// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Parse "zoneinfo" time zone file. // This is a fairly standard file format used on OS X, Linux, BSD, Sun, and others. // See tzfile(5), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoneinfo, // and ftp://munnari.oz.au/pub/oldtz/ package time import ( "io"; "once"; "os" ) const ( maxFileSize = 8192; // actual files are closer to 1K headerSize = 4+16+4*7; zoneDir = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/"; ) var ( BadZoneinfo = os.NewError("time: malformed zoneinfo"); NoZoneinfo = os.NewError("time: unknown time zone") ) // Simple I/O interface to binary blob of data. type data struct { p []byte; error bool; } func (d *data) read(n int) []byte { if len(d.p) < n { d.p = nil; d.error = true; return nil; } p := d.p[0:n]; d.p = d.p[n:len(d.p)]; return p } func (d *data) big4() (n uint32, ok bool) { p := d.read(4); if len(p) < 4 { d.error = true; return 0, false } return uint32(p[0]) << 24 | uint32(p[1]) << 16 | uint32(p[2]) << 8 | uint32(p[3]), true } func (d *data) byte() (n byte, ok bool) { p := d.read(1); if len(p) < 1 { d.error = true; return 0, false } return p[0], true } // Make a string by stopping at the first NUL func byteString(p []byte) string { for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ { if p[i] == 0 { return string(p[0:i]) } } return string(p) } // Parsed representation type zone struct { utcoff int; isdst bool; name string; } type zonetime struct { time int32; // transition time, in seconds since 1970 GMT zone *zone; // the zone that goes into effect at that time isstd, isutc bool; // ignored - no idea what these mean } func parseinfo(bytes []byte) (zt []zonetime, err *os.Error) { d := data(bytes, false); // 4-byte magic "TZif" if magic := d.read(4); string(magic) != "TZif" { return nil, BadZoneinfo } // 1-byte version, then 15 bytes of padding var p []byte; if p = d.read(16); len(p) != 16 || p[0] != 0 && p[0] != '2' { return nil, BadZoneinfo } vers := p[0]; // six big-endian 32-bit integers: // number of UTC/local indicators // number of standard/wall indicators // number of leap seconds // number of transition times // number of local time zones // number of characters of time zone abbrev strings const ( NUTCLocal = iota; NStdWall; NLeap; NTime; NZone; NChar ) var n [6]int; for i := 0; i < 6; i++ { nn, ok := d.big4(); if !ok { return nil, BadZoneinfo } n[i] = int(nn); } // Transition times. txtimes := data(d.read(n[NTime]*4), false); // Time zone indices for transition times. txzones := d.read(n[NTime]); // Zone info structures zonedata := data(d.read(n[NZone]*6), false); // Time zone abbreviations. abbrev := d.read(n[NChar]); // Leap-second time pairs leapdata := data(d.read(n[NLeap]*8), false); // Whether tx times associated with local time types // are specified as standard time or wall time. isstd := d.read(n[NStdWall]); // Whether tx times associated with local time types // are specified as UTC or local time. isutc := d.read(n[NUTCLocal]); if d.error { // ran out of data return nil, BadZoneinfo } // If version == 2, the entire file repeats, this time using // 8-byte ints for txtimes and leap seconds. // We won't need those until 2106. // Now we can build up a useful data structure. // First the zone information. // utcoff[4] isdst[1] nameindex[1] z := make([]zone, n[NZone]); for i := 0; i < len(z); i++ { var ok bool; var n uint32; if n, ok = zonedata.big4(); !ok { return nil, BadZoneinfo } z[i].utcoff = int(n); var b byte; if b, ok = zonedata.byte(); !ok { return nil, BadZoneinfo } z[i].isdst = b != 0; if b, ok = zonedata.byte(); !ok || int(b) >= len(abbrev) { return nil, BadZoneinfo } z[i].name = byteString(abbrev[b:len(abbrev)]) } // Now the transition time info. zt = make([]zonetime, n[NTime]); for i := 0; i < len(zt); i++ { var ok bool; var n uint32; if n, ok = txtimes.big4(); !ok { return nil, BadZoneinfo } zt[i].time = int32(n); if int(txzones[i]) >= len(z) { return nil, BadZoneinfo } zt[i].zone = &z[txzones[i]]; if i < len(isstd) { zt[i].isstd = isstd[i] != 0 } if i < len(isutc) { zt[i].isutc = isutc[i] != 0 } } return zt, nil } func readfile(name string, max int) (p []byte, err *os.Error) { fd, e := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0); if e != nil { return nil, e; } p = make([]byte, max); n, err1 := io.Readn(fd, p); fd.Close(); if err1 == nil { // too long return nil, BadZoneinfo; } if err1 != io.ErrEOF { return nil, err1; } return p[0:n], nil; } func readinfofile(name string) (tx []zonetime, err *os.Error) { buf, e := readfile(name, maxFileSize); if e != nil { return nil, e } tx, err = parseinfo(buf); return tx, err } var zones []zonetime var zoneerr *os.Error func setupZone() { // consult $TZ to find the time zone to use. // no $TZ means use the system default /etc/localtime. // $TZ="" means use UTC. // $TZ="foo" means use /usr/share/zoneinfo/foo. tz, err := os.Getenv("TZ"); var file string; switch { case err == os.ENOENV: zones, zoneerr = readinfofile("/etc/localtime"); case err != nil: zoneerr = err; case len(tz) > 0: zones, zoneerr = readinfofile(zoneDir + tz); case len(tz) == 0: // do nothing: use UTC } } func LookupTimezone(sec int64) (zone string, offset int, err *os.Error) { once.Do(setupZone); if zoneerr != nil || len(zones) == 0 { return "UTC", 0, zoneerr } // Binary search for entry with largest time <= sec tz := zones; for len(tz) > 1 { m := len(tz)/2; if sec < int64(tz[m].time) { tz = tz[0:m] } else { tz = tz[m:len(tz)] } } z := tz[0].zone; return z.name, z.utcoff, nil }