstack(func() {
			// Enter scan phase. This enables write
			// barriers to track changes to stack frames
			// above the stack barrier.
			// TODO: This has evolved to the point where
			// we carefully ensure invariants we no longer
			// depend on. Either:
			// 1) Enable full write barriers for the scan,
			// but eliminate the ragged barrier below
			// (since the start the world ensures all Ps
			// have observed the write barrier enable) and
			// consider draining during the scan.
			// 2) Only enable write barriers for writes to
			// the stack at this point, and then enable
			// write barriers for heap writes when we
			// enter the mark phase. This means we cannot
			// drain in the scan phase and must perform a
			// ragged barrier to ensure all Ps have
			// enabled heap write barriers before we drain
			// or enable assists.
			// 3) Don't install stack barriers over frame
			// boundaries where there are up-pointers.

			gcBgMarkPrepare() // Must happen before assist enable.

			// At this point all Ps have enabled the write
			// barrier, thus maintaining the no white to
			// black invariant. Enable mutator assists to
			// put back-pressure on fast allocating
			// mutators.
			atomicstore(&gcBlackenEnabled, 1)

			// Concurrent scan.
			now = nanotime()
			pauseNS += now - pauseStart
			tScan = now

			// Enter mark phase.
			tInstallWB = nanotime()
			// Ensure all Ps have observed the phase
			// change and have write barriers enabled
			// before any blackening occurs.
			forEachP(func(*p) {})
		// Concurrent mark.
		tMark = nanotime()

		// Enable background mark workers and wait for
		// background mark completion.
		gcController.bgMarkStartTime = nanotime()

		// The global work list is empty, but there can still be work
		// sitting in the per-P work caches and there can be more
		// objects reachable from global roots since they don't have write
		// barriers. Rescan some roots and flush work caches.
		systemstack(func() {
			// rescan global data and bss.
			markroot(nil, _RootData)
			markroot(nil, _RootBss)

			// Disallow caching workbufs.
			gcBlackenPromptly = true

			// Flush all currently cached workbufs. This
			// also forces any remaining background
			// workers out of their loop.
			forEachP(func(_p_ *p) {

		// Wait for this more aggressive background mark to complete.

		// Begin mark termination.
		now = nanotime()
		tMarkTerm = now
		pauseStart = now
		// The gcphase is _GCmark, it will transition to _GCmarktermination
		// below. The important thing is that the wb remains active until
		// all marking is complete. This includes writes made by the GC.

		// Flush the gcWork caches. This must be done before
		// endCycle since endCycle depends on statistics kept
		// in these caches.

	} else {
		// For non-concurrent GC (mode != gcBackgroundMode)
		// The g stacks have not been scanned so clear g state
		// such that mark termination scans all stacks.

		t := nanotime()
		tScan, tInstallWB, tMark, tMarkTerm = t, t, t, t
		heapGoal = heap0

	// World is stopped.
	// Start marktermination which includes enabling the write barrier.
	atomicstore(&gcBlackenEnabled, 0)
	gcBlackenPromptly = false

	heap1 = memstats.heap_live
	startTime := nanotime()

	mp := acquirem()
	mp.preemptoff = "gcing"
	_g_ := getg()
	_g_.m.traceback = 2
	gp := _g_.m.curg
	casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gwaiting)
	gp.waitreason = "garbage collection"

	// Run gc on the g0 stack.  We do this so that the g stack
	// we're currently running on will no longer change.  Cuts
	// the root set down a bit (g0 stacks are not scanned, and
	// we don't need to scan gc's internal state).  We also
	// need to switch to g0 so we can shrink the stack.
	systemstack(func() {
		// Must return immediately.
		// The outer function's stack may have moved
		// during gcMark (it shrinks stacks, including the
		// outer function's stack), so we must not refer
		// to any of its variables. Return back to the
		// non-system stack to pick up the new addresses
		// before continuing.

	systemstack(func() {
		heap2 = work.bytesMarked
		if debug.gccheckmark > 0 {
			// Run a full stop-the-world mark using checkmark bits,
			// to check that we didn't forget to mark anything during
			// the concurrent mark process.
			gcResetGState() // Rescan stacks

		// marking is complete so we can turn the write barrier off

		if debug.gctrace > 1 {
			startTime = nanotime()
			// The g stacks have been scanned so
			// they have gcscanvalid==true and gcworkdone==true.
			// Reset these so that all stacks will be rescanned.

			// Still in STW but gcphase is _GCoff, reset to _GCmarktermination
			// At this point all objects will be found during the gcMark which
			// does a complete STW mark and object scan.
			setGCPhase(_GCoff) // marking is done, turn off wb.

