Commit ab18be23 authored by Aaron Jacobs's avatar Aaron Jacobs

Refactored inode time tracking.

parent 62bda89c
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func NewMemFS(
Mode: 0700 | os.ModeDir,
fs.inodes[fuse.RootInodeID] = newInode(rootAttrs)
fs.inodes[fuse.RootInodeID] = newInode(clock, rootAttrs)
// Set up invariant checking. = syncutil.NewInvariantMutex(fs.checkInvariants)
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (fs *memFS) getInodeForReadingOrDie(id fuse.InodeID) (inode *inode) {
func (fs *memFS) allocateInode(
attrs fuse.InodeAttributes) (id fuse.InodeID, inode *inode) {
// Create and lock the inode.
inode = newInode(attrs)
inode = newInode(fs.clock, attrs)
// Re-use a free ID if possible. Otherwise mint a new one.
......@@ -281,13 +281,8 @@ func (fs *memFS) MkDir(
// Set up attributes from the child, using the credentials of the calling
// process as owner (matching inode_init_owner, cf.
now := fs.clock.Now()
childAttrs := fuse.InodeAttributes{
Mode: req.Mode,
Atime: now,
Mtime: now,
Ctime: now,
Crtime: now,
Uid: req.Header.Uid,
Gid: req.Header.Gid,
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
// Common attributes for files and directories.
......@@ -30,6 +31,12 @@ import (
// been unlinked, including creating a new file. Make sure we don't screw up
// and reuse an inode ID while it is still in use.
type inode struct {
// Dependencies
clock timeutil.Clock
// Constant data
......@@ -84,9 +91,22 @@ type inode struct {
// Helpers
// Create a new inode with the supplied attributes, which need not contain
// time-related information (the inode object will take care of that).
// Initially the link count is one.
func newInode(attrs fuse.InodeAttributes) (in *inode) {
func newInode(
clock timeutil.Clock,
attrs fuse.InodeAttributes) (in *inode) {
// Update time info.
now := clock.Now()
attrs.Atime = now
attrs.Mtime = now
attrs.Ctime = now
attrs.Crtime = now
// Create the object.
in = &inode{
clock: clock,
linkCount: 1,
dir: (attrs.Mode&os.ModeDir != 0),
attributes: attrs,
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