diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/innodb_bug52663.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/innodb_bug52663.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89add18617b7748d8406e019e8f8f9db40a27b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/r/innodb_bug52663.result
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+create table innodb_bug52663 (what varchar(5), id integer, count integer, primary key
+(what, id)) engine=innodb;
+insert into innodb_bug52663 values ('total', 0, 0);
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	1
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	0
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	2
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	2
+drop table innodb_bug52663;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_bug52663-master.opt b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_bug52663-master.opt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..462f8fbe8285b80843a89815bd808817c9d9337e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_bug52663-master.opt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_bug52663.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_bug52663.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcf97531e0038ec264f31528612c35b3fbf83924
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb/t/innodb_bug52663.test
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--source include/have_innodb.inc
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+create table innodb_bug52663 (what varchar(5), id integer, count integer, primary key
+(what, id)) engine=innodb;
+insert into innodb_bug52663 values ('total', 0, 0);
+connect (addconroot, localhost, root,,);
+connection addconroot;
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+connection default;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+connection addconroot;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+connection default;
+connection addconroot;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+connection default;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+drop table innodb_bug52663;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/r/innodb_bug52663.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/r/innodb_bug52663.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89add18617b7748d8406e019e8f8f9db40a27b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/r/innodb_bug52663.result
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+create table innodb_bug52663 (what varchar(5), id integer, count integer, primary key
+(what, id)) engine=innodb;
+insert into innodb_bug52663 values ('total', 0, 0);
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	1
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	0
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	2
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+what	id	count
+total	0	2
+drop table innodb_bug52663;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/r/innodb_bug52745.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/r/innodb_bug52745.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..254c65252576716c9e6f31c4e17a6d7de26e0c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/r/innodb_bug52745.result
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format='Barracuda';
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=on;
+CREATE TABLE bug52745 (
+a2 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col37 time DEFAULT NULL,
+col38 char(229) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+col39 text,
+col41 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col42 varchar(248) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+col43 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col44 varchar(150) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+col45 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col46 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+col47 tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
+col48 tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+col49 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+col50 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+col51 double unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col52 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col53 time DEFAULT NULL,
+col54 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col55 time DEFAULT NULL,
+col56 mediumtext CHARACTER SET latin2,
+col57 blob,
+col58 decimal(52,16) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000',
+col59 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+col60 longblob,
+col61 time DEFAULT NULL,
+col62 longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_persian_ci,
+col63 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+col64 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col65 date DEFAULT NULL,
+col66 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+col67 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+col68 tinyblob,
+col69 date DEFAULT NULL,
+col70 tinyint(3) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col71 varchar(44) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+col72 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+col73 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col74 longblob,
+col75 bit(34) DEFAULT NULL,
+col76 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col77 year(2) DEFAULT NULL,
+col78 tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col79 set('msfheowh','tbpxbgf','by','wahnrjw','myqfasxz','rsokyumrt') CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL,
+col80 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+col81 smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
+col82 enum('xtaurnqfqz','rifrse','kuzwpbvb','niisabk','zxavro','rbvasv','','uulrfaove','','') DEFAULT NULL,
+col83 bigint(20) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col84 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col85 double DEFAULT NULL,
+col86 enum('ylannv','','vlkhycqc','snke','cxifustp','xiaxaswzp','oxl') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci DEFAULT NULL,
+col87 varbinary(221) DEFAULT NULL,
+col88 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+col89 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+col90 tinyblob
+Note	1291	Column 'col82' has duplicated value '' in ENUM
+Note	1291	Column 'col82' has duplicated value '' in ENUM
+col40='0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+col87='HZdkf.4 s7t,5Rmq	8so fmr,ruGLUG25TrtI.yQ	2SuHq0ML7rw7.4 b2yf2E5TJxOtBBZImezDnzpj,uPYfznnEUDN1e9aQoO 2DsplB7TFWy	oQJ br  HLF :F,eQ p4i1oWsr lL3PG,hjCz6hYqN h1QTjLCjrv:QCdSzpYBibJAtZCxLOk3l6Blsh.W',
