diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.hpp
index 7cf18a6685defc24c9dd407d5571f028ca8a51e0..483e08179c0fa44e892d77b9eb048f06d7c0c8e7 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.hpp
@@ -96,6 +96,11 @@ public:
   void close();
+  /**
+   * Restart
+   */
+  int restart();
    * Transfer scan operation to an updating transaction. Use this function 
    * when a scan has found a record that you want to update. 
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp
index 6ebf5a083f87ed74d213d89e1a960203518c0d28..c7ae029e742f8a2a84da331a7342fa83b61cef65 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ protected:
   NdbOperation*	takeOverScanOp(OperationType opType, NdbConnection*);
   Uint32 m_ordered;
+  int restart();
diff --git a/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.cpp b/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.cpp
index 2c5d4a43c4c729f5e57fa0eb2d61eb20e27aa79b..b286c9fd7c93a049edb748ce71cc4e4afc320fe4 100644
--- a/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.cpp
+++ b/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbResultSet.cpp
@@ -89,3 +89,8 @@ NdbResultSet::deleteTuple(NdbConnection * takeOverTrans){
     return -1;
   return 0;
+  return m_operation->restart();
diff --git a/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.cpp b/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.cpp
index fcb3e137a47973c8ee732f46b874efc98d636d9e..7dcad95bf5b10508e5e8072cb63a9708204c5cdf 100644
--- a/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.cpp
+++ b/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.cpp
@@ -470,6 +470,11 @@ int NdbScanOperation::nextResult(bool fetchAllowed)
     ndbout_c("nextResult(%d) idx=%d last=%d", fetchAllowed, idx, last);
+    ndbout_c("nextResult(%d) idx=%d last=%d",
+	     fetchAllowed, 
+	     idx, last);
    * Check next buckets
@@ -1395,3 +1400,88 @@ NdbIndexScanOperation::send_next_scan_ordered(Uint32 idx){
   return tp->sendSignal(&tSignal, nodeId);
+  TransporterFacade* tp = TransporterFacade::instance();
+  Guard guard(tp->theMutexPtr);
+  Uint32 seq = theNdbCon->theNodeSequence;
+  Uint32 nodeId = theNdbCon->theDBnode;
+  if(seq != tp->getNodeSequence(nodeId)){
+    theNdbCon->theReleaseOnClose = true;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  while(m_sent_receivers_count){
+    theNdb->theWaiter.m_node = nodeId;
+    theNdb->theWaiter.m_state = WAIT_SCAN;
+    int return_code = theNdb->receiveResponse(WAITFOR_SCAN_TIMEOUT);
+    switch(return_code){
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case -1:
+      setErrorCode(4008);
+    case -2:
+      m_api_receivers_count = 0;
+      m_conf_receivers_count = 0;
+      m_sent_receivers_count = 0;
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_api_receivers_count+m_conf_receivers_count){
+    // Send close scan
+    if(send_next_scan(0, true) == -1) // Close scan
+      return -1;
+  }
+  /**
+   * wait for close scan conf
+   */
+  while(m_sent_receivers_count+m_api_receivers_count+m_conf_receivers_count){
+    theNdb->theWaiter.m_node = nodeId;
+    theNdb->theWaiter.m_state = WAIT_SCAN;
+    int return_code = theNdb->receiveResponse(WAITFOR_SCAN_TIMEOUT);
+    switch(return_code){
+    case 0:
+      break;
+    case -1:
+      setErrorCode(4008);
+    case -2:
+      m_api_receivers_count = 0;
+      m_conf_receivers_count = 0;
+      m_sent_receivers_count = 0;
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reset receivers
+   */
+  const Uint32 parallell = theParallelism;
+  for(Uint32 i = 0; i<parallell; i++){
+    m_receivers[i]->m_list_index = i;
+    m_prepared_receivers[i] = m_receivers[i]->getId();
+    m_sent_receivers[i] = m_receivers[i];
+    m_conf_receivers[i] = 0;
+    m_api_receivers[i] = 0;
+    m_receivers[i]->prepareSend();
+  }
+  m_api_receivers_count = 0;
+  m_current_api_receiver = 0;
+  m_sent_receivers_count = parallell;
+  m_conf_receivers_count = 0;
+  if(m_ordered){
+    m_current_api_receiver = parallell;
+  }
+  if (doSendScan(nodeId) == -1)
+    return -1;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/ndb/test/ndbapi/testScan.cpp b/ndb/test/ndbapi/testScan.cpp
index 0a4fa96dd2d3e6bb0ac2e61d5fb0ac6a0e4056e4..de60d68f2132bf7aebcedcd7990155a82a888a16 100644
--- a/ndb/test/ndbapi/testScan.cpp
+++ b/ndb/test/ndbapi/testScan.cpp
@@ -881,6 +881,93 @@ int runCheckInactivityBeforeClose(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
+int runScanRestart(NDBT_Context* ctx, NDBT_Step* step){
+  int loops = ctx->getNumLoops();
+  int records = ctx->getNumRecords();
+  Ndb * pNdb = GETNDB(step);
+  const NdbDictionary::Table*  pTab = ctx->getTab();
+  HugoCalculator calc(* pTab);
+  NDBT_ResultRow tmpRow(* pTab);
+  int i = 0;
+  while (i<loops && !ctx->isTestStopped()) {
+    g_info << i++ << ": ";
+    const int record = (rand() % records);
+    g_info << " row=" << record;
+    NdbConnection* pCon = pNdb->startTransaction();
+    NdbScanOperation* pOp = pCon->getNdbScanOperation(pTab->getName());	
+    if (pOp == NULL) {
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }
+    NdbResultSet* rs = pOp->readTuples();
+    if( rs == 0 ) {
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }
+    int check = pOp->interpret_exit_ok();
+    if( check == -1 ) {
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }
+    // Define attributes to read  
+    for(int a = 0; a<pTab->getNoOfColumns(); a++){
+      if((tmpRow.attributeStore(a) = 
+	  pOp->getValue(pTab->getColumn(a)->getName())) == 0) {
+	ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+	return NDBT_FAILED;
+      }
+    } 
+    check = pCon->execute(NoCommit);
+    if( check == -1 ) {
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }
+    int res;
+    int row = 0;
+    while(row < record && (res = rs->nextResult()) == 0) {
+      if(calc.verifyRowValues(&tmpRow) != 0){
+	abort();
+	return NDBT_FAILED;
+      }
+      row++;
+    }
+    if(row != record){
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      abort();
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }
+    g_info << " restarting" << endl;
+    if((res = rs->restart()) != 0){
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      abort();
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }      
+    row = 0;
+    while((res = rs->nextResult()) == 0) {
+      if(calc.verifyRowValues(&tmpRow) != 0){
+	abort();
+	return NDBT_FAILED;
+      }
+      row++;
+    }
+    if(res != 1 || row != records){
+      ERR(pCon->getNdbError());
+      abort();
+      return NDBT_FAILED;
+    }
+    pCon->close();
+  }
+  return NDBT_OK;
@@ -1304,6 +1391,12 @@ TESTCASE("ScanReadWhileNodeIsDown",
+	 "Verify restart functionallity"){
+  INITIALIZER(runLoadTable);
+  STEP(runScanRestart);
+  FINALIZER(runClearTable);
 int main(int argc, const char** argv){