Commit 65ab3d34 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

xnet: Polish documentation a bit

- clarify Networker.Name on example of NetPlain;
- we don't need Networker.Addr since we have Networker.Name;
- format Dial/Listen docstrings so that they render properly under godoc;
- format list in NetTLS doc so that it renders properly under godoc.
parent c311277e
......@@ -29,22 +29,25 @@ import (
// Networker is interface representing access-point to a streaming network
// Networker is interface representing access-point to a streaming network.
type Networker interface {
// Network returns name of the network
Network() string
// Name returns name of the access-point on the network
// Name returns name of the access-point on the network.
// Example of name is local hostname if networker provides access to
// OS-level dial/listen.
Name() string
// XXX +Addr() net.Addr -> address of this access-point on underlying network ?
// Dial connects to addr on underlying network
// see net.Dial for semantic details
// Dial connects to addr on underlying network.
// See net.Dial for semantic details.
Dial(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error)
// Listen starts listening on local address laddr on underlying network access-point
// see net.Listen for semantic details
// Listen starts listening on local address laddr on underlying network access-point.
// See net.Listen for semantic details.
// XXX also introduce xnet.Listener in which Accept() accepts also ctx?
Listen(laddr string) (net.Listener, error)
......@@ -91,8 +94,9 @@ func (n *netPlain) Listen(laddr string) (net.Listener, error) {
// NetTLS wraps underlying networker with TLS layer according to config.
// The config must be valid:
// - for tls.Client -- for Dial to work,
// - for tls.Server -- for Listen to work.
// - for tls.Client -- for Dial to work,
// - for tls.Server -- for Listen to work.
func NetTLS(inner Networker, config *tls.Config) Networker {
return &netTLS{inner, config}
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