	_g_.m.traceback = 0
	casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunning)

	if trace.enabled {

	// all done
	mp.preemptoff = ""

	if gcphase != _GCoff {
		throw("gc done but gcphase != _GCoff")

	// Update timing memstats
	now, unixNow := nanotime(), unixnanotime()
	pauseNS += now - pauseStart
	atomicstore64(&memstats.last_gc, uint64(unixNow)) // must be Unix time to make sense to user
	memstats.pause_ns[memstats.numgc%uint32(len(memstats.pause_ns))] = uint64(pauseNS)
	memstats.pause_end[memstats.numgc%uint32(len(memstats.pause_end))] = uint64(unixNow)
	memstats.pause_total_ns += uint64(pauseNS)

	// Update work.totaltime.
	sweepTermCpu := int64(stwprocs) * (tScan - tSweepTerm)
	scanCpu := tInstallWB - tScan
	installWBCpu := int64(0)
	// We report idle marking time below, but omit it from the
	// overall utilization here since it's "free".
	markCpu := gcController.assistTime + gcController.dedicatedMarkTime + gcController.fractionalMarkTime
	markTermCpu := int64(stwprocs) * (now - tMarkTerm)
	cycleCpu := sweepTermCpu + scanCpu + installWBCpu + markCpu + markTermCpu
	work.totaltime += cycleCpu

	// Compute overall GC CPU utilization.
	totalCpu := sched.totaltime + (now-sched.procresizetime)*int64(gomaxprocs)
	memstats.gc_cpu_fraction = float64(work.totaltime) / float64(totalCpu)



	mp = nil

	if debug.gctrace > 0 {
		tEnd := now
		util := int(memstats.gc_cpu_fraction * 100)

		var sbuf [24]byte
		print("gc ", memstats.numgc,
			" @", string(itoaDiv(sbuf[:], uint64(tSweepTerm-runtimeInitTime)/1e6, 3)), "s ",
			util, "%: ")
		prev := tSweepTerm
		for i, ns := range []int64{tScan, tInstallWB, tMark, tMarkTerm, tEnd} {
			if i != 0 {
			print(string(fmtNSAsMS(sbuf[:], uint64(ns-prev))))
			prev = ns
		print(" ms clock, ")
		for i, ns := range []int64{sweepTermCpu, scanCpu, installWBCpu, gcController.assistTime, gcController.dedicatedMarkTime + gcController.fractionalMarkTime, gcController.idleMarkTime, markTermCpu} {
			if i == 4 || i == 5 {
				// Separate mark time components with /.
			} else if i != 0 {
			print(string(fmtNSAsMS(sbuf[:], uint64(ns))))
		print(" ms cpu, ",
			heap0>>20, "->", heap1>>20, "->", heap2>>20, " MB, ",
			heapGoal>>20, " MB goal, ",
			maxprocs, " P")
		if mode != gcBackgroundMode {
			print(" (forced)")
	sweep.nbgsweep = 0
	sweep.npausesweep = 0

	// now that gc is done, kick off finalizer thread if needed
	if !concurrentSweep {
		// give the queued finalizers, if any, a chance to run

// gcBgMarkStartWorkers prepares background mark worker goroutines.
// These goroutines will not run until the mark phase, but they must
// be started while the work is not stopped and from a regular G
// stack. The caller must hold worldsema.
func gcBgMarkStartWorkers() {
	// Background marking is performed by per-P G's. Ensure that
	// each P has a background GC G.
	for _, p := range &allp {
		if p == nil || p.status == _Pdead {
		if p.gcBgMarkWorker == nil {
			go gcBgMarkWorker(p)
			notetsleepg(&work.bgMarkReady, -1)

// gcBgMarkPrepare sets up state for background marking.
// Mutator assists must not yet be enabled.
func gcBgMarkPrepare() {
	// Background marking will stop when the work queues are empty
	// and there are no more workers (note that, since this is
	// concurrent, this may be a transient state, but mark
	// termination will clean it up). Between background workers
	// and assists, we don't really know how many workers there
	// will be, so we pretend to have an arbitrarily large number
	// of workers, almost all of which are "waiting". While a
	// worker is working it decrements nwait. If nproc == nwait,
	// there are no workers.
	work.nproc = ^uint32(0)
	work.nwait = ^uint32(0)

