diff --git a/strings/longlong2str-x86.s b/strings/longlong2str-x86.s
index 98e60acbafbda53c8bb1e25800d08b774545d7c1..3bfd1777e188fa65c14d602d559001d18428652a 100644
--- a/strings/longlong2str-x86.s
+++ b/strings/longlong2str-x86.s
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ longlong2str:
 	jne .L150
 	movb $48,(%edi)
 	incl %edi
-	jmp .L164
+	jmp .L10_end
 	.align 4
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ longlong2str:
 	movl %eax,%ebp
 	movl %esi,%eax
 	divl %ebx
+	decl %ecx
 	movl %eax,%esi		# quotent in ebp:esi 
 	movb _dig_vec(%edx),%al   # al is faster than dl 
-	decl %ecx
 	movb %al,(%ecx)		# store value in buff 
 	.align 4
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ longlong2str:
 	ja .L153
 	testl %esi,%esi		# rest value 
 	jl .L153
-	je .L160		# Ready 
+	je .L10_mov		# Ready 
 	movl %esi,%eax
 	movl $_dig_vec,%ebp
 	.align 4
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ longlong2str:
 	movb %dl,(%ecx)
 	jne .L154
 	movl %ecx,%esi
 	leal 92(%esp),%ecx	# End of buffer 
 	subl %esi,%ecx
 	movl %edi,%eax		# Pointer to end null 
 	movb $0,(%edi)		# Store the end null 
@@ -131,10 +131,93 @@ longlong2str:
 	.size	 longlong2str,.Lfe3-longlong2str
+# This is almost equal to the above, except that we can do the final
+# loop much more efficient	
+	.align 4
+        .long 0xcccccccd
+	.align 4
 .globl	longlong10_to_str
 	.type	 longlong10_str,@function
-	jmp longlong2str
+	subl $80,%esp
+	pushl %ebp
+	pushl %esi
+	pushl %edi
+	pushl %ebx
+	movl 100(%esp),%esi	# Lower part of val 
+	movl 104(%esp),%ebp	# Higher part of val 
+	movl 108(%esp),%edi	# get dst 
+	movl 112(%esp),%ebx	# Radix (10 or -10)
+	testl %ebx,%ebx
+	jge .L10_10		# Positive radix
+	negl %ebx		# Change radix to positive (= 10)
+	testl %ebp,%ebp		# Test if negative value
+	jge .L10_10
+	movb $45,(%edi)		# Add sign 
+	incl %edi
+	negl %esi		# Change sign of val (ebp:esi)
+	adcl $0,%ebp
+	negl %ebp
+	.align 4
+	leal 92(%esp),%ecx	# End of buffer 
+	movl %esi,%eax		# Test if zero (for easy loop) 
+	orl %ebp,%eax
+	jne .L10_30		# Not zero
+	# Here when value is zero
+	movb $48,(%edi)
+	incl %edi
+	jmp .L10_end
+	.align 4
+	# val is stored in in ebp:esi 
+	movl %ebp,%eax		# High part of value 
+	xorl %edx,%edx
+	divl %ebx		# Divide by 10
+	movl %eax,%ebp
+	movl %esi,%eax
+	divl %ebx		# Divide by 10
+	decl %ecx
+	movl %eax,%esi		# quotent in ebp:esi 
+	addl $48,%edx		# Convert to ascii
+	movb %dl,(%ecx)		# store value in buff 
+	testl %ebp,%ebp
+	ja .L10_20
+	testl %esi,%esi		# rest value 
+	jl .L10_20		# Unsigned, do ulonglong div once more
+	je .L10_mov		# Ready
+	movl %esi,%ebx		# Move val to %ebx
+	# The following code uses some tricks to change division by 10 to
+	# multiplication and shifts
+	movl .Ltmp,%esi		# set %esi to 0xcccccccd
+        movl %ebx,%eax
+        mull %esi
+        decl %ecx
+        shrl $3,%edx
+        leal (%edx,%edx,4),%eax
+        addl %eax,%eax
+        subb %al,%bl		# %bl now contains val % 10
+        addb $48,%bl
+        movb %bl,(%ecx)
+        movl %edx,%ebx
+        testl %ebx,%ebx
+	jne .L10_40
+	jmp .L10_mov		# Shared end with longlong10_to_str
 	.size	 longlong10_to_str,.L10end-longlong10_to_str