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col53' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col54' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col59' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col61' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col64' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col65' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col66' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col68' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col69' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col70' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col78' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col79' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col84' at row 1
+Level	Code	Message
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col53' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col54' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col59' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col61' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col64' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col65' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col66' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col68' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col69' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col70' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col78' at row 1
+Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'col79' at row 1
+Warning	1264	Out of range value for column 'col84' at row 1
+DROP TABLE bug52745;
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=Antelope;
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format_check=Antelope;
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=0;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/t/innodb_bug52663.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/t/innodb_bug52663.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..927044fb2caa09f55b4d8d4057905b93e756599f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/t/innodb_bug52663.test
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--source include/have_innodb_plugin.inc
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+create table innodb_bug52663 (what varchar(5), id integer, count integer, primary key
+(what, id)) engine=innodb;
+insert into innodb_bug52663 values ('total', 0, 0);
+connect (addconroot, localhost, root,,);
+connection addconroot;
+set session transaction isolation level read committed;
+connection default;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+connection addconroot;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+connection default;
+connection addconroot;
+update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+connection default;
+select * from innodb_bug52663;
+drop table innodb_bug52663;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/t/innodb_bug52745.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/t/innodb_bug52745.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b20a993a2d10dc5b207663505e585bfe4709ab41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_plugin/t/innodb_bug52745.test
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+-- source include/have_innodb_plugin.inc
+let $file_format=`select @@innodb_file_format`;
+let $file_format_check=`select @@innodb_file_format_check`;
+let $file_per_table=`select @@innodb_file_per_table`;
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format='Barracuda';
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=on;
+CREATE TABLE bug52745 (
+  a2 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col37 time DEFAULT NULL,
+  col38 char(229) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+  col39 text,
+  col41 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col42 varchar(248) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+  col43 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col44 varchar(150) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+  col45 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col46 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col47 tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col48 tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col49 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  col50 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col51 double unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col52 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col53 time DEFAULT NULL,
+  col54 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col55 time DEFAULT NULL,
+  col56 mediumtext CHARACTER SET latin2,
+  col57 blob,
+  col58 decimal(52,16) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000',
+  col59 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col60 longblob,
+  col61 time DEFAULT NULL,
+  col62 longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_persian_ci,
+  col63 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  col64 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col65 date DEFAULT NULL,
+  col66 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  col67 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col68 tinyblob,
+  col69 date DEFAULT NULL,
+  col70 tinyint(3) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col71 varchar(44) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
+  col72 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+  col73 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col74 longblob,
+  col75 bit(34) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col76 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col77 year(2) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col78 tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col79 set('msfheowh','tbpxbgf','by','wahnrjw','myqfasxz','rsokyumrt') CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL,
+  col80 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
+  col81 smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col82 enum('xtaurnqfqz','rifrse','kuzwpbvb','niisabk','zxavro','rbvasv','','uulrfaove','','') DEFAULT NULL,
+  col83 bigint(20) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col84 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col85 double DEFAULT NULL,
+  col86 enum('ylannv','','vlkhycqc','snke','cxifustp','xiaxaswzp','oxl') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci DEFAULT NULL,
+  col87 varbinary(221) DEFAULT NULL,