	// Reset background mark completion points.
	work.bgMark1.done = 1
	work.bgMark2.done = 1

func gcBgMarkWorker(p *p) {
	// Register this G as the background mark worker for p.
	if p.gcBgMarkWorker != nil {
		throw("P already has a background mark worker")
	gp := getg()

	mp := acquirem()
	p.gcBgMarkWorker = gp
	// After this point, the background mark worker is scheduled
	// cooperatively by gcController.findRunnable. Hence, it must
	// never be preempted, as this would put it into _Grunnable
	// and put it on a run queue. Instead, when the preempt flag
	// is set, this puts itself into _Gwaiting to be woken up by
	// gcController.findRunnable at the appropriate time.
	for {
		// Go to sleep until woken by gcContoller.findRunnable.
		// We can't releasem yet since even the call to gopark
		// may be preempted.
		gopark(func(g *g, mp unsafe.Pointer) bool {
			return true
		}, unsafe.Pointer(mp), "mark worker (idle)", traceEvGoBlock, 0)

		// Loop until the P dies and disassociates this
		// worker. (The P may later be reused, in which case
		// it will get a new worker.)
		if p.gcBgMarkWorker != gp {

		// Disable preemption so we can use the gcw. If the
		// scheduler wants to preempt us, we'll stop draining,
		// dispose the gcw, and then preempt.
		mp = acquirem()

		if gcBlackenEnabled == 0 {
			throw("gcBgMarkWorker: blackening not enabled")

		startTime := nanotime()

		decnwait := xadd(&work.nwait, -1)
		if decnwait == work.nproc {
			println("runtime: work.nwait=", decnwait, "work.nproc=", work.nproc)
			throw("work.nwait was > work.nproc")

		done := false
		switch p.gcMarkWorkerMode {
			throw("gcBgMarkWorker: unexpected gcMarkWorkerMode")
		case gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode:
			gcDrain(&p.gcw, gcBgCreditSlack)
			// gcDrain did the xadd(&work.nwait +1) to
			// match the decrement above. It only returns
			// at a mark completion point.
			done = true
			if !p.gcw.empty() {
				throw("gcDrain returned with buffer")
		case gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode, gcMarkWorkerIdleMode:
			gcDrainUntilPreempt(&p.gcw, gcBgCreditSlack)

			// If we are nearing the end of mark, dispose
			// of the cache promptly. We must do this
			// before signaling that we're no longer
			// working so that other workers can't observe
			// no workers and no work while we have this
			// cached, and before we compute done.
			if gcBlackenPromptly {

			// Was this the last worker and did we run out
			// of work?
			incnwait := xadd(&work.nwait, +1)
			if incnwait > work.nproc {
				println("runtime: p.gcMarkWorkerMode=", p.gcMarkWorkerMode,
					"work.nwait=", incnwait, "work.nproc=", work.nproc)
				throw("work.nwait > work.nproc")
			done = incnwait == work.nproc && work.full == 0 && work.partial == 0

		// If this worker reached a background mark completion
		// point, signal the main GC goroutine.
		if done {
			if gcBlackenPromptly {
				if work.bgMark1.done == 0 {
					throw("completing mark 2, but bgMark1.done == 0")
			} else {

		duration := nanotime() - startTime
		switch p.gcMarkWorkerMode {
		case gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode:
			xaddint64(&gcController.dedicatedMarkTime, duration)
			xaddint64(&gcController.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded, 1)
		case gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode:
			xaddint64(&gcController.fractionalMarkTime, duration)
			xaddint64(&gcController.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded, 1)
		case gcMarkWorkerIdleMode:
			xaddint64(&gcController.idleMarkTime, duration)

// gcMarkWorkAvailable returns true if executing a mark worker
// on p is potentially useful.
func gcMarkWorkAvailable(p *p) bool {
	if !p.gcw.empty() {
		return true
	if atomicload64(&work.full) != 0 || atomicload64(&work.partial) != 0 {
		return true // global work available
	return false

// gcFlushGCWork disposes the gcWork caches of all Ps. The world must
// be stopped.
func gcFlushGCWork() {
	// Gather all cached GC work. All other Ps are stopped, so
	// it's safe to manipulate their GC work caches.
	for i := 0; i < int(gomaxprocs); i++ {

// gcMark runs the mark (or, for concurrent GC, mark termination)
// STW is in effect at this point.
//TODO go:nowritebarrier
func gcMark(start_time int64) {
	if debug.allocfreetrace > 0 {

	if gcphase != _GCmarktermination {
		throw("in gcMark expecting to see gcphase as _GCmarktermination")
	work.tstart = start_time

	gcCopySpans() // TODO(rlh): should this be hoisted and done only once? Right now it is done for normal marking and also for checkmarking.

	// Make sure the per-P gcWork caches are empty. During mark
	// termination, these caches can still be used temporarily,
	// but must be disposed to the global lists immediately.

	work.nwait = 0
	work.ndone = 0
	work.nproc = uint32(gcprocs())

	if trace.enabled {

	parforsetup(work.markfor, work.nproc, uint32(_RootCount+allglen), false, markroot)
	if work.nproc > 1 {


	var gcw gcWork
	gcDrain(&gcw, -1)

	if work.full != 0 {
		throw("work.full != 0")
	if work.partial != 0 {
		throw("work.partial != 0")

	if work.nproc > 1 {

	for i := 0; i < int(gomaxprocs); i++ {
		if allp[i].gcw.wbuf != 0 {
			throw("P has cached GC work at end of mark termination")

	if trace.enabled {

	// TODO(austin): This doesn't have to be done during STW, as
	// long as we block the next GC cycle until this is done. Move
	// it after we start the world, but before dropping worldsema.
	// (See issue #11465.)


	// Compute the reachable heap size at the beginning of the
	// cycle. This is approximately the marked heap size at the
	// end (which we know) minus the amount of marked heap that
	// was allocated after marking began (which we don't know, but
	// is approximately the amount of heap that was allocated
	// since marking began).
	allocatedDuringCycle := memstats.heap_live - work.initialHeapLive
	if work.bytesMarked >= allocatedDuringCycle {
		memstats.heap_reachable = work.bytesMarked - allocatedDuringCycle
	} else {
		// This can happen if most of the allocation during
		// the cycle never became reachable from the heap.
		// Just set the reachable heap appropriation to 0 and
		// let the heapminimum kick in below.
		memstats.heap_reachable = 0

	// Trigger the next GC cycle when the allocated heap has grown
	// by triggerRatio over the reachable heap size. Assume that
	// we're in steady state, so the reachable heap size is the
	// same now as it was at the beginning of the GC cycle.
	memstats.next_gc = uint64(float64(memstats.heap_reachable) * (1 + gcController.triggerRatio))
	if memstats.next_gc < heapminimum {
		memstats.next_gc = heapminimum
	if int64(memstats.next_gc) < 0 {
		print("next_gc=", memstats.next_gc, " bytesMarked=", work.bytesMarked, " heap_live=", memstats.heap_live, " initialHeapLive=", work.initialHeapLive, "\n")
		throw("next_gc underflow")

	// Update other GC heap size stats.
	memstats.heap_live = work.bytesMarked
	memstats.heap_marked = work.bytesMarked
	memstats.heap_scan = uint64(gcController.scanWork)

	minNextGC := memstats.heap_live + sweepMinHeapDistance*uint64(gcpercent)/100
	if memstats.next_gc < minNextGC {
		// The allocated heap is already past the trigger.
		// This can happen if the triggerRatio is very low and
		// the reachable heap estimate is less than the live
		// heap size.
		// Concurrent sweep happens in the heap growth from
		// heap_live to next_gc, so bump next_gc up to ensure
		// that concurrent sweep has some heap growth in which
		// to perform sweeping before we start the next GC
		// cycle.
		memstats.next_gc = minNextGC

	if trace.enabled {

func gcSweep(mode int) {
	if gcphase != _GCoff {
		throw("gcSweep being done but phase is not GCoff")

	mheap_.sweepgen += 2
	mheap_.sweepdone = 0
	sweep.spanidx = 0

	if !_ConcurrentSweep || mode == gcForceBlockMode {
		// Special case synchronous sweep.
		// Record that no proportional sweeping has to happen.
		mheap_.sweepPagesPerByte = 0
		mheap_.pagesSwept = 0
		// Sweep all spans eagerly.
		for sweepone() != ^uintptr(0) {
		// Do an additional mProf_GC, because all 'free' events are now real as well.

	// Account how much sweeping needs to be done before the next
	// GC cycle and set up proportional sweep statistics.
	var pagesToSweep uintptr
	for _, s := range work.spans {
		if s.state == mSpanInUse {
			pagesToSweep += s.npages
	heapDistance := int64(memstats.next_gc) - int64(memstats.heap_live)
	// Add a little margin so rounding errors and concurrent
	// sweep are less likely to leave pages unswept when GC starts.
	heapDistance -= 1024 * 1024
	if heapDistance < _PageSize {
		// Avoid setting the sweep ratio extremely high
		heapDistance = _PageSize
	mheap_.sweepPagesPerByte = float64(pagesToSweep) / float64(heapDistance)
	mheap_.pagesSwept = 0