+  col88 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
+  col89 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
+  col90 tinyblob
+col40='0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+col87='HZdkf.4 s7t,5Rmq	8so fmr,ruGLUG25TrtI.yQ	2SuHq0ML7rw7.4 b2yf2E5TJxOtBBZImezDnzpj,uPYfznnEUDN1e9aQoO 2DsplB7TFWy	oQJ br  HLF :F,eQ p4i1oWsr lL3PG,hjCz6hYqN h1QTjLCjrv:QCdSzpYBibJAtZCxLOk3l6Blsh.W',
+DROP TABLE bug52745;
+EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=$file_format;
+EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format_check=$file_format_check;
+EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=$file_per_table;
diff --git a/storage/innobase/lock/lock0lock.c b/storage/innobase/lock/lock0lock.c
index 8f4b64cda9603eaf328b9370f92e79ad0ec48a49..cc346c4144632ef6a8c0ffcc6f7f25ffbd135ea6 100644
--- a/storage/innobase/lock/lock0lock.c
+++ b/storage/innobase/lock/lock0lock.c
@@ -4538,13 +4538,34 @@ lock_rec_queue_validate(
 					       rec, impl_trx));
+#if 0
 	if (index && !(index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED)) {
 		/* The kernel mutex may get released temporarily in the
 		next function call: we have to release lock table mutex
 		to obey the latching order */
+		/* NOTE: This is a bogus check that would fail in the
+		following case: Our transaction is updating a
+		row. After it has updated the clustered index record,
+		it goes to a secondary index record and finds someone
+		else holding an explicit S- or X-lock on that
+		secondary index record, presumably from a locking
+		read. Our transaction cannot update the secondary
+		index immediately, but places a waiting X-lock request
+		on the secondary index record. There is nothing
+		illegal in this. The assertion is simply too strong. */
+		/* From the locking point of view, each secondary
+		index is a separate table. A lock that is held on
+		secondary index rec does not give any rights to modify
+		or read the clustered index rec. Therefore, we can
+		think of the sec index as a separate 'table' from the
+		clust index 'table'. Conversely, a transaction that
+		has acquired a lock on and modified a clustered index
+		record may need to wait for a lock on the
+		corresponding record in a secondary index. */
 		impl_trx = lock_sec_rec_some_has_impl_off_kernel(
 			rec, index, offsets);
@@ -4555,7 +4576,7 @@ lock_rec_queue_validate(
 					       rec, impl_trx));
 	lock = lock_rec_get_first(rec);
 	while (lock) {
diff --git a/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.c b/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.c
index eee74f280af66fb481bb9fb97ff371b544dd7456..43d90fdc93212bce7a866ea883f35aba3e657977 100644
--- a/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.c
+++ b/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.c
@@ -3956,6 +3956,7 @@ no_gap_lock:
 		case DB_LOCK_WAIT:
 			if (UNIV_LIKELY(prebuilt->row_read_type
+			    || unique_search
 			    || index != clust_index) {
 				goto lock_wait_or_error;
diff --git a/storage/innodb_plugin/ChangeLog b/storage/innodb_plugin/ChangeLog
index ccd22b09f1a23b45aedb265df5cf35a130b8b6b8..9bb20dfb6802761def5bbf8a97449f762f2f5963 100644
--- a/storage/innodb_plugin/ChangeLog
+++ b/storage/innodb_plugin/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2010-04-26	The InnoDB Team
+	* row/row0sel.c:
+	Fix Bug#52663 Lost update incrementing column value under
+	READ COMMITTED isolation level
 2010-04-22	The InnoDB Team
 	* include/dict0boot.h, dict/dict0boot.c:
diff --git a/storage/innodb_plugin/lock/lock0lock.c b/storage/innodb_plugin/lock/lock0lock.c
index d5fff572aee202128e572a145f7cde6af91342a6..3c740df97ff634cc8dd866d950ef51b45f23808e 100644
--- a/storage/innodb_plugin/lock/lock0lock.c
+++ b/storage/innodb_plugin/lock/lock0lock.c
@@ -4710,6 +4710,7 @@ lock_rec_queue_validate(
 			ut_a(lock_rec_has_expl(LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP,
 					       block, heap_no, impl_trx));
+#if 0
 	} else {
 		/* The kernel mutex may get released temporarily in the
@@ -4720,6 +4721,27 @@ lock_rec_queue_validate(
 		(fil_space_t::latch), the following check WILL break
 		latching order and may cause a deadlock of threads. */
+		/* NOTE: This is a bogus check that would fail in the
+		following case: Our transaction is updating a
+		row. After it has updated the clustered index record,
+		it goes to a secondary index record and finds someone
+		else holding an explicit S- or X-lock on that
+		secondary index record, presumably from a locking
+		read. Our transaction cannot update the secondary
+		index immediately, but places a waiting X-lock request
+		on the secondary index record. There is nothing
+		illegal in this. The assertion is simply too strong. */
+		/* From the locking point of view, each secondary
+		index is a separate table. A lock that is held on
+		secondary index rec does not give any rights to modify
+		or read the clustered index rec. Therefore, we can
+		think of the sec index as a separate 'table' from the
+		clust index 'table'. Conversely, a transaction that
+		has acquired a lock on and modified a clustered index
+		record may need to wait for a lock on the
+		corresponding record in a secondary index. */
 		impl_trx = lock_sec_rec_some_has_impl_off_kernel(
 			rec, index, offsets);
@@ -4730,6 +4752,7 @@ lock_rec_queue_validate(
 			ut_a(lock_rec_has_expl(LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP,
 					       block, heap_no, impl_trx));
 	lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
diff --git a/storage/innodb_plugin/log/log0recv.c b/storage/innodb_plugin/log/log0recv.c
index 7f5b2df78828d19d8b668cb49635ec1b5f1d6107..dc1459b2c0fda742a50bb884cda2fda8a9443305 100644
--- a/storage/innodb_plugin/log/log0recv.c
+++ b/storage/innodb_plugin/log/log0recv.c
@@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ recv_sys_init(
 	flush_list during recovery process.
 	As this initialization is done while holding the buffer pool
 	mutex we perform it before acquiring recv_sys->mutex. */
 	recv_sys->heap = mem_heap_create_in_buffer(256);
 #else /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
 	recv_sys->heap = mem_heap_create(256);
diff --git a/storage/innodb_plugin/row/row0sel.c b/storage/innodb_plugin/row/row0sel.c
index 16d4f2f7bfd43737825ea3062ca113b27050fadc..92ecca2c75d9517d2c7ba2c5a4acf8291cde2923 100644
--- a/storage/innodb_plugin/row/row0sel.c
+++ b/storage/innodb_plugin/row/row0sel.c
@@ -4027,6 +4027,7 @@ no_gap_lock:
 		case DB_LOCK_WAIT:
 			if (UNIV_LIKELY(prebuilt->row_read_type
+			    || unique_search
 			    || index != clust_index) {
 				goto lock_wait_or_error;