	// Background sweep.
	if sweep.parked {
		sweep.parked = false
		ready(sweep.g, 0)

func gcCopySpans() {
	// Cache runtime.mheap_.allspans in work.spans to avoid conflicts with
	// resizing/freeing allspans.
	// New spans can be created while GC progresses, but they are not garbage for
	// this round:
	//  - new stack spans can be created even while the world is stopped.
	//  - new malloc spans can be created during the concurrent sweep
	// Even if this is stop-the-world, a concurrent exitsyscall can allocate a stack from heap.
	// Free the old cached mark array if necessary.
	if work.spans != nil && &work.spans[0] != &h_allspans[0] {
		sysFree(unsafe.Pointer(&work.spans[0]), uintptr(len(work.spans))*unsafe.Sizeof(work.spans[0]), &memstats.other_sys)
	// Cache the current array for sweeping.
	mheap_.gcspans = mheap_.allspans
	work.spans = h_allspans

// gcResetGState resets the GC state of all G's and returns the length
// of allgs.
func gcResetGState() (numgs int) {
	// This may be called during a concurrent phase, so make sure
	// allgs doesn't change.
	for _, gp := range allgs {
		gp.gcscandone = false  // set to true in gcphasework
		gp.gcscanvalid = false // stack has not been scanned
		gp.gcalloc = 0
		gp.gcscanwork = 0
	numgs = len(allgs)

// gcResetMarkState resets state prior to marking (concurrent or STW).
// TODO(austin): Merge with gcResetGState. See issue #11427.
func gcResetMarkState() {
	work.bytesMarked = 0
	work.initialHeapLive = memstats.heap_live

// Hooks for other packages

var poolcleanup func()

//go:linkname sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup sync.runtime_registerPoolCleanup
func sync_runtime_registerPoolCleanup(f func()) {
	poolcleanup = f

func clearpools() {
	// clear sync.Pools
	if poolcleanup != nil {

	// Clear central sudog cache.
	// Leave per-P caches alone, they have strictly bounded size.
	// Disconnect cached list before dropping it on the floor,
	// so that a dangling ref to one entry does not pin all of them.
	var sg, sgnext *sudog
	for sg = sched.sudogcache; sg != nil; sg = sgnext {
		sgnext = sg.next
		sg.next = nil
	sched.sudogcache = nil

	// Clear central defer pools.
	// Leave per-P pools alone, they have strictly bounded size.
	for i := range sched.deferpool {
		// disconnect cached list before dropping it on the floor,
		// so that a dangling ref to one entry does not pin all of them.
		var d, dlink *_defer
		for d = sched.deferpool[i]; d != nil; d = dlink {
			dlink = d.link
			d.link = nil
		sched.deferpool[i] = nil

	for _, p := range &allp {
		if p == nil {
		// clear tinyalloc pool
		if c := p.mcache; c != nil {
			c.tiny = nil
			c.tinyoffset = 0

// Timing

func gchelper() {
	_g_ := getg()
	_g_.m.traceback = 2

	if trace.enabled {

	// parallel mark for over GC roots
	if gcphase != _GCscan {
		var gcw gcWork
		gcDrain(&gcw, -1) // blocks in getfull

	if trace.enabled {

	nproc := work.nproc // work.nproc can change right after we increment work.ndone
	if xadd(&work.ndone, +1) == nproc-1 {
	_g_.m.traceback = 0

func gchelperstart() {
	_g_ := getg()

	if _g_.m.helpgc < 0 || _g_.m.helpgc >= _MaxGcproc {
		throw("gchelperstart: bad m->helpgc")
	if _g_ != _g_.m.g0 {
		throw("gchelper not running on g0 stack")

// itoaDiv formats val/(10**dec) into buf.
func itoaDiv(buf []byte, val uint64, dec int) []byte {
	i := len(buf) - 1
	idec := i - dec
	for val >= 10 || i >= idec {
		buf[i] = byte(val%10 + '0')
		if i == idec {
			buf[i] = '.'
		val /= 10
	buf[i] = byte(val + '0')
	return buf[i:]

// fmtNSAsMS nicely formats ns nanoseconds as milliseconds.
func fmtNSAsMS(buf []byte, ns uint64) []byte {
	if ns >= 10e6 {
		// Format as whole milliseconds.
		return itoaDiv(buf, ns/1e6, 0)
	// Format two digits of precision, with at most three decimal places.
	x := ns / 1e3
	if x == 0 {
		buf[0] = '0'
		return buf[:1]
	dec := 3
	for x >= 100 {
		x /= 10
	return itoaDiv(buf, x, dec)